2 week challenge



  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Hey ladies! It sounds like we're all more than ready to get back to focusing on our goals. It's so nice to connect with this group of like minded women.

    I've been getting back in the habit of logging again. It's usually a slow start with me on that front, but I know I'll really be back in to it in no time.

    We got a lot of snow here so we've been out sledding a lot. I haven't been working out, but I've been really active otherwise. Feels good!

    Beeps - I've had some tummy trouble the last day or so too, ick.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Happy 2013 everyone! I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule.

    Abigail--no booze and no sugar, that's impressive! Your MMA DVD sounds fun, you'll have to let us know how you like it.

    Ashley--great goals! I'm sure they'll help you get rid of that "fluffy" feeling in no time.

    Chloe--the no drinking goal is toughest for me too. I've been trying to find replacements, and find its easier if I have something to drink, like tea, at times when I would normally have booze.

    Kate--welcome back! Glad to hear that crossfit is still working for you. I find that it is easier to lose after not counting calories for a while.

    Beeps--I'm sorry you aren't feeling well! Hopefully the bug will pass quickley. Great pre-Mexico goals!

    SchmoozyQ--sledding sounds like a fun way to burn calories!

    My weight has been pretty steady, but I know I haven't been very healthy the past few weeks. So here are my two-week goals:

    1. No drinking, except that I'm giving myself up to three "cheat days" in case something comes up (one of which I already used yesterday, mimosas along with our New Year's breakfast just sounded too good to pass up :blushing: )
    2. Log every day
    3. Exercise every day, even if it's just my lunchtime walk
    4. Do a long (12-16 miles), slow run this weekend
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy New Year!
    We went for sushi and then to the Hell's Belles concert, it was fun. I did drink too much and didn't feel well enough to workout yesterday, so even though I didn't drink, I did not do so great yesterday eating-we ordered pizza and then popped some corn and watched hours of Sons of Anarchy.
    I might workout tonight but I have a dentist appointment.
    I need to work in more cardio into my lifting routine, my initial thought about using C25K to improve my speed really got derailed, it was too much. Maybe I need four days of workouts but just two days of lifting (full body each time) and two days of cardio, like a nice jog on the weekends and HIIT...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- Yea I am ok when I am at home, but I need to find a replacement when I am with friends that are drinking. My cocktail of choice is a vodka, diet tonic and lime, so I am thinking maybe if I have a couple of those without the vodka in a nice cocktail glass it will help me feel part of the group, or maybe even just soda water with lime

    Amy- what is your take on SOA? We are trying to figure out what show to watch next, we are currently finishing up Breaking Bad. We have already watched Dexter, Californiacation, Weeds, and True Blood also.....yea we are total TV junkies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am not sure about SOA, I am not totally hooked, I guess. I liked Weeds and Breaking Bad was SO good, but I didn't love Dexter, only watched two seasons. Are you watching Walking Dead? I liked that one. I guess the others I loved are pretty old now-Lost and Sopranos!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy New Year!!!! I was sick on New Years and fell asleep after 1 beer. Good way to keep the calories in check, I guess. Today is the first day I've really felt 100%. I felt better on Mon, but I think I worked out to hard because I had a horrible headache.

    Amy- thanks for sharing the 4 week vacation diet info. I think I'll try two 18 hour fasts a week. We are going Las Vegas in Feb (with my brothers, cousins, uncle's and lots of kids) and I want to look my best.

    Beeps- That Sucks. That's all I have to say about that. Your guests must have enjoyed themselves if they stayed so long.

    Kate- I just saw a Groupon for crossfit...I'm hoping they have another one in the summer when I have more free time. My daughter had to try to do push-up headstands at dance last week.

    SchmoozyQ- My daughters got sleds for Christmas and we finally saw like half an inch the other day so I pulled them around in the grass out back! We are hoping to go up to the mountains soon.

    Marissa- I hope you start to to feel healthy again soon.I think your exercise goals will help a lot.

    Best of luck to all of you girls going dry in January!!!!!

