Daily Chat Thread



  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    I ruled it! 2:51 and 2:50 on the body matrix. YEAH!

    Of course... there's always the issue of being able to walk tomorrow... LOL
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I did BWM for this first time in stage 3 last night with a time of 3:49 in each set... but I half-*kitten* the jumping lunges. A friend should me a back and forth motion to do it correctly. The hopping made me feel spastic. Hurting today pretty good. I went to Zumba after work today, but she kept it pretty low impact. I need her to teach me some stretches. THose DOMS are creeping on my as I hit the 24 hour mark and I have a feeling this won't be pretty. I practically limped out of the gym last night.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Well i'm not really sure what to do. I've finished stage 3, I wasn't planning on taking aweek off, as i had one right before stage 3 (so only about 3-4 weeks ago), but i am wrecked. I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with the shift work pattern i've been doing for the last 15 years, on my days off i either have insomnia, and get 4-5 hours sleep, or i sleep like the dead for 12 hours. Either way i feel like crap when i get up. Plus today i woke with back ache, which never happens.

    I think i'm eating enough, i'm on 1660 plus exercise cals (i'm quite small and at maintenance). My weight stays the same, which i guess means i'm at the right intake.

    I think i need to go easy due to my sleep problems, so will probably take a mini break, almost a week. I'm also seriously thinking of a career change as switching from days to nights to days again in one week is not good for the health. I just wonder if my lack of energy is down to something simple like not enough food. It would be a shame to jack in a well paid job for that reason!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Well i'm not really sure what to do. I've finished stage 3, I wasn't planning on taking aweek off, as i had one right before stage 3 (so only about 3-4 weeks ago), but i am wrecked. I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with the shift work pattern i've been doing for the last 15 years, on my days off i either have insomnia, and get 4-5 hours sleep, or i sleep like the dead for 12 hours. Either way i feel like crap when i get up. Plus today i woke with back ache, which never happens.

    I think i'm eating enough, i'm on 1660 plus exercise cals (i'm quite small and at maintenance). My weight stays the same, which i guess means i'm at the right intake.

    I think i need to go easy due to my sleep problems, so will probably take a mini break, almost a week. I'm also seriously thinking of a career change as switching from days to nights to days again in one week is not good for the health. I just wonder if my lack of energy is down to something simple like not enough food. It would be a shame to jack in a well paid job for that reason!

    So sorry to hear you are having these issues Jen. You know, I think the lifting does make significant extra demands on the body, and I've heard before that people do really need more sleep when lifting. I know I'm a bit more tired than normal right now, and I was thinking of trying to get more sleep myself. But the insomnia is worrying; do you ever go to bed hungry? I know that in my case I simply cannot sleep if that happens. As you say, now is perhaps not the right time to be making major life decisions, without checking everything thoroughly first. Do you think it would be a good idea to experiment by eating more and see what the effect is? I get the feeling that most people do actually put on a bit of weight on this programme, and the long-term changes to the body require a bit of extra weight in the short term. And anyway, some of the extra weight really is muscle, if you are fuelling the body properly. So staying at the same weight might be a sign of not eating enough. I'm not explaining myself very well here, so I'm hoping you uderstand my logic! I'm small too (5' 4"), and I can't get by on this programme with fewer than 1800 calories a day plus exercise calories (and I often need more than that). I'm trying not to let the scales rule anyway, and go by the mirror instead. So the idea from this burbling on is yes, perhaps you should eat more. Sorry to be confusing - I'm on a short break at work and don't have much time.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Well i'm not really sure what to do. I've finished stage 3, I wasn't planning on taking aweek off, as i had one right before stage 3 (so only about 3-4 weeks ago), but i am wrecked. I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with the shift work pattern i've been doing for the last 15 years, on my days off i either have insomnia, and get 4-5 hours sleep, or i sleep like the dead for 12 hours. Either way i feel like crap when i get up. Plus today i woke with back ache, which never happens.

    I think i'm eating enough, i'm on 1660 plus exercise cals (i'm quite small and at maintenance). My weight stays the same, which i guess means i'm at the right intake.

    I think i need to go easy due to my sleep problems, so will probably take a mini break, almost a week. I'm also seriously thinking of a career change as switching from days to nights to days again in one week is not good for the health. I just wonder if my lack of energy is down to something simple like not enough food. It would be a shame to jack in a well paid job for that reason!

    My doctor was talking to me about Melatonin for insomnia... not sure if you have tried it - but it is natural and supposedly works great.

    Sorry to hear you are having such trouble. I used to do shift work. It is SO hard on your body! I peeked at your food journal - and I doubt that your run down feeling is food related. I would think it's sleep related. Hope you feel better soon!

