Men on a Mission thread



  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Congratulations on having a grandkid! That's really exciting. Sign up to help with some night shifts so you get the good snuggles.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning men,

    While I had an awesome week welcoming my new grand daughter, it has been a great week on the scale.

    LW 344.2
    CW 345.6
    Gain 1.4

  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats on having the grandchild! Enjoy! Dave - down 2 on vacation, that's awesome! Brad - welcome!

    All, I've had a good week (and I need to correct my SW data).

    SW - 234.4 (correction)
    LW - 226.4
    CW - 222.4 down 4 since last week!
    GW - 195

    Also, I just pulled out the tailor's tape to measure waist / hips, and my Waist-Hip-Ratio is below .9! Waist is down 4 inches, hips down .5. The Internet says that WHR may be a better predictor of health than BMI, and below .9 is in the green zone! The big change for me has been cutting out the wine/beer (except special occasions). Hard habit to change, but it's really helping!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men,

    Dale, awesome 4 pound loss!! I think I am going to check out the Waist-Hip ratio method and see how I fare. Congrats on the cutting out of alcohol.

    I also want to welcome Warhawk79 to the group.

    Here is this week's chart. If I get more updates, I'll try and update the chart over the weekend or something. Have a great weekend and next week gentlemen!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited July 2017
    SW - 341
    LW - 302
    CW - 300..4
    Loss - 1.6lbs.
    good job Dale and dbw. Welcome aboard Warhawk79!
    This is the second time I have posted this the first time was about 6 pm, so not sure if it is my comp or MFP. I was certain I had posted last week too, but anyway. Bigger NSV this week, I got into two pairs of slacks I hadn't worn in three years. 4/10ths of a pound and I'll be in twonderland, which will the first time in a very very very loooonnnng time. :-)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I can't begin to tell you how stoked I am for you. You and I are two of the originals on here and you have done amazing. I am using you to refocus and motivate myself to put more effort into this journey. I did great for a while there and lost nearly 70 pounds. It hurts to see that I gained it all plus some back. Keep up the great work buddy!! 200's here you come! :smile:

    Here is an updated chart.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Nice work, Steve! Fitting into old pants is an awesome feeling. :smile:

    I've had a good first week back: lost all the 'fluff weight' that comes with restarting my fitness goals. Now I'll have to settle in for the slower progress:

    SW: 243 (updated after my weigh-in from last Sunday when I joined the group)
    GW: 200
    LW: 248.4
    CW: 242
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Thank's guys and Horstbc 6+ lbs is awesome! Tim, you got this! I don't wish my motivation on anyone, but my eating and lifestyle habits finally caught up with me, so I figure if bad habits got me here may be that good habits will reverse the situation. At first, this diet plan seemed difficult to swallow, but I really am enjoying it! Going to ask the doc to do another panel to see where my labs are at, hoping they have continued going down.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    LW - 300.4
    CW - 297.4
    Loss - 3lbs.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Ok, I had a loss. Not as much as I was expecting or hoping, but a loss none the less.

    LW 345.6
    CW 344.4
    Loss 1.2

    chart to follow
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    A loss is a loss Tim, Great Job!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I did a boxing workout for the first time in quite a while and it was pretty fun.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I've always heard that boxing is one of the most thorough workouts there is. I had a heavy bag years ago and used it to kick and punch but never really got into the boxing portion of it. Great job!!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    edited July 2017
    Thanks. My first set of challenges is coming up in August, so I'm going to have to work even harder for the next month if I want to come out ahead:

    • I've lost 9 pounds of the 'fluff' weight in the first month so now I'm down to where the losses get harder and smaller.
    • I have a week of vacation and two weeks of work travel in August.
    • I'm working 12-hour sitting shifts on these trips which leaves even less time to try to be active in the evenings.
    • There will probably be really unhealthy snacks available for free during those shifts really close to where I'm sitting.

    My goal is to continue to lose weight those month instead of only maintaining, so I'm working on planning my approach.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited July 2017
    You can do it Horstbc, planning is the best way to be successful.
    SW - 341
    LW - 297.4
    CW - 295
    Loss - 2.4lbs
    Last time I got to Twonderland I hit 297 and that is where I stopped and then turned around, so getting past that feels good. I really need to get into a good exercise routine to keep the momentum going and tighten up some of this saggy skin. I do not remember it getting so saggy 4 years ago when I hit 297, but I was lifting daily and lost it much slower.
    Let's Git-R-Done!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited July 2017
    Congrats on another great week! You are doing awesome, keep up the fantastic work!

    I had a slight loss this week. Still going in the right direction at least. :)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here is the latest chart. Don't know what happened to the others.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Great job Tim! Come on guys lets be losers! :D:p Great news today. Went yesterday to get my blood work for my kidneys and this time I jumped from 48 to 74%, so I should be in the clear moving forward. Woohoo, here's to better health through better choices.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    LW - 295
    CW - 293
    Loss - 2.lbs

    I'm checking in early because I likely will not have time in the morning to check in before I am off for a long day, but if by chance I lose significantly more by tomorrow morning, I'll repost when I get home. Good news, my kidney function came up again to 74% and they are pulling me off my bp meds at a fast rate to get it up. Go figure, how cool is that, my bp is too low. They measured my aneurysm and it is small so with a lower BP it should be a non-issue. SaWeet!