2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    My goal is to lose 4% body fat by February 29, 2012. So, it isn't a 5-week goal, jen, but maybe I'll have lost 3% by then, lol!!

    Oh, I'm also trying to eat "Primal" (not paleo, because while I don't drink any milk, I do ingest some dairy with cheese and yogurt in my diet) for 2012.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I am in.
    I ended up getting out of work an hour early so I got to work out and did shoulders and cardio, then I went to happy hour!
    legs tomorrow and happy new years!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama - my 5 week goal is not for competition, just for Cabo :happy: But everything I do will go toward prepping for comp :wink: I'm telling myself I can do this because this past summer I only had 5 weeks to cut for my Zumba Convention and had amazing results. But it was during summer and I wasn't working at school. I just hope I can be as focused this time around and have close to the same results.

    Beeps - Goals sounds great!! And I'm glad to hear you talking about form because it is so important!! I see so many men and women doing strange things in the gym and just shake my head :laugh:

    Amy - so glad you got off early and got that workout in! Tear those legs up today!

    Ok, so the challenge can work any way you want it to. I am going to take my measurements and a before picture tomorrow morning. From those numbers, I will determine what my goals will be and then will post.

    Wishing you all a safe and fun New Year's Eve!! I'm staying home with the fam and making a surf and turf dinner!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Gotcha. Are you still looking at doing the competiion in 2012? I'm sure you'll get down those goals even with the obstacle of school!

    Amy-Way to fit everything in yesterday!

    Beeps- Nice goals. Is Primal similar to your way of eating now?

    I'll have to think about goals and post later as Jen said. We are having a stay at home New Years too but I haven't thought of anything creative to prep for dinner yet! Kids are still waiting on me to finish up lunch! happy New Years all!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama - yes. planning on competing in the summer, hopefully!!

    Ok, here we go! My goals are:

    1. lose 8 lbs
    2. 17-18% bodyfat
    3. no alcohol for 31 days
    4. 40/30/30 macros (no more than 40% carbs!!!)
    5. lose 1 inch in waist, 1/2 inch in chest and 1 inch in hips :happy:

    My friend and co-Zumba instructor has an emergency operation today, so I'm picking up 2 more classes and in 2 weeks, I'm picking up an Aqua Zumba class...soooo, along with the cleaner eating, I'm optimistic I can meet my goals.

    Feel free to add your goals ladies! Hope the first day of the New Year was a good one!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, my goals are
    1. Stick to the Jamie Eason plan for workouts and 80% on the approved foods
    2. eat more veggies
    3. Drink only two evenings per week

    I don't need to lose weight but would like to get body fat under20%
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'd like to add a body fat goal but I've never had that measured so until I can either find someone or something to do that with I'll stick with these for my goals:

    1) Calorie range between 1330 (on low burn days) and 1500 on higher days.
    2) Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water (this goal might fall back into place once I get back to work but over this holiday I have been absolutley terrible)
    3) Complete Turbo Fire workouts as laid out.

    Stick with this for 2 weeks than I want to revisit the goals and considering adding more specific macro goals if those aren't falling into place as I start concentrating more on eating within my calorie range.

    I also tok before TF pictures and measurements. I'll revisit those in 30 days.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Happy New Year, ladies!!

    There are body fat % calculators, elsewhere, on mfp - I think if you use "body fat percentage" as a search term, you can find them. I entered another challenge, so on Saturday (Dec. 31) I did my photos from the front, side and back. And my husband measured me up. I have a HIGHER body fat percentage than I thought. Bummer. But, I'll chisel it away through 2012, so no worries!

    And, as for "primal" - i blew it, already, lol. The NO GRAINS is tougher than I thought....but only because we have company around and my husband keeps cooking pasta. When company leaves, I can eliminate the pasta from my plate and carry on. I don't eat a LOT of grains, now, although I do have oat bran in the mornings and am trying to decide if I should give that up, or keep it - because I'm adding protein powder to it (now) to build the muscle mass for heavy lifting. Decisions, decisions.

    I'm okay with just having the single goal of reducing body fat % by 4% to Feb. 29 and by another 4% by May 31st. That would be an 8% drop in 5 months. And, then I'd like to chisel off another 4% by Aug. 31st. That would be a 12% reduction 8 months into the year, and I think that would be fairly substantial. If I could then chisel off another 1-2% by end of Dec, 2012, I'll end up at 16 or 17%. I'm not even sure if this is "do-able" for me, yet...which is why I'm just going to focus on this one goal. I know measuring tape reductions will come, if body fat percentage is reduced.

