Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello just checking in.

    I had a great day- no work and lots of fun

    My kids are adjusting to school
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    A boring check in for me....

    Workout: squat day (amongst other things) - done.
    Study: Vaguely productive
    Jobs to complete before in laws arrive: Weeding - done. Will need doing again before they get here :frown:

    Mammoth workload arrived in my inbox yesterday. Ugh. One week until placement starts. I feel I may MIA for a while ladies :sad:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Beeps, I hope your back heals soon!

    I did my second Supercharged workout yesterday andnitneas challenging. The plank with pulldown was a killer; I had a hard time stopping my hips from rolling. And I had to go way down in weight on my shoulder presses when they were combined with a back lunge.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Welcome Quincy! I'm in stage 2 also. I'm lifting my light barbel from the ground for DL...it's like me being up on a box for a normal DL person! Ha! Good to have you here with us :).

    Beeps-good to hear the hotel is treating you well. Don't overdo it. My back is finally feeling better...cracking and stretching did me some good. Hope you're feeling well soon!

    Pudding- sounds good! I think as we progress thorough stages we need to drop back a bit on weight and refocus on form and for me, balance!! Kutgw!

    Jo-hang in there. Hope it's not too overwhelming! .you'll push through. :)

    Pmagnan-those are good days!! Enjoy them!
    Hello Ladies, and welcome Michelle & Quincymo. I was going to post Monday but I never got around to it. TOM is lurking around the corner & I can feel I'm being a moody b*tch. I hate feeling like I'm on an emotional roller coaster & can't get off. Today I can feel my bloat & I'm just staying away from the scale.

    Red I'm in aww of your posting, it lightened my mood and made me feel like everything we're doing here has its purpose and we are actually accomplishing it. You're a bad *kitten* and totally inspiring.I'm just going to put you up here on this pedestal for a while where we can all admire you.:flowerforyou:

    I meant to do my first workout in stage 3 B on monday but I got caught up making lunch for the week and then dinner & spcial veggie mix for my BF so it never happened, then I was goind to do it last night but that is my BF's workout night and I didn't want to start lifting at 8pm then eat it was just too late, so I will lift tonight. I'm accepting my grumpies for now and just getting off my butt at work more and doing more of my BF's work. ( yes we work together, he was my co worker for 6 yrs before we started dating and now we live together, Idk how we're now killing eachother yet :laugh: ) At least we know the BS we deal with at work so we can identify with eachother's gripes.

    Julie, where in AZ are you? I live in Tolleson and work by Desert Ridge by Scottsdale and the rain was no joke, we weren't sure if we were going to make it in to work. I hope you didn't get too much flooding. And they say we're in for more rain like that next week.:noway:
    I'm down in Gilbert. We usually vacation up at Deserrt Ridge Marriott a week each summer. :) we're all dried out now, but more next week?:sad: my kids will be happy! Lol at working and living together and not killing each other-we homeschool and dh will work from home and did for many years-I didn't kill him or the kids yet! Lol!

    Jamaica- I'd be annoyed too! I go at off peak times and get a bit annoyed when there are too many people there! Lol!

    I'm doing well, stage 2 B2 yesterday. I got through it faster, but didn't have time for the cardio either, I'll go today and do some HIIT cardio. I'm still sore all over from the change, which I'm sure is the point. I need to double check my form, I'm not sure my reverse lunge with forward snatch thing was right yesterday...but using a bench for the BSS worked much better at keeping my foot flat. And...I was able to do all the PPs on my FSPPs! Woohoo! :)

    Have a great day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    jo_m - report in when you can....sometimes checking in actually helps with all the other "juggling" i have to do, frankly....

    Pmagnan - my kids are badly adjusting to school....as in they aren't. I get futile phone calls of all sorts. Blech.

    Pudding - i have decided combo moves like back lunges and presses are really just "disguised cardio", lol. So, i am a one-move-at-a-time kinda girl. Shoulder presses, done! Then lungeing, done! BOOM!

    Julie - my back will feel better and better each day - i demand/command it!

