Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    Barbell, I'm also setting myself a goal for the rest of the year. I have to get my food right or I could run and lift all day and it wouldn't matter. I think we can do it. No, I KNOW we can!

    I finished stage 7 today, all 12 workouts, and am very happy. Hit a PR on deadlifts and got a random compliment from a stranger on my squats. I'll take it :)

    One week off lifting now, just some cardio for a "break," then its Supercharged time!

    Omgosh, what kills me is that with all the working out I do, I could look so much better....but I just maintain when I'm not really careful about my eating.

    4 months can make a lot of difference! We got this!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Red, that's awesome!!!

    Beeps, enjoy the gym while you can!

    Ali, most of us DO have to get into sub 20% BF to have truly visible abs, so yay for you! You should be very proud of yourself!!!!

    Sam, blah! Stay hydrated!

    Julie, the main thing I remember about Stage 2 is how hard the DLs from a box are. If you're not 100% confident in your form, don't do them- just sub regular DLs. After two years of lifting, I have no intention of ever doing DLs from a deficit again. I just don't have the right anatomy to perform them correctly.

    I just spent two hours decorating a cake for my middle ones birthday. Which means lots of taste testing. So I don't expect to have great macros today. I'm off to lift!
    Thank you!! I pulled a muscle in my back starting to deadlift a few months back and it's finally healed. I subbed squats for half of stage 1 and only really started dead lifts toward the end, I'll stick with the regular ones! Thanks a bunch!!
    Yum-cake! It's so hard not to taste test ;)

    Sue-thanks for the welcome! Hope work went well and your lower body workout went well!

    Dou-good for you!! I've considered SL5x5 several times and have my husband doing it. I may move to it depending on how I like stage 2 ;).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    nicely done ladies, keep up the good work. I'm dragging my butt to zumba tonight when all I WANT to do is crawl into bed. Tomorrow, the children.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    So true Barbell. I can out eat any workout :P

    Its been so nice only doing cardio this week, just doing whatever machine I feel like. Yesterday was elliptical and today was a treadmill walk/jog. Tomorrow will likely be the stair climber and the Curve.

    But...I miss lifting. The gym is set up so you can see the weight area while you're in the cardio area and I kept staring at people lunging and squaring :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Pudding - yup, me too, I love to eat.

    Sue - sounds like an epic workout! Nice job

    I'm having a rubbish week with workouts - called out at 5am for a birth today. Babe delivered at 1215, then I had to go do a presentation for Uni at 1pm - and I'd wanted the morning to prepare! Totally winged it but got it done. Then home to kids, tea time and finished my job application. Now instead of working out I'm celebrating with wine, lol. Will lift tomorrow. Cardio will wait this week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Got my lifting in-and-done.

    I am going to enjoy some dim sum with the sstaff I left behind when I got laid off!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I finished Stage 2 last night & I'm feeling it in my shoulders & hips today. I don't know where the week went, I've only done one cardio & one lifting. I think I'm going to skip the week off since I just skipped a week of workouts when I was sick.
    My job interview went well, but I don't like the schedule, 12-9pm and Saturdays are mandatory. :noway: Nope that's not happening. I like putting my kids to bed & making sure they had a good dinner and I wouldn't be able to go to any of Andy's after school things. And Saturday ha, thats my family time. No job is worth that, they won't be little forever.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • mroe2
    mroe2 Posts: 9 Member
    I finished Stage 2 last night & I'm feeling it in my shoulders & hips today. I don't know where the week went, I've only done one cardio & one lifting. I think I'm going to skip the week off since I just skipped a week of workouts when I was sick.
    My job interview went well, but I don't like the schedule, 12-9pm and Saturdays are mandatory. :noway: Nope that's not happening. I like putting my kids to bed & making sure they had a good dinner and I wouldn't be able to go to any of Andy's after school things. And Saturday ha, thats my family time. No job is worth that, they won't be little forever.
    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Glad to hear that you are putting you first, and realizing what's important in life! Kudos :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-wise choice! It goes so fast! Enjoy your little ones while they're little!

    Beeps-good job!

    Jo-guys day! I'm with you, cardio is a bonus most weeks, even though I know it's part of the NROLFW.

    Pudding-it's good to miss it! I do that too, I'd much rather be lifting than doing mindless cardio. Could lead me to a plot routine eventually so I can lift 4x/week ;).

    Barbell- I can eat! I'm trying to watch and document everything...but if I were free, I'd be chowing down!

    I'm revisiting my diet. I have been hitting my macros and calorie numbers (23% deficit at 1650 cals, 40:30:30- but the is some play in there, the protein has to be at least 30 though) for 6-7weeks and am up a lb or 2. Even on vacation (I went back and plugged in my meals, indulgences and all) I was eating maintenance level and 1 day over by 300. I should be down by now. But, I'm looking better, which is great. But gotta get rid of the insulation! I may go back to low carb, or at least lower carb.
    Has anyone done low carb with the NR workouts? I'd be curious if anyone has tried that. I lost my 130 with LC, but was hoping to lose the last 10-20 by just counting calories and exercise.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Julie, good luck with your goals.
    ALi, good choice, I wouldn't take the job either. It's bad enough my husband has crap hours.
    Speaking of the hubby, did I mention he got a raise, his thrid in a year. He must be doing something right. THat being said, I can afford to keep my kid care throughout the school year, so no excuses for missing workouts. I made it today even though he worked late :)
    Got in my lifting tonight. Pushed my limits a little. 3 sets of 12 @ 75 lbs

    I had a little epiphany. I've been blaming my lack of progress on the program, but it's not the program it's me. I've been very inconsistent with diet and exercise. I have to give it a month of real effort. Now that I'm back in my routine, it should work.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Talking of epiphanies, I had my own. Using this website www.strstd.com/ posted in another forum, I confirmed what I thought.... my bench SUCKS. It's so bad, I'd be better saying I've never done it before. So, upper body is IN. I WILL increase these lifts.