    LADIES - I LOVE ALL YOUR CHALLENGES. Let's keep each other motivated - I sure know I could use some support!! (My photos are AWFUL. Just awful. Too embarrassed to even REMOTELY post them.)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    2 week challenge: No Sugar - I MUST detox from the holidays & excercise everyday. It will be a mix of strength, cardio & HIIT. While I am getting back into the swing of things I will set some new goals and then post them. I am not ready yet. I need to get back on a healthy track first. Happy New Year everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps, I hear ya!! I took my pics from the front yesterday and was like "eesh!" I like the view from behind better, lol!! But your goals sound totally attainable. As for cutting out the oat bran, carbs are necessary to fuel your workouts, so if you enjoy them (plus they're good for you) keep them :)

    Abigail...great idea just doing what you can handle to get back into it. Looking forward to seeing what other goals you come up with!

    Ok, I need to get off the comp and do some food prep for the week!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I love your posts, jen....you always make me feel good.


    I did the work-out and did manage the 45-lb. olympic bar for my romanian dead-lifts. I'm still not positive my form is "correct" - will ask a trainer to spot me next time. I also did 12 minutes of HIIT at the end of my work-out. That is supposed to INCREASE the "fat burn". I believe if I can do this for 6 months with GREAT consistency, I'll have photos that prove SOMETHING GOOD!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I love your posts, jen....you always make me feel good.


    I did the work-out and did manage the 45-lb. olympic bar for my romanian dead-lifts. I'm still not positive my form is "correct" - will ask a trainer to spot me next time. I also did 12 minutes of HIIT at the end of my work-out. That is supposed to INCREASE the "fat burn". I believe if I can do this for 6 months with GREAT consistency, I'll have photos that prove SOMETHING GOOD!

    :blushing: aww shucks Beeps!!! hehe!

    Fantastic using the bar! Look at you moving up already...before long, you'll be lifting like man :happy:
  • Renkow
    Renkow Posts: 6 Member
    Anybody in this group in my age range? I am 58. I have 51/2 pounds to lose. Mostly I am successful at weight control unless I am stressed out by something. So, I've been stressed out since mid October and now I'm 51/2 pounds heavier. My goal is to get back to my daily routine of diet and exercise. I am a walker.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!! I am FINALLY back!! I have been on vacation - and while I have gotten a couple workouts in over the holidays I definitely enjoyed the time off.....BUT.. I am now ready to get back on the wagon!!

    Wednesday is Day 1 of my 12 Week Challenge of Clean Eating and Exercising! I get my program tomorrow so am "excited" to see what I am in for! I also signed up today for a 12 km run in May - so that, and my wedding dress coming in, will be my 2 long-term goals for this process.

    My 2 week challenge will be to stick to my new meal plan for 2 weeks and try to get as much working-out in as possible - but also knowing I need to get my life back in order from having family here for the past two weeks!!

    Glad to see you all back - Amy and Beeps! Glad to see your dedication over the holidays!!!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I went to the gym for day 36 and it was a total zoo. Really, the crowds, the noise and the smell was enough to make me cut my workout 10 minutes short. I need to get some patience, or change my schedule. I couldn't get to the hammer strength lat machine so I just got on the elliptical for the 30 mins but then I saw it was free so I left the elliptical and did the lats and then I cam eback and there were no free ellipticals nor treadmills so I just left.
    Better luck tomorrow...
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and thought I'd introduce myself. My weight's always been about average but my body fat percentage is pretty high, so I'm working to change that (and lose a few pounds in the process). I've been getting back into the swing of exercising with some strength training and cardio in the last couple weeks, and I'm planning to start 30DS later this week. My goals for the next month or so are sticking to my calorie goals and starting (and finishing!) the 30DS.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Asjerven, i hate the first 6 WEEKS of the new year...always have, always will.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    The whole gym craziness with New Year is one of the few reasons I don't mind being an 'at home' exercise Mama. But when it dies back down, I'll be back to longing for the 'gym feeling'. :wink:

    Turbo Fire Regular Schedule Day 2 done. HIIT- phew that was rough! Rest day tomorrow and then back at it Thursday. Also back to work today after a LONG week off. Getting up at regular time was terrible! Definitely dragging today!! :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and thought I'd introduce myself. My weight's always been about average but my body fat percentage is pretty high, so I'm working to change that (and lose a few pounds in the process). I've been getting back into the swing of exercising with some strength training and cardio in the last couple weeks, and I'm planning to start 30DS later this week. My goals for the next month or so are sticking to my calorie goals and starting (and finishing!) the 30DS.
    Welcome! 30Ds is a good workout and the bonus is, you can do it from home!
    I might check out the wellness center here at work, if it's less crowded I could just do a $20/month membership to get me past the January crowds, maybe February too, then I will be done with the Eason plan and probably off to try something else...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I'm reading TONS of 'success stories' from Turbo Fire, mama....yay for you!

    I'm just doing HIIT today, so the gym should be fine for that - I only need an elliptical for 20 minutes.

    Tomorrow I have to do my work-out BEFORE work, though, and that's when all the boys will be at the weights....whatevah - I'll get it done and get outta there, just the same. I stopped giving a crap what the boys think of me in the gym...