Men on a Mission thread



  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    First congratulations Tim on becoming a grandparent! That's great news.

    I think maybe my scale was off when I weighed in a couple weeks ago.

    LWW= 206.8
    CWW = 213.4
    Gain = 6.6

    I think that gain put me over where I was when I started MFP six years ago. Time to get back in a routine. You guys progress will motivate me.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I made terrible health-related choices this week. I was out of town on a family vacation that also spanned my birthday, and I did not succeed in exercising any self-control while we were out. I did get plenty of exercise swimming, going for bike rides, walking, and mowing; but that won't come close to off-setting my diet choices unfortunately.

    I'll be on a work trip next week, so that's my chance at redemption. Thankfully, with my meals being covered, I'll be able to stock up on fruits and veggies to keep in my hotel. I'll weigh in in the next few days and post an update before my trip.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    LW - 295
    CW - 291.6
    Loss - 3.4lbs
    I knew I should have waited until this morning.
    Alright, guys summer is moving fast let's get those Speedo bodies ready for the beach. I better not wear a speedo, nobody would know I had it on. That's a visual that'll burn the retinas. :D:p
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Down two pounds from the last update I posted on here, up one since when I weighed in before vacation...

    SW: 243
    LW: 242
    CW: 240
    GW: 200
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    A good and happy Monday morning to all you guys,

    Dave, I have no doubt you will drop that gain in no time at all.

    Steve, I can't begin to tell you how amazed I have been with your progress. Keep up the good work, but make sure you are doing it in a healthy manner. You are motivating me to try and do a bit better myself.

    Horstbc, first off, I'm sorry but I don't even know your first name :( I went ahead and used your latest update in the chart. Great job on the 2 pound loss this week.

    Me, I'm still in the loss column. Not a big loss but at least in the right direction for about the 4th week in a row.

    Anyways, here's the chart guys. Have a great week!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Let's Git-R-Done! Great job everyone. Thanks, Tim and yes I am working with the Nephrologist and the Cardiologist and my macros are good and I am getting plenty of food. I think the big thing is I am moving more in general and I really believe that the quality of the food we eat makes a huge difference. This week I started working to get my protein up as I want to start lifting again as soon as I get the green light. It has been crazy, just cutting out animal products and reducing extra fats to very low amounts makes a difference. I did not realize how many hidden calories are in various processed foods and the other difference is before when I ate I would get tired and sluggish and now when I eat I have energy. So far I have not run out of ideas for cooking and my grocery bill has dropped by at least a third. I'm not saying I won't cheat now and then, but so far I have not felt like it. I also see a counselor/health coach to get a handle on my relationship with food. That was probably the best thing I ever did, as it really is helping me change my habits. I am sure once I get closer to goal, the weight loss will slow down, but I am surprised sometimes by how much weight I drop without a lot of effort. Last time seemed such a chore, this time I think I am ready to be healthy and that makes it all come together.
    Let's have a great week guys.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim - Great job on being consistent and losing four weeks in a row! Steve - your progress is an inspiration!
    I had a good week eating healthily - it helps that my wife has also decided to improve her food choices.

    LWW = 213.7
    CWW = 209.6
    Loss = 4.1

    Mini goal to get below 200 by end of September.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks, Dave and nice job this week, look whose inspiring now! B)

    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 291.6
    CW - 289.4
    Loss - 2.2lbs

    Eat less move more, Git-R-Done!
    Even though this time I started at 341 when I hit 271, I am claiming that 100lb victory. I doubt I'll do pics because right now if I go outside without a shirt and a big wind comes up, I'd look like Rocky the flying squirrel. That's a visual that'll burn the retinas. :D:D
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Up and down few weeks. After dropping in July, I bounced up in weight - wife came back from a trip and I started having wine in the evening with her - and now I'm back to eating clean. Exercised 9 days in a row.

