Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-you know, a few photos of your progress would be inspiring too ;). You're pretty strong and fabulous. Just sayin' :bigsmile:

    Sam-hope you're doing well! Kutgw!

    Pmagnan-looking forward to cheering you on! A competition is a great goal and motivator I'm sure! WTG!

    Elsie-good luck on your hunt, and good timing too!
    I go pretty quickly through the regular squats and lunges in the matrix, I realized I was taking too long with them and that was key to dropping my time. And psyching myself up for it-lol!

    Love-so glad your back is feeling good! Glad you took it a bit easier, reinjuring is no good! Lol at the matrix-I also do them like that in subsets, then break to breathe and stomp my feet a bit. I pushed myself to do 8 reps before a little break this last time. My calves were really tight all weekend.

    Did 3B2 today. I used a box for the single leg squat and added 5 lbs weights-much better, still think regular squats would do more for me, but I'm following the plan. YTWLs were better form too, but I still feel like my T's stink. Totally do the ab/flexion part differently ;)-side bends, steep incline sit ups, weighted Swiss ball crunches, but I think it'll be ok. The Rdl/bor were ok.

    I miss squats and DLs - when could I throw a few of those in...maybe before or after a lifting day? Probably not in btw, right?

    New week, new opportunity to challenge and improve!!! We got this girls!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm not even going to try to reply to everyone, but it's awesome to see so many ladies lifting heavy stuff!

    I was finally able to lift today for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. I started the final phase of Strong Curves. It was brutal. I'm going to be very sore. Back to a deficit. Need to lose an inch off this waist by the end of the year.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Alright, pmagnan....thanks for clarifying - that makes good sense! I think this is a great thing for you to do.

    Julieboolie....I don't have anymore side-by-sides to add to what I have already shown all over mfp, lol! I stopped taking bikini pics in early 2014.....I've been pretty much the same weight since then. Well, actually that's not true. I am 5 lbs heavier than I was on January 1, 2014.

    Sooooooooooo, you guessed it!! I wanna lose 7 lbs by January 1, 2015. That's about 0.5 lbs per week. Totally doable.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I have strong curves but it is not a good "take to the gym" style of book. When they come out with a leaflet version, though, I am ALL OVER IT.

    Meanwhile, I keep on with Venus. Am doing Phase 3. Mind you, my printer won't print pages 27 to 53 of the friggin' .pdf, so I jumped ahead to Week 7 Day 3 because I don't have those missing pages! (I was about Week 3 DAy 3 last week).

    Oh well.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    best of luck Beeps.
    No gym this weekend. Had a blast with the girls though, and three of our kids were invited to be People to People Ambassadors. My son is going to Canada.
    Didn't log food all week. I suck.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Hey! Nobody sucks! Unless of course, you have ice cream. And then you suck ice cream. :bigsmile:

    I've been reading, but not posting much again. The last week or so has seen me smash pretty close to the bottom and I'm slowly working my way back up again. So I didn't feel like posting when I didn't have anything much cheery to say (although I did try :smile: ).

    I'm halfway through Stage 7. I have managed to keep the lifting and exercising up even though I desperately didn't want to because I'm well aware that it was just about the only thing keeping my head above water. Just locking myself in the garage and pushing through the workouts and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards (even if I had to lower some of the weights and adjust things so I could focus on good form) made me feel better.

    DH's work sucks, his Masters degrees are coming thick and fast with the assignments and exams, he's flying out to Melbourne tomorrow, the kids are on holidays and my work is ramping up towards Christmas. I dropped some balls in my juggling act and pretty much crashed and burned mentally at the end of last week.

    But, today the sun is shining, I've done a child-swap with a friend, so my girl is here being entertained by a friend and my boy is at their place with their boy. Here, they are now in the pool, I'm in my studio and I'm going to finish some orders that need to be posted tomorrow morning, and then I'm just going to sit and slowly go through some paperwork. Or maybe I'll just read a book.

    My head is still pretty screwed up, but I'm going to take it one step at a time.

