Daily Chat Thread



  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    @Beeps... is it too late to weigh in? I like Jessica's suggestion of a "filler" weight training week - mix and match your favs... or do a couple extra lifts from the Stage you are at...

    @Lozze - fingers crossed that fixes the problem!! If not - is it possible your knees are going too far forward? That's what was causing my knee pain...

    Off to do 3A3!! WOOT!!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm having intense pain in my right knee when I go past parallel for the push squat. And that's only 15kg! I was getting to parallel but had to stop going further as it felt like my knee would snap. I'm doing it right (confirmed by a PT) so not sure what to do.

    I'm also having a horrible time with balance. Any advice would help! Can I put my foot against the wall doing the one point row?

    Squats- the pros say angle your feet out slightly, and your knees will follow them forward and slightly out. Not past your toes obviously.

    Balance- I've found previous yoga and pilates have helped me with that, my main tip would be to fix your eyes on one point on the floor, it really helps when you're on one leg.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Squats- the pros say angle your feet out slightly, and your knees will follow them forward and slightly out. Not past your toes obviously.

    Balance- I've found previous yoga and pilates have helped me with that, my main tip would be to fix your eyes on one point on the floor, it really helps when you're on one leg.

    Sadly that tip doesn't work for me. I was trying it last night and nothing. I can balance if I'm not moving but once I start the movement it goes.
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Just back from doing 1B2. Love this program so much!!

    @Lozze I was directed to a you tube video of Mark Rippetoe teaching squats and he recommends toes turned out, I've followed this as I have joint problems and can get parallel this way but not with toes forward. The book does say that every body is different and to adapt to you, as long as your form is fine go with what feels comfortable.

    @Beeps :laugh: Just read the end of the last thread
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Squats- the pros say angle your feet out slightly, and your knees will follow them forward and slightly out. Not past your toes obviously.

    Balance- I've found previous yoga and pilates have helped me with that, my main tip would be to fix your eyes on one point on the floor, it really helps when you're on one leg.

    Sadly that tip doesn't work for me. I was trying it last night and nothing. I can balance if I'm not moving but once I start the movement it goes.

    Just think of the sense of accomplishment you will feel once you get it. Hang in there. It will come!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    This afternoon is stage 1 B3. Really looking forward to the deadlifts to see if proper form helps. :laugh: My shoulders are still extremely sore from the pushups (with proper form) on Wednesday so I'm sure that the shoulder presses will be a huge challenge.

    I'm really enjoying this so much more than the "boot camp" workout I was doing lifting 5 and 10 lbs for 90 seconds at a time. Gah! that was tedious!

    So a question for those that have been doing this a while? How long did it take before you started seeing results in your arms? I'm only two weeks in, so far from expecting grandiose changes, but have already started noticing changes in my torso. Just wondering when I might see some changes in my arms. I am so ready for these bat wings to go away so I can wear sleeveless shirts with confidence.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to be apart of this group! I finish special workout B tomorrow then its rest week and i'm super excited to start Stage 2! Perhaps I will see some progress when I eat better GRRR!!!! But NSV - someone I hadn't saw in a while told me "have you been working out? You look really strong." First I thought - dang - odd compliment? But I like strong over fat! So I'm gonna keep pressin forward. I love this program so far!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    "you look really strong"?? I'd love to hear that!

    I cut short my uplanned week off, felt lots more like me today, so i began stage 4. Although it seems to be our choice whether to do 2 or 3 sets, so i took it 'easy' with 2 sets. Inreased my weights from the same exercises in stage 2, so that'll do.

    Hubby walked in at one point to see me with big ugly 12kg dumbells and was impressed, said i've come a long way since the Barbie weights! I looked longingly at them (they only get used for YTWL) and said i miss them!

    Protein shakes are so much more fun now i finally got my hands on some optimum nutrition powder and my Blender Bottle, it's got a cool little whisk ball in it. Quite cheap on amazon.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to be apart of this group! I finish special workout B tomorrow then its rest week and i'm super excited to start Stage 2! Perhaps I will see some progress when I eat better GRRR!!!! But NSV - someone I hadn't saw in a while told me "have you been working out? You look really strong." First I thought - dang - odd compliment? But I like strong over fat! So I'm gonna keep pressin forward. I love this program so far!

    Wow! That's a great NSV - I'd love to hear that too!

    Lori - the changes i my arms have been gradual, but deceptive at times, as sometimes they look bigger than others, which I think may be due to water retention.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I'm totally going to start Stage 5, today....thanks for all your input!!

    Lozze - I'm visiting with a new-to-me personal trainer on Monday - so it isn't worth my time, or his, to have him baby-sit me while I do NROL4W (in my humble opinion)....I want to use that time to pick his brain and see what HE thinks about where I'm at, what I should be aiming for, how long things should take, where I should be modifying, etc., etc.