    Today I had to rethink plans and ended up do plyometrics instead of lifting. But that's ok as I have more opportunity to lift tomorrow - and it'll be deadlift day, hurrah! Then I can get combat in on Sunday. Finished placement for 2 weeks so should get my lifting in without too many dramas. Happy days.

    Have a great weekend ladies
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    No lifting this weekend - my brother and his family (surprise!) are coming up.

    I am happy to see them, incl my little nephews, but I had a good stretch of workouts that I was enjoying!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Thank you ladies for the support in my decision.
    Sam, awesome new about your hubby
    I'm starting stage 3 tonight, and I am determined not to get derailed this weekend. I just don't stay focused on the weekend and undo all the hard work I did during the week. I am seeing slight changes though just not where I want them. I swear Im losing for everywhere but that saddlebag part of my thighs & I feel like its looking worse bc of it, but I'm sure its just my imagination.
    I did a bootcamp workout yesterday and I've gotta say I never did those moves when I was in bootcamp. My plan was to work out for a bout an hr but I was so out of breathe from that 20 minute workout I didn't do more, which means I need to that one more until its not so hard. I used to think that Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workouts were hard too, now I'm all "that's it". :bigsmile:

    I have a great weekend ladies, Beeps, enjoy your family.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good afternoon everybody! I've been lurking in the threads for a little while and finally decided to join in! My name is Cee. I've been on MFP for a while then took a big break and now I'm back. I started NR last year then stopped (see the habit?) and now I'm back at it. I'm currently in Stage 3 (have 1 B workout left) and loving my gains.

    I saw this:
    Julie, the main thing I remember about Stage 2 is how hard the DLs from a box are. If you're not 100% confident in your form, don't do them- just sub regular DLs. After two years of lifting, I have no intention of ever doing DLs from a deficit again. I just don't have the right anatomy to perform them correctly.

    And wanted to add: when you're doing DL - anything under 135 pounds (meaning the bar + 45s), you're already lifting at a deficit (unless you're using bumper plates). If you want to create a deficit without standing on the box, just use smaller plates. That's my helpful tip for the day. :-)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks for your post Cee. This has gotten me thinking. I don't use a box/ step for DLs and the size of the plates is an issue for me. Not so much when picking the bar up, but when putting it down. Those last few inches and my shoulders tend to hunch over on occasion because it's just so low to go. I've tried resting the bar on other plates, but the design of the ones at my gym means the bar ends up rolling around and it becomes more awkward! I can use 45's but not as my warm up weights.... anyone got any other solutions?
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-I'm not sure. Maybe a pad? Like those mats over the plates to the weight from rolling?

    Cee-welcome! And thanks for the input! I've had a hard time with my DLs. That shoulder hunching thing...trying to keep my back last enough, I pulled my lower back earlier in stage 1, and I'm being very careful now. Today I did well during my DLs, but then pulled a muscle moving the bench back under the smith machine after doing the Cuban snatches. Then it got worse when I unloaded the dishwasher! So annoying! I wonder if I propped it up it'd be better? Hmm...I've only got 10lb plates on each side right now...so it'll be a while until I get up to the 45 lbs on both sides. :)

    I did B of stage 2 today and it's not as bad as I expected! The Bulgarian split squat was hard because I couldn't get good balance with the top of my foot flat on the step. Gonna try a padded bench next time to see if I can get my foot right. It does take longer with the 15 min of cardio added at the end.

    Rest this weekend, then back to lifting Monday! Looking forward to it!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey everybody. Been wanting to post all week but my internet has been down.

    My plans for this week did not materialize at all :sad:. I hadn't realized that TOM was coming up (due tomorrow) and the week before it comes I have no self control. I went over calories EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. this week. One day I ate over 300g of carbs! Right now I'm a bloated mess and I've gained 2 lbs. It's very frustrating. Sorry about the rant, it's the hormones talking (I think). Anyone else have this problem during this time of the month (eating all the food)? How do you control it? I feel like every time I take a step forward I end up taking 2 steps back :grumble: :cry:

    Welcome to all the new ladies.

    Jo, how much are you DLing? I still warm up with the 135 even though I'm only DLing 150. Or maybe you could do another type of DL like sumo for your warm up. I do sumo for the higher rep sets.

    julie, I found BSS with the top of my foot flat on a step to be hard too initially. Padded bench definitely helps.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Jo, how much are you DLing? I still warm up with the 135 even though I'm only DLing 150. Or maybe you could do another type of DL like sumo for your warm up. I do sumo for the higher rep sets.

    My current workout calls for 5 sets of 5, 5, 5, 5 and 8. So I warm up with 90lbs, then go into the sets with 110, 132, 143, 154 and 132 (i.e. 50, 60, 65, 70, 60 kgs - better numbers lol). The big plates at my gym are 20kg so that'd mean starting at 132.... prefer to warm up with less than that.

    I go kinda crazy with TOM also. Snuck up on me today too..... but am working out enough to eat through it ;-)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Love thanks for the tips

    I had my first "real personal training session" and it went well.
    My Bp increased by fifteen percent within one week
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jamaica you are amazing.
    You might feel like you are taking steps back but somehow you dl 150 lbs!

    You and Jo are so strong.