    I was reading over some of the earlier chat stuff... and I have to say I wasn't sold on what the balance postures were doing for me either (and I'm a part-time yogi!)... ANYWAYS... long story short, I went to a hot yoga class last night and my teacher had us try 8 angle pose (I'd put in a picture but I don't know how?)... I've been trying to do this pose for years. YEARS. And, last night.... I DID! (and yes - it was a quivering, sweating, breath holding mess... but the shape of it was there... LOL) I totally credit those damn planks and all those core strengtheners!!!!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    @jenlwb - The book does talk about the program effecting your sleep, along with some other indicators to use to determine if you need to make adjustments. (Sorry, I don't have it with me or I would list a page number.) The adjustments, unfortunately, are not clear cut and leave a lot to experimentation, like adjust calories (either up or down), getting more rest between lifting sessions, and a few others I can't remember right now. I agree with Miss Maggie, if you are sleep deprived, it's probably not the best time to make career changing decisions. :smile: I would experiment with eating more first. And I think your idea of take a few days off is probably a good one. I hope you get it figured out. I know how frustrating not getting quality sleep can be. Good luck! And keep us posted.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Finally got that first NROL4W workout after my trip and boy, do I feel it! I actually stuck with completing stage 1 instead of starting stage 2. It always takes a bit of time for me to learn the new set of lifts! So I will be to stage 2 soon!

    :flowerforyou: Jenthomas - love the pic. of your arms, amazing!

    :flowerforyou: jenlweb - the not sleeping thing stinks!! My hubby can have a problem with his sleep pattern. I think the melatonin has been helpful

    Again, learning so much from you all by just "listening in!"

  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @Hoosier - Thanks!!

    @Jenlwb - sorry you're having such a hard time sleeping. Definitely might be worth a try to experiment with different things to see if it helps before you make any big changes.

    After 2 weeks off, I was finally able to get my butt out of bed this morning and get my workout in. My hip is feeling much better after a massage and an adjustment. I'm headed out of town again today, but should be able to get in another workout on Saturday or Sunday so I at least get 2 workouts in this week.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    @ecrogers4 - YAY!! That's a GREAT NSV.

    @Jenlwb - I agree with the others. Sounds like you do need some time to recover. Maybe take a week off, and then try lifting twice a week and getting some walks in. I've heard different fitness gurus talk about how critical sleep is - the shift work has got to be screwing up your system. Especially switching back and forth. Something I've noticed is that I sleep better with NO lights - no clocks, LED lights, etc. Completely blacked out room.

    @JenThomas - glad you are feeling better!

    @Hoosiermomma - definitely nothing wrong with sticking with Stage 1. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Jenlwb - I'm not sure you need a week to recover - except that your sleep-disturbances likely need some attention (first!) before anything else. Have you thought about only lifting 2 x per week (instead of 3) - this will give your body more time to recover BETWEEN work-outs, which might be what your body requires, given how difficult shift-work is on your body (overall).

    I am actually thinking of lifting only 2 x per week through the summer. I just want to spend SOME time outdoors, while the weather is good - and that would be one way of doing it. Also, I am wondering if my body is getting enough "rest" between work-outs, too. I am unsure. This, overall, is a "rest week", for me, so maybe by next week I'll be wanting to get back at it 3 x per week. Dunno. We shall see.

    I was also reading a Q & A thread that popped up here on mfp a couple of days back - from some major musclehead who is (supposedly) also a certified fitness trainer, blah, blah, blah. It was an interesting read....and some of the "take-aways" from my read included:

    1. This guy NEVER works out his abs (specifically). The compound moves he does (squats, deadlifts) are sufficient to work out his abs....and, he has MAJOR-6-PACK going on.
    2. He NEVER spends more than 45 minutes in the gym. So, he bangs out the weights and then is DONE. Interesting, given how L-O-N-G the NROL4W work-outs have become.
    3. Every 2nd or 3rd post was "eat at a deficit, eat at a deficit, eat at a deficit". Period. So, if it is fat loss you want, you HAVE to eat at a deficit. NOT a LARGE deficit, but at a deficit....and, with patience and consistency (aahhhh, the dreaded "consistency"!!), the fat WILL COME OFF.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks for all your lovely replies ladies, you always cheer me up!

    I will take this week off, and experiment with eating more. I also have some brain fog, and will experiment with cutting out diet coke/pepsi. I don't think melantonin is permitted here, a pilot friend of mine got some taken off him at the airport. I sleep with an eye mask on, so it's always dark for me :glasses:

    I've also decided to apply for another job, it's a similar job, still shifts, but a different company, this will do for a start, part of the problem is being so SICK of my current employer of 12 years. A change is as good as a rest! I'm not going to pack it in altogether yet.