    LW 224
    CW 222.8
    Loss 1.2
    SW 234.4
    GW 194

    I'll be in the 221's next week, and under 220 this month!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys, no weigh in for me this morning. My next door neighbor had a tragic house fire early this morning and in all the craziness I never even thought to get on the scale. I'll try and weigh in and do the chart over the weekend sometime. We have a pretty full weekend scheduled though so no promises.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hope everyone was alright, sending a positive prayer to everyone.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Yes, same here. Definitely praying that everyone was uninjured.

    I did not exercise good discipline the last two weeks during my trips and am back up a few pounds this morning. I need to practice self-control more than anything else!

    SW: 243
    LW: 240
    CW: 245
    GW: 200
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    No weigh in for me guys, so I'm just using last week's weight. I'm here this week but next week I leaving on vacation for a couple of weeks on a cruise so will be off the internet grid.

    Anyways, here is the chart. Great job guys!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Today's check-in (correcting my starting weight compared with my last post):

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 245.0
    CW: 243.4
    GW: 200
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning guys. I'm in Puerto Rico right now and we'll bee getting on a ship tomorrow for the next week. I didn't post last week as there were no updates. Don't have my computer with me this week. I'll get back to out when I get home.

    Hope you all have a great next couple of weeks.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Guys - did some backsliding over the past couple of weeks. I think it was last week, got busy at work, drank a little, ate a little, and BOOM! Up 5 pounds. WTF!!!! Getting back at it - man, you slip on the habits and getting back to being hungry is hard!

    SW 234.4
    GW 195
    LW 224
    CW 226.2

    Now I am going to have to BUST *kitten* to get under 200 this year. September will be make or break - if I hit 218, I have a shot. 5 weeks to get there....

    Have a nice last week of August everyone and get ready for a great Labor Day weekend.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited August 2017
    You can do it, Dale! Have a great trip, Tim.

    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 287.8
    CW - 285.6
    Loss - 2.2lbs

    I decided I want to get to 255lbs for my 55th birthday. I have 9-1/2 weeks so I need to lose 3.2 lbs per week to get there. Time to step up the exercise.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    I was off in Wyoming for the eclipse and camping in Yellowstone, so missed weighing in the last few weeks.

    CWW = 209.9
    LWW = 209.6
    Gain = 0.3

    Back to teaching school next week, that should help with controlling my eating. I still need to realize I can't exercise the weight off, I need to watch what I eat also.

    Tim - Hope all is well with those neighbors who had a fire and that you're enjoying the cruise.

    Dale - Keep at it in September - you can do it. It's a journey with ups and downs.

    Steve - Nice goal! We're with you!

  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Steve - man, you're down 55 pounds - that's awesome brother! Another 30 to 255 will be transformational. Hang in there and keep the faith.

    dbw - staying even while on vacation is an accomplishment. Hope you get to 200 or at least close in September!

    SW - 234.4
    GW- 194
    LW - 226.2
    CW - 224.2 down 2 (back under 225 - for good!)

    (Plus, I benchpressed 3 reps at 225 Wednesday, felt stronger overall. I've put on a fair bit of muscle this year while losing 10 pounds)

    Have a great, safe, Labor Day weekend and be mindful with the beer and chips everyone!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 285.6
    CW - 284.0
    Loss - 1.6lbs

    Horstbc, nice drop keep it going.

    Ok not quite the 3.2 I was hoping for, but I'll count that as the half week and buckle down.
    Under 225 that's great Dale, plus being able to press your own weight is good.

    Dave nice job only gaining .3 on a vacation, that's a win.

    Tim, hope you had a great cruise.

    I think working with a health coach was probably one of deciding factors in being successful this time and the cool thing is we did most of it over the phone so it was convenient. I thought it was going to be all about food and nutrition, but it was a lot more and you end up looking at your eating patterns and your relationship with food. I've been in behavioral health for 25 years, but I think once I hit goal weight I am going to look into getting my health coach certification. I think it might be a less stressful way of working with people who are looking for a change. That'll be my goal weight reward. B)