2 week challenge



  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    So I don't know if my dukan diet experiment was the cause of or just coincidence but I seem to have the flu :( I've been trying to put back on the water weight I lost but its impossible when everything I consume is coming straight back out, so for now just trying to eat really clean, rest lots and hope to get better soon!

    PS. I remember pepto bismol tasting way better when I was a kid!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Day 8 - Three Nutcracker performances down, three more to go next weekend. Food choices not so great, excercise is good though. We had a pot luck supper - always tricky for me - between shows last night as well as a bake sale and I had Chinese food tonight. Yikes! I seem to have a lot more control over my diet during the week so I will get back on track tomorrow.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think i have the flu, but it is the brown-bottle flu, so much for moderation! Last night with friends I had a very reasonable supper of white fish, green beans but the wine kept flowing and I kept drinking it. I did my day 8 JELF workout but it was a pretty poor effort. I have not felt this bad for a long time, but maybe that will make it easier not to drink this week.
    I feel queasy and nothing seems to help. Food choices havevn't been great but I am no where near my calorie goals for the day, I did not get to the store so I am ill prepared for the week BUT I do have some pumkin protein bars, still, and a greek yogurt, and another serving of kung pao chicken for lunch so I just have to get to the store tomorrow. And to the gym, hopefully I don't get sick for real but sometimes I do when I drink this much, then I don't sleep well, and my immune system is affected. Lots of co-workers have been sick too, so I am hoping I don't catch anything.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Hey Girlies!!
    My 2 week challenge is to start the 30DS and STICK WITH IT!! I am also going to focus on staying within my calorie goal; logging everything I consume....and chugging the water!! =]....also going to try to work in more YOGA!! Have a great day everyone!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Well this weekend was a bust! I made my spicy mac & cheese on Saturday (it is my biggest weakness and my bf loves it too... gotta eat what you love every now and then!!) and then went out and had 3 hard ciders (200 cals each at least... ouch!) so needless to say, I was WAY over! Then yesterday we had a family party with my bf's family and made gingerbread houses... Lets just say I probably at as much candy as what ended up on my house.. yikes! Along with the candy I had deli pizza, pie, chips, crackers, cheese, salted cashews, etc, etc, etc... I entered it in today and I was over by 1,200!! Crazy!! I don't know the last time I had a binge like that! This week is getting back on track again!

    I have my 56 oz water jug in front of me so I'll drink that and then I had salad for lunch and my normal Kashi for breakfast.. dinners are planned by mom this week (lots of pasta... oyyyy) so I will have to watch the portion sizes! I am also going to Jazzercise 4 days this week, so that will be a burn of about 1200 cals overall, not bad!

    Saturday-Wednesday I will be in Florida visiting my grandparents, so hopefully they will have healthy options! I'm hoping for fruit bowls in the mornings and I'm not sure what they are planning for the other meals... I will be cooking some of the dinners since I am making meals to freeze for them, but we may end up going out too if they choose to. Fingers crossed that it will all work out though!

    Amy & Nadine - I hope you feel better! Being sick is not fun at all... rest up and eat well so you can get better!

    monih - that's a great goal, just make sure you set aside some time to do your work out!!

    abigail - I'm with you, the weekdays are so much easier than weekends! Good luck :)

    Jen - great job! You sound like you got it under control :) How did you calculate those goals? Any specific method?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I just read through the last 10 posts - LADIES WE NEED TO SMARTEN UP!!!!


    This is a "challenge", not a soiree!!

    Anyway, I'm into my 2nd week and am doing quite well. I have managed every work-out that I have planned and I have eaten correctly, with the exception of a tues supper out with my husband and about a handful of dark chocolate covered acai and blueberries (yesterday).

