Daily Chat Thread



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hi everyone, not in a good place mentally and could really do with some support. I've been told to stop all exercise (apart from walking) until I've finished my intense chiropractor treatment which is another 3 weeks away. I jumped on the scales at the week end and have gained 4lbs. Last night went on mammoth binge after getting results back from chiro that I have wear and tear in my neck and that heavy weights is a complete no no until all the treatment is finished (approx 3 months).

    The neck issue is why my arm isn't healing (pain and numbness) and because my arm is not functioning properly its causing strain in the lower back/pelvis also.

    I really feel down, especially when I'm reading of all the progress on here (beeps you rock with your NSV!!) and how I was really

    Sorry Gillee, that really sucks.
    Give yourself a few days to absorb the news and be p1ssed off, then I hope you can make the adjustment for a few months. Just think how much better you'll be at lifting when you're healed.
    And it's almost nice weather for some fresh air and walking (maybe cycling?)
    We'll still be here in the meantime, so don't leave us!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hi everyone, not in a good place mentally and could really do with some support. I've been told to stop all exercise (apart from walking) until I've finished my intense chiropractor treatment which is another 3 weeks away. I jumped on the scales at the week end and have gained 4lbs. Last night went on mammoth binge after getting results back from chiro that I have wear and tear in my neck and that heavy weights is a complete no no until all the treatment is finished (approx 3 months).

    The neck issue is why my arm isn't healing (pain and numbness) and because my arm is not functioning properly its causing strain in the lower back/pelvis also.

    I really feel down, especially when I'm reading of all the progress on here (beeps you rock with your NSV!!) and how I was really enjoying the changes it was making to my body.

    I have to listen to the chiro and take their advice, my job is physical as you all know, and I can't afford to not take their advice. I've learnt a huge lesson about not nipping injuries in the bud and seeking advice straight-away (why oh why didn't I take my own advice when I'm telling clients this).

    Any how just writing this all down helped. Bingeing is old habits of coping with emotions, so its back to finding that good place again (in my head) and starving to compensate won't help.

    Thanks all for listening. Just didn't want you thinking I'd given up.

    I don't know if this will help or not but I see it this way. Three months rehabilitation is a good trade for earning 5,10, 20 years of pain-free functionality. I have several older adults in my life that have issues with mobility and pain from injuries they ignored when they were younger. And now have had multiple surgeries that may or may not have been effective or pop painkillers and muscle relaxers frequently. I bet that any one of them would say they would trade 3 months of bed rest, giving up riding motorcycles or jogging or football or gymnastics or whatever to not have that daily pain and dysfunction. You may know some people in your life like this too. I'm not saying you have to be happy about it but you can take 3 months of light duty. You can. You will be better for it. This may not read as being sympathetic but I am. I would feel exactly like you when you wrote this, angry and discouraged. I'm glad you asked for support, you just need to get different perspective.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you all for your support!!!!

    It has sunk in now and jamK you're absolutely right what's 3 months in the grand scale of things. I have to be physically fit to do my job and today did struggle with just giving my client a relatively light back massage. I've had to cancel any pre-event treatments as too painful which is a bit of a bummer as its London Marathon next week so I've passed 2 of my clients onto another therapist friend (she's going to repay me by treating my shoulder once cleared by chiro) :) So for now I'm taking the advice of the chiro and will be a good girl.

    Thank you all again and keep lifting, I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome jk262! Jump right in. :flowerforyou:

    Jessica - I would be the same way in the weight room. It sounds like you're doing great though - and that's HILARIOUS about the guy rolling off the ball! We're all just people... (I keep reminding myself)

    Jamk - How did your workout go? Any better with the calorie increase?

    Gilleeman - So so sorry about your frustration. I'm glad that you posted. I know it is hard for me to reach out to people and admit that I need help - bravo to you for being strong enough to do so. I hope you keep posting - just to say hello and let us know how things are going.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I didn't get my work-out in.


    And, now I'm soooooooooo sleepy I can hardly make it through the afternoon.

    I hope things return to "normal", tomorrow. Now, excuse me while I go change the dates on all my NROL4W work-sheets because I'm officially off by a couple of days.

  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I didn't get my work-out in.


    And, now I'm soooooooooo sleepy I can hardly make it through the afternoon.

    I hope things return to "normal", tomorrow. Now, excuse me while I go change the dates on all my NROL4W work-sheets because I'm officially off by a couple of days.


    Glad it's not just me! I had to miss mine last night due to persistent DOMS, now thanks to 12 hour night shifts i will be 3 days behind!!!

    Don't worry Beeps we'll all get there in the end :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I don't know how to stay in a "bad mood" very long....it's a gift!

    I'm off for a "family evening" to watch the Harlem Globetrotters...what could be more fun than that, right?????????

