Daily Chat Thread



  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Beeps and Jessica - I love INXS for the 80's workout music! - and Maroon 5 has been my longtime love - But currently I really like listening to PitBull - don't tell my teens - they would be appalled lol!
    Also re Beeps last post - I really think that everyone's body is different. Some people will gain definition and lose fat with weight training alone because that is how they are genetically made - mesomorphs vs ectomorphs (can't remember the spelling). For some raising cals will work, for others (I think due to hormonal changes) not so much. (BTW - I think I am in the not so much/hormonal category) Our job is to keep plugging away - for most of us there is no easy fix and we have to do a combo of it all. Just my opinion ;)

    As for me: I have been out of commission after tweaking my back. Hope to get back on it this week and ready to start stage 2 (which looks scary btw) first week of June.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I loves 80's music! I listen to it a lot at work as well to keep me distracted from munching on snacks all day.

    Beeps - I totally get where you're coming from. I've only been doing this 3 months (almost) and I'm starting to get that panic. I can definitely see a difference from when I started, but am no where near where I want to be by the end of six months. Summer is going to be even harder to stay on track too since my boys have baseball 4 nights a week and we camp a lot and vacations and BBQs and who knows what else.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm sorry guys. The only insight I can offer is that a lot of people will tell you that for most of us, it can take a year or more to reach that ideal body, and that's probably an understatement. It takes people years and years to get where they want, but slow and steady wins the race. As for appetite and nighttime munchies, I chew gum, brush my teeth, and tell myself how far I've come in a year and that I can keep trudging along without wolfing down things my body doesn't benefit from.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    jessica, you are my twin right now. I started on December 24th. My measurements stalled out about 8 weeks ago. My weight has stayed the same, +/- 3 lbs. since the beginning of February. Sorry I'm being such a *downer* today.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    jessica, you are my twin right now. I started on December 24th. My measurements stalled out about 8 weeks ago. My weight has stayed the same, +/- 3 lbs. since the beginning of February. Sorry I'm being such a *downer* today.

    PPPFFTTT! We all have days like that. Unless you are on crack, I think its perfectly human to have a down day. And heck, I guess when you are on crack you have down days when you can't get it.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Sounds like we're all in the same boat! I started in mid-January and at the end of stage 1, I had GAINED in size all over (I wasn't weighing so I don't know how that changed) and I was just crushed. I felt like I was pretty realistic in not expecting real noticable changes until late March or April (10-12 weeks) but it's been even slower than that. I know there have been some changes but it's almost June and I'm not nearly where I thought I'd be by now. I was supposed to take pictures and measurements last weekend but I didn't feel like messing with it so I need to do it this weekend. I don't know that my measurements will really have changed much but I know my pants fit differently- tighter across the top of my butt and looser around the lower half and my upper thighs for example. I do kind of feel like I hit a turning point in the last week or two and I will start seeing results more rapidly. But that's just a feeling (or wishful thinking) and I won't know if I'm right for a few more weeks. But I know that stopping for sure won't get the job done and eating crap just makes me feel like crap so I'm past the stage of doing that to myself. I'm just going to keep plugging away, I'm still that much closer to where I want to be than I was in January.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Errr.... I'm treading gingerly, cause it's not the popular opinion here... but MY experience so far has been that I have to cut my calories down below 1400 to see any movement on the scale.

    Something that I've noticed with some of the women who are eating 2000-2500 calories is, they are spending a couple of hours working out HARD every day. I get in an hour on my lifting days, and 25-30 minutes on my cardio days. And I take 1-2 days off a week. So for me at least, maybe I just don't need that many calories...

    I do tend to grab bites here and there - lick the peanut butter off the spoon, pop a couple of chips in my mouth, I don't log oils, so I'm probably getting an extra 200-400 calories over what I log. I'd rather shoot for a lower number with what I log and not drive myself crazy measuring all of those little nibbles.