    I'm starting week 4 of the training-for-life program in BFL. And, I'm one week from my gala!! So, I am NOT down in weight, but I am DOWN in inches. And, the dress will be SMASHING!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    So week 1 challenge was a success. I hit 7952 cals for the week (range is 7700-8400). I got in 2 actual workouts, which I logged, and 3 active days (shopping for 3 hours 2 days and cleaning ALL day Saturday) but I didn't log those. The scale went up and down throughout the week but from my start last Mon to today, I'm down 5lbs. Honestly, I'll be happy to maintain over the holidays and then start a cut in January when I can kick my workouts into overdrive :devil:

    Shannon, I calculated my BMR on MFP in the tools section. so I multiplied my BMR (1098, rounded to 1100 and multiplied by 7 days =7700 and then multiplied the magic 1200 number by 7 days = 8400. Then the zig zag I figured out on freedieting.com.

    My plan is to continue the same goals this week.

    Oh, Nadine and Amy - hope you ladies get to feeling better!! Sending healthy vibes!!

    Shannon - sounds like you have a plan in place...tear it up!!

    Beeps - congrats on the inches lost, woot!!! keep it up and we wanna see pics of that smashing dress!

    Abigail - good luck with the remaining performances.

    OK...like BEEPS said...let's all get on track and stay there...EVEN on the WEEKEND!!! the holidays are coming quickly and we need to be smart and strong!! So let's do this!! Have a great week and good luck with your goals!!
  • GingerBroad
    GingerBroad Posts: 45 Member
    Beeps- you just got me to throw away my glass of wine I was going to have or dinner. No empty calories for me!

    Day 4 of the challenge and my food is going ok. I am on task but need to step it up on workouts. I jet joined a gym and am doing my first spin class tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Goodness! Look at all these two week challenges I've been behind on! Way to go everyone..

    I am going to start a new personal 3 week challenge next week...sort of a "Holiday" challenge. I need to think up some good guidelines that will keep me on track for the holidays and ready to get back towards losing in the new year (I've been maintaining) without setting myself up to fail :)

    I'm Kate for all the new ladies on here! I'm a long time NTHG who's been a bit absentee (read: BUSY) lately! Welcome, excited to be back and posting again!

    What has everyone found to their best challenges so far?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice to see you again, Kate, great pic, BTW!
    I haven't found that anything worked very well for me, but I am hopeful about the Jamie Eason Livefit trainer. Only strength training for a month, though, so I am trying to be good with the eating, but haven't been able to stick to her approved foods list on the weekend (re: drinking). The plan gets really strict and has carb cycling in the last phase, and I have never tried that, I think it was part of the sexy female plan but I ignored that part...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yay for all you 'challenge-ready' ladies!! I KNOW WE CAN ALL DO THIS - TOGETHER!!

    asjerven, I don't know what "carb cycling" is - can you explain? And, I don't know what the "sexy female plan" is, either, but I call "BOGUS" on that, because we, already, are ALL SEXY FEMALES!!!

    I did lower-body weight training today. I have now compared what I did today, to what I did on November 16th (my first lower-body weight training) and I really have become STRONGER! I will like THAT A LOT when it shows up on the scale or on my clothes. But, for now, just recognizing that I am lifting heavier and heavier weights every single time I train is enough motivation to keep me going.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, congrats on getting stronger, that is awesome.
    Sexy Female was a plan on tnation (http://www.t-nation.com/article/bodybuilding/sexy_female_training&cr) it basically supported the weight lifting to look better, but there was an element of cardio everyday (jump rope, bike, or jog), it was three days of workouts, 1 day of rest, then repeat.
    The food plan was called the flip diet:
    "It's comprised of three days of low-carb eating, followed by one day of high-carb eating. So for the first three days you'll consume a carb/protein/fat caloric ratio of 10/30/60 while performing the workouts. On the rest day you'll flip that ratio to 60/30/10."
    However, if you can eat at 10% carbs I would like to see your diary, is all I have to say. I am not even sure bacon is 10/30/60;)
    JELF plan is carb cycling too, with phase 2 we stop eating carbs in the afternoon and in phase 3 when you carb cycle you have 3 days of "low carb" (20% of cals) and one day "high carb" (50% of cals)
    JE explains it like so:
    Here's the theory: Because carbs are the body's preferred source of fuel, cycling those carbs - eating lower amounts some days, higher amounts other days - confuses the body by not giving it a constant and dependable fuel source.
    presumably, this "confusion" encourages the body to burn fat and not lean muscle for energy.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I have changed mine to be drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day and getting in 30 minutes of pilates. I really need the toning.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    asjerven - I've never heard of such a thing before - so THANK YOU for illuminating this for me!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sure thing, Beeps, I am sure you can find more info if you are interested in trying it.
    Day 10 of the plan went pretty well for me, I think. Today's workout can be done at home, after my mani/pedi:)
    I have worked in a reward every week for sticking to the JELF workouts.
    I don't have anything next week but I have two things the week after, a facial and a massage.
    after that: good quality makeup and black boots are some other things. I also have a gift card for a spa, and a groupon for another facial...
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Sorry selfish post since I am at work and don't have much time...

