Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Hi all!

    Wb, manic.

    I lifted today. Will lift tomorrow and then traveling tues-fri.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Yay manic!

    Ali - supercharged is a different NROL book, I moved on to it after NROLFW.

    Limited lifting for me this week with shifts. Got a walk in yesterday and combat today. Then nights. So I'll be MIA until thurs/ fri. Keep on lifting ladies :drinker:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Manic, yay! so glad you got the all clear from the doc.

    Love, go easy on your back and let it heal. I hurt my back too and i tried lifting again too soon afterwards and that put me out for another week. I agree with trying some gentle yoga stretches to see if that helps but don't do anything that hurts.

    My hamstrings are still sore from the first stage 7 workout on Friday! I didn't get to the gym today because of car problems (and also my very cute nephew didn't want me to leave him) so I might only get to lift twice this week.

    I also have thyroid issues and I struggle to lose weight. I have dropped my calories to 1550 per day before exercise calories to see if that helps but I don't know how long i can stick with that because I love to eat. I weight myself daily just to track to see if there is any progress but I use it to track trends and don't really care what my weight is on a given day. I just want the trend to go downwards.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yay Manic, great news!

    Elsie, what moves are you having trouble with regarding grip strength? Maybe we can suggest ways to modify?
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Right now it's with the single-arm overhead squat. With the second stage I ran into it a lot with the box lunges, reverse lunge/forward reach, and split squats. The ab work super-sets in Stage 3 aren't feeling especially challenging either.

    I'm starting to think it's just my attitude :grumble: and I need to find ways to make them more challenging. For yesterday's workout I substituted some more difficult exercises for the ab work and added a set of squats so I could feel like I was really working my legs.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Did anyone start to get burned out on the program around Stage 3? I am halfway thru stage 3 right now and having second thoughts about it - the main reason is that I did this so I could start lifting heavy, but it gets so difficult for me to hold the dumbbells I can't hold heavy enough weights to keep challenging my legs! :blushing: Maybe my wrists & forearms are just too weak? I'm not feeling like I'm getting stronger with this stage (though I do love that bodyweight matrix, kills me every time!)

    I'd like to keep pushing through and finish the program before moving on just for the sake of finishing it, but I've also been looking into the stronglifts 5x5 & wondering if that might be a better route. Either way, I'm definitely doing the stronglifts as soon as I'm finished with new rules.

    I dunno - just wondering if anyone else has run into this & if it'll be worth it to keep on til the end. I want to make sure I keep progressing.

    This was so me last week LOL. Yes I know exactly what you're talking about even asked about 5X5's. I attitude and mood sucked. But I added modifications to this stage. I've been doing the swiss ball crunch holding a 35lb plate on my chest and I've substituted side bends for the side flexion, those flexion exercises just do nothing for me. The side bends holds a weight I can feel the mescle getting worked. I also moved the body weight matrix to my cardio workouts. I still do them on the day I should I just do them at a different time. I also was adding squats the other night, so I'm glad I'm not the other one that has felt this way about this stage.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Ali - so glad I'm not the only one. I know I think I've just gotta push through it because I really don't want to crap out partway through, I want to finish the full program! And yea those lateral flexion ones don't do anything, that's a good idea with the side bends, I'll try that next time. I've been doing the swiss ball crunch with weight, too & that helps. Also doing my leg lifts on the stand-up bosu ball thing with handles (I dno what it's called haha).
    Thanks for the feedback :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Well, did that group strength class again, today, and it is wretched, lol! All that muscle endurance, that i don't have, was sorely tested, again, lol!

    Am nice and stiff and sore as i am about to get on an airplane.

    Walking tomorrow.

    Will lift on Friday.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Went to the gym today! AAAACK! It felt like I NEVER EVER lifted.