    Oh, and I'm not dead (like **** Clark, for example) - it's all good!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have afternoons like this where I am actually in danger of falling asleep at the wheel. Rest is best and enjoy the Globetrotter!!

    gilleman, best of luck with the recovery, sometimes we have these time out in life, but it's an opportunity to come back even stronger. I've seen it happen many times.

    I missed my workout Friday so this week I am doing 3 nrol when I had only planned on 2. Plans change. Night all.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    So, I completed my first B workout in Stage 1 tonight, and I have to say that I'm proud of myself for picking heavy weights! On workout A I went lighter than I initially thought I should. And the BEST part was that I increased my 2nd set of Deadlifts from 65 to 75, and as I started the second set, Elton John's song, "The ***** is Back", came on the radio in the weightroom. Yeah, thats right!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I think it is hilarious that mfp **** out the name of Mr. Clark, now deceased former host of "American Bandstand", et al....

    anna - good for you for going HEAVY! That's the key....well, that and proper form at the heaviest weight you can handle.

    sam - my work-outs this week will be only 2 - and I usually do 3. You are right that sometimes it just works out that way.

    I'm just going to do HIIT/abs/stretching, today....I'll do my heavy-lifts tomorrow. :happy:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    No confrontation needed. I smile and say hey can we alternate, or sorry I'm still using that. The guys at my gym are pretty nice. i'm one of the only girls in the free weight area so there is respect. I'm such a mom when it comes to the gym. I get son angry when things aren't put away properly that I end up cleaning stuff up. Can't help myself. :blushing:

    Why can't it be that easy for me? I get all anxious and stressed.

    I think a big smile goes a long way. Those men just aren't expecting that feminine charm in the weight room and it really knocks em off their feet. :)

    I also find in almost all situations that it's how you phrase your question/statement that matters. Instead of "I was using that," try "Do you mind if I just finish my last set here? Then the machine is all yours."

    Then, they almost can't say no - they would be a HUGE jerk.

    I usually just say, "hey, you mind if I work in?" I usually get a completely oblivious, "Oh, what? Hey, yeah, sorry." We're all there for the same reason and most everyone respects that. I also readjust the weight back to what they were at and wipe down the equipment after my last set regardless of whether or not they're done.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hi everyone, not in a good place mentally and could really do with some support. I've been told to stop all exercise (apart from walking) until I've finished my intense chiropractor treatment which is another 3 weeks away. I jumped on the scales at the week end and have gained 4lbs. Last night went on mammoth binge after getting results back from chiro that I have wear and tear in my neck and that heavy weights is a complete no no until all the treatment is finished (approx 3 months).

    The neck issue is why my arm isn't healing (pain and numbness) and because my arm is not functioning properly its causing strain in the lower back/pelvis also.

    I really feel down, especially when I'm reading of all the progress on here (beeps you rock with your NSV!!) and how I was really enjoying the changes it was making to my body.

    I have to listen to the chiro and take their advice, my job is physical as you all know, and I can't afford to not take their advice. I've learnt a huge lesson about not nipping injuries in the bud and seeking advice straight-away (why oh why didn't I take my own advice when I'm telling clients this).

    Any how just writing this all down helped. Bingeing is old habits of coping with emotions, so its back to finding that good place again (in my head) and starving to compensate won't help.

    Thanks all for listening. Just didn't want you thinking I'd given up.

    I'm so sorry that you're going through this, it sounds terribly painful. Are you allowed to water walk? there are 2 ways to do it at my gym: 1 - feet on bottom of pool in the shallow pool, or 2 - strap on a belt and water run i the deep pool. We also have pool "barbells" they're aren't like doiing this program, but they should cause some resistance without any impact straining.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Warning... whiny little girl stuff coming...

    Stage 4 is kicking my butt. Plus I signed up for this challenge on MFP, and there are rep and calorie goals that I'm trying to meet. And I thought it would be a SUPER idea to do 25 push ups - in addition to the 3 sets of 8 for my NROL workout. And for all my big talk about grip strength, my lifting ability has now surpassed my grip and the underside of my forearms are sore as well as the rest of my body.

    I would consider myself fairly fit - even though there's some extra fluffy going on. But I'm seeing people post workouts for this challenge thing who are definitely less fit (in terms of strength, and possibly cardio) and they are clocking a burn of 800 calories for an hour long workout? How is that possible?

    Ok, I'm done.

    Random funny thing - there's been some chatter about height. For some reason, I picture Beeps in my mind as being short, and Barefoot as being tall. LOL Odd...

    Allabtim - you look amazing! Keep posting.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Random funny thing - there's been some chatter about height. For some reason, I picture Beeps in my mind as being short, and Barefoot as being tall. LOL Odd...

    LOL, I am SO SHORT!!!! I am 4'9", so I am the tiniest little person at the gym. I keep expecting to be told that children aren't allowed, ha!

