Daily Chat Thread



  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Decide. Commit. Suicide.

    LOVE IT! :laugh:

    The thing that helps me the most when I get frustrated is this - I never get to go back to the way things were before. So really, there's no reason to rush through it. It's not a race that I can hurry up and get to the finish line quicker so I can stop - there IS no finish line.

    Beeps - glad to hear the push press is back in Stage 4!

    Hoosiermomma - glad you're still pushing through!

    donnavj - halfway through Stage 1 IS an accomplishment! It's a loooong stage. And the proper deadlift form for me totally feels like I'm sticking my butt way out.

    barefoot - I know how you feel about taking a break... I'm always afraid that I will lose momentum. But taking a week off to heal and figure out what is going on with the allergies sounds like the wise choice.

    aekriebs - Welcome! :flowerforyou: The first time I did the jackknives I hurt like that. The fact that you stayed on the ball and didn't wipe out is an accomplishment in and of itself.

    I think that's everyone. :smile:

    I finished Stage 3! Woo hoo! Running late with field trips and what not today, so I really pushed through the workout with little rest, and I'm feeling some fatigue that hasn't been there before. Looking forward to a nice restful weekend, and then hitting Stage 4 Monday! I joined this 11 week challenge group that has all sorts of goals to avoid elimination, so maybe it will help me get the scale moving again.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I read through the threads of all stages. The ladies didn't seem too thrilled with the program or any major changes. Would yall please chime in and let me know if things have changed?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I don't know bout anybody else, but I'm loving the program and I feel I can safely assume that the ladies I see here everyday do too. My body composition is indeed changing and I've received numerous compliments beside that I feel WONDERFUL. Sore after lifting of course, by I feel stronger and healthier. I can pick up my kids again :happy:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I read through the threads of all stages. The ladies didn't seem too thrilled with the program or any major changes. Would yall please chime in and let me know if things have changed?

    I went thru that phase, but now i'm totally seeing good changes. No compliments yet, but i haven't been trying to lose weight, so i think it'll be harder for others to see the changes in my body composition until i throw on a bikini!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I read through the threads of all stages. The ladies didn't seem too thrilled with the program or any major changes. Would yall please chime in and let me know if things have changed?

    I'm only on Stage 2, but I'm brimming with a new level of self-confidence and I have a waist for the first time in my life. Does that count?
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    As a newbie it is really good to read the results of others who have been doing this program for a while. The increase in calories alone has been very scary for me. Today I actually got on the scale for the first time since starting the program. I gained 1 pound but my body fat dropped by 1% and I lost an inch in my measurements. I was trying to gear myself up for a gain of at least 3-5 lbs so when I got on the scale and the gain was only 1 I was thrilled lol and very pleased with the drop in body fat.
    I still want to lose the 8 (now 9) lbs but the fact that I am actually eating real food again (I have been on 1200 cals or less for the last 2-3 years) and feeling stronger is wonderful to me. I also realize that as I gain muscle my actual weight goals will probably change. I have not read through all of the boards and I know so many of you are dropping inches and looking great but are there any of you who are doing all that AND actually losing pounds on the scale? Too much to ask?
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    I've seen some changes, nothing significant so far, but I just finished the first stage and am taking a week to rest. The main difference was that I could lift a LOT more after a few weeks, more than I ever thought I could possibly lift! That felt great. Also, I feel stronger overall. My posture has improved, I have more stamina when I go for a run or a bike ride. And my skin is totally clear for the first time!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm fine with the subtle changes I've seen and felt. I don't pay much attention to what others' progress has been because I don't think it's a good idea to compare myself to anyone else. I'm enjoying the program, love lifting and love feeling strong! I'm four workouts shy of completing Stage 1, still motivated to go to the gym and looking forward to moving to Stage 2.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I read through the threads of all stages. The ladies didn't seem too thrilled with the program or any major changes. Would yall please chime in and let me know if things have changed?

