Daily Chat Thread



  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    About the plank - I'm not sure doing a plank for 2 minutes proves ANYTHING....I'd rather go back to the 60-sec planks and make them tougher (i.e. doing them on a bench/swiss ball, or one leg raised, or whatever). And, I'm thinking I'll enjoy the 2-minute prone cobra even LESS.

    Definitely have to agree with this.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I've been using the squat bar pad but I find it puts the bar in an odd position that makes my arms slightly uncomfortable instead, but I think its probably just because my muscles are tight (I'm in desperate need of a massage!).

    Looking for opinions-I'm planning to run a 10K at the end of May and I would like to time it with the break between my stages but it looks to do that I will have to take a 2 week bread between 2 and 3. Is that too long? I'm just finishing up stage 1 so I could take on more 8A and B workouts to stretch it out and shorten the break time, I'm already planning to do one extra set in place of the AMRAPs. I just don't want to lose any of the progress I have made!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello everyone! Still listening in.. Today is week 7 of stage 1. Hope I show better strength today than on Monday!
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning ladies - today I will be half way through stage 1! Kinda silly - but I feel really accomplished! I am going to get gloves this weekend as my hands are getting all nasty. Today is my deadlift day. Deadlifts are NOT my favorite thing. I am very long in the torso but quite short waisted so my form suffers. A friend from karate who is a power lifter suggested that I sink into a low sumo squat to get better form. I am gonna try it today and see if it works better.

    @Beeps - a 110 sec plank is fantastic!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    ellie - can you pop-off one strength work-out in each of the "break weeks"?? I think that should suffice to help you maintain the work you've been doing??

    Hoosier - I'm sure you're going to KILL IT today - good for you!

    donna - somewhere on these boards I posted a link to deadlift form for lanky folks - you might be able to find it on youtube.com - I've got really long legs and am really short-waisted, so I thought I might use some of their "form" recommendations. But, as it turned out (after working with my PT), it really was MORE about pushing my butt BACK that helped me maintain good form.

    Form is so, sooooooooooo important, ladies!! It is so very important!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    I'll have to look into it. Thanks for telling me about it. I have no idea either. as far as I know he NEVER hits his protein OR calorie goals. He was tracking for a while but gave it up. I'm going to finish reading the Feed Zone and see what changes we can make here at home.

    Check out Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life! Brazier is a vegan ultramarathoner. He also sells a bunch of supplements (I haven't tried them, but I'm curious).


    Also this guy: http://www.richroll.com/

    And this: http://www.muscleandfitness.com/nutrition/other/raw-deal-can-guy-build-muscle-vegan-diet?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Store List for M&F&utm_campaign=April Editorial Newsletter

    And this: http://www.nomeatathlete.com/
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm taking a week off between stage 1 and 2. Anyone else do this? I'm trying to heal from some severe allergy issues and I'm eating an elimination diet to try to figure out what I'm having trouble with, so this is a needed rest week. That said, I feel so nervous about resting! I think I'm addicted to working out!!
  • aekriebs
    aekriebs Posts: 45
    New here . . . just started NROL on Monday.

    I'm Abbie. I'm short but solid - 5'1" & 123 lbs. Hoping to slim down in the thigh/bum/hip area, mostly.

    I've been lifting heavy-ish for about a month, at the urging on my little brother who is in his fourth year of an exercise science/nutrition degree. He was kind enough to drive three hours on his spring break to introduce me to the "real" weights so that I would feel less intimidated . . . I still feel a little awkward in the weight room, but as I am a little awkward in real life, I'm not too flustered by it.

    Anyway . . . I ramble.

    I'm doing awesome with the squats and weights. No problem there. I actually added 10 lbs to my squat today, which made me smile. HOWEVER . . . not so much on the abs. I'm an editor at a magazine and those muscles don't get a lot of work done for me.

    On Monday, I confidently moved through the free weight of the Workout A, and then got to the Prone Jackknife (PJK). I have never used an exercise ball before. I grabbed the smaller size for my smaller person, and then found a less cluttered area of the gym (i.e. less people there to see my plant it on my face). I did all 8 reps, albeit awkwardly, for both sets, no problem. But Tuesday, my abs HURT HURT HURT. No biggie - soreness is good, it means repairing, right?

    Wednesday's Swiss Ball Crunches were no problem - much easier than the PJK for me. But then today, I attempted the PJK again.

    Didn't even happen.

    I rolled those hips forward and ducked my head TWICE before melting into the floor in agony. I could NOT use those muscles this morning.