    2 week Challenge
    1. 6 days of working out
    2. 100+ protein
    3. 45% or less carbs
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,943 Member
    Hubby came down with same tummy-flu I did, last night....so, when he was still zonked this morning, as I headed to work, I reminded him, "OK, NOW GET UP AND PUT ON A BRUNCH FOR 18....I DID!!!"

    He growled and rolled over, lol!

    Anyway, I RACED to the gym after work, yesterday, for the SOLE purpose of stepping on the scale to record end-of-2012 weight.

    DRUM-ROLL, PLEASE...............


    I weighed in at 149.4 lbs! That's right, ladies, I am *officially* <150 lbs!


    Now, don't congratulate me *too* much, my Jan 1, 2012 resolution was to be down to 145. I'm not. But, my Jan. 1, 2013 resolution is to get down <140 lbs, and I want to be <20% body fat. Hopefully I'll hit that around March, April, but WHO KNOWS??!??!!

    What I *did* learn in 2012 is that the whole "eat more to weigh less" stuff does NOT work, for me. (I was up as high as 164 lbs in Aug/Sept, 2012!!!). I *still* have to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat. Period.

    That's just me.

    I'm 5'9", so I don't know how low I'm supposed to be....but, I have PLENTY O' FAT still on my frame (I took pics yesterday, to prove it - my hip/saddlebag/butt area is *still* a DISASTER!). Sooooooooooooo, 2013 will still be a body-experiment for me!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well I am already going to fail my working out challenge. I really hurt my back yesterday getting a little over confident with my jumps I should know I need to keep it lower impact. So I'm pretty much on bed rest probably for a few days. But I will keep my eating in check and still no booze.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--glad you're starting to feel better! That's too funny about your NYE. If I had fallen asleep after one drink I would have had a much happier New Year's Day....

    Beeps--great job! Getting to the 140's is a huge accomplishment. The fact that you didn't hit your 2012 goal is far from the end of the world; it means that you set an ambitious goal. I think the more important achievement is that you figured out what works for you and what doesn't. I have no doubt that you'll hit your goal in 2013.

    Chloe--that really sucks about your back. It's the worst when you have all of this resolve to workout and then something like that happens. But a few days off won't kill you if you watch your food and keep up with the no booze.

    I don't have too much to report. I've been good about exercising at least a little in the morning the last few days and I've been walking at lunch too. The real burn will be coming this weekend and next week. I have a date to run with a friend on Saturday morning, and since I'm not going to be drinking on Friday I have absolutely no excuse to tack on a few extra miles and get back to marathon training. I also have a few running dates after work next week, so I'm looking forward to catching up with people and burning some extra calories at the same time!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Awesome job Beeps! That's great! I can't wait to see your before and afters....saddlebags and all. :wink: I'm sure your legs looks just fine; we are our own worst critics. You are going to show us your pics right?

    Sucks about your back Chloe. I hate injuries; especially when you're all motivated and ready to get serious. My lower back/upper ham/right hip has been my problem area for a loooong time. I finally decided to go to PT but the one I chose was a quack so I'm going to a new one next Friday. I hope I can get 100% pain free prior to my mini training. So! I hope you get better soon too!

    Ris, running dates are fun. My friend and I trained for races a couple years ago and we're running the same this spring so we'll train some together. She's 8" taller than me and faster, so I'm sure I'll slow her down. Maybe I'll make her push my baby while running.... Looks like you've been kicking some @ss with your runs.

    Kelly, glad you feel better. It seems like everyone has been sick! Your goals sound great also.

    Amy, sounds like you have a plan. I used to try to do "a lot" during my workouts: like 45 minutes of weights followed by 45 minutes of elliptical and running. Now my workouts are short, like 30 minutes. But I get so much more out of them - higher intensity, more weight, etc. I think you may be onto something with not trying to do too much in one workout.

    Schmoozy Q, working on a farm. That sounds fun. I'm sure hard work too.

    Abi, sounds like you all had a nice time.

    Kate, good to hear from you! I see you rocking the crossfit stil. I think you have a great attitude and sounds like you had a nice time eating the food.

    Welcome to the new peeps!