    I went thru that phase, but now i'm totally seeing good changes. No compliments yet, but i haven't been trying to lose weight, so i think it'll be harder for others to see the changes in my body composition until i throw on a bikini!

    I can't remember what stage you are on. Which one please? So, feeling better about the program what brought that on? the changes in your body? or feeling burnt out?

    Please, no one think I am comparing myself . If the program doesn't produce fat loss or GREAT results in body change then I don't want to waste my time "getting stronger". I am not doing the program to get stronger (nice to be) but I want to change my body.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I read through the threads of all stages. The ladies didn't seem too thrilled with the program or any major changes. Would yall please chime in and let me know if things have changed?

    I went thru that phase, but now i'm totally seeing good changes. No compliments yet, but i haven't been trying to lose weight, so i think it'll be harder for others to see the changes in my body composition until i throw on a bikini!

    I can't remember what stage you are on. Which one please? So, feeling better about the program what brought that on? the changes in your body? or feeling burnt out?

    Please, no one think I am comparing myself . If the program doesn't produce fat loss or GREAT results in body change then I don't want to waste my time "getting stronger". I am not doing the program to get stronger (nice to be) but I want to change my body.

    I'm about to start stage 3. My problem area is my middle, i store all my fat on my belly, and it's smaller now. Took a while tho, i've been at it since mid jan. Now I keep admiring my shoulders in the mirror as i brush my teeth too! I would say at the moment it's only small changes that i can see, others aren't noticing yet. I woudn't have thought stage 2 would make a difference because it mainly consists of smaller moves, but wow, it worked. I'm ending my first full week off which i really needed, i was definitely burned out, but now i'm ready to go again.

    I'm also in in more for the body changes than the strength gains, but i imagine my goals might change. I def want to deadlift my body weight!

    You're right about not making too many comparisons, some people see changes sooner than this or later. Some see muscles in stage 1, others seem disheartened even at later stages. It's good that you know your goals.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I've had changes in my body composition. I just started Stage 2 and only started exercising at all in January. I used to come home from work and couch out or nap. My Chiropractor even complimented me yesterday saying "wow you look great. The hard work is paying off. You're entire body is changing." He is very familiar with my body at this point after 10 years of going to his office. My husband even said "Hey babe, I think you're butt is smaller." High praise in deed from the man of NO words. My clothes, are slipping off my waist. I really only see the change in my upper body since I had very little fat up there. I carry ALL of my weight in my legs, so it's taking longer to see the changes there. I've only lost 3 lbs since starting, and only plan on loosing 7 more. I had to change my weight goal. I'm only telling you all this not to brag but to emphasize that RESULTS WILL VARY. Stick with it!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am halfway finished with Stage 1. Can't wait to take pics when I complete. . I have that minor soreness . That tells me the muscles are being worked. I shouldn't say I don't want to get stronger because that means I'm not developing muscles. It's hard to explain....... I want to see the results to , ya know?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I am halfway finished with Stage 1. Can't wait to take pics when I complete. . I have that minor soreness . That tells me the muscles are being worked. I shouldn't say I don't want to get stronger because that means I'm not developing muscles. It's hard to explain....... I want to see the results to , ya know?

    I totally get wanting to see results, but this kind of program is going to take time. I finish stage 1 today (sometime when I can get it worked in between soccer games and everything else!!) and will post my results tomorrow or Monday. To me, my body "looks" the same still, but I know I have lost inches.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    What are you all doing when you have weeks off? I took a week between Stages 1 & 2, and did some cardio (nothing too strenuous!) but kept my eating at higher levels and to the same 40:30:30 macros. But I'm wondering about whether to take a week between 2 & 3 and use it to try and cut a bit - by 'cut' I mean within a 300 calorie deficit of course. Does that make sense to you? I have gained a little bit of podge, and while I am delighted with the way my body is changing generally, I don't want to lose it under an extra layer.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Miss Maggie, that is a great question. I look forward to reading the "pros" replies.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I find myself struggling mentally a little with the whole bulk/cut thing. I don't want to cut back my weight training, but would really like to cut some fat.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    What are you all doing when you have weeks off?

