Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am glad to hear from you Sam.

    Today is a rest day just biking to work
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dnamouse-good for you pushing through the DOMS!! And lol at dh and good pain..lI've got my dh lifting now, he's going 5x5, and squats for the first time in his life. He's liking it now, but that first week he was limping and cursing me! Lol!

    Beeps-I used to do bodypump and could only do light weights on the bars...but it's a good workout! You totally fatigue that muscle with a million reps! I'm not sure if that's a weights rest day though. I toyed with it but am afraid I'd hurt myself! ...keep us posted if you feel like it's overtraining...

    Pmagnan- :hugs: sorry for the rough day. The little stuff builds up and it becomes a rotten day sometimes!! Hang in there, tomorrow will be better! I'm eating that plateau feeling and I'm only on stage 2!! I think I have weight lifting add...always toying with changing plans!

    Jo!! Great job!! That's a lot of weight!! WTG!!:flowerforyou:

    Quincy-I was sad I didn't have a book, magazine or something for today!! My low back hurt during the last 15 sec of my second plank...I know b/c I was watching my clock bored out of my mind. I think when I get to stage 4 (which I've heard has 120 sec ones!) I'll need a book! And I agree, I'm almost done stage 2 and now I finally like it. Those BSS took a few tries to get right. The padded bench helps keep that foot upside down and flat which made a big difference to me.

    Manic-hope you get to lift soon!

    One more stage 2B workout on Friday and I'm done stage 2. I've gained weight in this stage, despite a calorie deficit, and have not lost any BF according to the caliper. Sigh. Definitely not what I had in mind. I'm strong, and happy with my muscles that I can see and feel, but I really do need to shed some fat. I'll reevaluate over the weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Nahhhhh, i am not "over-training...i am not going up, up, up in my weights like when i was a NROL4W newbie. I can't remember the last time i got a PR on anything!

    I weight-trained heavy weights today. Then did an ab class.....it is "Feastival" tonight and i wanted a little extra room under my dress for my impending food baby!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Hello ladies! Glad to see you are still lifting heavy things - keep it up!:flowerforyou:

    Will probably not lift as heavily in the next fortnight, but I will do more cardio - will be on a house right on the beach on vacation!! Wohoo!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    It's all about goals.
    If you want strength- lift heavy. Eventually your body will change.

    Jo you are my hero

    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Today was crazy
    Soccer practicex two kids and back to school night. It is a wonder anyone eats in my house - we had a healthy pizza tonight.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    pmag, healthy pizza? Tell me more! Where can I find such a thing?

    Regarding planks, once I got to being able to do 90s of regular planks I started changing it up: one leg raised, one arm raised, one leg and opposite arm raised, etc. Right now I'm doing elevated planks with one leg raised. The boredom got to me too. But I can tell you I'm certainly not bored doing these.

    julie, what's your calorie intake? Height? Are you sure your calculated TDEE is correct? If not losing weight you should at least be losing inches. Or maybe you're losing inches from places you aren't measuring.

    Ali, I agree that Stronglifts is for building strength. I'm sure your body will change, but maybe it will be a slower process? I really don't know. I think maybe it all comes down to diet. Because I know some super strong people who don't look it at all, some have a lot of fat on them. So get your diet on point and you should be fine with whatever program you do.

    Oh, and regarding proposal, I had to wait 8 freaking years for my bf to propose! I kept pushing him and pushing him until one day I just gave up. Told myself when he's ready he will. He proposed a few months later and TOTALLY caught me by surprise. So wait, you might be surprised one of these days.

    manic, FOUR more days! I'm counting down for you :happy:

    jo, great PR!!! 165 lbs is my highest weight on the DL too. But mind you, mine is less impressive because I was 132 lbs at the time so only 1.2 x bodyweight.

    beeps, you and I both! I hate endurance exercises. HATE them. I'm all about strength and power. If I were a runner I'd be a sprinter. No marathons for me.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey everybody!!
    My trainer and I picked a date for my first powerlifting meet. Dec13th. So I had a great workout because I was so happy. She wants me to train with her twice a week but I can't.
    I need you all to keep me accountable.
    I deaded 135x5, but with a front grip- not mixed. So I was pretty pleased. I'd like to do 150 by dec.

    Jamaica there is no healthy pizza, but it tasted great!

    Tonight is back to school night number two. I am ready for bed even though it is only 11 am.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I forgot that I'll be doing 120 second planks when I jump into Stage 4 on Monday. I really wasn't able to do the 90 second planks in S3! My shoulders seemed to give out before anything else (doing the reverse wood chops didn't help at all). How in the world am I going to do 120 seconds? *panics*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    lolololololololololol on the 120 second planks.