    Beeps my work sched is over 8 days, so i try to get 3 workouts in that time, so it's a bit less than 3 times a week. I often take 2 days inbetween workouts, not 1 day off. I wonder if we'd all get on better if we did the shorter workouts, basic, stronglifts or starting strength? Go in, get the job done, go home! If i make it thru this prog i'm def doing one of those next to see how much i can get up to on the big moves.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Hey guys, random question. I'm on week 4 of stage 1, and I've been adding some extra exercises after completely the ones for the day - like, I'll do some planks, or those things where you get on all fours, bend your knee and push your leg up and down. I'm thinking of doing some tricep work today. Just wondering if anyone else does this?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hey everybody, I've been MIA again for a bit. Hoping to be more regular here again.

    I have one more week to go of my metabolism reset and then I'll take measurements and pictures and reassess my workout routine. It's such a weird trick that my mind plays on me, I weighed myself yesterday and today at exactly the same weight. Yesterday, I felt huge and bloated and could have sworn I was 10 pounds heavier. Today, same weight but I feel strong and good about my body. And I've focused on my squat form. I had to go down a bit in weight but I didn't get that pain in my knee which was a huge relief. Focus, focus, focus!

    A couple posts back someone mentioned yoga socks. I use those and recommend them. They are weird between your toes at first but I got used to them very quickly. If you still aren't sure, there are slipper socks with treads on the bottom, maybe those would work too.

    Jenlwb- glad you are considering a move away from the shift work. I think that will make a huge difference in your sleep and overall health.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    @Beeps - I get that about no need for abs work; I can feel the core strengthening just through the lifting. When I think of all the hours I used to spend ...

    @jenlwb - yep, a change is definitely as good as a rest! Good luck with the application; quite exciting, eh?

    @firstnamekare - personally I don't feel the need for extra exercises apart from cardio, which I do mainly so I will be able to have a bigger dinner :)

    Re; the idea about shorter workouts, I'm vaguely, tentatively, cautiously starting to wonder what I'll do after this, and I've seen stronglifts 5 x 5 recommended. What other things do y'all think are worth considering?
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey guys, random question. I'm on week 4 of stage 1, and I've been adding some extra exercises after completely the ones for the day - like, I'll do some planks, or those things where you get on all fours, bend your knee and push your leg up and down. I'm thinking of doing some tricep work today. Just wondering if anyone else does this?

    Somewhere towards the end of the book, the author talks about adding/modifying the workouts because a reader may feel that an area is not being targeted. He said to trust him and Alwyn.... he says Alwyn knows what he's doing and this method was tested with a lot of women. So in short, resist the urge to modify.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Re; the idea about shorter workouts, I'm vaguely, tentatively, cautiously starting to wonder what I'll do after this, and I've seen stronglifts 5 x 5 recommended. What other things do y'all think are worth considering?

    Me too. After my fiasco after stage 2, I restarted stage 1 for my metabolism reset and I'm reluctant to restart stage 2 again. I enjoy the simplicity and shorter workouts of stage 1 and a few people on my FL are doing SL 5x5 so I'm leaning in that direction.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Yes, I think I'm totally going to investigate "stronglifts" when I'm done with NROL4W....mind you, that's still a couple (few?) months away, so I'm not that worried about it.

    Also, I agree that "modifying" the work-outs (to include MORE exercises), likely isn't the way you want to go. Modifying to avoid past-injuries or to accommodate current shortfalls seems sensible. But, "adding" things will leave you frustrated (I believe).

    Other than Stage 1, the work-outs are LENGTHY enough (if you ask me!).
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I did the A workout of stage 2 a couple hours ago and I am feeling the soreness creep in! Stage 1 didn't leave me like that. Must have been lifting too light OR stage 2 is a killer. I can't imagine adding more . Not that I didn't want to and sooooo glad I didn't.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    I'm looking at either Strong Lifts or doing Cross Fit WOD - I have iPhone apps for both already downloaded. :smile:

    I am LOVING Stage 5. It's the same as stage 3, but it's 4x4. I love the shorter sets. (Guess that's a plus for going with Strong Lifts.)

    I'm actually not resting between sets. I just don't have that much time, and I like the met con from pushing it out fast. What I've been doing is going through the lifts (I think there are 5 different moves maybe?) one after the other for four times. Then I do the ab work in supersets like it's written. Then the body weight matrix or HIIT.

    I hear the people who say don't modify. But I've said this before - I've been working with weights long enough to feel comfortable doing the workouts, but I like having a "template" base to work with. Just what works for me.
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I usually don't post on this board (though I do read through it every couple of days like a creepy stalker type person...but a SUPER SUPPORTIVE creepy stalker type person who thinks you all are doing AWESOME!), but I wanted to share my total elation at finishing stage 1! Very excited! And since the word on the street is that Stage 2 is pretty killer, I am very much looking forward to it!

    Here's a link to a blog post of how things went: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/autumn_mix/view/finished-stage-1-of-nrol4w-256727

    I realized very late in the stage that I wasn't tucking my elbows in on my push-ups, and now that I am trying to...holy crap totally different burn, batman!