    I took last week off, no strength or cardio, and drastically reduced my calories, eating mostly fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. I also slept A LOT. I did this partly to rest and rebuild muscle between stages and also because I was having digestion issues I wanted to try to sort out. Oddly, by last night, I was noticing MORE muscle definition, not less, I think partly because I retain a lot of water when I'm lifting heavy in order to repair my muscles. I dropped a couple of pounds of water weight, and bam! There they were!

    I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm considering taking this week off, too, to keep repairing my digestive system. And I have heard similar things, that it is difficult to build and cut at the same time. I like the idea of building for so many weeks, and then using a rest period to cut the fat, then building, then cutting, etc. Sounds like it would keep my body on its toes ;-)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Maggie, it might be an opportunity, cut a little bit now, because you don't want to be hungry in a lifting stage.

    Mainly just chill out for a week! But as you say if you took a full week at the end of stage one maybe you don't feel the need for a rest yet? As stages are shorter now you could always keep going then take the break halfway thru stage 3 and when you finish 3 go straight into 4? So working out in approx 6 week chunks. As the man says, weeks off are flexible, you'll know when you need it (burn out!!)

    I am deep in the throes of DOMS thanks to my first 3A, I had a feeling that body matrix was going to bite me on the a**, hamstrings, quads, I could go on! Loved it tho. Not sure i'll be able to do 3B until 3 days after it tho.... pain :sad:

    EDIT: to add Barefoot, that's awesome. Good to hear the muscle's breaking through for all to see.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    alright newbies, here's the truth - This. Program. WILL. Work. For. You.


    That's it. That's all. This program will work for you. Does that mean you are going to be perfect princess doing ALL the moves with 500 LB. WEIGHTS in the first month??? Um, no, you are not.

    Your body will hurt. You will gain (water) weight. Your muscles will BEG you to leave them alone. Your mouth will tell you to swallow BAD THINGS.

    And, you WON'T quit this program because, first and foremost, you are a SMART woman and SOMETHING brought you to NROL4W. (That something, for me, was KNOWING that I was NOT getting the results I wanted with ANY previous programs!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    So, just do NROL4W. Just do it. From start. To finish. As written.

    The end.

    I. Love. This! Thank you for it!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    You've all had busy weekends, I can tell!! Good!!!!

    It's Monday, so it's a "lifting" day. Great!!!

    Hey, I did the WRONG thing on Friday (or Saturday - can't remember which) - and I WEIGHED MYSELF.

    I now weight MORE than I did when I joined mfp. So, there ya go....maybe this program isn't working??? Maybe I should quit??? I guess NROL4W isn't for me....I haven't gone down even ONE dress size!! And I'm in STAGE 4.


    Oh. Wait. I'm Beeps.

    I'm not going to quit. I have NO idea why I stepped on the scale - and I have NO idea why I would let it RUIN a program that I am benefitting from. I have to use all the mental courage I can muster to say:

    Lifting heavy will get me where I want to go.

    Yes, it is true that I wasn't where I wanted to be on Friday, April 13th. Bummer. But, the game isn't over and I've still got LOADS of time to get this thing right.

    Here are the things I know to be true:

    1. My husband says I feel "different" in his arms. Period. (Often when we're having sex, but even when we're just hugging.)
    2. The tape measure shows that I have lost some inches all over my body (except my bicep - where I've gained AND lost??).
    3. My jeans, although I haven't dropped a size, DO fit much better than they did at Xmas-time.
    4. After 25+ years doing cardio - I looked EXACTLY the same. For 25 years. No changes whatsoever.\
    5. My photos show improvement - particularly in month 3.
    6. The scale went down in month 1 and 2, and now it has gone UP.

    So, items 1 - 5 please me. Item 6 dis-pleases me. By a vote of majority, I shall continue on in this program.