Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    dnamouse!!! That is AWESOME! Thank you, sooooo much, for sharing that!

    I hope other chickadees share photos and stuff here....it is TIME to post some GREAT body-results!

    I lifted, yesterday, but will join the groupmax-strength class, today. Too much cardio, but i just kind of stand still while they are all doing jumping jacks, or whatever. And, i dump my weight DOWN! This is a high volume-lower weight style workout. It kills some time.

    I also hope to walk for an hour or two later this afternoon.

  • sub2orbust
    sub2orbust Posts: 2 Member
    Hope I can just jump right in!

    I'm on the 6th workout of Stage 1. I'm not completely new to lifting, but I have never done a program like this. I've been running, often long distances, for about 7 years. But I'm not really into it right now and I don't have a gym with good classes or a pool right now so I feel like I'm in a good place mentally and physically to hit this program hard and to work on eating well. I'm going to weigh once a week, but I'm more concerned with my strength and how my body might change.

    I lift at home because this year my husband researched and ordered a squat rack and stuff to go with it. So I think I do everything at home. We'll see!

    I'm 5'6, 152 lbs and 32 years old.

    Looking fwd to following along with this thread and hopefully posting at least on weekdays.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hello ladies, welcome Sub2orbust

    I feel like it took me forever just to get caught up here. That sore throat & sinus things turned into a "I think I'm dying this week" kinda of cold It totally took over my head & my chest. Yesterday my cough finally got a little productive to clear out some of the congestion & I was able to workout again. I wasn't planning on taking a week off but I had no energy and basically slept through last weekend & used all my strength just to get my work done. Thankfully I work the same place as my BF since I didn't feel comfrotable to drive. Now that I'm finally feeling better it seems that he is starting to come down with it. :sad: I hope he doesn't get as bad as I did we all know how guys can get when they get sick.
    Since its going to be a long holiday weekend, we're supose to meet friends of our at the science museum of Saturday and then take my boys and my nephew to this arcade pizza place ( way betten than chuck e cheese) they have a promotion going on all day unlitimted rides, arcades games, laser tag, bowling, & buffet. I'm worried to take 3 kids there on my own especially since My older son is the only one tall enough to ride the go cart on his own & I can't have my nephew sit out so I can ride with my 3 yr old & I can leave my 3 yr old to ride with my nephew. I really hope my BF feels better.:ohwell:

    Dna, I can't wait to get home & see the pic you posted, my work blocks all the good websites ( not sure why this site hasn't been blocked yet, all other social media is).
    I am definitely in the hot club here, it cooled off to 99 on Monday and everyone was talking about how mice & cool it was. We're back up to 108 this weekend. I don't know if I'll ever get used to Arizona heat, the summer feels like an oven and it rains mud. If we do get a little real rain they make such a big deal about it. Its breaking news there was a drizzle outside and the airport got .01 inch of rain. No joke :laugh: My Bf is from Wales & I'm from NY we just laugh at it and continue sweating :laugh: :laugh:

    Get some sleep ladies & maniac I'm glad you're getting through the roughest parts
    keep lifting :drinker:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    pmag, here is the strength portion of my hyp I workout:
    Workout A
    BB step up
    DB bench press
    Wide-grip lat pulldown

    Workout B
    Forward lunge
    DB shoulder press
    BB squat
    Underhand grip lat pulldown

    For one complex, I do bent over row, front squat and overhead press using the barbell. And for the other I use a weight plate to do goblet squat, swings and diagonal chops.

    cowgirl, I don't have a problem with the ladies at my gym. Its the men who I hate being around. Some of them act all crazy when they see a woman lifting heavy weights. For example, one saw me loading up the barbell a few days ago to do hip thrusts and his comment was something along the lines of me being careful not to hurt myself :explode:.

    Beeps, so sorry about the layoff.

    Pudding, we should do a challenge ourselves! I think I need one.

    dna, I'll have to wait until I get home to see the video.

    To all the sick/tired ladies, I hope you all feel better soon and get some serious rest.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    pmag, here is the strength portion of my hyp I workout:
    Workout A
    BB step up
    DB bench press
    Wide-grip lat pulldown

    I could not do this - can't do DLs and pull downs in the same workout without hurting my elbow. Turns out my strength and power II D (yes, there are A, B, C and D!) is all upper body and my elbow was not v happy! Might have to tweak that one. Been working heaps this week and am so tired.... still lifted yesterday and went to combat tonight..... now I feel like I'm getting sick.:noway: I need to rest. Busy weekend ahead and crazy week next week.... no time to be sick, it'll have to wait!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hello ladies, welcome Sub2orbust