    So... when I do get to the weight I want, I will gradually increase my calories, and hopefully I will be able to eat more and still maintain. But for now, 1300-1400 is what I'm eating (not eating back exercise calories). I also give myself some more wiggle room (and forgiveness) when PMS hits, for the safety of my family. LOL

    ((((((hugs for everyone))))))
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    jessica, you are my twin right now. I started on December 24th. My measurements stalled out about 8 weeks ago. My weight has stayed the same, +/- 3 lbs. since the beginning of February. Sorry I'm being such a *downer* today.

    Ugh. WTH? I feel like beating my head on the wall. I wish I knew if I I really need to cut my calories more. I may break down and buy a Bodynedia FIT. I just don't ever know whether I need more or less. I want to grow muscle. But I want to cut fat. I want it all!!
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    ^^ I am saving up for the bodymedia right now. Amazon has it on sale. I would really like to get a better idea of what my body is actually burning cal wise as I have a sneaky suspicion that at 43 my metabolism has declined and I am tired of all of the guess work.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I don't get why this has to be so hard. I see all these ladies eating way to little, doing nothing but cardio dropping pounds each week. I have tried eating too little. I have tried eating back exercise cals and doing tons of cardio. Now I'm trying eating more and heavy lifting. Honestly this is the first thing that really feels right. Yet, no progress in weeks. I want to beat my head on the wall everytime I see where they have lost more weight! I just keep reminding myself, I could beat them up! Lol! Yeah, I'm a little twisted.

    Sometimes I really would like to just stop tracking food. I would like to make eating clean a goal, stay away from sugary, carb-y foods, and just eat as needed. I'm so sick of obsessing and over-analyzing every single bite.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member

    I want to stop tracking food. I spend AT LEAST 5 hours a day obsessing about everything food/fitness related. 5 HOURS PER DAY.

    I have for nearly 5 years. I don't even know WHAT I used to think about before I started thinking about *it*.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    ...but, in the theory that it is "darkest before the dawn"...

    Had a GREAT work-out today....used up the 2nd free session a friend gave me with her personal trainer. My last free session. So, of course, he worked me out SUPER-DUPER and now I want to CONTINUE with him. But, I'm not buying another gym membership....I have a gym membership....

    So, he is checking into whether or not I can just buy PT time (I doubt it).

    I would really like to meet him once-per-week, do NROL4W 2 x per week, and do some outdoor cardio 3 x per week - that would make for a GREAT SUMMER RECIPE, I figure.

    I may not be where I want to be by the end of June, but my original 2012 goal(s) are still in SIGHT!! And, I think I can get there by September....and if not then, then by December, lol.

    I want to have a good summer. I want to drink alcohol on sunny patios. I want to clean up my eating, as much as I can, but permit indulgences and aim for "moderation".

    I need "balance" in this equation. Like birdy_blue, I only spend 60 minutes a day on the 'exercise' part....the better (i.e. more success-oriented) aim is to fix my eating because I don't plan on spending 2-3 hours in the gym, daily, ANYMORE - EVER.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Birdy, do you see my post? Maybe it's on my wall. I broke down and bought the body media fit. ON resting days I burn an average of 1600 cals. My metabolism is low. I KNEW I was eating way more than I was suppose to but I wanted to test and even hope the "eat more to lose more" would work for me. Anyway, I have cut my calories back to 1300-1500.

    I am very discouraged with the weight gain AND I didn't mention this before but my before and after pics look the same.:sad: Yes, I have lost a half inch here and there but nothing significant. Then again, I have one more workout in stage 2. I will take another set of pics then and hopefully see a difference.

    We must keep on keeping on. What's the worst? Squatting more than our husbands? :happy:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't get why this has to be so hard. I see all these ladies eating way to little, doing nothing but cardio dropping pounds each week. I have tried eating too little. I have tried eating back exercise cals and doing tons of cardio. Now I'm trying eating more and heavy lifting. Honestly this is the first thing that really feels right. Yet, no progress in weeks. I want to beat my head on the wall everytime I see where they have lost more weight! I just keep reminding myself, I could beat them up! Lol! Yeah, I'm a little twisted.

    Sometimes I really would like to just stop tracking food. I would like to make eating clean a goal, stay away from sugary, carb-y foods, and just eat as needed. I'm so sick of obsessing and over-analyzing every single bite.

