2 week challenge



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy...Game On!!!! Woot! Just enjoy this weekend...I am :tongue:

    Beeps - I LOVED NROLW!!! That's the program that got me started with lifting and I learned so much from it!! That was the first transformation I went through and it got me out of my "Skinny Fat" stage. I was in a Group on Livestrong and that really motivated me! Best of luck to you!! As for the pictures...you'll be glad you took them because you will really see a difference with this program. I might still have my pics from it...if I can find them I'll post. But stick with it and I think you will be pleased!

    I did a little bit of legs and some cardio this morning, but I had a big lunch, so I'm going back to the gym with the DH this afternoon to do more, lol!! Gonna go tomorrow too to do chest and tris and then SUNday of course will be a rest day and back to it Monday!!

    Have a wonderful afternoon ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Spent all day prepping Christmas cookies and pumpkin rolls for our family travels this weekend. And dinners for our go tos in between. Yoswer, I'm wooped. Luckily I only gave into 1/2 a peanut butter blossom and that was only because they didn't look right (they tasted fine thankfully because I did NOT want to start over!)

    I'm off to kick my feet with the kids for a brief moment. Then it's back in the kitchen to make the kids supper, heat myself up some soup, and finish cleaning and prepping the pumpkin roll. I don't even want to think about my to do list tonight. Wrap wrap wrap. Lol.

    So glad my eatings been in chcek, granted again it had a lot to do with the flu but being THAT sick made me really listen to my body before I put something in it. If nothing else, I hope I walk away from that terrible flu bug with that piece of knowledge and don't forget as I get to 100%. I'd never voluntarily take the flu bug, but it is what it is so might as well take a little lesson out of it!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I'm hoping to atleast stick with logging through the holidays. And my Turbo Fire should be here tomorrow or Monday. So I'll be back in the workout swing of things ASAP!!! I am excited to try Turbo Fire but listening to you girls chat about lifting makes me miss my gym membership. Few more months and I can get it back!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    jenomaha....thank you SO much for what you posted. I think it is AWESOME to read that this program *does* work. I'm REALLY PSYCHED to get started - I'll start on Tuesday. Gosh, if you post photos, I would be SO GRATEFUL!

    Today, I did 75 minutes of cardio (NOT HIIT - just good ol' "feel great" step-cardio!), 15 minutes of weights and 15 minutes of stretching. Followed by the best, longest, hottest JACUZZI I have been able to enjoy in quite some time. It was HEAVEN!

    Now, my kiddies are running around with BIG SAUCER EYES and my husband has gone off to pick up our (catered) Christmas turkey dinner. The older boys should be coming over after their work shifts end at 5 and they are spending the night! So, tonight IS our Christmas night and then we'll all have brunch together tomorrow morning (after Santa comes...). So, I still have to do all the brunch prep, but that's okay.

    I have some bailey's in my coffee as I write this, and I'm so VERY grateful for whatever brought me to mfp (I was on livestrong last year!) and to this group.

    Thank you for your kindness as I wander this journey of fitness - a journey I've been wandering for about 25 years, now!

    And, just to show that one should NEVER "give up hope", after being stalled on the scale for the ENTIRE last 6 weeks (since I moved to strength-training, actually), I dropped 3.5 LBS. THIS WEEK.

    Out-of-the-blue....cause ain't nothing changed, lol. AND, the ONLY reason I stepped on the scale was to note my beginning stats for the Nrol4W program I am beginning. (I still have to tape measure myself - will do that this afternoon, too).

    Merry Christmas to all of you - please enjoy your loved ones and doing all the things that bring you great pleasure....I'll check back here on Tuesday and we'll see what we can *kick-start* BEFORE the new year!!

    Blessings and white light to you all!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hope everyone had a wonderful time spent with loved ones over the holiday weekend! I enjoyed too many indulgences and my too tight jeans are letting me know how badly I did eating. I did workout Sat and Mon, but my nutrition cancelled it all out. So ready to be good the rest of the week and get rid of some of this bloat.

    Beeps, your last post was so lovely! Congrats on the scale moving!! That is wonderful!! I can't get logged on to LS at the moment, so I have to do some searching for the pics...but I will look for them!!

    Alright ladies, no need to wait for the beginning of the year, I'm starting tomorrow!! Let's do this!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great post and loss Beeps and Great point Jen- no point waiting until we ring in the New Year!

    Turbo Fire came Christmas Eve so I started Monday and finished Day 2 this morning. Like I said in an earlier post, I miss the GYM and the WEIGHTS but for now at home workouts are what I can manage so it was nice to start a fresh program. So far I love it.

    I weighed in Christmas Day at my lowest in forever and though the scale is up a little from indulgences over the holiday, I've got my giant cup of water and a lunch stowed away in my work fridge. Looking forward to tackling the new year and not stalling out even a bit as we head in to 2012!!

    Hope everyone's holiday was awesome!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps!! I found my pics...hopefully these aren't huge. I did the program in 2009 and it was my first time following a real program. Before, I just kind of wandered around the gym doing various machines, lol! Ok, so the first the pics I took midway through Stage 1 and the second pic is at the end of stage 4. And looking at it now, wow, I can really see my "pooch" of extra skin, blech!!! lol! Alright, lets see if this works!



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Hey, mamareese, I am really proud of how quickly you have simply chosen to ADAPT and get right onto TRACK. That is IMPRESSIVE!!

    I haven't worked out since Saturday, but I hit the gym, today, and start Stage 1, Workout 3 of New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    I'm excited!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    jen - LOVE THOSE PICS!!

    And, I CAN see "more definition".