    Did I just REALLY overwork those abs on Monday? Should I just chill today (not attempt them again), do the crunches on Monday in workout B, and then try again on Wednesday? Anyone else experience this one?
  • jwallace1024
    jwallace1024 Posts: 7 Member
    i have nothing helpful to add, but will say that i am also a newbie and am so happy that someone else struggles with PJKs! i had my husband and kids rolling with laughter when they watched me attempt them for the first time, and my lower abs were definitely sore the next day. like you, was fine on the rest of the weights, just couldn't do the teeny tiny ab moves and felt silly!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Abbie! You can try the reverse crunch if the PJK is killing you and then work up to it as you build strength in the abs :smile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I think I am toooo old for this. My body is killing me today. I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like.

    I found several exercises on the Lou Schuler channel on Youtube.


    It has the jacknife and pike. He says the exercises are different than the book. Much easier to do the jackknife that is shown in the video.
  • aekriebs
    aekriebs Posts: 45
    i have nothing helpful to add, but will say that i am also a newbie and am so happy that someone else struggles with PJKs! i had my husband and kids rolling with laughter when they watched me attempt them for the first time, and my lower abs were definitely sore the next day. like you, was fine on the rest of the weights, just couldn't do the teeny tiny ab moves and felt silly!

    So glad I'm not alone!

    @Samntha14 - thanks for the idea substitute. I was wondering why the exercises father along looked easier than the current ones - it never occurred to me to swap them out and see if I got different results!

    @Manic - Thanks for the video! I will have to check it out!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    alright newbies, here's the truth - This. Program. WILL. Work. For. You.


    That's it. That's all. This program will work for you. Does that mean you are going to be perfect princess doing ALL the moves with 500 LB. WEIGHTS in the first month??? Um, no, you are not.

    Your body will hurt. You will gain (water) weight. Your muscles will BEG you to leave them alone. Your mouth will tell you to swallow BAD THINGS.

    And, you WON'T quit this program because, first and foremost, you are a SMART woman and SOMETHING brought you to NROL4W. (That something, for me, was KNOWING that I was NOT getting the results I wanted with ANY previous programs!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    So, just do NROL4W. Just do it. From start. To finish. As written.

    The end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    You are not too old. Your abs are not too weak. You can make the time (somewhere) in your busy schedule.

    And, no, you are NOT alone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Okay, now that "lecture Beeps" has let off her steam, here's my NROL4W report:

    - I think I REALLY love the push-press. I *thought* I loved it in Stage 2, but now in Stage 4, it is confirmed. I LOVE IT.
    - My hip flexors felt REALLY tight on my lunges, today. Bummer - because I KNOW the back leg is NOT supposed to be the "working" leg...but, I had to flex that muscle just to be able to complete my 8 reps.
    - I think my step-ups are getting better - my one hip doesn't seem to be swinging out as FAR as it used to try to swing. (I spend the ENTIRE time I'm doing step-ups REALLY focusing on my stupid non-firing glutes!).
    - my DB one-point rows are DEFINITELY improving.
    - and, my push-ups, always the pickle for me, remain my vlasis dill, for sure. Darn-it.

    But, because I've moved abs to my non-weight-training day, I *did* have time to get my stretching in at the end and I *think* that will make a difference in my recovery.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    What Beeps said. Decide. Commit. Succeed.
    That's a beachbody slogan so no credit to me.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    What Beeps said. Decide. Commit. Succeed.

    I read that as. Decide. Commit. Suicide.

    That's how tired I am after that workout.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    What Beeps said. Decide. Commit. Succeed.

    I read that as. Decide. Commit. Suicide.

    That's how tired I am after that workout.

    Lol! I feel you.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    This is why I *love* kcfaber!!

    And, frankly, some days after a particular tough (or particularly rotten, I guess) work-out, it might actually BE Decide. Commit. Suicide.


    I like that beachbody mantra, though. A LOT.

    Either you are in or you are out. But, if you are out, then you just go back to the "you" you didn't even like (all that much) in the first place. But, if you are in, then you need to be ALL THE WAY IN.

    And, enjoy the journey. It's a journey, people - not a destination!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Right back at you Beeps. In any case, the beauty of this group is that it a place to come for support, questions, feedback and occasionally a swift kick in the butt if that is what is needed to keep you going. We live in a world that cherishes the quick results of postpartum celebrities losing their baby weight in 2 weeks etc etc. And unfortunately a lot of the postings on this site support the same kind of things. But the truth is that lasting change in body weight/body fat/body appearance takes time. A long time. But the amazing thing is that you have to just keep showing up for it and recommitting yourself to this lifestyle each day even when it sucks. And some days it does/will. That is all. Keep up all the amazing hard work you are doing. I look to this thread daily for motivation and inspiration and when I see how much everyone is lifting, and doing, and the stressors we are fighting against I am in awe.