    I feel so much better than I did yesterday. I actually felt hungry for the first time in a while yesterday. It's time to start listening to my body again. I have a plan for diet for the next week and a half or so. I'm going to do my juice "fast" next Monday and eat pretty minimally the rest of the week, mostly protein and lots of green veggies, green juices, detox tea, and water. Following that I still plan to keep my calories limited. I like you Beeps don't think eating more to weigh less works for me. Everytime I've gotten "thin" has been because I wasn't eating much. I'm realistic though and know that I can't deprive myself, so thinking I will give myself 2-3 cheat meals a week. Mostly I'm focusing on diet during January; taking advantage of the reduction in calories as the result of not drinking. Then I'll reasses for February. I'll be doing mini training, so alledgedly burning a lot of calories running 3-4 times a week. I still want to lose weight/fat so we'll see.

    Speaking of fat, question for you all....I think I would like to start tracking my body fat. I don't belong to a gym anymore so was researching taking your own body fat calcs. There is one aparatus I have had my BF tested with before: it's a handheld thing that send electric current or something through your body to measure water in your body (since fat has little water while muscle has lots). I've read a little about it and if you take it around the same time under the same conditions (amount of food and water intake), the results are supposed to be relatively accurate. I found one on Amazon for $30 that got good reviews.

    I got a nice HIIT workout in last night and am sore. I plan on lifting tonight and maybe doing the plank series if I have time. Most importantly, eating well.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats, Beeps, that is awesome-nothing like stomach flu to help you with those weigh ins!
    I have to agree with you all, the eat more to weigh less didn't work for me either. I think I would have to pack on some serious muscle to be able to eat more.
    I saw a paleo "groupon" and bought it, I think it will help me eat low carb for a couple of weeks before dominican republic. If anyone else is interested:

    I had a code "SAVENOW" for an extra $10 off but it said it was non-transferable so I don't know if anyone else can use it but might as well try if you want. I like the idea of eating grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken.

    Chloe, that is terrible about your back! I hope you can find a good PT, my friend is a good one:)
    My knees are hurting lately, I am not sure why, or how best to help them-rest, exercise, stretches? will have to do some googling.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,943 Member
    Chloe - NOT THE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr...

    Ris - do you do your marathon training outdoors?? (Here, there's 4 feet of snow on the ground - when I see the "marathon group" from the Running Room out-and-about, I always think they're gonna end up like Chloe - injured!

    Better - can you spring for a DXA scan?? Maybe $75?? THAT, really, is the ONLY way to determine what your lean body mass is, what your body fat % is, and where your body fat is distributed around your body (different for each of us). Up here, they are about $50....I still haven't gotten one because I'm afraid it will read "29%" body fat, or something, which would send me into a tizzy....so, until my *kitten*-jiggly is solved, I'm going to keep the DXA scan in my back-pocket!

    asjerven - I was interested in paleo about 1 year ago....but, turns out, the more I read about it, the more I recognize it isn't for me. Please keep posting about your results!

    PS - I'm not sure if I'm ready to post my pictures....partly because I keep posing in the EXACT SAME POSITION as I did for my Jan 1, 2012 pictures! So, the poses, of course, are THE WORST and don't show anything GOOD. So, at some point, I'll get some PROPER "after" photos done, with the right lighting, etc., to SHOW OFF my muscles and THEN put them next to my crappy "start" pics - and it'll all be good. Right now, when I post my "after" pics, next to my "before" pics, BOTH OF THEM MAKE ME WANT TO CRY (still).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,943 Member
    (Remember when I was on this board CRYING one year ago BECAUSE I had just taken my pictures and NOW had "proof* about how AWFUL I looked!!??!!!??? IT SHOCKED ME!)

    FROM BEHIND I LOOK REALLY, REALLY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas/holiday season! I'm trying to get caught up on what's been going on, but I'm slow and working so it's hard.

    Beeps...congrats on hitting the 140s! Rough way to get there, being sick, but still, huge congrats! I bet your pictures are better than you think, I'm always my own worst critic when it comes to stuff like that. I can see flaws that nobody else can. :grumble:

    Chloe...sorry to hear about your back. I hope it gets better soon!

    Better...the only body fat test I've had is at the gym with skin calipers. She's been doing it for 20 years, I can't know for sure that she's accurate, but when I use on-line calculators it's pretty much in line with the results I get from her. That being said, I've had 2. I need another one soon to see if I've made any progress (hopefully!).

