Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-strep and bronchitis is going around here. Hope he's feeling better and no one else gets it! You'll finish 3 soon!

    Jo-that'd be fabulous! You're probably not much higher than that based on your pictures!

    I had my BF tested today with one of those handheld things... Said my Bf was 7% more than what the caliper has been saying...I don't trust those things. The scale either :(.

    Jo you are pretty skinny. Strong too

    Beeps- my neighbor was opposed to the bar position on my neck for squats, and lunges etc.i need to put it behind my traps not on the bump of my c5 vertebrae

    Ali hope your little one gets better. Metabolic complexes are in supercharged - I think.
    Basically three exercises with a lighter weight like 20 lunges with a twenty five lb barbell then 20 shoulder presses then 20 squats with the same weight quickly. The repeat the whole thing twice.
    Thanks! I look forward to trying supercharged eventually!
    Good info on the neck..li think I've been doing that in the past. I used the padded thing, but think it's too high up on my neck not my back.

    Stage 3 A2 tomorrow. Bring on the matrix!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Realistically I think I'm about 19%

    Tired today but got in my lifting. I always do a 10 min run but was enjoying it so did 20 mins. Then when it came to lifts I either got all my reps or upped weights - hurrah! Hope I don't have DOMS tomorrow as need to lift again, else I'll only manage x2 this week.

    Busy times - school hols now and placement.... one week until the in-laws arrive..... epic assignments.....

    I'll keep plodding on. Go smash it ladies
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Happy Friday ladies,
    It look like my little one has strep. I kept him home from school today again and he seemed so disappointed, I hope he always like school like this. I will finish stage 3 tonight :bigsmile: I actually think I felt better not lifting Wednesday. I had a bit more energy to put into my cardio yesterday. I may need to relax my workouts a bit or up my calorie, I didn't realize how tired I was until I wasn't tired (does that make sense?)

    Jo - Great workout, I've never been into running, I've actually been quite against it, its never been something I've enjoyed but lately I've considered it. Sometimes I just feel like I want to go. And great job increasing the weights, thats not always the easy to do. (why don't we have a smiley that flexes its muscles? We need one).

    Julie- doesn't matter what any of those tests say, you look fantastic!!!! Keep doing whatever you're doing, its working.

    I'm hoping everyone is my house is feel better and in high spirits this weekend, I want to take the kids to the halloween stores & decorate the house, yep I'm a month early but I LOVE Halloween!! You can dress silly, act like a kid & ppl give out candy, what's not to love.

    Have good weekend and lift lots of heavy stuff !!!!:drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ali Halloween is the best monthlong holiday of the year. It is hard to take too seriously. You don't need to eat with your family just dress up and have fun.
    I had an ok lifting session yesterday and I swam this morning.

    I am off today and I am enjoying the last of the sun with my doggy in my hammock. All I need is a glass of white wine...

    My kids seem reasonably happy and I have a three day weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Gotmy lifting in-and-done this morning, at a beautiful gym in vancouver!

    Am now at the airport. Waiting for my lunch and my flight.

    Am verrrry tired. But, my travel-heavy september is over and october will be about moving off the five lbs i put on in september, lol.

    Have a great weekend....go lift heavy things!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ladies, I've been MIA lately as life is just so busy. Hitting the gym 5-6 times a week, home with my toddler all day and running the older one to school, cleaning, cooking, errands, socializing...not much time for online stuff!

    I am one week binge free as of today. Its a huge deal as I haven't gone that long in quite a while. I feel great, lighter, happier.

    I am almost done Basic Training I from Supercharged and really like it. Its been nice to go back to some basic moves and focus on form a bit more. I went way back on my DL weight cause somehow my body seemed to totally forget the correct form after a couple weeks of not doing them. Some of the moves are difficult for me though, and I can see myself still doing them in BT11: my pushups still suck and the plank with pulldown is so challenging. I find my hips rolling over on that one a lot.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well. Ali, hope your son is better soon!

    I am terrified for Halloween and Christmas. Avoiding bingeing is so hard for me at those times and I love to bake, and usually do a ton of it for Christmas.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Today is just an all round awesome day - the sun is shining and I fixed my form with DLs AND matched last weeks PR. No more smashed up knees, hurrah! :bigsmile:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Pudding - sorry holidays are so hard for you. Maybe pick an exercise you need to improve every time you catch yourself eating unhealthy. Push-ups are easy and you can do them anywhere- even against the wall. Just pick say five and do them perfectly.

    Beeps I am jealous you were in Vancouver- it is gorgeous.

    Jo glad you had a good one.

    I had a great dinner with my family- mostly leftovers with some veg from our garden. Yum.
    My kids are reading quietly from actual books not screens.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-hugs! Hope your son feels better. Glad the extra rest helped. Fueling your workouts well is important too! Reevaluating is wise...hope you're kicking tail!

    Beeps-safe flight home. Good job!

    Pmagnan-kids reading books? Good night for sure!

    Jo-woohoo for good form dLs!! WTG!!

    Pudding-good job on the week binge free! Maybe this year you'll not struggle as much is Halloween? Also like the old school type lifting and look forward to getting back to that eventually too!

