2 week challenge



  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    May I ask why you rely on protein bars and shakes?? I am just curious why you would eat that when you could have actual food that tastes good and is better for you?

    Yes she is in Calgary - she can set people up with fitness (and I believe nutrition plans) over email if you are interested!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Eating clean is a big challenge for me, but I know that I am doing a lot better than I was, even a year ago. I was the girl defending my lean cuisine, and now there are very few of those that don't make me want to gag, seriously, only the butternut squash ravioli still sounds good to me.
    Getting more vegetables is one of my goals for the new year!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I eat a protein bar in the morning (at work) and a protein shake in the afternoon (at work). I'm never near anywhere that has "clean" food (my office is in a warehouse district!)

    And, truthfully, I really like my protein bars and my protein shakes!! I think they do taste good, and they aren't very many calories, yet they keep me full - which is KEY, for me.

    I don't eat a lot of fruit, because I don't like it. And, I don't have any time to prepare food, ever. (My nanny does all the food prep and cooking for my children because I work 80 hours a week!)

    See?? Maybe I just can't be a "clean-food" patriot - and I'll have to seek out bodybuilders who understand my craving for protein (shakes/bars).

  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Oh okay that makes sense. I think you can still be a clean eating person - like you said, when you do have time to make a meal you can just make sure it is clean - there are also lots of clean foods that don't have any prep - nuts, fresh veggies, etc.

    Amy - I think that is a great goal for the New Year! I definitely need to do the same, I do not eat enough veggies that's for sure! I find it hard because I really don't like raw veggies without dip - and the dip kind of negates the benefit of the veggies lol!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I do think clean eating can include protein shakes and bars. I saw this on another thread and I think it is very pertinent, adding it to resouces as well:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Loved that article, asjerven.

    Now, I want to join "nerdfitness", as well. Plus, I want to google and find out what "steamfresh" bags of veggies are....they sound like something I could invest in!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    just check your freezer section, you can find steamer bags that go in the microwave.
    Interesting she goes for paleo, and eats sausage. No sausage on the JELF approved foods list!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy, great article and another reason to get rid of the scale!!!

    Beeps, I really think if you make some changes even to just eat "cleaner" you will see some nice changes. Even during that five weeks I was really focused and going hard, my final week was over 4th of July weekend with a family reunion! I ate the foods during 4 days straight of celebrating and still managed to make progress and surpass my goal. I don't eat protein bars anymore but I do take protein powder on a daily basis. Like it does for you, it fills me up, is low carb, low sugar and low cals. As for veggies...mixing them into some prepared food can help. For example, I've made egg cupcakes (eggs, onion, spinach, etc. baked in a cup) and ground chicken meatballs/muffins (ground chicken, carrots, spinach, etc). They have veggies in them, but you don't notice as much because i usually chop them in my food processor first. I however do love veggies, so you might notice them more...but worth a try. I just spend a couple of hours pre-making these things so I can grab them and go. I also boil some eggs and have them handy for a snack or quick breakfast. Just some ideas.

    All this talk is making me feel guilty because I have been eating like crap the last couple of days :ohwell: On the positive side, I've been hitting the weights, am back to some classes and LOVING it!!!

    Keep at it ladies...I'm just looking forward to the normalcy the New Year will bring!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    That is a really great article! Talk about motivation - I agree with what she says in there about when you stop counting calories how "freeing" it is. I really think that's my favorite part of trying to eat more "clean" now, rather than looking at the Nutriional Facts - I look at the ingredients - if I can pronounce them I am good to go!

    I really hope I can keep the motivation in January to maintain a consistent work-out and nutrition plan!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yesterday was a big fail on the nutrition front, but it just had to be, holiday luncheon at an Italian place and it was family-style and there was almost no protein-salads were all dressed in plenty of fattening stuff, spaghetti and fettucine and of course, bread. I really didn't feel good afterwards.
    Now I hear Christmas Eve dinner is at an Italian place!
    I did manage to workout but I was late for my massage and skipped the last couple of sets, and then when I got there they had my appointment wrong and I didn't even get my massage:sad:
    Today it is snowing like crazy! I get to telework.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Man you girls have been moving right along. I have not been 2 week challenging it lately. Between madness at work and then 75% of my family getting the flu (including myself) I've just been trying to stay moderately active.

    Been trying to catch up on the conversation though. Always love a good clean eating conversation. Reminds me of what I should be eating and need to get back to eating when I'm 100% over this bug. The flu did help move the scale but not sure how long it will stick around. Definitely helped curb my hunger! :wink:

    Lots of cooking and baking over the next few days. Glad to say all the recipes I chose are ones everyone else loves and not me. Keep me from doing the 'bite, lick, taste' every few seconds!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    asjerven, meals out are still my achilles heel. At this point, I congratulate myself for skipping the bread and the dessert....that's pretty good, I figure!!