    I've had a really bad weekend/start to the week. Was sick with flu-like symptoms all weekend, finally felt better Monday but I've spent the past two days just feeling weak and tired even though I am sleeping lots, which has resulted in eating a lot of sugar. My stomach still feels a bit cramped up this morning and it's not that time of the month either so I don't really know why, sugar hangover? I am trying to ignore it and am back doing 30 seconds of stairs sprints every hour at work and despite my boss repeatedly putting a container full of sugar cookies on my desk to tempt me I have successfully moved them out of site without having one, and have been eating baby mandarin oranges instead.

    My new two-week challenge for myself is going to be no sugar. My coworker has been on no sugar for a few weeks now and says she feels great and isn't even really tempted by it anymore. I feel like this might be a good lead up to christmas for me, to keep the treat eating in check and then hopefully have built up enough will power not to go too crazy over the holidays. I also want to keep up my yoga self-challenge. I've been doing it most work days on my lunch hour, but I want to challenge myself to do it EVERY day, either at work on my lunch hour or at home on weekends.

    Hope everyone else is having a good week!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    My new 2 week challenge is going to be paying more attention to my protein/Carb/fat ratios. I just manually set MFP to 40/40/20 and I've learned really fast that it is hard to keep my carbs at 40% and get my protein up to 40%. Also, I decided to up my calorie intake from 1200 to my BMR, which is 1322. I don't like seeing the red, so I found that when I'm set at 1200, I eat less than that, which is just not healthy. So to make sure I am eating enough I set MFP to maintenance, and that will be my new "maximum," even though I plan to eat only 1322. Hopefully this will take away the guilty feeling if I go over 1322, because I'll know I won't gain since I'll still be under maintenance.... make sense? Lol, anyway, makes sense to me. Today is day 2.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    makes sense to me, therese, I do the same thing, set it to maintain and try to stay under.
    I am in the JELF phase of muscle building, no cardio, so I am trying to feed the muscle but I don't want to eat too much, and it's hard to eat enough if you are only eating off the approved foods list!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Nadine, great idea about no sugar. It is highly addictive. The more you eat, the more you crave and nothing else tastes good but that. You need to "detox" from it. This is a tough time of year and I wish you the best.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Therese - that's super tough! I do 40/30/30 c/f/p and don't know how I would get in all that protein with so little fat (I already have issues with it!).

    On the carb cycling I did a less extreme version for a while (I think jenomaha helped me) and really liked it. I dropped a far amount of body fat doing it but at the same time, like anything carb related, its tough to maintain :)

    Keep it up everyone! I most definitely will not be giving up sugar during the holiday season but mad props to those of you who do!

    Sort of taking an off week. Tomorrow is my last day in the office until January 3rd (we have crazy european style vacation schedules) so I am working 11+ hour days and not working out a ton. Dinner for my birthday with the BF soooo we'll see on logging :)