Daily Chat Thread



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Happy mother's day to all those on that side of the atlantic! (UK Mums were a couple of month back, but just as special :flowerforyou: )

    Well i thought i took it easy with stage 4A on Fri, esp with only 2 sets on some exercises, but apparently not... my shoulders and my glutes are killing me! Maybe i shouldn't have gone up to 18kg on the front squat/ push press, but i was stuck at 16kg for so long on stage 2.... and my shoulders are not my strong point..

    Hope I'm able to do 4B Sunday, cos i won't have time on Monday. It's a long one, with 9 different sections BEFORE the HIIT....

    Back to my night shift :grumble: keep lifting ladies.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks Beeps, but you can yell at me now. I came home from the racetrack, worked with my dog for half an hour and now I am done. I'm way under calories today and just exhausted.

    Manic, awesome attitude!

    Jan, thanks for the Mothers' Day well wishes :)
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    I have a revelation I would like to share. Please continue reading and you will understand my somewhat excitement.

    I arrive at the gym this afternooon and begin to back into a parking spot. I notice as I shift the gear up into reverse something just didn't sound right. I didn't give it another thought as I pull forward and back again. Then the gear shift would not go into park. So I shift down to drive and back up . NOTHING. My car will not go in to park. A quick phone call to my husband and he says "you coming home? want me to meet you there?" I said , "no, let me put it in neutral with the emergency brake so I can run in and exercise."

    Months ago I would have been defeated and left the gym but not today! I think this proves my dedication to exercising/lifting now.

    GREAT change of mindset, Manic! (T.S. Eliot: ..."we who are only undefeated / because we have gone on trying". Way to go!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    LOL @ Beeps for rolling the thread.

    I signed up for my first 5K this Saturday!! WOO HOO! I am terrified of doing something completely airheaded... .like running the wrong way. It's a really small one though - probably only about 25-30 runners, so should be a good first timer.

    I didn't go up in my weight any in Stage 5 (compared to what I did in Stage 3, that is). I was worried about getting through all four sets. But it IS only four reps each time, so I feel like I should have been braver. That's what was so great about working with a PT - I always worked harder.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    I have a question about taking breaks. I'll be finishing up stage 1 this week and and am seriously considering skipping the break week. In the past, break weeks have been setbacks for me. What do you think? Did anyone else skip the break? Do you think the breaks are essential?
    Alternatively, if I do take a break, I was planning to eat at rest day calories and do more cardio, say, run 4 miles 4-5 times. maybe drop a pound of fat on my week off?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    austelle - I took a break week last week between Stage 4 and Stage 5. I don't think ALL "break-weeks" are necessary, so if you don't FEEL like your body needs a break, carry on!

    (Mind you, my "Oxygen" issue this month had an entire ARTICLE on "overtraining"....and, it is exactly that mind-set, the "I don't feel like I need a break" mind-set, that actually leads to overtraining. So, BE CAREFUL!)

    I am meeting with a personal trainer, today. I wanted to ask him about getting deeper into my back-squat, etc. But, as the time is drawing near, I'm all of a sudden suffering from a lack-of-confidence and thinking I just might let him do whatever he wants to do with me for the hour. Who knows?? I *actually* know that, to stay deep in my back-squat, I just have to back-off the weight. Period. I keep wanting to go HIGHER, but my body just is NOT ready. End of story.

    I'll get back to NROL4W on Wednesday.

    Have a great day, all!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Any thoughts on strength training and doing 30DS (daily, with maybe one day off a week from JM?). I just started with free weights last sat, but I am in the middle of the 30DS, which I do at least 6 days/week. I am right now focusing mainly on my core and biceps, because those are all I know right now :)....I am only using about 5-8 lbs on JM....a bit more at the gym. I am looking to start this NROLFW program once I get more comfortable with the weight room and the equipment. But I do plan to continue the basics I've learned this past week every other day.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Wow! I missed a lot while traveling the last couple weeks, and I just realized today that this thread wasn't showing up in my list of topics so I had to go searching for it.

    Lots of great NSVs out there. Way to work hard ladies!!

    I am so glad to be done traveling and get back to lifting. I'm debating if I want to add a few extra workouts to Stage 2 since I had to take a break in the middle of it.
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    This may be a silly question, and I think I get the idea of what DOMS is, but what does it stand for???
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    per wiki:

    Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise.[1] It is caused by eccentric exercise.[2] After such exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby soreness, if the exercise is repeated.[3]
    Delayed onset muscle soreness is one symptom of exercise-induced muscle damage. The other is acute muscle soreness, which appears during and immediately after exercise.

    I still get it, and personally love it.
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks Kel~ I figured thats what it was from the context in which it was being used! But, I didn't know what it stood for. I heart wikipedia!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    New here! Just finished up my Stage 1, B2 set. I feel pretty beat up. but LOVE IT!
    I have been trying to get in a 'run' for my warm up (most times, I run a mile, as fast as I can go) and today I did 2.5 miles and a .5 mile walk. It seems to really get my heart rate up and puts my mind in the 'right mood'. It does make my lifting somewhat 'harder' which can't be a bad thing, can it?