    Okay, off to the hotel gym for some lifting fun! And then inti the sunshine....cannot wait!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I dislike combo moves as well! My cns gets enough "challenges".
    I had a decent lifting session this am
    I am staying with my personal trainer. Will need to add some glute work. She promised to find a powerlifting competition for me. I need something to look forward to...

    Jo you can do it!

    Pudding sounds like a good workout.

    It's good to read about everyone's progress
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Just saying hello and then running off to take the kids to school. :glasses:

    My internet has been playing up, so it was a choice between work or pleasure when it came to surfing the net. I think it's just about right again though, miss you guys! :smooched:

    I'm just chilling through my rest week, had a lovely sleep-in this morning - very weird when The Husband gets up before me! And I looked over Stage 7 yesterday and was basically all :noway: but it should be fun lol

    Hi to the newbies :flowerforyou: I'm hoping to pop back in later for a proper read, but I also just got through some custom orders and have a couple of deadlines for this afternoon. Ah well, never rains 'til it pours around here...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am a hot mess and in need of encouragement. I haven't been getting to the gym and I am a woman of 1000 excuses. I know that I will feel better if I just go. I will work off the stress and the bloat and will gain some energy. But the energy I need to get moving is lacking.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    jo, I can definitely out eat any workout (and sometimes I do smdh).

    pmag, thanks for the words of encouragement. It made me feel a whole lot better. You too Julie.

    julie, great progress!

    red, yea, I think I might just have to eat what my body wants that week but in MODERATION. Congrats on finishing stage 4 and especially on getting so close to your goals!

    pudding, welcome to Supercharged! I love it so far.

    Ladies, just like I thought, I gained last week. 1.4 lbs to be exact. Oh well. Moving on.

    So I'm back at work (teaching) and my schedule is FULL. I'm stressed out just thinking about it. My daily commute alone is 3+ hours. Add in all my teaching hours, lesson planning, etc. Plus gym time. Plus family time. Plus planning my wedding. I'm seriously freaking out right now.

    My plan for this week:
    1. 3 days of lifting
    2. 1 day of HIIT cardio
    3. 3 days of no junk food
    4. Eat TDEE - 12% in a calorie cycling fashion
    5. At least 25% of calories should come from protein
    6. Drink 6 cups of water daily
    7. 3 servings of veggies daily

    Notice I've taken out "no late eating" and I may have to take out HIIT next week as well.

    Anyway, heading off to class now. Talk to you gals later.
    I know your pain and I'm glad I'm not alone.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    You can do it Sam! You will feel so much better if you just go. What about even getting outside for a light jog or brisk walk? Just to get the heart rate up a bit again? Returning from a hiatus is so hard.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am staying with my personal trainer. Will need to add some glute work. She promised to find a powerlifting competition for me. I need something to look forward to...

    Awesome! So cool - keep us up to date!

    Today was combat - interesting seeing as my butt seems to have been permanently clenched since squats yesterday :noway:

    BIG weekend for my little family, but should still get my workouts in. Tomorrow is pull ups.... fingers crossed, lol
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning, all!

    So, as a direct contrast to Wednesday, the gym was fairly empty today! Sweet! I did my last B workout of Stage 3 today. I'm taking next week off then will start Stage 4 on 9/22. I've enjoyed this stage! I noticed on the YTWL that I could have gone so much heavier on the Y and W but the T and L held me back.

    Question: for those who have completed the program or at least Stages 2-5, when you started Stages 4 and 5, did you dial back on the amount of weight you used in the initial workouts? Or did you pick up where you left off at the end of Stages 2 and 3?

  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,
    Sam you will feel much better if you get up and go instead of sulking about not working out. No more excuses go sweat that bloat off, the engery will come.Soreness from working about feels so much better an sorry you didn't :bigsmile:

    So doing the YTWL for the first time made me realize thatI have incredibly weak shoulders and I need to work on that. I'm also considering adding the body weight matrix to my HIIT and cardio just to save time on the work out. Ido my lifting at home so I'd rather spend that bit of time with the family than rushing through the end of that workout. I feel like I don't put in my best effort because I want to get it over with, but if I add it to my work workouts then I'm not rushed ( I'm stuck there til 5 no matter what) and I'll put the proper effort into it. As it is I find myself cutting short the 105 sec rest between sets. Any thoughts on this? Do you think this would mess up the workout?