    Um, no. Just no.

    And, no, I won't show you a photo of my abs, either.

    60 seconds is kind of my mainstay. More than that and I am firmly in the "why bother?!?!" camp.


    120 secs! Wow!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi everyone. I am once again back from life getting in the way of working out and eating right. I have gained lots of weight in the last month so time to get focused on my diet again! I'm aiming for 1550 calories per day plus exercise calories but its not working out too well... i've been over every day this week!

    Pmag, you had me excited at the prospect of healthy pizza. damn! Thats amazing about the powerlifting competition. I would love to do something like that but I think I am a long way off being strong enough to compete.

    love, I never got up to 120 second planks. my brain just gave in too quickly. My planks actually got shorter near the end because I completely lost the willpower.

    I'm starting stage 7 on Monday. Supercharged arrived in the post today so i have a bit of time to study that before finishing NROLFW.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hahaha, yes I remember those 120 sec planks. Planks are not a problem for me, I get 'in the zone'. However, like a previous post said (sorry, can't remember who), time to shake it up. I'm doing the one arm or one leg planks now - so much harder. I can barely get 45 secs. Not that I'm focusing on core too much - my stage of supercharged only has 1 x dynamic stability in - the rest is pure power :happy:

    I lift today, so pleased to wake up and discover that my legs have come back from the dark side.... last nights DOMS from the DLs was hideous! Bench today..... main aim: avoid dropping weight on face :laugh:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pmag, :flowerforyou: we're currently in the mode of DH's job being sucky, so he's got feelers out everywhere. Even if it means moving to the other side of the country. At least my job is easily transported, so I'm just hoping he finds his happy place somewhere and we'll come along for the ride.

    Pizza is healthy - it has vegetables, meat, cheese and carbs. A balanced diet :drinker:

    Woot! on the first meet date!!

    Jo, that is an awesome DL!! Brilliant job :bigsmile:

    Manic, soon, very soon!! Yay!

    Ali, I've looked into Stronglifts... I'm still in two minds about it. I like the way NROL is set out, so for now I'm sticking with it and moving onto Supercharged. I do have the 5x5 app though lol I thought I might get bored, I really need to have a variety in my life :wink:

    hehe... it's first day of school holidays today and I slept in for an hour so I was towards the end of my workout when DH was getting ready for work. He sticks his head in the door and says "Something about this isn't right. You're the one lifting weights and I'm standing here ironing clothes...." :laugh: (I do not iron unless I have to - I specifically taught him how to iron his business shirts when we first got together so I wouldn't have to do it LOL)

    Julie, try not to worry over it too much (easier said than done, I know). Go over everything in your diet and see if anything needs to be shaken up. Like Jamaica said, check your TDEE and macros etc Sometimes it's just the tiniest little thing.
    lolololololololololol on the 120 second planks.


    Um, no. Just no.

    ^^ That :laugh:

    Three workouts down for Stage 7. I no longer hurt so bad, and I'm enjoying it now :wink: Lowered weights a bit further on a few things (high rep lunges suck by the way), so I can slowly work at it with proper form.

    I was discussing my hate of high reps with a friend and she looked at me and said that's what her trainer was having her do. LOL I explained it has it's place but I still hate it - give me high weight and low rep any day :wink:

    I would totally suck at CrossFit :laugh:

    I'm enjoying my slow morning today. It's almost 9am and the kids are playing Minecraft and I'm sitting out in the sun just chilling. It's a beautiful day so I'm going to chuck them in the pool after lunch.

    I have some orders to post and then we're off to find a birthday present for DH and a leash for the kitten. She wants to come outside, but she keeps bolting off - she needs to be supervised, so the kids can walk her on the leash lol That can be their job over the holidays :wink:

    I re-evaluated my diet after a very crappy week last week - I wasn't eating enough.
    I am now completely and totally re-focused and after 5 days, feeling so.much.better. No weighing being done until I finish Stage 7. I just want to maintain where I am, and I'll be happy.

    That said, picked up a new pair of yoga pants for $5 from the clearance section at Kmart - in the kids section that is... AU size 10 girls (length is perfect on them lol). Whoever said that lifting makes you bulky?? I've weighed at least 3kg less than my current weight in my adult life and was NEVER this small. Oh and yoga pants make my butt look AWESOME.

    Which means, I am feeling very happy today :bigsmile:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-bummer :(. Couldn't you lie to me and tell me stage 3 is exciting and transformative? ;) hope you're doing well! Ytwls look confusing and hard!!

