Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I would love to do a challenge! I also have 10 lbs that I need to lose and would love to have it gone by the end of June! I actually think I need to decrease my cals a bit though. Thankfully I haven't been as hungry since I started on Stage 2. The whole of Stage 1 I was eating about 2200 calories and I was supposed to be at 2000. I haven't gained anything, thankfully, but I would really like to keep my cals at 1800 to see if I can lose.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    I'm probably just driving myself BONKERS by focusing on a scale number while doing NROL4W, but, what the hey....why not??

    I need a *challenge* to really keep myself focused....otherwise, I slip a little here, a little there....and VOILA, I'm so far off-track I don't even REMEMBER how I got there!

    My *true* focus, of course, if body fat % loss, but since I don't know what my body fat % measurement is NOW, it's hard to tell what I want it to be in 10 weeks, lol!! (I've only been guestimating my body fat % thus far.)

    Anyway, I'm hoping it's a bit of fun.

    Fun is good, right???
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Beeps, how many kids do you have, what ages? Lucky your folks are able to fill in!

    I just did my first 3B, there were surprisingly few weights involved! It was so manageable I even did the HIIT straight after. I think after my experience with 3A and the body mat'rix I'm too scared to wait till the next day in case i've seized up by then...

    3 whole days off now, and i must restock my freezer with yummy healthy meals to take to work, creep around while hubby is sleeping off his night shifts and get some cleaning done. Obviously i'll log my cals for that :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    It was a great pleasure to see my parents....they haven't visited [mycity] in about 7 months! We could have muscled through (for one week) without help, but I'm glad we had it, just the same!! (We have NO family members where we live. None.)

    I've got 3 kids. Do you have kids, Jen?? (I should know this from JP Fitness forums, I confess.)

    Like you, Jen, I *had* to do the body matrix exactly where they said to do it in NROL4W, otherwise, my muscles were just too cramped the following day.

    Right now, in stage 4, I'm kind of glad I can return to completing HIIT on my in-between-lifting days!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm probably just driving myself BONKERS by focusing on a scale number while doing NROL4W, but, what the hey....why not??

    I need a *challenge* to really keep myself focused....otherwise, I slip a little here, a little there....and VOILA, I'm so far off-track I don't even REMEMBER how I got there!

    My *true* focus, of course, if body fat % loss, but since I don't know what my body fat % measurement is NOW, it's hard to tell what I want it to be in 10 weeks, lol!! (I've only been guestimating my body fat % thus far.)

    Anyway, I'm hoping it's a bit of fun.

    Fun is good, right???

    Fun is definitely good!!

    I really don't want to focus on the scale, but it's such an easy measurement to focus on. I would love to be at 20% BF in 10 weeks. According to my Omron hand held monior, I'm about 23% (it never reads the same number twice!).
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm planning on scheduling a hydrostatic BF test. I have a scale that measures BF, but I don't think it's accurate. If it is, it shows a body fat of 27.2% and I'd like to get that down to 20%.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I've got 3 kids. Do you have kids, Jen?? (I should know this from JP Fitness forums, I confess.)

    Like you, Jen, I *had* to do the body matrix exactly where they said to do it in NROL4W, otherwise, my muscles were just too cramped the following day.

    Right now, in stage 4, I'm kind of glad I can return to completing HIIT on my in-between-lifting days!!

    Hmmm, do i have an imposter on another forum? I"m not on any others- ID theft?!?!

    Hubs and I are kiddie-free types, and i have great respect for those of you who manage to accomplish parenthood and work, and lift weights to keep a killer body. It's all i can do to work shifts and work out, without the kiddie factor!

    For those of you approaching stage 3, it's fun. Enjoy.
  • jody75
    jody75 Posts: 37 Member

    Okay, I'm seriously envious of the nanny thing. I've been saying I wanted to hire a housekeeper for ages, but I keep putting it off.

    My partner told me I needed to help out more around the house so I hired a housekeeper. I have not regretted it one bit. I work 8-14 hours a day and I never know when those long days are going to happen. My partner gets home from work at 3 in the afternoon and would end up doing all the chores before I got home. It was money well spent for us.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Seriously Jenlwb?? YOUR icon is being used by a (long-time) member at JP Fitness Forum, named "bytsi", and I just assumed you were the same person!! lol

    Phoenix, I'm with you on getting a PROPER body fat % test done (they dunk you in water to do it, no??) - and when I think I'm closer to 20%, then I'm going to have the test done, too. For now, I have to get rid of muffin-top....I just *know* that means I'm not at 20% body fat, lol!

