Hufflepuff Common Room



  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    One of my MFP Friends just started using a weighted hoop at her gym, and that has inspired me!

    I will be dusting off my hoop, and hitting the back deck for hoop-sercising. This is kinda-like practicing patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. You get the hoop going around your waist (remembering to change rotation direction regularly :wink: ) and then build on by adding slow-and-steady calesthenics like static lunges; torso twists; toe tapping forward-side-back-together with right foot, then forward-side-back-together with left foot; walking forwards, back and sideways etc.

    I also joined the MFP Hooping Group - and saw a post that one should ball-park this kind of thing at approx 300 cals per hour if you don't have a HRM for a more exact reading.

    I have never heard of such a work out with a hoop, sounds challenging, I will have to dust my hoop off too and give it a whirl. I don't think my hoop is a weighted one, but still would be fun to try something new. I don't think I have used my hoop since I got married 34 months ago.
  • rosie5656
    rosie5656 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All,

    I would love to join, reading through the rules of the challenges now and I think this is awesome! So excited that I can work towards my weight loss goals with fellow Potter fans!

    A bit about me:
    5'8" female, looking to lose around 20lbs and also training for a 1/2 marathon in September.

    Let me know the details of joining!


  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi All,

    I would love to join, reading through the rules of the challenges now and I think this is awesome! So excited that I can work towards my weight loss goals with fellow Potter fans!

    A bit about me:
    5'8" female, looking to lose around 20lbs and also training for a 1/2 marathon in September.

    Let me know the details of joining!


    Welcome to the Hufflepuff House Rosie, I love being a Huffle. Our fellow Huffles are awesome.
    Molly is out Head of House (HoH) but she is on vacation this week--in beautiful Spain. Karen (CarolinaGirl) helps to lead us, she also is on vacation as of yesterday. All you need to do to join is say you want to be a part of our house--which you have done.

    We compete against the other houses each month for the Quidditch cup, whichever house has the most minutes in exercise will win the cup for a month.

    Then we have challenges each week within our house. The challenges run from Sunday through Saturday. I actually think they are now being done for two weeks at a time and our new challenges will start this Sunday. They have been posted, did you see them? We try to earn Owls through exercise challenges, and Newts through nutritional challenges. The two people with the most owls and newts for each challenge then get to be 'prefects' and they come up with our next challenges.

    We also have to post our weights each week. Molly or Karen post a monthly spreadsheet (in Excel) that we usually enter our weight, owls, newts and house points into, and they total up the final numbers, but our spreadsheet currently has an issue and Molly said she would fix it when she gets home on Sunday. So you can just post your stats here on the message board, or keep track of them on paper and enter them later. Molly always posts a link here in the common room for easy access to the spreadsheet.

    I think that is about it. You can start the challenges now, or wait until the new ones start on Sunday. The challenges help keep our weight loss journey from getting too boring.

    My name is Suzanne, I have been an MFP member for almost two years. I too, like to run and am planning on 3--1/2 marathons in the fall. Which one are you doing? We(my hubby and I) will do the Chicago Half in September, this will be the first time doing this particular one.

    Well have to run, I must get ready for the evil we call work Heehee.TGIF!! Welcome again. Anytime you have any questions at all, just ask. Everyone is wonderful and very supportive and helpful on this site. I personally LOVE being a Hufflepuff.

  • rosie5656
    rosie5656 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks Suzie! I am signed up for the Philadelphia Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon Septmeber 16th.

    I will start the challenges on Sunday (the plank challenge). What days do we weigh in/post our weights?

    My starting weight is 167. I actually have lost 1lb already so I am now at 166. That's 1lb closer to my goal! :)

    Do we post our exercise time too or is that part of the spreadsheet?

  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks Suzie! I am signed up for the Philadelphia Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon Septmeber 16th.

    I will start the challenges on Sunday (the plank challenge). What days do we weigh in/post our weights?

    My starting weight is 167. I actually have lost 1lb already so I am now at 166. That's 1lb closer to my goal! :)

    Do we post our exercise time too or is that part of the spreadsheet?