    Jamaica-thats a lot of patience with your dbf! Hope all goes smoothly with the wedding panning!
    I'm 5'6" and currently about 159lbs! Grrr...the calculators have my TDEE at 2100ish...so at 20% deficit I'm supposed to have 1680 cals a day. Most of the time I come in around 1600 just to stay on the safe side, and went down to 1500 for a while too. I am very careful with my records-scale or measuring 90% of the time. I don't eat back my exercise calories either. I would expect in 2 months to be down some weight..not up. But, my bf went down, so the calculations (which my measurements are backing up) seem to indicate I've gained about 4-6lbs of muscle? While in a deficit? Which makes no sense since everyone knows you can't build muscle in a deficit even with a lot of protein! So, somehow, I'm concluding that I'm not in a true deficit...leading me to conclude that my metabolism is slower than regular people - which is probably true given I'm hormonally imbalanced, hypothyroid and formerly 275lbs. Sigh. I also lost all my weight on low carb (10 years ago) and am wondering if I need to drop carbs way down to lose some fat too. I don't eat many processed carbs at all, and by most standards I'm pretty LC already (30-40%).

    Jo-how do you like supercharged? Pure power sounds lovely!!

    Good to see you Dou! You can do it! Stage 7!! WTG!

    Beeps-I have a feeling your words about the 120sec plank will come back to me in stage 5 as I'm bored out of my mind!

    Love-how bad are the reverse wood chops? 120sec is rough!

    Pmagnan-woohoo! You'll rock that competition!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok I missed two pages worth of chat. I will need to go back to take a gander. To say I've been really busy this week would be a gross understatement. I have managed to get to the gym for lifting twice so far this week, and I will get in my third tomorrow night. Started Basic training 4 on Sunday. Can't wait for this to be over. On the bright side. I lOVE the t-shirts I ordered from Lift big, eat big. They are really well fitted though they run a little small.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Jo-how do you like supercharged? Pure power sounds lovely!!

    I love it. I prefer it to NROLFW as you can pick and choose more to suit you. That said, I would have found that v difficult without having done NROLFW first. It's a good thing to move on to if you like/ need direction
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hee! I'm glad you all are laughing at the long planks. I will just hold it as long as I can and be okay with it.

    Julie, reverse wood chops aren't bad at all. It's just that you're using your shoulders to help power the move and then you have to go into a 90 second plank. It really wasn't the best situation at all. I found holding the 60 second planks in Stage 2 were simple because the horizontal wood chop wasn't so taxing on the shoulders for me.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! Wine festival tomorrow and Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    wine festival? can I come? :laugh:

    I started stage 7 today. wow that hurt. after the second set of lunges my legs were screaming and the thought of doing 2 more sets made me want to run away. But I couldn't because my legs no longer worked!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dou-:laugh: at not being able to run away...wonder if that's part of the plan? ;)

    DNA-thx! It's definitely been a source of frustration for me, but not giving up! I'm dropping cals a bit more to see if my personal TDEE is lower than normal people...it probably is which stinks! I'm sticking with it! Love the image of your kids walking the cat...our kitten loves to be outside, but we keep him in the backyard, I think he fancies himself a little tiger ;).

    Jo-good to hear! I was thinking about that as a next option...kutgw!

    Samantha-what's basic training 4? And they have shirts? I like cute shirts...

    Love-thanks! I'll be the feeling your pain soon enough! I've been focused on my shoulders for ages. Don't have much to begin with and have built them up over time. Looking forward to working them more in that stage!

    I need to get to the gym today, it's been hectic with way too much running around today! Dh wants to go together tonight, which sounds nice, but it takes twice as long as we're fighting over the squat rack (they ony have 2 so we usually have to share) and he likes to chit chat while we workout. I prefer my music and zone out while I lift. It's nice he's getting into weight training though. :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Basic training 4 is a stage of supercharged.

    Today is cleaning the house with a hangover day. It ain't gonna be pretty :frown:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am in the middle of the first stage of Supercharged (Basic Training 1) and I really like it. Its kind of nice returning to some back to basics moves (goblet squats, split squats, push ups, planks) after NROLWF; however like someone already mentioned, I wouldn't wouldn't want to have tried Supercharged without doing NROL first. I feel like that provided a good base of knowledge and training so that I have a better idea of what lifts I nay be ready for as I move through Supercharged.

    I have never calculated my TDEE. I just looked up an online calculator, then another, and I got different numbers. I was also given my BMR; how is that different from my TDEE? Can someone point me in the direction of the best website to use to make my calculations?