Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Trapezius is a long muscle in the back..

    What does every one think about a calorie is a calorie? Can I eat 1200 calories of carbs, junk, etc and lose weight? Or zero carbs, processed foods, etc and lose weight? or a good balance? Is a calorie a calorie or not? I've read some say yes. some say no.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    I am new to lifting heavy and read the NROL4W from the library last month. I get gym access Oct 1st!

    How will I know what weights to try to start with? any injury prevention tips anyone can share?

    excited but nervous to start just trying to gather info from all you amazing woman who are lifting heavy!

    oh also do you think nrol4w is a good program to start with?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    <<<--- I took this yesterday in Hawaii! My tummy is very white because I only wear tankinis in public (due to my uncomfortability with all tummy baby stretch marks!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    At this stage MAry a calories is no longer a calorie especially if you are on limited calories you need to pack your calories with as much nutrition as you can and make sure you're getting an adequate balance of protein fat and carbs especially with all of your activity.

    BEEPS!!!! Rock on chica. You are looking ripped. Look at those tiny hips. Your midsection is what dreams are made of. The body recomp was a complete success!

    The trapezius connects the neck and shoulder. and run down the spine. I was having trouble turning my head. The only thing I did different was using the stupid smith machine, although it has been giving me serious DOMS the last few A workouts. I think I may need to have a trainer check my form, but I've been doing these lifts for a year and half without a problem.

    Ash, New Rules is an AWESOME program to start! It really teaches you the fundamentals of lifting and will change your mindset about all things diet and exercise. I think there may be a topic on the main discussion page for links to lifting videos. Watch the videos practice the movements before hitting the gym. Focus on form to avoid injury the weight will come. As far as where to start, you're just going to have to pick something up and see how it feels. If it's too light pick up something heavier. If it's to heavy, pick something lighter. Walk up to the barbell on the squat rack at your gym and use it as a benchmark. (45lbs)

    I was super lazy today. Never got out of my PJs and started working on proofreading a manuscript (exciting new freelance job in the making I hope). Felt so good after a wonderfully busy week. Too much work and fun :tongue:
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Just started Stage 1 today, hopefully will see this through to the very end! Nice to meet you all.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, you look awesome!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ash, above all, focus on form. Make sure you can do everything perfectly with body weight before you up your weights on anything. Watch some videos on how to do the exercises. I had never picked up a barbell before I started NROL4W and I had amazing results.

    Beeps, you look incredible! That is what hard work looks like!

    Mary, I tend to think that a calorie is a calorie. Your body will burn it or store it depending upon the energy balance. However, how those calories affect your body's chemical balance I'm not sure we can really say. We know that we need proper macronutrients and micronutrients for bodily functions- you won't get enough of those if you get the majority of your cals from processed junk. If you're not getting any green leafy veggies, no whole foods, and low amounts of protein and healthy fats, your body will suffer in some way. I notice it in the form of feeling tired and poor workouts. I think we underestimate the importance of getting all of our vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc when we're just looking at calories. But those are just my thoughts- I ate horribly this week and I am feeling the effects!

    Sam, I have a lot of problems with my left trap. Try foam rolling it. It seems to help mine. Sounds like you had an awesome day!

    Had a girls night out. Thank goodness I fasted a good part of the day. Too much food not enough moving.
    Hoping to lift tomorrow!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I had problems with that ol' trap thing at the beginning of summer. My right side bothered me.

    I've done some soul searching and reevaluating and have decided to calculate my TDEE and subtract 15% for my daily calorie goals. I'm still going to log my workouts but I will input 0 calorie burn on lift days. Days that include running will be logged and I will eat those calories if I wanna. This will put me at 1600 per day. I can live with that.

    Beeps, how long before you saw results? I'm like you that I'm not really focused on pounds but I want to recompose my body.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    This body is now 20 months in the making. I liked the lifting in NROL4W, but, until I focused on eating MUCH less food than Lou Schuler gave me, I had too much body fat.

    I still want to be <20% body fat - and I am not there, yet.

    Hopefully soon.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    How much less food are you eating than what the book gave you? I just started and would also like to see those results but was under the impression I had to eat more to achieve them.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Kanras everybody is different. I eat more Beeps eats less. You have to find your own balance.

    ANd Welcome to the group :)

    I will be a domestic goddess today. SAdly I have to travel for groceries. My local stores have for some reason stopped carrying my veggie brands even though I live in an area that has a fairly high vegetarian population. I guess they don't shop at my stores lol. Off to Wegman's I go.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Yos! I'm on my last day of my TOM and I just shrank overnight! I knew this was a rough month but dang! The scale is down (I know, I'm obsessed) and my hips are down :drinker: Maybe I won't have to shop for new pants after all! Tomorrow I will take official weekly measurements.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Kansas, I agree with Samntha that you have to find what works for you.

    This is the group for NROL4W, so I will try not to hi-jack about the book's eating philosophy.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am friends with Alwyn on fb. I asked a particular question (don't remember) , but I do remember his answer. He said, "NROL4W is about strength. It is not a weight loss program." BUT several women in this group did lose weight . I am not sure but many of them can correct if I am wrong. The women who did lose weight were sedentary before NROL4W.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That is a correct statement for me. I believe most people who are mostly fit and active already, most likely won't lose too much weight, but will end up strong with nicely defined muscles and a few lost inches :wink:
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    My interest in NROLFW is mostly about getting stronger. Losing inches/weight would be nice as well, but there are other exercises I can do for that. I care more about how my overall body looks than whatever the scale says personally.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    I have been lurking here for a while now, thought I would jump in...I am one week into stage 2, I have only lost 3 lbs since starting but have gained muscle and lost body fat. I am eating a lot and found the calories in the book way too low for me. I eat 2000 on rest days and 2300 on lifting days... Seems to be the magic numbers for me but took a while it find out.
    Kanras, you are definitely going to get stronger:)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, glreim! Way to go on the gains and losses!

    I'm down .75 inches in my hips :glasses:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    yay Runz!!!

    I'm in pain today. My neck/shoulder felt ok yesterday, but I slept badly due to an inferior pillow and now I hurt again. I think this may be a cardio week

    Welcome gireim!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    That is a correct statement for me. I believe most people who are mostly fit and active already, most likely won't lose too much weight, but will end up strong with nicely defined muscles and a few lost inches :wink:

    I gained weight. Not significant #s but I gained. That said, I also lost very significant inches and really got much stronger than I've been in years - all at 60-61 yo.

    Welcome new folks! I hope you love this program. It was such a groundbreaker for me. It showed me that I can indeed be strong as an older woman and that the scale doesn't mean a thing. Ok, it does, but it's not the answer to everything.

    YEA Runz!!!

    Although for the most part I agree a cal is a cal, I personally do much better staying low carb. I've tried carb cycling and put on weight. Carbs and me just do not mix - I get stupid cravings that I can't control well. I also see that I have to get my cals down if I want to get rid of this body fat. EMTWL doesn't work for me - although I workout often, the rest of my lifestyle is very sedentary, and, Mary, like you, I have the metabolism of that same slug. It's gotten worse since I went through menopause.

    So - I say as the others have - find what works best for you. If you aren't getting the results you want, and you've given it some time, switch it up. try IF or eat more protein and fewer processed foods, things like that. You just don't know until you do it!

    Tomorrow is squat day for me! YEA! I love me some squats!