    I did 3 arm and 3 leg lifts (curls, extensions, squats, etc) and 10 minute elliptical. I didn't think I could walk out of that place. I only used 5 lbs for arms : I had been doing 20 lbs per arm. squats NONE . leg extension I could only do 17.5 pounds for each leg :sad: I was up to 40 lbs per leg. :sad: :sad:

    Protein shake for lunch. 30 grams Yeah baby :drinker: (but my tummy don't like it)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's always like that after a long break. It will come back to you Manic.

    Off to the gym. Starting NROLS Basic T>Raining 4. Repeating a lot of the moves I used in BS1 and BS 2. Trying to switch it up a little. I think I will put all of my books together and try to increase my menu items.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think this stage and I are going to get along just fine.
    Prone Jackknife
    Squat Press 15dbs
    deadlift 3x10@95 Boo Yah
    DB BP 3x10@ 15dbs
    Kneeling pull down 3x10@52 kg
    Single leg Squat 3x10@10lbs
    Metabolic 2x15sec
    two point row, jumping jacks, push ups, Swiss Ball extension.

    The push ups were AWESOME! I powered through sets of ten at lightning speed.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beep-safe travels hope you're less sore!

    Ali aNd Elise-I toyed with switching to SL 5x5 too, but decided I'll go on to that sfter I'm done with this. I won't to see it through, even though I'm not quite sure what some of these moves are doing for me? The one arm overhead squat thing is just plain odd...I'd rather just do back squats again...but I'm going to trust the process. And I will admit that I use the side flexion thing as a rest time :laugh: I guess that's not what it's really for? But it doesn't seem to do much and I'm not sure how I can make it harder?
    When you do the incline dumbbell presses, are you letting your arms come out to the side a bit or keeping them closer to your body? I thought in the book they recommended keeping the end of the dumbbell toward the outer edge of your shoulder..,but a trainer modeled going out to the sides a lot further...what do you do?

    Sam-nice! Glad you're liking it! Feels good when you're in the zone!!

    Manic-:hugs: it'll come back! Give it a bit and you'll regain that strength! Good for you getting back to it!!

    That body matrix with lunge jumps and squat jumps yesterday nearly killed me! So sore today and in Zumba we did lunges and squats...ouch!!! Looking forward to stage 3 B1 tomorrow! I can definitely feel different muscles and some soreness today! Good sign!! I know the continuous challenge is important for muscle growth... Bring on the pain!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I had trouble with stages 2,3,4, and 5.i loved six and seven.
    I did supercharged for a longtime after nrolw. I just needed a focus and am training for dec. I would like strong lifts or wendlers and played with a couple of workouts from each.

    It sounds like everyone is lifting heavy.

    I had a decent workout this am. Some core some deads and bench press. Lots of ramp before.i had to skip some metabolic stuff at the end. Because I am getting lots of advice at the gym. From my neighbors who are physical therapists. Who have stressed over my squat form for year. Now they are worried about my c spine. I am happy to have advice and my neighbor is strong, so stay posted for more updates.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    manic - slow and steady, girl!! What is your RUSH?!?! You are gonna be FINE! BOOM!

    Sam - don't know why, nut i am not familiar woth NROL basic training....your workout looks SOLID!

    Julieboolie - for me, DB press, my arms ar not tight to shoulders and are more away from my body.

    Pmagnan - what don't your neighbours like about your squat form?!?!? Get them to videotape you. Post it here. I want a peek!
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Had a great workout this morning with some of the modifications! Only A4 & B4 left in stage 3!

    I also just started a 60 day challenge at my gym, where they do weight, waist, & body fat measurements, as well as a before & after pic. Should be some good motivation to see results. Oh and they didn't do calipers to test for body fat, they just did that handle grip thing... told me I was at 19.5% body fat - um, I don't think I'm quite there yet :laugh:

    Julie- I feel the same, even if I don't feel like it's amazing right now, I want to see the whole program through. For the DB incline presses I keep my hands out from my shoulders, I basically bring my arms back to not quite a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the press.