    I did stage 3 2A today... my second shot at the bw matrix...first time through similar time 3:30 and I survived! Rested my 7 minutes then tried again. I did the regular squats and lunges a bit faster this time (I don't go that deep with them...but they're squats and lunges though!) and really pushed though the jump lunges at the end even though I was wiped...beat my time by a lot!! 2:45!!! Shazam! Limped quite happily to my car!:bigsmile:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Julie that's awesome !!!

    I finally finished stage 3 !!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: I added some DL and squats at the end just to keep up on them and see what I could lift. My still is 125lb but I didn't try for more and I upped my squat to 85lbs. I'll happily take that.
    My son is feeling better so he thinks he doesn't need his antibiotic. I'm glad to see him up and about but take the medicine!

    Thanks for the concern with the candy ladies,I do need to watch that. Candy is my weakness. I have the biggest sweet tooth but I'm determined not to ruin the hard work I've done.

    Beeps travel safely
    Pudding good to see you, you've been missed :smile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Got in my lifting last night. My likey BT 4 of Supercharged. I feel like I'm doing real workouts again.
    Plank 2x1 min.
    RDL 70
    Back Squat 3x10@100
    Single are standing Cable Row 3x10 @ 25
    elevated rear foot lunge 3x10@ 20dbs
    T Pushups 3x10
    I tried to do assisted chin ups in the metabolic but it didn't work I did REverse chin ups instead.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's cousin's/girl's night out. We are going back to Bahama Breeze. I will not allow myself to give a crap about calories. I NEED a good time.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice job Sam

    I had a relaxing day

    Tomorrow I get up early and lift
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-great job finishing 3 and adding some!!

    Sam-good job to you too! Hope you had a fun night out!

    Pmqgnan-hope you get a great workout in tomorrow morning!!

    I'm doing well, resting over the weekend. If I get 5 workouts in M-F I let myself take the weekend off to rest :). Still sore from Friday...

    Happy weekend!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey everybody. Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend. pmag, it's so exciting you have a date planned for your powerlifting competition. Keep us informed.

    Can't believe it's been more than a week since I last posted here. Been super busy. Still doing my 3 days of lifting though. But can't seem to fit in my cardio day. I think I'll see if I can do 5-10 mins a few days this week. Not doing cardio means I have to eat even less to lose the weight. I'm now down to 1600 calories daily which is way less than I'm used to, and even that low I lose less than a lb weekly.

    I was finally able to hit my 25% protein goal and now I'm going to try to up it to 26% with the hope of eventually getting to 30%.

    For some reason, I'm feeling really motivated right now. Hoping I can keep this up.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Time for some before-after photos, pmagnan!

    I want to see them!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey beeps it is not about aesthetics!
    I always weigh 109. I just want to lift more than 135 lbs officially for any stinking lift. So except for bench press I can lift 135 for a squat, hip thrust or deadlift. I can't seem to lift more for even one rep.
    So I needed a way to set a goal. So I will compete in a women's pl event.

    On December 13, I will lift more than 135 lbs for at least one lift. The meet is in Lincoln City Oregon where no one will know me. I will wear the embarrassing singlet. My current avatar is my before. My ugly singlet will be my after. I will take a "during".
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Morning everybody! Completed Stage 3 A4 this morning, so only one more workout left in Stage 3 for me, which I've got planned for this Wednesday...

    Then my rest time will be elk hunting with my hubby the rest of the week - we leave after work on Wednesday and we'll be at it until Sunday, or until we both fill our tags, so excited!!! Such an awesome way to fill the freezer, and the macros for elk are pretty decent :happy: Let's just hope I've built up enough strength and endurance by this point to pack the thing out!

    Julie - holy superwoman! It takes me like 5 minutes to finish that matrix, and I was super excited this morning bc I was actually able to do it without taking little rests during it :laugh:

    Pmagnan - that is so exciting you're doing a competition! Bound to be an awesome experience, best of luck!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    It's cousin's/girl's night out. We are going back to Bahama Breeze. I will not allow myself to give a crap about calories. I NEED a good time.
    Man, the BahamaRita is the best drink ever! I LOVE that place!!

    Happy Monday, all! Ali, glad to see your son is feeling better but tell him he has to finish the meds unless he wants to get sick again and miss more school! Sounds like that would do the trick. LOL

    Julie, great job on improving your time in the BWM! I tend to fly through the squats and lunges, which helps the overall time. Then I do the jumps in groups of 4 or 6, depending on how my legs feel. That seems to help too.

    I was back in the gym today after a planned rest week and an unplanned one. My back is feeling AWESOME so I am so happy to be back at it. Today was 4A1. I dropped my weight down to 45 (just the bar) for the FSPP and the bar went up way easy. So, next time I'll add some weight. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to get it up. And, yeah, the planks - I barely made it to 1 minute for 2-minute planks. lol
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey beeps it is not about aesthetics!
    I always weigh 109. I just want to lift more than 135 lbs officially for any stinking lift. So except for bench press I can lift 135 for a squat, hip thrust or deadlift. I can't seem to lift more for even one rep.
    So I needed a way to set a goal. So I will compete in a women's pl event.

    On December 13, I will lift more than 135 lbs for at least one lift. The meet is in Lincoln City Oregon where no one will know me. I will wear the embarrassing singlet. My current avatar is my before. My ugly singlet will be my after. I will take a "during".

    Go, Pmag!!!! Holy cow, I wish was that brave. I have no doubt you will rock that singlet. We will cheer you on!