    I feel like it took me forever just to get caught up here. That sore throat & sinus things turned into a "I think I'm dying this week" kinda of cold It totally took over my head & my chest. Yesterday my cough finally got a little productive to clear out some of the congestion & I was able to workout again. I wasn't planning on taking a week off but I had no energy and basically slept through last weekend & used all my strength just to get my work done. Thankfully I work the same place as my BF since I didn't feel comfrotable to drive. Now that I'm finally feeling better it seems that he is starting to come down with it. :sad: I hope he doesn't get as bad as I did we all know how guys can get when they get sick.
    Since its going to be a long holiday weekend, we're supose to meet friends of our at the science museum of Saturday and then take my boys and my nephew to this arcade pizza place ( way betten than chuck e cheese) they have a promotion going on all day unlitimted rides, arcades games, laser tag, bowling, & buffet. I'm worried to take 3 kids there on my own especially since My older son is the only one tall enough to ride the go cart on his own & I can't have my nephew sit out so I can ride with my 3 yr old & I can leave my 3 yr old to ride with my nephew. I really hope my BF feels better.:ohwell:

    Dna, I can't wait to get home & see the pic you posted, my work blocks all the good websites ( not sure why this site hasn't been blocked yet, all other social media is).
    I am definitely in the hot club here, it cooled off to 99 on Monday and everyone was talking about how mice & cool it was. We're back up to 108 this weekend. I don't know if I'll ever get used to Arizona heat, the summer feels like an oven and it rains mud. If we do get a little real rain they make such a big deal about it. Its breaking news there was a drizzle outside and the airport got .01 inch of rain. No joke :laugh: My Bf is from Wales & I'm from NY we just laugh at it and continue sweating :laugh: :laugh:

    Get some sleep ladies & maniac I'm glad you're getting through the roughest parts
    keep lifting :drinker:
    SInus infections seem to be the order of the day this summer, glad you are starting to feel better. Can your older son drive the cousin? (and you gave me some good ideas for this weekend)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I;m jealous of the ladies doing hypertrophy and Power, One more damn BT stage. I can see why they tell experienced lifters to cut out 1&2. I will next time. I hate this high rep crap!! I do feel it making me stronger which is what I needed after a long break, but I'm having such a hard time controlling my weight even with a deficit. I need my weights heavy and my reps low. I lost count of BS3 Workouts. I don't know if I have one more of three more.

    Yesterday was 10 hours of amusement park. My back is yelling a little today. I'm tired. Too much fun for one week. I'm going bowling at some point today, but the jury is out on the gym.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    thanks yall for the well wishes.

    I am counting down the days. Getting back in the gym will be like starting all over. :cry:

    I need to increase my protein a little each day. It will help with healing plus get me back to where I need to be.

    Sam, I am jealous that you live so close to an amusement park. Next Friday we leave for 4 days Disney and 4 days Universal. The dr said I would be fine to ride the roller coasters and pools just not to do big water slides and rest periodically. We aren't doing water parks so that won't be a problem .
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    jamaican - i blare music loud into my ears and can't hear any comments from gym-dudes!

    Jo - glad you have no time for illness....me neither!

    Samntha - i don't do the high-rep stuff....but i might change it up this fall!

    manic - muscle memory is stronger than you might think! I can't wait until you are fully healed....but take all the time you need!

    Got my lifting in and done! Had lunch with hubby. Am off for a pedicure really soon!

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    jamaican - i blare music loud into my ears and can't hear any comments from gym-dudes!

    Yup, me too. I even sing along. I'm the freak at my gym, lol :laugh:

    Samntha - the high reps don't seem to ever disappear!! But they aren't so frequent in S&P

    Enjoy the theme parks.... we have booked to take our kids in January to the Gold Coast - Movie World, Dreamworld, 2 x water parks. We have been before and it was the best holiday - I don't know about you but it doesn't matter where we are, so long as the kids are happy, I'm happy 'coz there's no moaning!! I did a scholarship last year to be able to do placement over in Malaysia, but the Uni scheduled it when I wasn't able to go. So I decided to use the money to treat the kids instead and have some family time. I haven't told the kids yet - hoping to surprise them :happy:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Thanks for all the help on hyper trophy guys - I plan to try it tomorrow
    This is the busiest weekend of the year- it is soooo hard to get to the gym
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I had very mixed feelings about hyper. But it did get results. Good luck, pmag!

    Jo, that sounds so fun! I took the kids to their first theme park last weekend. They're still 3,5,&6 so they weren't into the scary big stuff, but they had a blast. I enjoyed just watching them have so much fun! Funny how our perspectives change when we have kids.

    Seriously considering skipping lifting today and just doing some work with the horses. They've just been pasture ornaments lately and they're getting lazy.

    I think we should all upload videos of doing our favorite lifts or our most recent PRs. I loved seeing dna's video. I'll try to post one this week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Scheduled cardio done! Now to enjoy a long weekend of non-structured time!

    I will be going to a different gym for the next three weeks due to construction stuff....this might be fun! New people and a new environment. Maybe i will find a new workout to go with it?!?!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hubby wants to camp this weekend. SAVE ME!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hubby wants to camp this weekend. SAVE ME!