    I am going to aim to work on that particular issue in 2012, though. Today is my xmas lunch out with gf's, but we are going to a restaurant that has one of my favourite salads, so I should be okay.

    mamareese - stomach flus are the WORST...I don't care HOW much the scale drops, I don't want it, ever, ever, EVER!! Feel better!!!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Eating out is always really awful for me too!! I have been trying to move to a more "eat at home" mentality. So when my gfs want to get together for a girls night I try to suggest dinner at someone's place. I actually have been liking it a lot more - its less loud so you actually can have a conversation and its also easier on the wallet :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I agree! eating out is really hard and leads to more drinking than I might otherwise. I like getting together with friends in our homes, at least the chances are things won't be fried;) I am sure I would be surprised how many calories are in the things at restaurants.
    I looked up the restaurant for Christmas Eve and I think I can get lean proteins with veggies-they have chicken, pork and steak and that sounds better than pasta anyway. might be a better choice than what would have been cooked!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I like going out, so I don't want to 'cut' that out of my life. And, if I go out for lunch, I don't drink, anyway. We have new laws up here, too, which prevent any over-indulgence in the evenings....when I was out on Tuesday, I had 1 drink. 1. Over 3 hours. So, even though I don't AGREE with the change in the law, it's helping me drink less (save money), which is probably a good thing for my fitness goals.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I haven't been tracking this week. One day, I didn't even have one complete meal and besides a small bit of ground chicken and a couple of boiled eggs, I hardly had any protein :-/ But I am exercising and staying very active. Had a great breakfast and lunch today but threw it all off balance with a treat. I'm not too stressed though because this is my last lax weak before hitting it hard for vacation. So when everyone is focused on eating cleaner (and tracking) after the New Year, I will be right there with ya'll!!

    Wishing you all enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones and any extra time off you may have!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    You and me, Jen, after Christmas;) Last night I grabbed Subway, which might have been a better choice than the slice of pizza.
    But then the beers that followed were not such good choices.
    Going to dinner tonight and tomorrow night, not sure what is on the menu for Christmas, though.
    Starting Phase 2 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer next week. Last day of Phase 1 workout tonight, I will take pics...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I'm starting a new "challenge" on Tuesday. So, today will be my last body-for-life strength training session. I'm going to do BOTH upper- and lower- body, because I won't be able to weight-train (again) until Tuesday.

    I have increased my calories so that there is NO deficit, at all. I need more protein in order to be able to lift properly, so I've also decided to add whey protein powder to things I'm already eating (yogurt, for example). I have NO idea if this will make a difference, but I'm very anxious to see REAL results (with the measuring tape), and so it begins...

    I'm moving through the "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and have been a (lurking) member of that group for some time. Today, I'm no longer lurking and I'm in it to win it! That program is (approximately) 6 months, so we shall see what progress I make by spring.

    My husband took some pictures of me last night. My frontal was no surprise - I see that everyday in the mirror. My back-side photo made me cry - I have (obviously) had some sort of GRANDIOSE idea of what I looked like back there. It wasn't pretty and, while I KNOW my bum and my thighs are MY trouble area, I had presumed all this work these last years had been "working" - let's just say it HAS NOT. So, after crying for awhile, I realized that I am on the right track. I've only been heavy lifting for 6 weeks. And I will get there. To make myself feel better, I had my husband take a picture of JUST MY BACK AND ARMS (waist up) this morning and THAT is a great photo....I KNEW some part of me had to be looking good, lol.

    I'm not sure why I'm posting all of this. Sorry to vent!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    it's ok, Beeps, you're doing really well and I think you are on the right track with the protein and upping calories. I am beginning to think I should do the same.
    I don't have any real support on the Eason plan here in MFP, I mean, you guys are great and I always want to check in with you, but I would like someone else to tell me how much they are lifting on the various exercises, and how they are progressing.
    Yesterday I worked out at a different gym and the weights were so different! I don't understand how machines could vary that much so I don't even know if I am getting stronger.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    asjerven, do you think you might be interested in trying New Rules of Lifting for Women?? Check-out those threads at mfp and tell me what you think. For me, it's the best $20 I've invested this YEAR.

    I'm going to write AScheif's trainer and find out how she transformed her shape in 6 months. I'll happily pay her for that advice, but at least I have AScheif indicating she is a real person, etc.