Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Need to remember to post in here!

    I'm at a new gym and the guys are PIGS. I'm not a mum but even I clean up. You can never find what you need.

    Finished 2A yesterday thighs are aching! Even the bath hurt. 2B tomorrow night!

    I have trouble finding things sometimes because they aren't where they are supposed to be. Very irritating. Today I went up in weight on my shoulder presses, because I couldn't find the 12.5 dbs. It worked out okay for me, but gee whiz, missing dumbells?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    lol,jessica, your post made me think about "missing DB's"....and, in my gym, there's only ONE set of 22.5 DB's....and one of 'em has been missing for WEEKS. Weird.

    (Then again, it forced me to use 25's once I was done with the 20's...and I survived it!)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Whew, once again, I'm glad I can work out in the comfort of my garage! As comfortable as an unconditioned space can be anyway. :P

    Birdy- It will show up in your newsfeed the first time you comment in a public forum topic or in a public group topic. Private group topics won't show up in your feed except to your friends also in the group. But it only shows up once, if you keep commenting in the same thread you won't see it. When this thread rolls at 500 posts to a new thread, it will look like a new topic and will appear again in your newsfeed after you make your first comment.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    That was a perfect and thorough explanation. Thank you so much!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Alright, weight-lifting is done for today. I did fine - went up on deadlifts and went up on "back lunges from box with forward reach". considering how bad my foot is aching, I consider this all good news!

    You know what else?? I think when I do the "prone cuban snatch" movement FAST (meaning to the beat of fast music), I can do WAY more of them than is suggested. If I do them slower (i.e. with, say, a 1-sec rest in each position), I can barely squeak out the 8 reps. Should I go up in weight, and do them FAST, or stick with my boring (12-lb) weight and do them slower??

    Fast-twitch muscles - or slow-twitch muscles....what am I trying to work?????
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Alright, weight-lifting is done for today. I did fine - went up on deadlifts and went up on "back lunges from box with forward reach". considering how bad my foot is aching, I consider this all good news!

    You know what else?? I think when I do the "prone cuban snatch" movement FAST (meaning to the beat of fast music), I can do WAY more of them than is suggested. If I do them slower (i.e. with, say, a 1-sec rest in each position), I can barely squeak out the 8 reps. Should I go up in weight, and do them FAST, or stick with my boring (12-lb) weight and do them slower??

    Fast-twitch muscles - or slow-twitch muscles....what am I trying to work?????

    That's an excellent question, I don't remember that he really addresses lifting speed in the book. Maybe pose this question in the Bodybuilding group too?

    You're welcome Birdy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    My personal trainer says "POWER" is key. Meaning, the more INTENSE the move, the BETTER for strength-gains! So, I KNOW this...and it really does mean doing the moves FASTER, with POWER, rather than the slow-and-bitter style that I sometimes end up doing (like my last 2 reps on my lat pull-down....omg....they took FOREVER, instead of just "BANG, BANG, DONE").

    I think, psychologically, because I'm SO afraid of injury, I keep doing the motions S-L-O-W-L-Y. I don't wanna hurt my back, so I do back-squats SLOWLY, when, in fact, if I could switch on those fast-twitch muscles and MOVE QUICKLY, I think I could BANG out more weight. Same with so many of the other moves.

    I *did* really concentrate on going EXACTLY to the beat of the music on my bulgarian split-squats and: a) i finished them in record time; and b) while my legs "stung", I could walk it off rather quickly...
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My personal trainer says "POWER" is key. Meaning, the more INTENSE the move, the BETTER for strength-gains! So, I KNOW this...and it really does mean doing the moves FASTER, with POWER, rather than the slow-and-bitter style that I sometimes end up doing (like my last 2 reps on my lat pull-down....omg....they took FOREVER, instead of just "BANG, BANG, DONE").

    I think, psychologically, because I'm SO afraid of injury, I keep doing the motions S-L-O-W-L-Y. I don't wanna hurt my back, so I do back-squats SLOWLY, when, in fact, if I could switch on those fast-twitch muscles and MOVE QUICKLY, I think I could BANG out more weight. Same with so many of the other moves.

    I *did* really concentrate on going EXACTLY to the beat of the music on my bulgarian split-squats and: a) i finished them in record time; and b) while my legs "stung", I could walk it off rather quickly...

    I don't know. You might be able to do more weight doing them fast. But I'm very "safety-oriented". I would rather lift less and go slower if it means being safer. That's just me; I have a history of back injury, so I'm more paranoid than most folks. I also feel like I can keep better form going slower. I actually have no real knowledge in fast versus slow, so feel free to ignore my rambling. LOL!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I developed sciatica the last 2 years. I'll pinch that nerve and out of no-where I can't walk for 2 days. I have to say that since doing this program (knock on wood) I haven't had any back problems. As I strengthen those muscles as well as the rest of my core, back pain is gone. I can even wear heels to work again, sorry feet.

    I tend to go medium pace. Fast enough to get through it without having to the weight down and slow enough to focus on isolating those muscles.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I don't like to go fast thru the moves, i tend to lose form.

    Samantha, I have a similar thing with my neck, I can feel it starting in the vertebra at the base of my neck (the one that sticks out a bit) and pain radiates out from it, then within a few hours my neck seizes up. I used to use heat on it, but it would take a week or so to release. Last time I put a cold pack on it as soon as i felt it start, and stopped it in its tracks!