    Can't he just go? :wink:

    Lifting done yesterday, not bad seeing as I'm feeling slightly unwell. Combat this morning - I would skip it but I have heaps of work on this coming week and know I won't make it to the gym much. Some beautiful weather here in Adelaide, got to stay stuck inside and finish a presentation for Uni this afternoon after a lunchtime meeting - yes, on a Sunday :grumble: Workload = massive. And the inlaws arrive in 5 weeks..... and are staying for 3 months :noway: Feeling kinda stressed.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jo three months is too long even if you like your in laws.

    I have another lifting question. As some people on this thread know, I have a very wimpy bench press. My personal trainer had me work lower pecs more and I had some improvement. Another trainer told me to work upper pecs because no one will ever see my lower pecs . They are hidden under breast fat.

    Aaaagh! I want to look good and be stronger!
    Any thoughts ??? I am seriously trying to limit my workout time per day as Sept will be horribly busy..
    So I am lounging around typing on not instead of working on tues presentation.

    Hope every lifts heavy
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    So like I thought, most of the weight I gained from that 2 week diet break must have been water. Because this morning I weighed in 3.4 lbs less than last week! Here is how my plan went:
    1. 3 days of lifting
    2. 1 day of HIIT cardio
    3. 3 days of no junk food
    4. Eat TDEE - 16% in a calorie cycling fashion
    5. At least 25% of calories should come from protein
    6. Drink 6 cups of water daily
    7. No late eating
    8. 3 servings of veggies daily
    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. Check
    5. No. This is the one I really need to get right.
    6. Check
    7. 6/7 days
    8. Check

    So generally a decent week. Besides the protein. But I'm not compromising on that this week, I WILL get it.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    pmag, sorry I can't offer any advice. What the heck do I know? My bench press has always been weak too. Did you start hypertrophy yet? What exercises did you choose?

    jo, h*ll no! 3 months? I would die.

    beeps, a new gym sounds like fun! And I do the same regarding music. But trust me, it doesn't deter everyone. Even last week this guy came up to me (while I had my headphones on) and was clearly saying something so I had to remove them. He asked me my name and what days I came to the gym, he wanted to join me :noway: :mad:

    cowgirl, it must have been so much fun for the kids. I would like to take my daughter to Disney world next year. I need to start saving NOW.

    manic, how soon before you're able to start working out again? I agree, keep the protein moderate/high.

    sam, I hate the high rep stuff too. Like really hate it. Though, for some reason, I prefer the 2 sets of 20 reps vs the 3 sets of 12-15 reps. But, I believe ALL the different rep ranges have their use which is why I prefer NROL where its mixed up over Stronglifts 5x5 where its all low reps heavy weights.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    pmag, sorry I can't offer any advice. What the heck do I know? My bench press has always been weak too. Did you start hypertrophy yet? What exercises did you choose?

    jo, h*ll no! 3 months? I would die.

    beeps, a new gym sounds like fun! And I do the same regarding music. But trust me, it doesn't deter everyone. Even last week this guy came up to me (while I had my headphones on) and was clearly saying something so I had to remove them. He asked me my name and what days I came to the gym, he wanted to join me :noway: :mad:

    cowgirl, it must have been so much fun for the kids. I would like to take my daughter to Disney world next year. I need to start saving NOW.

    manic, how soon before you're able to start working out again? I agree, keep the protein moderate/high.

    sam, I hate the high rep stuff too. Like really hate it. Though, for some reason, I prefer the 2 sets of 20 reps vs the 3 sets of 12-15 reps. But, I believe ALL the different rep ranges have their use which is why I prefer NROL where its mixed up over Stronglifts 5x5 where its all low reps heavy weights.

    My bench is the weakest too. I struggle to make progress with dumbells and the benches at my gym just don't seem to be made for my height/ stature as I can never position myself comfortably with the bar.

    I like the mixed reps but hate the 20's, lol.

    Yeah, 3 whole months.... it's going to be tough. I have already booked them 2 weeks away in different cities and I'll be going away for Uni placement for 2 weeks. I can't really complain as they are coming to help me out with the house/ kids while I'm on placement. And hubby wanted to have them for Christmas so hence why they are staying so long. So be warned, you may notice a higher than average rate of ranting from me :wink:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    3 months?? Rant away! :laugh:
    My IL's went overseas for 2 months. It would have been blissful except they kept Facebook messaging questions to ME instead of their son. Seriously, don't ask me stuff where I have to ask him - ask him directly!

    But they are leaving next year to head back to the farm in another state - 7 hours away... sounds good to me :tongue:

    Disclaimer - they are lovely, but overbearing at times. I need my space :wink:

    Check-in for the week, 3/3

    1. Lift 3x week - check
    2. Cardio min 2x week, 30min - check, did 2 lots of kick boxing, I really needed it lol
    3. Meal plan & healthy snacks - going okay. Although DH used the food last night I had set aside for Friday's meal... oh well, shall be juggling things around again :wink:

    Three more sessions of Stage 6 (Wed, Fri & Mon) and then I'll take the rest of next week off lifting, get some extra sleep and hit up Stage 7 the following week. I'm going to buy Supercharged and have a good read in the meantime :smile:

    I'll be back for a proper read later. Got to get these kids to school.