    Welcome! we weigh from sat to mon and post on the spreadsheet. we also post our exercise minutes (housepoints) on there as well. As Suzie said there is a glitch and Molly will correct this weekend Forgive the poor form of this post! I am typing from an iPhone.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Las Vegas is incredibly hot. My friend crashed and phantom was in the next hotel over. I found a half price ticket and went! it was incredible! i cried for a third time when I saw it! The special effects were great. it is closing in sept here. I am so glad I went. More updates on this incredible trip!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to Hufflepuff, Rosie!

    Just popping in to say "Hey!" I know I don't post as much as I'd like to. But hey, life happens. (And I've been out living it lately. Going out and seeing friends more often, rather than sitting on the couch and playing games.)
    Things on the home front aren't getting any better. Well, I shouldn't say "any" but very. very. very slowly. Cleaned out one of the storage places today to repack it for more room for more crap.
    Hopefully we'll have a fully functioning kitchen... eventually. I've found its incredibly hard to eat properly without the proper tools. Ya mean?
    Trying to stay on track. I'm using my sister's iPod to start C25K in a day or two. Got it all downloaded and a music playlist started. ;) It is just SO hot, and Florida isn't gonna get any cooler. Has anyone had any luck with c25k?

    I hope everyone is having a blast on their vacations (which it seems you all are. <3)

    Spread sheet is a little wonky for me too...


    Edit to add: I've managed to keep from adding granulated sugar to anything. :D EVEN my morning coffee. Go me!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I did a lot of sleeping yesterday ... not much activity, but not much eating either, so I guess it balanced out.

    If anyone is interested, I recently put a request out on a main board for upper body and core exercise sites. Here are the links I culled from it:

    Upper body / core suggested sites:;feature=related

    youtube search for "six pack shortcuts"...;feature=related (videos on youtube)

    fitnessblender, its free on youtube

    I'm about to start exploring the stability ball one. I LIKE the idea of working core PUS what-ever at the same time.

    Is the spreadsheet working yet?

    I gained 0.5 lbs this week (son's birthday plus got sloppy on the tracking late in the week ... because I knew it wouldn't look pretty)

    I also stumbled on a new saying ...

    "If I bite it, I write it"

    Short, sweet, and to the point!
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503

    I'm sorry it's a day late, but there is the new link to the new spreadsheet. I really have no idea what happened to the one and why it messed up, but sorry about that and thanks for bearing with me over the past week. As the data from the old spreadsheet is irretrievable, we'll have to start again with logging the stats and so we are now at the start of week three.

    I will make a proper post later and I will add the challenges to the side of the spreadsheet sometime today too, I just wanted to get the spreadsheet out to you guys. Please fill in your month goal and have your weight posted to the spreadsheet by the end of today :)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member

    I'm sorry it's a day late, but there is the new link to the new spreadsheet. I really have no idea what happened to the one and why it messed up, but sorry about that and thanks for bearing with me over the past week. As the data from the old spreadsheet is irretrievable, we'll have to start again with logging the stats and so we are now at the start of week three.

    I will make a proper post later and I will add the challenges to the side of the spreadsheet sometime today too, I just wanted to get the spreadsheet out to you guys. Please fill in your month goal and have your weight posted to the spreadsheet by the end of today :)

    Thanks Molly!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thanks! I hope everyone has a good Monday!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    How many of you are finding yourselves in a "week-end" condition (or mind-set :bigsmile: ) ? Is this a common Monday thing, or related to this weekend just passed being a "special one" (at least in North America - Father's Day)
  • rosie5656
    rosie5656 Posts: 42 Member

    I'm sorry it's a day late, but there is the new link to the new spreadsheet. I really have no idea what happened to the one and why it messed up, but sorry about that and thanks for bearing with me over the past week. As the data from the old spreadsheet is irretrievable, we'll have to start again with logging the stats and so we are now at the start of week three.