    I have been super busy, traveling to see family, etc and managed to eat decently most of the time and keep my drinking to a minimum. I let myself eat whatever on Christmas eve and Christmas day, and indulged in a HUGE dessert with my mom for her birthday, but other than that I've done pretty good, just trying to resist snacking on chocolate. I'm glad Christmas is over, and hopefully someone other than me can eat the remaining chocolate in the house. I'm leaving Sunday for our honeymoon cruise, so I'm just trying to be smart this week and not overdo it and drink tons of water so I can feel somewhat less scared to wear a bathing suit. lol. I'll see how much weight I gain on vacation and evaluate my goals the week after. I do know that I'm onto phase 3 of NROLFW, and starting a power yoga class tonight that i'm really looking forward to.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hellooooo and Happy New Year's ladies!!! I only had a chance to read page 1 and part of page 6. The only things I can remember are:

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Chloe, sorry about the back, hope it's on the mend.

    Beeps, you are a rockstar!!! You go girl! So dang proud of you!

    Amy, I'm interested in hearing how the paleo thing goes.

    Ris, I am so sorry about your news. Thinking about you.

    I am back from my trip and overall, I did pretty good. I got in some weights, a latin fitness class, a line dancing class, a samba class, a run on the beach and all the dancing I did at night either to a live band or in the club. I ate more veggies and protein on my trip than had in the weeks leading up to the trip, so that was a plus!

    I am still working on goals, but I know they will entail 1. balance 2. consistency and 3. progress, not perfection :bigsmile:

    So cheers and best wishes to everyone that THIS is the year we all accomplish what we set out to do!! :drinker: (<---drinking water ;) lol!
  • glittersupernova
    glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
    1. Drink at least 8 cups of water every day.

    2. Stay at or below my calorie max for each day.

    3. Increase # of jump squats, I am weak with these, lol.

    4. No soda.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks everybody! I took another day off work today, but my back does feel way better. I just didn't want to push it by sitting in a chair all day. I did keep my eating in check yesterday. Tonight we are having family over for pizza. I plan on filling my plate with salad and 2 pieces of veggie thin crust. I know I am going to want wine and realistically I don't think I am going to make it the whole month with no booze. So new plan is if I really want a drink I will limit it to 2. I think I will end up binging if I really deprive myself. But, I am really going to try to have nothing. Obviously still no working out for me at least through the weekend, maybe Monday I can get on the treadmill for a bit.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so nice to see you Jen! Nice pic, love the suit!
    I didn't work out last night but I am definitely going to work out tonight. I think I just need to improve my form on squats and lunges and make sure my knee isn'y going over my toe, that's when it hurts. Lift tonight and maybe jog tomorrow.
    I am with you Chloe, last night I had a glass of wine and that was all, and it was fine. Three of us split a bottle, so a big glass, but that was good for me.
    I can't believe I haven't really stated a two week goal, but here it is:

    2 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training each week
    Stay at maintenance cals/log everything
    Limit alcohol to two drinks, don't drink alone
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,943 Member

    So, yep, I'm gonna hit the gym, today! Keeping calories low all week....will fast as much as I can....and THEN, I'm going to ENJOY my holiday!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I had to work through lunch, when I usually post, so here's my quick drive-by:

    Ashley--so glad to hear you're feeling better!

    Beeps--I do train outside for the marathon. I can do about 3 miles tops on the treadmill before I get too bored, even with music or podcasts. I live in DC, so it's pretty chilly here but we usually don't get too much snow (or at least I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't). So excited for you and your trip to Mexico!

    Jeno--thanks, I appreciate it. And welcome back!

    Glitter--great goals!

    Chloe--glad to hear you are feeling better! And selfishly glad you don't think you'll be able to make it all of January with no booze; I already failed. I wasn't going to confess, but I had a beer last night :blushing: . I was just super grouchy and needed to unwind. But I kept it to one, and I'm going to skip the booze tonight and generally try to minimize it in January to the extent I can without making myself miserable.

    Amy--great goals! I'm going to copy your two-drink limit on the nights I don't abstain completely.