    I think my back looks about like your "halfway through stage 1, pics....but, my front does NOT. And, my arms are in really good shape. So, Stage 1 should work well. AND, you've made me REALLY EXCITED to push through all the stages, because I CAN see the difference, and that's all that's gonna matter (to me)!!!

    Thank you, dear....it is APPRECIATED!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    You bet Beeps!! There were stages/workouts I was not fond of, but I stuck with it because I saw results. So you got this girl!!! Man l LOVE to lift weights, lol!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well I enjoyed the holiday and ate and drank too much. But I did start phase 2 of JELF and it has 30 mins of cardio and I have not been running for over two months but it felt good. This week will not be great for nutrition but going to stick to the workouts and do my best. Glad to see everyone sticking with it! Better take those pics, Jen, u inspired me!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    two days of quiet on this thread-is that good or bad? I am going to be backed with renewed focus on Sunday, my goals will be to stick to the approved foods list 90%. I think I am just going to drink liquid egg whites in a smoothie to get the egg whites. the idea kinda freaks me out, but they are pasturized so it's not dangerous.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Wow, asjerven, I'm not sure I could do the "liquid egg whites" thing - good for you for giving it a try!

    My next 2-week (fitness) challenge will start on January 2nd, I figure, and it is going to be to complete HIIT at least two times per week. My nutrition challenge will be to try and eliminate sugars altogether.

    It's for 2 weeks, right?? I can do ANYTHING for 2 weeks!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wow Amy and Beeps, you ladies are revved and ready to go! Love it!

    Right now, my focus is just to keep this sickness to a minimum. Once I'm fully recovered, it's gonna be "BEAST MODE"!!! :devil:

    Have a great day!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen's right about turning on that beast mode. It's time for it. We've been plugging along and doing so well. Now it's time to up it!

    Finished day 4 of Turbo FIre. Really enjoying it so far. It's harder on the days the kids are home to do a stay at home workout but a two year old on you during lunges is just added resistanc eafter all! :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, a question, since tonight I have plans I want to skip the cardio part and do it tomorrow. Right now the schedule calls for shoulders and cardio tonight, and legs tomorrow.
    Which would be better: do shoulders tonight, legs and cardio tomorrow OR do legs tonight and shoulders and cardio tomorrow?
    I did legs on Wednesday, if that matters.
    I just wonder if they don't want me doing legs and cardio together for some reason, maybe it's too tiring for the leg muscles?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did take the phase 1 after pics and I gotta say, there is no difference. I am trying to manage my expectations but I was really hoping to see a difference:grumble: Still, I wasn't posing or flexing. I know my shoulders and biceps look different when I flex.
    I have two months left, and Mexico at the end of that, so I have to stay the course, I just wish I had a little positive reinforcement for all my hard work the last 4 weeks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Here's my suggestion....only based on what FEELS good to me (no science behind this answer): I would do legs tonight and shoulders/cardio tomorrow. For me, my legs are SO SORE after a work-out, that doing cardio the next day REALLY helps with getting blood back into that area (and stretching out the "soreness").

    asjerven, I bet there IS a difference - we are ALWAYS our harshest critics.

    I'm starting the January - March, 2012 challenge over at JP Forums. So, that means I *have* to take pictures, measurements, etc. tomorrow. Which will totally make me cry. But, then I only have to do it once-per-month and I'm hoping (like you) to see results of all my efforts!!

    Stay strong....you are going to look AWESOME in 2 more months and you will have a TOTAL beach-body for Mexico. I just KNOW IT!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy - I agree with Beeps. Both for the exercise and for us being our harshest critics :happy: But in the future, take pics both flexed and relaxed. It's just so awesome to see the new muscles!!

    Amy and Beeps, you both have longer than me to get to your goals :tongue: But I would love for us to keep tabs here. If anyone is interested, we can post our starting stats on here, our goals and then update every 2 weeks?? I only have 5 weeks for my first deadline, so I NEED something to hold me accountable. I'd even be willing to post before/after pics at the end. Let me know what you ladies think!

    Mamareese, awesome job doing lunges with that extra weight :wink: lol!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I definitely agree with Jen & Beeps. The legs seperate from the cardio. And I also agree with the ladies, I'm sure there's progress - we just have a hard time seeing it in ourselves! Keep pushing. Jamie's program is great and I'm sure you'll get the results you're looking for before Mexico.

    Beeps- Good luck with the upcoming challenges. There's something so incentive filled about participating in them. Love that you are diving into one right into 2012.

    Jen- 5 weeks seems short but the way you push and tighten up your eating you'll be knocking those goals out. No doubt. Do you have yourself set up in phases? I've read some blogs about getting competition ready but not sure exactly how it goes. This is one of those times I wish I had FB to keep up with your progress!!

    When I started Turbo Fire I did 'Prep' schedule thinking that before diving into the full program I'd learn the moves. But now I"m wondering if it's too slow for me. The workout yesterday was 'toning 30' and only lasted 30 minutes. Granted my muscles are sore but from having that flu bug I was off for almost 2 weeks from exercise. So I'd expect soreness. I'm going to look at the scheule again. BUt I might 'restart' the FULL On Turbo Fire on Monday and just finish out this week with Prep. We have New Years eve plans with the kids whihc will probably result in crappy eating, but that should be my only eating obstacle.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Jen, I'm cool with doing a "goals report" here. I have "goals" for 5 weeks in, but I've just dialed them back (somewhat) because I have to focus on my weight-training FORM....and I'll lose a couple of weeks of heavy-lifting focusing on THAT. I'm doing measurements either way...may not post them until the end, though. I'm soooooooooo impressed with how AGGRESSIVE you are, Jen! I'm a FAN!

    mama, I like "competition"....it fuels the right parts of my brain! And, I think you should dive right into Turbo Fire - you'll do great!