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    As it is I find myself cutting short the 105 sec rest between sets. Any thoughts on this? Do you think this would mess up the workout?

    Personally I've never timed the rests - I take what I need. I have noticed now that I am doing bigger lifts in supercharged that I need those long breaks but never did during NROL4W or in earlier stages of this program. Just do what works for you. Or perhaps if you aren't needing those rests, time to up weights!! :-)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sam-just go!! Even if you don't do a full workout the motions of going again will get you heading in the right direction!! :)

    Ali-sounds like a good plan. I find myself rushing somethings too, i don't do the full 75 sec rest btw sets, but have debated whether i should be? but I haven't gotten to stage 3 yet. I tend to want to get through the gym as efficiently as possible!

    Love-glad you asked this...I'm wondering the same thing. I will finish stage 2 next week, so I have some time ;)..

    Jo-those back kicks must have been tricky ;). Have a good weekend!

    Got stage 2 A3 done today. I only fell once during the 1 point bent over row things, each side, But that's progress! I did full 60sec planks and added weight to my step ups and reverse lunges! Woot, woot! Sweaty mess, but worth it!! :)

    Scale is being mean and making me question my macros and calorie levels. I hesitate to lower them further, already at a 25-30% deficit and not losing. Going to continue being patient, focus on protein and keep hitting the gym. Hopefully I'm retaining water from the new moves, I am a bit sore!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Travel day. No workout. And tomorrow I will snuggle with kidlets. I will lift M/W/F this week....my back is feeling much, much better!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Scale is being mean and making me question my macros and calorie levels. I hesitate to lower them further, already at a 25-30% deficit and not losing. Going to continue being patient, focus on protein and keep hitting the gym. Hopefully I'm retaining water from the new moves, I am a bit sore!

    Get off the scale! Or, use it daily and record your weight to look at the overall trend. I have recorded my daily weight this year as I am increasing cals and don't want to suddenly gain +++. My weight ranges by up to 6lbs per month depending on my cycle. I have entered this into excel and made a very pretty graph which shows this, lol - no idea how to post it though! Seriously, if you don't look at it in these contexts then the number you see on the scale means nothing at all. You need to look at the overall picture xxx
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all very busy with kids sports.
    But I will lift tomorrow am just have to get out of bed.
    Lots of glute tightness

    Beeps glad you are feeling better.

    Jo I also vary about six lbs it can be in a day or in a month. But it is really stable.
    I want to get stronger.

    Sam hang in there.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Scale is being mean and making me question my macros and calorie levels. I hesitate to lower them further, already at a 25-30% deficit and not losing. Going to continue being patient, focus on protein and keep hitting the gym. Hopefully I'm retaining water from the new moves, I am a bit sore!

    Get off the scale! Or, use it daily and record your weight to look at the overall trend. I have recorded my daily weight this year as I am increasing cals and don't want to suddenly gain +++. My weight ranges by up to 6lbs per month depending on my cycle. I have entered this into excel and made a very pretty graph which shows this, lol - no idea how to post it though! Seriously, if you don't look at it in these contexts then the number you see on the scale means nothing at all. You need to look at the overall picture xxx
    screen shot and post as a pic. I did the daily weight thing for about a year, then I burned my scale in effigy lol JK I just neglected to buy new batteries for it and shoved it in a closet.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I did manage to get to the gym yesterday. I got in a serious lift and didn' have to rush. It was a beautiful thing. I even beat the squat twins to the rack. I will give her credit for being polite when she asked if I had much more to do. Though I felt totally wimpy with my 75lb squat to her 225, but hey, I'll get it back eventually. I'm really focussing on my form. My balance has been terrible lately and I need to get that back too. I'm starting Basic Training 4 Either Monday or Tuesday. My diet hasn't been great but not horrible. THis eating at a deficit stuff doesn't seem to be helping, but at least on the days I go over, I'm still at maintenance.