    Keep it up ladies! :drinker:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm having a hungry day & I'm sore and tired yesterday's workout, so I'm trying tofind the motivation to lift tonight. Its my last workout in stage 3 so I want to get it done. I also bruised the top of my foot last night showing my BF how to take the diggie door out of out sliding glass door, dropped the damn thing my my bare foot. It swelled up right away, but at least the bruise it pretty. So now I am sitting at my desk at work with my shoe off, one foot warm the other cold but it feels better with it off.

    Julie after my last workout my main focus was to not drop the DB on my face it, it came close :laugh: but I think I'm doing basically the same as Elsie, keep my elbows about 90 degrees and I let the DB's come closer together at the top.

    I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 112 :drinker: but then I took measurements and it looks like my thighs got bigger. :noway: I'm going to run with the assumption that I've put on muscle otherwise why am I doing this if things are getter bigger :grumble: Either way I ordered I fat caliper so I can see what's what. I should be using one anyway.

    Sam that looks like a great workout!!

    Maniac, that's still more than what I started lifting, you'll get back where you were.

    I also saw a the book Strong curves (and who doesn't want that) so I'm playing with the idea of that book too. At least I've got time to look into what to do after this.:smile:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps, Elsie and Ali-thanks! I was thinking that was the way to do them, but I got confused by the definition in the book. I wish they had video links available!!

    Ali- sorry about your foot! Ouch! theres no padding on the top of your foot! Dd(14) rolled her ankle at volleyball practice, so were doing the RICE thing here too - rest, ice, compression and elevation..lope your foot feels better quickly!! And woohoo on 112!!! That's so tiny! I think my right leg weighs that much! You're that little and pushing heavy weights around? Woohoo!:happy: :bigsmile:

    Elsie-a challenge is great! Id be thrilled with BF close to that!! I'm getting "assessed" tomorrow at my gym. I hope that means Bf%! I'd like to compare to my home caliper. I hope it doesn't mean "upsold on PT or supplements!". And I modified the B workout today-side bends instead of the flexion options.

    Pmagnan-interesting about the neighbor, and gym friends giving you advice, I hope it helps you! What's "metabolic stuff" at the end? I'd love suggestions for speeding up my metabolism if you've got any :).

    Beeps-how's the travel?

    Did stage 3 B today...takes a long time!! The YTWLs took a while, my T is my weakest,.,which surprised me. Modified the flexions to side bends and skipped the cobra as I ran out of time today. Not bad, glad to do the wide grip pull downs again, and upping all my weights b/c 6 reps is not much...I need to work on upping them more.

    On the 1 legged lunges/squats whatever they call them...once you get to the point where you're not falling over, how do you add weights it to make it harder? Hold DB at your side? I think it'd make me fall over? I got the hang of it by the third set, but definitely need to work it harder...
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I didn't get my last lift of stage 3 in today, I got home from work and my oldest was sick, poor guy has a 104 fever. I'm sure he has the same virus I recently had,my BF and mom had it too. I just hope it doesn't last too long or get too bad. I worry about that respiratory illness that's going around so I am keeping the other kids away from him. Luckily his fever is down to 100.7 last I checked. And he still wants to go to school :noway: I'm keeping a close eye on him and any signs of having a hard to time breathing we are going to the doctor.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh and they didn't do calipers to test for body fat, they just did that handle grip thing... told me I was at 19.5% body fat - um, I don't think I'm quite there yet :laugh:

    I did one of these a number of years ago and it said 14%! AS IF! LOL. If that was accurate I'd probably be in negative figures by now :laugh:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member

    Jo you are pretty skinny. Strong too

    Beeps- my neighbor was opposed to the bar position on my neck for squats, and lunges etc.i need to put it behind my traps not on the bump of my c5 vertebrae

    Ali hope your little one gets better. Metabolic complexes are in supercharged - I think.
    Basically three exercises with a lighter weight like 20 lunges with a twenty five lb barbell then 20 shoulder presses then 20 squats with the same weight quickly. The repeat the whole thing twice.