    I've waited out the week and now I want to lift heavy, again - if, for no other reason, than to try and avoid BRUTAL DOMS this weekend (and then again, next week). Sheesh, I mean, I'm heading RIGHT BACK into the body matrix - I KNOW I'm going to be SPENT today!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    lori - by upper body started making HUGE noticeable improvements within the first month of NROL4W. Now, my upper body *is* stronger than my lower body, so maybe that's why but even now, if I go sleeveless, I look GOOD. (Put me in shorts, it's a totally different story - guess I can't have my cake and eat it, too!) You'll get rid of those bat-wings in VERY short order if you follow ALL the rules of NROL4W. I promise!!

    HisChild - there is NO greater compliment, in my world, than "you look strong" - I am proud of you and you should be REALLY proud of yourself!

    Jen - I'm glad you just got back into it....I think that is the right plan and I am following suit, today!!

  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to be apart of this group! I finish special workout B tomorrow then its rest week and i'm super excited to start Stage 2! Perhaps I will see some progress when I eat better GRRR!!!! But NSV - someone I hadn't saw in a while told me "have you been working out? You look really strong." First I thought - dang - odd compliment? But I like strong over fat! So I'm gonna keep pressin forward. I love this program so far!
    Wow!!!! What a huge compliment. You should be very proud of yourself. I am just starting Stage 1 week 3. Looking forward to the changes to come.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I started Stage 5, today. Gosh, I'm sore (already!) - and I only did 3 sets (not 4, the 4th was optional and I opted NOT to do it, lol!) and I only did 1 set of the "body matrix".

    I am glad I took the rest week that I took. But, I am *terrified* at how quickly I feel like a "beginner", again, with full-on DOMS, with intimidation as to "how high" I can go with the weights, etc., etc.

    Gosh, with only 4 reps to do, I should have REALLY aimed high for weights. But, I didn't. Too scared to do that. Sheesh, what a baby I can be sometimes.

    Oh, and did I already say how SORE I am???????????

    Blech. The *big* difference between cardio and heavy-lifting, for me, is that I feel GOOD after cardio and I feel absolutely SORE after heavy-lifting (which is *not* my favourite feeling). Go away DOMS - go AWAY!!
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    I'm so glad to hear this about your upper body. Sounds absolutely awesome and I can't wait to follow in your footsteps and have killer arms!! I've been flexing and asking friends to feel my biceps since State 1 A1 ;-)

    I'm only 3 workouts into stage 1 now but this morning when I put my jeans on (thank you, casual Fridays) they felt looser.
    Can't wait till my next workout1!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    stage 2 B workout is making me feel that way, Beeps. I am feeling sore and it's only been 2 hours ago.

    I love the feeling though. I know the muscles are being worked!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok you all are making me feel guilty. I'm blowing off 3B1 tonight and hopefully will push for tomorrow. I had a stressful afternoon at motor vehicles, stupid bureaucrats, and sat there so long my blood-sugar tanked followed by an allergy attack, and now I feel exhausted. I don't feel TOO bad because this is SUPPOSED to be a rest week. However, if I don't lift tomorrow, everybody needs to yell at me.

    Upper Arms: I noticed a difference about a month into stage 1. and it's noticeable in B&A pics. Now, in stage 3, if I wear a tight shirt, people will comment.

    Today's NSV, my rings are falling off.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have a revelation I would like to share. Please continue reading and you will understand my somewhat excitement.

    I arrive at the gym this afternooon and begin to back into a parking spot. I notice as I shift the gear up into reverse something just didn't sound right. I didn't give it another thought as I pull forward and back again. Then the gear shift would not go into park. So I shift down to drive and back up . NOTHING. My car will not go in to park. A quick phone call to my husband and he says "you coming home? want me to meet you there?" I said , "no, let me put it in neutral with the emergency brake so I can run in and exercise."

    Months ago I would have been defeated and left the gym but not today! I think this proves my dedication to exercising/lifting now.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Manic- that's a fantastic change of mindset.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Manic- that's a fantastic change of mindset.

    My sentiments entirely. Go, Manic!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    sam - allergy attacks are BRUTAL. I hope you are "okay" and I'm glad you didn't stress your body even MORE with exercise. It can wait a day, for sure!

    manic, that is an AWESOME NSV. Awesome - you are doing GREAT!!

    I got my long cardio in. Am now pooped. Tomorrow is a REST DAY. And, I'm having all sorts of "good" mother's day things happening....so, yay for Beeps!

    Enjoy - the weather here is AWESOME - hope it is where you are, too!