Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @ beeps - even with the scale going up, it sounds like you are succeeding well on the program! Congrats on all the NSVs

    I completed Stage 1 on Saturday and posted my results in the Stage 1 thread if you want to check it out.

    I feel great. To me, my problem areas still look exactly the same, but I can definitely see changes elsewhere. Hopefully the problem areas will start to change soon.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I lifted, today. And, I finally broke 100 lbs in my lat pull-down. So, "blrrggggg" to you drasted scale!! :tongue:

    Maybe I just need to get REALLY ANGRY (like "the Hulk")....and then I'll just up-up-UP my weights!!

    (Remember the line, "you won't like me when I'm angry...." Aaaaahhhhhh, everything in life has already been predicted/pre-determined by cartoons!!!)
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Way to go, Beeps!

    Weird question about lifting more than your weight -- Beeps, you reminded me of this.

    Lat pull down -- I can currently pull 70lbs. But the thing is, I only weigh 107. And I am really short, so I have to go up on my tip toes to reach the handles. And I can barely pull the thing down with my body weight to get my knees under the support. Once I have it down, I can do the exercise no problem. Pretty soon, though, I will be close to lifting my body weight on this, and I won't be able to get it down at all! Any suggestions?

    I am having this same problem on the leg press because I lift 120, but more than that and my butt slides up the back of the chair....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    What are you all doing when you have weeks off?

    I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm considering taking this week off, too, to keep repairing my digestive system. And I have heard similar things, that it is difficult to build and cut at the same time. I like the idea of building for so many weeks, and then using a rest period to cut the fat, then building, then cutting, etc. Sounds like it would keep my body on its toes ;-)

    I really don't understand this. Some PLEASE explain the whole cutting the fat and building. How and when do I cut the fat?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    In my opinion, manic, "bulk" and "cut" cycles are not really for newbie lifters. Alas, I don't have much *research* to point to, but a "cut" is a fancy word for a calorie deficit and a "bulk" is a fancy word for a calorie surplus.

    barefoot - it's true that I'm tall and I'm glad that I'm tall when it comes to reaching for machines, lol!! My personal trainer said that having a spot pull the weight down for you, until you can do the movement, would be one choice. (and then the spot would take the weight away on your last good rep).

    On the leg press, perhaps you can just work one leg at a time (because that would have you lower the weight quite a bit) - where are you doing the leg press in NROL4W???
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps those are great NSV's! I know it felt really good to get back on track yesterday and today. and I am not touching my scale until m=next week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I think I'll try to zig-zag my calories....my eating varies NADA from day-to-day (weekdays, anyway....), and maybe my body is just a little TOO comfy.

    So, maybe 1,700 one day, 1,900 the next, 2,100 and then back to 1,800 or whatever.

    And, yes, I'll do my brain a favour and not step on the scale until month-end (which is the ONE day of the month I'm supposed to step on the scale!).

    PS - I can feel my traps, today!! I think it was the lat pull-down - but my hubby thinks it was the cuban snatch (which I went up in weights, too). Anyway, it's a rest day - yay!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Popping in to say hi...

    I'm weigh myself almost every day. I have an app on my phone that I record it (apart from MFP) so I'm really comfortable with the daily variance and water retention from the TOM. A weekly or monthly weigh in probably works best for most people, but it's too easy for me to get lax without that daily check in. I can be too laid back... I need a good kick in the *kitten* to keep me motivated. :laugh:

    Beeps - when I worked with the trainer he had me zig zagging my calories and it worked really well for me in terms of weight loss. I also just like the variety in having a some days strict and some more relaxed.

    Manic - a lot of people feel like it's difficult (if not impossible) to build muscle mass with a calorie deficit. So they will eat more calories than needed while lifting really heavy to gain muscle (and fat) for a few months - a bulking cycle. Then they will cut way back on calories to lose the fat, and usually some muscle, too - a cutting cycle. Like Beeps said, that's really for people who have been lifting for a while and may even be working to compete in fitness competitions. In my opinion (and from my experience), it is *fairly* easy for new lifters to build both muscle and lose fat at the same time, because there's not much muscle there to start with! It seems like you are frustrated - but building muscle is going to increase your metabolism and bone density. I think it's really important for women... Eat clean - fresh, natural foods, cut out as many processed foods as you can. Follow the workout. You will see results. :flowerforyou:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thank you, Birdy, for the encouragement.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Well said, birdy.

    I used to be addicted to the scale....but, I'm not anymore. I think I'm addicted to tracking my calories on mfp, though....I'll be happ(ier) when one day I will say, "I used to be addicted to tracking my calories on mfp...."

    sometimes I think I shouldn't track, for awhile - because I really know (now) what I put in my mouth, and when. The rest is kind of just up to me.

    But, for awhile, I think I"ll like the "change-up" with zig-zagging....I hope it brings me good results, birdy - it's nice to hear from you that it worked for you!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I just feel confused all around. I don't know if I want to buy a regular membership and continue at the gym, or add more equipment to my home gym and continue to workout at home. The way the gym is set up, it is difficult to do the program as written. Things are spread out all over the place. And as soon as you finish one set, some blockhead will jump on the machine, and there goes the rest of your sets. There are other reasons I like home better, also. BUT, I am somewhat more limited by what equipment I have/don't have at home. This frustrates me. I dunno. It's a toss up.