    Yes, jody, I think a housekeeper has saved many a marriage/life, now that I think about it....
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Beeps: We have 3 kids as well. 7 1/2, about to be 6, 3 1/2. We have a babysitter who thankfully helps straighten up. Now if I could only get a personal chef then I'd really be living large:wink: I think it is hard not to at least check in with the scale when you see other people's posts and tickers about how much weight they're losing. But in the end of the day as we have said it is much more about slow lasting progress than quick changes.
    Hey Jen is the Omron thing hard to use on yourself? Would I need to get someone else to do it?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    kc - no it's not hard at all. You put in your stats and then hold onto the handles. There is some variability with how hydrated you are, the time of day that you test. But even when I do test, I can do it three times in a row and still not get the same number. I don't know if it's because I hold it differently each time or what. Before I started Stage 1 it was registering in the area of 23.8% and after Stage 1, it was registering in the area of 22.8% with variances. So I don't actually know exactkt what my BF% is, but as long as the number keeps going down, for now that's all I care about. Here is a link to Amazon's site so you can see it.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    I did think about that Omron thing when I first started NROL4W....and then I forgot all about it.

    I might have to think of it, again, though. For now, I'm just using the "mirror" as my guide (and monthly tape measurements/photos/scale), but I'm not sure the mirror is my best friend, either.


    Anyway - happy Friday to all of you! I'll see if I have much posting time this weekend!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    I am such a slacker in posting here girls.....but almost done Stage 1 after my restart with it! There is a part of me that says I should have gone onto stage 4 instead of restarting, but I have been working on sticking closer to cals needed rather than eating in severe excess.

    Love the challenge thing you all got going on!

    Gillimen....I will post more on your profile, but just wanted to send you hugs. You will be back better than ever after the 3 months...I have no doubt!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    WHat I wouldn't give for a housekeeper! We did the daycare thing, but My youngest had a sitter the first year and he's way more needy than the oldest. He's just a very different kid. I am totally out-numbered here by gross smelly boys, even the dog and I absolutely love it :laugh:

    I missed the gym today due to a large dose of hormonal fatigue. It's the main cause of my hyper-somnia (I know TMI) ANyway heading to the gym tomorrow instead when hubby gets back from his race, and I will be good tomorrow ( I hope)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I had that hormonal fatigue Monday. My schedule is all messed up. I am stressing ! I need to be on schedule! very anal, huh?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Seriously Jenlwb?? YOUR icon is being used by a (long-time) member at JP Fitness Forum, named "bytsi", and I just assumed you were the same person!! lol

    Beeps, the pic is probably used a lot, i got it from google images. I'm going to change it as soon as i get a good pic of the 'guns'!!

    I enjoyed 3B last night, quite easy, not too many weights, I even did the HIIT right off. And unlike 3A where i hurt all over for days, this time i only hurt in my biceps (???).

    My gym (spare room) currently has a weird infestation of some little tiny brown bugs, it's gross. The joys of living in a hot country.... I'm trying Raid first, but i suspect i may need to call in the professionals...

    A day off and i'm eating like a madwoman. Tired too!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Beeps! I'm so jealous of the housekeeping thing. Part of it is my issues though... I'm home all day with the kids, and I have a hard time imagining how someone would clean up with the kids messing up right behind them. Plus, the one time we did have someone come in and clean, she examined everything she dusted and it drove me crazy. I was thinking... if she's this nosy right in front of me, what would she do if I weren't here?

    KC - our kids are almost the same ages - my boys are 7 and 5, and my girl will be 4 in a few more months. Life is very... interesting.

    I saw something about the Omron body fat monitor... I have one and I love it. I do NOT think it is 100% accurate, but it is consistent for me. Right now it reads around 20-21%, but I know I'm not that low. I carry almost all my fat in my stomach, hips and thighs, and I don't think it is sending the current all the way down. But it is very consistent for me, so it's good to have that additional measurement to keep me from freaking out about the scale as much.

    Oceanity - great job sticking with it!

    I have a question maybe someone can help me with... I'm still learning how the forums work. I've noticed that it doesn't show up in my news feed when I post on this board, but it does when I post in the forums. Are groups more private? I know the group is subject to be viewed by anyone, but I feel a little more comfortable posting here than on the open forums because of that... does anyone have a better understanding of how it works?

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    I don't know the answer to your technology question, birdy.

    Today I'm doing my first "lower calorie" day as I start to zig-zag my calories to see if that can push my weight loss in the right direction. So far, so good.

    I did a long cardio work-out yesterday, and my plantar fasciatis then felt BRUTAL all the rest of yesterday, and even today. No work-out today. I'll rest and kick up the heavy lifting, tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a great weekend! It's supposed to be 24 degrees here, tomorrow, so I can FINALLy kick off my boots and walk around in sandals - CANNOT WAIT! (Oh, and hubby is storing the snow-blower and pulling out all the bikes - spring has FINALLY ARRIVED!)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Need to remember to post in here!

    I'm at a new gym and the guys are PIGS. I'm not a mum but even I clean up. You can never find what you need.

    Finished 2A yesterday thighs are aching! Even the bath hurt. 2B tomorrow night!