    Today I did a HIIT session and tomorrow I will lift. Tonight is most definitely leftovers for dinner :wink: :laugh:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Sorry to hear you're fighting the epic workload too dna....

    I too am trying to keep my head above water - struggling to work full time shifts, juggle the school hols, assignments and get the house ready for the in-laws. Thankfully today I performed my 40th delivery - now I have all the births I require to qualify! Am celebrating by myself with champagne, hahahaha. :drinker:

    No workouts so far this week - no time. Days off tomorrow and thurs - will get to the gym.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    julie, when you do single leg squats, do you get your leg parallel to the floor at all? I tried. Epic fail. Barely got my foot up a few inches.

    cowgirl I LOVED Strong Curves. I only wish I had improved my eating back then. I'm sure I would have gotten better results. I'm with you on losing an inch. How about it? Goal: to lose 1 inch from waist (smallest part) by now and December 31, 2014. We can do it!

    sam, that's great about the kids! And you DON'T suck. Just start logging NOW.

    dna, good job on still doing your workouts even though you have so many other things to do. I'm in the same boat.

    jo, congrats!!! Champagne sounds lovely. I haven't had any in over a year. I stopped drinking to try to get this tummy down. NOT WORKING.

    So, after I talked about how motivated I am right now, I found myself thinking about food all day yesterday. Eventually caved and had chocolate. And also went over my allotted calorie goal for the day. Couldn't understand it until I went and checked my calendar. TOM is less than a week away. Whew. Thank God. At least there is an explanation for why I feel so out of control all of a sudden. It'll pass. For now I just need to try to not go too far over on calories.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey everyone.
    Sorry I have been MIA lately. I haven't been feeling well and have been really busy. I'm only getting in 2 lifting sessions a week which really sucks but I am hoping that next week I will do better.

    Jamaican, I am in on the losing 1 inch from the waist by the end of the year. I need something to keep me focused. My weight has been going in the wrong direction lately and I just can't seem to get a grip on it. Ugh!

    I am not going to comment on everyone because there is so much to catch up on but its great to read about how awesome you all are. Keep it up ladies!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning!
    julie, when you do single leg squats, do you get your leg parallel to the floor at all? I tried. Epic fail. Barely got my foot up a few inches.

    I don't think you're supposed to reach parallel. That's why they're called partial single leg squats. So, no failing! It wasn't meant to be done that way. :-)

    Today is my off day and I am grateful. So, have any of you had anyone offer unsolicited advice to you in the gym? This man (who I'm fairly certain is trying to hit on me) continues to offer me advice on things. I smile and I'm trying to be nice but I'm nearing my breaking point! WTF?
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Julie – I’ve been throwing in a set of squats during the S3-B workouts, usually right after the partial single leg squat/lat pulldown super-set.

    Beeps – seems like an awesome goal, good motivation to keep you strong through the holidays!

    Mouse – best of luck with everything, it can be so overwhelming when so much is going on, it catches up with us sometimes :flowerforyou:

    Jamaica – I agree with lovetowrite, I don’t think you’re supposed to get to parallel on the single-leg squats, but it does seem weird not to! I’m all for the losing 1 inch goal… I’ll need to start actually measuring, I know I should have been doing this all along but I’ve just been monitoring my progress with how I look. It’ll be nice to have some actual stats.

    Love – I’ve had a guy tell me that “only professionals” should do the exercise I was doing (um… lat pulldowns :noway: ) and try to show me something else I should do instead - I just left as soon as he was finished talking to me - but nothing that’s been recurring, that would be really irritating. I would tell him you appreciate him trying to help you out, but you’re doing your own thing & would appreciate being left to focus on your workout. Polite, but cool.