    I hope some of you guys are starting stage 3 soon, cos that thread is a bit quiet :indifferent:

    In other news my gym (spare room) is currently indisposed due to a bad case of bed bugs, I also haven't slept properly for days because i'm paranoid they've made it into our bedroom and i get the itches thinking they're there, even though they're not!!! Fortunately pest control are coming today.... I had to throw away tons of bedding. Weird thing is they seem to be coming from the wardrobe not the bed. Hope I can salvage our winter coats by washing and drying them very hot.:sad:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    In other news my gym (spare room) is currently indisposed due to a bad case of bed bugs, I also haven't slept properly for days because i'm paranoid they've made it into our bedroom and i get the itches thinking they're there, even though they're not!!! Fortunately pest control are coming today.... I had to throw away tons of bedding. Weird thing is they seem to be coming from the wardrobe not the bed. Hope I can salvage our winter coats by washing and drying them very hot.:sad:

    Whoop! It's not bed bugs. I ditched the bedding for nothing... Weevils!! I probably brought them in from the yard on the breeze blocks that i stand my barbell on when deadlifting to bring it up to height....

    Quelle disaster :noway:
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Oh Jenlwb! Is that better or worse than bedbugs? Better I hope! :flowerforyou:

    Regarding fast or slow movements. One of the funniest, and most common sense sounding thoughts on fast vs slow reps was something I read one time - don't remember from where. The guy said - if you want to be good at moving heavy things fast, do fast reps; if you want to be good at moving heavy things slow, do slow reps. :laugh: Seriously, though... my thoughts are that there are advantages to training both ways. Definitely want to make sure the form is down before going fast. And super slow reps burn out your muscle like nothing else. My trainer had me doing a little of everything - fast, normal, and agonizingly slow. As a runner, I am purposeful at developing slow, medium, and fast twitch muscles. Someone who only sprints would prefer fast twitch, marathoners would prefer slow twitch. So in the end, I think it depends on if you have a specific goal or need, or want general overall fitness.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Whoop! It's not bed bugs. I ditched the bedding for nothing... Weevils!! I probably brought them in from the yard on the breeze blocks that i stand my barbell on when deadlifting to bring it up to height....

    Quelle disaster :noway:

    Surely anything is better than bedbugs Jen? If I were you I think I'd be relieved!

    I'm starting stage 3 at the weekend - will you still be there?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Yes, weevils is an improvements on bed bugs, because i don't have to worry about where theyl laid eggs, and the mattress etc. Very relieved, but slightly annoyed that we ditched so much stuff unnecessarily!

    I'll have to think of something else to stand my barbell on for deadlifts, or get some big plates to bring it up to height!

    Maggie, I'm only 3 workouts into it, so I'll be around the stage 3 for while yet, glad you're catching up with me!
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Sorry I've been AWOL ladies... fighting back to back injuries (first my neck from falling asleep in my chair... then my back when I was horseback riding).

    I'm so discouraged and frustrated. I had JUST finished phase 2 - and was SO looking forward to the KICK-*kitten* Body Weight Matrix when it all started.

    Now I just found out that I'll probably be out ANOTHER week....

    Sorry for the complaints... just feeling gross, frustrated, anxious... I NEED my gym time!!!!!!!

    Sorry to hear about all the BUG problems!!! YIKES! Hope that's all sorted out for you soon!!!
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I havent been around much... busy weekend and now work is unfortunately keeping me busy so my time around the boards has been a bit limited.

    Just to add a bit - I would absolutely LOVE to have a housekeeper... and I dont even have kids! I do have a spazzy labradoodle/golden retriever pup though who sheds CONSTANTLY! I swear its impossible to keep up....

    Jen - Sorry to hear about the weevils issue (although Im not quite sure I know exactly what a weevil is...) but at least its not bedbugs!! I dont blame you for tossing the bedding early - I would have done the same thing!

    I agree with Birdy about doing the moves fast vs slow ... I think there are huge benefits to doing them at varying speeds. Maybe an option would be to try to do one or two reps slow and steady, and the last one a bit faster? That way you could get the best of both worlds in each workout.

    I finished my last crossfit fundamentals class on Sunday and am officially starting my month today! Crazy how sore I still am... not really painfully sore, just very aware of my muscles :laugh: Crossfit is definitely tough - but I am soooo glad I got through a few stages of NROL first... A LOT of the moves from the first 3 stages are incorporated so I at least have a bit of a leg up knowing actually how to do the basic moves (deadlifts, push presses, squats, pushups, etc.). One thing I'm really excited about is getting to do a pull up! Its one of my goals to be able to do at least one unassisted pull up by the end of the year.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jen and Samntha - I have similar issues with my hips - in fact I'm very sore right now and thinking I need to rest this week, even though I'll be resting next week because I'll be travelling for work. Since my first pregnancy almost 13 years ago, they have had bad alignment and I'm costantly having to get them adjusted. Thankfully, it has been much less of an issue since I started lifting.

    Jen - sorry about the bugs. Ewwwww, I don't do well with bugs!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Eeewwww on the weevils.

    Yay on the "lifting with proper form" idea.....I don't lift fast. (maybe because nobody is watching me??) And, I know Stage 6 has a bunch of "lower yourself as slowly as you can" moves for the "pull-ups" phase of NROL4W - should be PERFECT for me, lol!

    I've got a luncheon, today, so no work-out a lunch....I'll aim for an after-work exercise time, but no promises - and even at that, it's HIIT/abs/stretching, not too worried if that's the one I have to skip!
  • jody75
    jody75 Posts: 37 Member
    Jen, I threw this idea out in a deadlift topic the other day. One thing you can do to get the bar the proper distance off the floor is to make "plates" out of a piece of plywood that are the right diameter. It adds negligible weight and gets the bar where you need it. Glad it isn't bedbugs!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    ...and the urge to skip my work-out is getting stronger and stronger as the work-day plays out....