    I don't know about the 800 cals/hr thing, that doesn't sound right. When I ran the half marathon in February, it took me 2:30 and I burned about 1100 calories. I wasn't sprinting, I was jogging, so I suppose that kind of calorie burn might be possible if you were all-out sprinting for an hour, but still... It seems high to me.

    It sounds like you're doing a LOT of stuff that is going to be hard on your body, so maybe either lighten up on the weight you're trying to lift or pause the pushups? I was trying to do a chin-up program in addition to NROL and I finally gave up, it was just too much.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Shyte, I HATE it that I don't come across as TALL in my posts, birdy!! (I'm 5'9".)

    So, that's MY whine, lol!

    Bigger people will burn more calories - that's the way the cookie crumbles...and, as the bigger people become smaller people, they will burn less as time goes on (same as the rest of us).

    Stage 4 of NROL4W is awesome - I love it. But, I've loved all the stages (although stage 1 seemed L-O-N-G).

    It's all good - we're all lifting!!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    You guys are both GREAT! :flowerforyou:

    I guess it's because there's no relative perspective in your profile, Barefoot, and the word "beeps" makes me think of a little car horn! :laugh: (Sorry!)

    Barefoot - I do think I'm pushing too hard. And I'm behind on sleep, which is never a good thing. I'll prob still do my next lift tomorrow (4.A again), but then the weekend is OFF!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    It's always nice to see that it's Friday. I like that!

    We have survived week one without our nanny. My parents (who came to help out this week) are leaving first thing in the morning....my Mom has done all the cooking (and made sure my kitchen was *sparkling* when I arrived home from work - nice!) and my Dad has chauffeured the kids all around to their various activities. Whew. And, I had a *surprise* visit from my oldest son, last night....I knew he was coming for dinner, tonight, but he showed up yesterday (as well) - needing a break from his university exam-studying and for some of "Nana's cooking".


    My temporary nanny flies in tomorrow night and then we'll spend Sunday teaching her the ENTIRE household routine! Whew!

    I've also decided to focus, strongly, on my nutrition for the next 10 weeks. That brings me until the end of June and I'm going to really work on chiseling that 10 lbs. off (while heavy lifting - don't worry!). So, cheer me on....this is something I wanted to accomplish by end of 2012, but I've decided to bump up that goal and see if I can achieve it by end of June.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    It's always nice to see that it's Friday. I like that!

    We have survived week one without our nanny. My parents (who came to help out this week) are leaving first thing in the morning....my Mom has done all the cooking (and made sure my kitchen was *sparkling* when I arrived home from work - nice!) and my Dad has chauffeured the kids all around to their various activities. Whew. And, I had a *surprise* visit from my oldest son, last night....I knew he was coming for dinner, tonight, but he showed up yesterday (as well) - needing a break from his university exam-studying and for some of "Nana's cooking".


    My temporary nanny flies in tomorrow night and then we'll spend Sunday teaching her the ENTIRE household routine! Whew!

    I've also decided to focus, strongly, on my nutrition for the next 10 weeks. That brings me until the end of June and I'm going to really work on chiseling that 10 lbs. off (while heavy lifting - don't worry!). So, cheer me on....this is something I wanted to accomplish by end of 2012, but I've decided to bump up that goal and see if I can achieve it by end of June.

    Okay, I'm seriously envious of the nanny thing. I've been saying I wanted to hire a housekeeper for ages, but I keep putting it off.

    I would really like to lose more body fat. I haven't really figured out a good way to do it while I'm lifting. I'm open to advice here.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in for the weight loss challenge while still lifting. reluctant to risk losing any of this hard earned muscle so know I cannot cut calories. strangely the scale has moved in the right direction the past two days when I've been about 200 over so 2000 total. Maybe a sign that that is my sweet spot? hard to know. Feel like overall my diet is pretty solid but still leaves room for treats so no obvious areas to cut there. Anyway feel like the past month or so of increased calories from 1500 to now 3 weeks at 1800 is actually the way I need to go. I really enjoy food too much to want to eat less. Will recommit to not less just better and maybe even more as long as it's high quality stuff. So glad it's Friday. Off for a girls weekend which is the first in a looooong time. Can't wait.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Hey, maybe that's a good idea, kcfaber....maybe we could start a "challenge" thread - and posters could write their own "challenge". But, we could do it for 10 weeks, I think??

    Like you, I think my diet is pretty good (yes, I do have 2 x celebration meals a week and yes, I have chocolate sometimes)....but, I really want it to be as "clean" as it can possibly be. I don't plan on reducing my calories, but I am going to try "zig-zagging" because my progress has stalled, completely, on the scale side (and actually reversed, frankly).

    So, I'll start up a "challenge" thread and then post a link here for those who might want to kick up OTHER parts of their healthy/fitness (and continue to lift heavy).