    I feel the exactly the same way in ALL of your points.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    I ran intervals to this song last night on repeat. It is awesome!!

    This is my first post in the chat thread, but i couldn't resist. Love the 80s synth pop. It was the cheesiest, most awesome decade ever!

    I KNEW I liked this group of chicks! Heck to the YEAH! I run/interval to a shuffle of 'Awesome 80's Cardio' (ipod album), LMFAO, RockStar INXS, and my fav couple of running songs, including "Rock Me Amadeus', 'Sail' (Awolnation), Johnny Cash & Social Distortion's 'Ring of Fire', Florence and the Machine, 'Shake it Out' and 'Bring it Own Home'.. lol.. Heck, if I am almost finished and 'Rock Me Amadeus' comes on, I do another few minutes just to finish out the song...

    LOVE cheesy 80's hits. I so remember "Send me an Angel" and am adding to the rotation asap!
    Have you tried "C'est La Vie (Robbie Nevil)? I Can't Wait (Nu Shooz)?
    Also love Florence and the Machine and LMFAO!
    Here are some of my current favorites:
    Hip Hop Hooray (Naughty by Nature)
    3 (Britney Spears)
    E.T. (Katy Perry)
    Skrillex (for cardio)
    Lost +, Paradise (Coldplay)
    Blow (Cirkut remix, Kesha)
    Vow (Garbage)
    Midnight City (M83, from a Victoria's Secret commercial)
    Young Blood (The Naked and Famous)
    Amber (311)
    Like a G6 (Fifty Cent)
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Regarding workout music: I've been listening to Maroon 5. I think I need to find something new today.

    Maroon 5 is definitely on my iphone for workouts. For a similarly upbeat album, try Foster the People's Torches. Great album to workout to. Also, Florence and the Machine's Ceremonials. It's a little more arty, but there are some great tracks.

    I have these too! LOve, love
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Birdy, do you see my post? Maybe it's on my wall. I broke down and bought the body media fit. ON resting days I burn an average of 1600 cals. My metabolism is low. I KNEW I was eating way more than I was suppose to but I wanted to test and even hope the "eat more to lose more" would work for me. Anyway, I have cut my calories back to 1300-1500.

    I am very discouraged with the weight gain AND I didn't mention this before but my before and after pics look the same.:sad: Yes, I have lost a half inch here and there but nothing significant. Then again, I have one more workout in stage 2. I will take another set of pics then and hopefully see a difference.

    We must keep on keeping on. What's the worst? Squatting more than our husbands? :happy:

    My before and afters look the same too, manic. I am with you on cutting calories. I ate at a deficit for stage one and lost no weight so I am looking at cutting even more.
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    I did Stage 1 B5 today. I am thinking about taking a off exercise week and just cutting calories and see if I can lose. I have pretty much stayed the same weight since the end of March.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi ladies--Just thought I'd jump on the Why Isn't This Working Faster??? thread. I've been doing this since early Feb and only had about 20 lbs to lose...thought I'd be at goal by now, no problem! But, no. Yeah, I've lost a bit, yeah I'm down some inches, yeah I'm wearing size 6 instead of 8, but I'm still jiggly, still have a poochy belly, still have fat thighs, still am not the Goddess Lou promised I'd be. So, I'm only at the end of stage 2, but the fat loss is GLACIAL. At this rate, I'll be at goal in DECEMBER. Ugh.

    I'm going to try intermittent fasting for a bit--see if that helps. I'm annoyed with focusing on this so much. I try to tell myself I"m okay with the "lifestyle change" and with slow-and-steady, but part of me wants to just go balls-to-the-wall with a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (google it) if I don't see changes after a couple of weeks of IF. Getting my town pool membership tomorrow, and so bummed I won't be wearing a bikini there this summer :(

    Sorry for the whine--I'd offer you some cheese, but at this point I don't think I'd have any takers!

    p.s. I am still liking NR--last two stage two workouts tomorrow and next Tuesday. Then at least a few days of rest--to encourage some weight to whoosh away if nothing else. I haven't lost an ounce since my last rest week!