    I will make a proper post later and I will add the challenges to the side of the spreadsheet sometime today too, I just wanted to get the spreadsheet out to you guys. Please fill in your month goal and have your weight posted to the spreadsheet by the end of today :)

    Happy Monday all! I just filled out my information into the spreadsheet. Can someone let me know if I did it correctly?

    Thanks! How was everyone's weekend?
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Happy monday everyone :)
    Last week was not very good for me, I think my epilepsy is about to strike back pretty hard and I've been having problems to move without feeling a lot of pain in my head plus dizziness and difficulty to see right, however I am feeling much better today and I might start Insanity if my body allows me to do so :)
    I also got an appointment with my doctor and she made a slight change in my diet. I can now eat some new fruits but only one a day plus I am now allowed to eat one tortilla, or one energy bar after exercise. Yay!
    I lost one pound per week since the start of this month, that makes it 2 pounds <3

    How;s everyone doing?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    Happy Monday all! I just filled out my information into the spreadsheet. Can someone let me know if I did it correctly?

    Thanks! How was everyone's weekend?

    Looks great!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Had a great time in Las Vegas, My friend and I plan to make an annual trip. Saw 3 shows that were all great...Cirque du Soliel "O", Nunsense and Phantom of the Opera. We did a murder mystery dinner as well. I learned I am NOT a good detective! Ok so only I was excited that one of the hotels had a Claude Monet exhibit. I enjoyed it because it also had some the artists that influenced his work, as well as works of Monet and a history of impression art. All were great shows. Also had a great weekend of food. I was impressed I only gained a pound throughout the week. I guess all that walking balanced some stuff (final count 69020 over 4 days). Rush to the airport and vacation cut short when I realized I had booked my ticket a day home early (a midnight flight). I made my flight though. My poor friend had to spend the day in Vegas herself, as her flight does not leave until tonight, and she could not get out an earlier flight. She texted me saying since she didn't want to drink or gamble alone (no feelings of guilt on my part!) she is at the movies and has watched avengers and MIB 3 today waiting for her flight!

    A big thanks for Molly for redoing the spreadsheet. Have my stats up to date on the sheet
    Vale...I hope you feel better soon great job with the loss this week
    Lisa...great job with the sugar. wish I had more tips to eat healthy without a kitchen and no takeout. I think you are doing the best you can under the circumstances...fingers crossed the kitchen comes through for you
    Happy Monday to everyone as well!
    As soon as the spreadsheet finishes getting filled out, I will post prefects!
    BeeJ..LOL I feel like that after every weekend anymore! So glad I am not back to work until Thurs...I need a rest after Las vegas
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hubby and I went away for the weekend. Had a great and relaxing time. Now I have to rein in the monster, I ate like a fiend yesterday. While a few days won't hurt in the long run, it is nice to know I have MFP to come back to and to help me stop a few days from turning into a few weeks or months. Have a great day everyone. It is going to be hot and sticky here. Remember drink lots of water--what perfect timing for our water challenge. I will fill out spreadsheet tonight.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Strong likelyhood of boot camp in the rain today :sad:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    I did mostly better with the diet yesterday, although I had not taken my healthy afternoon snack and ended up grabbing a handful of nuts and dried berries --which would have been ok if I had stopped there, but chased it with a couple of handfuls of animal cookies. Yikes! Well I have my healthy snacks with me today 8 ), just slightly over my calories for yesterday, but have managed to take off 2 of the 3 1/2 pounds I gained over the weekend getaway with my hubby. I have decided that my late night snacking--which I rarely do, because we usually are eating dinner about 8 or so, will turn into an after work snacking challenge. This is when I find myself wanting to snack, as I am getting home from work hungry, but I don't want to eat before working out. Another hot and humid day today --mid 90's here in Michigan. Have a great day everyone. PS--my husband informed me that our cat caught a bat in the house last night, but then it got away---hope I don't run across him EEEEK!!!!!!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!! hope everyone is diong well. <3
    Hanging in there the best I can. But that's all we can do, right?
    Congrats to everyone on making progress and awesome workouts. KEEP IT UP! YOU ROCK!