    I am also still working on losing 30 more pounds of weights, so while Schuler won't be super pleased) I feel I have to get in my cardio for the weight loss. (I've lost 26 pounds since February). I was distance running (average 25 miles per week with a long run on the weekends, but have cut that back to about 10 miles per week).

    As to lifting, I am pushing as heavy as I can and making it a point to go up weights with every workout. The least amount of weights I will use is 30 (stage 1). but they change with the exercise. I go full on, no doubt.

    Anyone else running? Does it make you feel better? thoughts?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    There are some women who are runners and heavy-lifters, for sure, MamaWanna.....I'm not one of them, though, lol.

    My running days are behind me. At least for now. I do HIIT on my days between MWF lifting. And, Saturdays I do step-aerobics - also not recommended by Mr. Schuler.

    My PT session today was kind of "myeh". Machines for quads. Machines for back. Only for the BB bench press did we use free weights. Blech. (And, I introduced myself by SHOWING HIM the NROL4W textbook that i do my regular work-outs from, lol.)

    So, I've got one more free session with this dude. And, while I got a good work-out (and sweat a TON!), I won't buy more PT sessions while I'm finishing NROL4W.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps, are you sure we didn't go to the same trainer? :-)

    I can only do cardio on my off days when I'm lifting only twice a week. Three times a week was leaving me too fatigued to do anything. I really hope that after I've been lifting for longer I'll be able to increase my workouts.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I'm actually thinking of cutting back to 2 days per week for strength-training....at least through the summer (so I CAN get one work-out outside!!).

    And, then, next fall, I'm hoping I'll be ready to do a "split" program so that my various muscles *do* have enough rest time between work-outs.

    As I go through NROL4W, I'm pretty sure my body needs more than 48 hours rest. Maybe it only needs 56 or something, but I'm kind of ready to try 72-hours of rest and see how that goes.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi All...haven't looked at this thread in a long time, but I've got to start checking in. Great to hear what's going on in all different stages, and not just the one I'm working on (2).

    Speaking of 2...all those lunges and the Bulgarian split squat = major DOMS for me. Love that. I really need some thigh/butt reduction, so I like the idea of all those muscles getting tighter.

    And Beeps--I usually lift 3x a week, but I notice that when I have more than 48 hours between workouts I feel much stronger when I lift. I think my body probably needs that rest--but, I just don't always accommodate it (I'm impatient and schedule-challenged).

    I've got S2 WOA2 tomorrow...hoping I can master the front squat push press....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Vehicle is fixed and praise God it wasn't major!! $117 to fix the gear shift, sliding door( wouldn't open) , AND oil change. Nothing had to be replaced just repaired. Glad I stayed to workout instead of coming home and sabotaging my lifting.

  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Manic - that's GREAT news!!

    MamaWannaRun - I was exclusively running a couple of years ago - up to 30 miles per week and NOT tracking food - and was extremely frustrated with my lack of weight loss. Those last 10 pounds would not come off. I stopped running completely for about 3 months to work with a PT twice a week doing strength training (and once a week on my own), and tracked my food. Not only did I lose weight, but I saw a huge improvement in my speed once I started running again. Many of the lifting sessions with the PT were tough circuit type workouts, so my cardio did not suffer. Now that I'm doing NRoL, I do still run 2-3 times a week. One short and fast, one slower mid-distance (recovery), and one mid-pace long. Bottom line, if you need to think about what your goals are. It won't hurt you to take a break from running for a few months to really focus on getting your strength up. If you don't mind seeing slower progress with your lifting and really love to run, do both. Personally, I think it is better to just do the strength training, with some HIIT, but when I'm "on my own" with workouts, I tend to lose focus and motivation a little unless I am doing the runs that I love so much. I would encourage you to set some goals with exercise and diet and try them for 4-6 weeks, take measurements and before/after shots, then reevaluate and adjust.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I need to whine and want advice.

    I fluctuate 3 lbs. That is fine. Today I feel like if pricked with a needle I would explode. My face and extremities feel like I will explode at any moment. WHY am I retaining so much water? I am drinking 8-10 cups a day.

    AND why am I not losing? I read on here women are losing about a few pounds on this program. My average caloric intake is 1500 calories. I know everyone will ask "how are your clothes fitting? measurements?" I can't imagine an average of 1500 calories is maintaining my weight. My choices of food maybe?

    I think I need a bodymedia to track my TDEE. You think my metabolism is super low?

    ANY thoughts would be appreciated.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I need to whine and want advice.

    I fluctuate 3 lbs. That is fine. Today I feel like if pricked with a needle I would explode. My face and extremities feel like I will explode at any moment. WHY am I retaining so much water? I am drinking 8-10 cups a day.

    AND why am I not losing? I read on here women are losing about a few pounds on this program. My average caloric intake is 1500 calories. I know everyone will ask "how are your clothes fitting? measurements?" I can't imagine an average of 1500 calories is maintaining my weight. My choices of food maybe?

    I think I need a bodymedia to track my TDEE. You think my metabolism is super low?

    ANY thoughts would be appreciated.

    Girl there are days I feel just like that, but luckily not often. Your metabolism could be super slow, but you won't know this unless you have a test run or buy a bodymedia. You could try doing a reset (eating at maintenance for a couple weeks) then try again. Here is a NROL4W excel doc that might help you. Good Luck!