    Also, I don't know about the exercises in later stages. For some reason, I am feeling some reservation. I don't know why, other than they seem "weird". :ohwell:

    I'm just thinking "out loud", I guess. Carry on.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I just feel confused all around. I don't know if I want to buy a regular membership and continue at the gym, or add more equipment to my home gym and continue to workout at home. The way the gym is set up, it is difficult to do the program as written. Things are spread out all over the place. And as soon as you finish one set, some blockhead will jump on the machine, and there goes the rest of your sets. There are other reasons I like home better, also. BUT, I am somewhat more limited by what equipment I have/don't have at home. This frustrates me. I dunno. It's a toss up.

    Also, I don't know about the exercises in later stages. For some reason, I am feeling some reservation. I don't know why, other than they seem "weird". :ohwell:

    I'm just thinking "out loud", I guess. Carry on.

    I'm following the program at home, Jessica, and I started with just dumbbells. That certainly wasn't enough, and I now also have a swiss ball, a barbell, a bench and squat stands. It has cost me far too much money I don't have, and I have sacrificed our spare bedroom, but it is also great, for the reasons you mention and others (for me, travelling time to a gym). If you can find a way to do it at home I'd go for it, unless there is another gym you could use which wouldn't be so difficult.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm starting to find that my grip (in gloves) is limiting me more than the weights I'm lifting, and I'm thinking of getting some 'hand strengtheners'. Does anybody have any experience of these? I'm wondering if 'hand and finger exercisers' or 'powerballs' are better, for example. Any advice?
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello fellow lifters :) My name is Jennie and I have been a lurker to date, but have learned so much by reading all the posts on the different threads. I am currently half way through stage 3 and loving the program. I wanted to give a link to a blog of a young lady who has just finished up all 7 stages and wrote about her experience along the way~http://mealsandmiles.com/~I found her insight helpful.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Jessica - I think the benefits, for me, of using a gym include, but are not limited to: a) personal trainers who can help you work on your form; b) spotters - i.e. trained professionals (employees/trainers) who can actually spot you, which you WILL need in later stages of NROL4W; c) accountability - I'm a "regular"....when I don't go, the employees/trainers ask me "where I've been". So, I just "go" to avoid these questions, lol.

    Maggie, my husband has some "grip strengtheners" that kind of look like vice grips, actually. And, I can squeeze, squeeze, squeeze the night away, if I want to - which, I don't. (My grip hasn't been a problem for me, so far.)

    Hey Jennie - welcome! And, now I'm going to go read your link....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    If I don't have a gym membership I will NOT exercise. There is nothing that keeps me from walking/jogging outside and my son has a small weight bench. I pay a membership and have the access to a nice variety of machines and free weights. If I pay I GO. I don't like to waste money.

    Hello, Jennie.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Jennie, the thread you posted - http://mealsandmiles.com/ - is awesome.

    And, for any of you who are DIE-HARD cardio people (i.e. marathoners - I'm talking to YOU!), you'll REALLY like what this woman has to say about NROL4W.

    Really liked that link. And, it really tells me that I'll be proud of myself (too!) when I finish Stage 7. Oh, and I am TOTALLY gonna get a pull-up done in Stage 6. Dammit.

    And, I've been taking photos at the end of each month....so, I'm excited that at the end of Stage 7 there likely will be marked changes in my shape. It's what I want and it's what I'm aiming for. It worked for meals-and-miles girl ... it'll work for me, too!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Jessica - I think the benefits, for me, of using a gym include, but are not limited to: a) personal trainers who can help you work on your form; b) spotters - i.e. trained professionals (employees/trainers) who can actually spot you, which you WILL need in later stages of NROL4W; c) accountability - I'm a "regular"....when I don't go, the employees/trainers ask me "where I've been". So, I just "go" to avoid these questions, lol.

    I guess I need to decide if following this program to the letter is that important to me. Or if I'm okay with modifying it to suit my needs and situation. Lifting is important to me, I know that for sure.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I think there are LOTS of women (on mfp and elsewhere) who are "modifying" the NROL4W program...and having success!!

    There are LOTS of women lifting from home.

    So, yes, I'm glad you are dedicated to lifting - that really is step number one!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The way the gym is set up, it is difficult to do the program as written. Things are spread out all over the place. And as soon as you finish one set, some blockhead will jump on the machine, and there goes the rest of your sets.

    I have no qualms about moving stuff around. I dragged a step board into the weight area last night, I roll the big ball to wear I need it and I drag my dumbbells next to the cable machines I'm using and I tell the guys, "we'll switch off because I'm super setting." Last night i did my Romanian squats using the seat of the lat machine so I wouldn't have to walk away from it. Some guy tried to jack my incline bench that I was using for my Cuban snatches while I was doing reverse lunges, but because I had my step board right behind it I was able to tell him to get lost. ( I DO put everything back when I'm done :happy: )