    So I’ve been coming in 200+ calories under my goal here and there recently, just different circumstances and days where I haven’t been able to eat everything I planned. It hasn’t affected my energy levels at all yet, but makes me a little nervous so I’ll be keeping an eye on that the rest of the week. Keep it up, ladies!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm glad Monday is over. No time to workout and I had to cover my BF shift at work which had me driving all day yesterday and going to our main office which I hate. Now its fill with ppl I don't know or don't like. The girls there used to be so horrible to me which is why I'm glad I no longer have to go there. Luckily for the most part they just ignored me. I got a few comments from my team lead but thats all.
    My youngest is sick now and its heartbreaking. His throat hurts and he won't eat, just keep saying his tongue or his mouth hurts. He spent half of Sunday sleeping on my lap. I will be veryhappy when this bug goes away for good!

    dna-good to see you back, I've been wondering how my fellow shorty has been. Sorry to hear things have been so busy & stressful, hope it clear up soon.

    Love, good to hear your back is better.

    Doumc- missed you too, it sucks you haven't been feeling, its sucks even more that you've been busy and not feeling well.

    Sam- you don't suck, I don't bother logging on the weekends, I just don't feel like it. Awesome news about your son!!

    Jo-Congrats that's a lot of deliveries.

    I'm glad those of you who have tried strong curves like it. I still haven't decided between that or strong lifts but I'm leaning more towards strong curves.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I overslept then woke up to dog vomit- so no lifting this am. I will lift before bed today

    Sympathy for all the hard working ladies with sick kids
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jamaica-like Love said, I don't go to parallel...I'd fall down! Lol! But, when I tried it up on a box I did better...and used 5 lbs in each hand and at actually seemed better? :) and I'm in for the 1" by Christmas plan!

    Beeps- you're such a lean girl...where will you find 7 lbs?! And btw, I thought of you the other day, my dd said "boom" after she killed a beautiful spike in volleyball. :bigsmile:

    Mouse-:hugs: sounds like working out in the garage is a good thing with all the stress. Hope things get easier soon!

    Julie – I’ve been throwing in a set of squats during the S3-B workouts, usually right after the partial single leg squat/lat pulldown super-set.

    Beeps – seems like an awesome goal, good motivation to keep you strong through the holidays!

    Mouse – best of luck with everything, it can be so overwhelming when so much is going on, it catches up with us sometimes :flowerforyou:

    Jamaica – I agree with lovetowrite, I don’t think you’re supposed to get to parallel on the single-leg squats, but it does seem weird not to! I’m all for the losing 1 inch goal… I’ll need to start actually measuring, I know I should have been doing this all along but I’ve just been monitoring my progress with how I look. It’ll be nice to have some actual stats.

    Love – I’ve had a guy tell me that “only professionals” should do the exercise I was doing (um… lat pulldowns :noway: ) and try to show me something else I should do instead - I just left as soon as he was finished talking to me - but nothing that’s been recurring, that would be really irritating. I would tell him you appreciate him trying to help you out, but you’re doing your own thing & would appreciate being left to focus on your workout. Polite, but cool.

    So I’ve been coming in 200+ calories under my goal here and there recently, just different circumstances and days where I haven’t been able to eat everything I planned. It hasn’t affected my energy levels at all yet, but makes me a little nervous so I’ll be keeping an eye on that the rest of the week. Keep it up, ladies!
    Thanks! I've been feeling like something is missing without them... How low is your normal calorie goal? I've upped mine recently to try and determine my true TDEE (hopefully then I can lower it and lose some fat!).

    Love-there's a guy who's always at my gym and fancies himself a trainer type. He has a few of the ladies there taking his suggestions and gave me some suggestions on my prone jacknife move. I thanked him, tried it once, and went back to my way ;). I try to keep my eyes down on my log sheet and seem confident ;). Good luck!

    Jo-40? Nice!

    Ali-sorry your little guy is sick :(. Hope he's better quickly!

    Dou-2x a week is great! You've been sick! Don't sweat it. Progress!

    I'm doing well, feel good and happy. Need to finish my high calorie experiment and see if I can find my actual TDEE and then reduce it from there. I really do want to lose a bit more fat, but am content with getting stronger while I figure it out. I'm torn btw dropping calories to try to lose some weight, but don't want to lose momentum with the weight training.
    Today I did my Zumba, and will lift tomorrow. I like lifting days :).
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    My daily goal is set at 1,700. Estimated TDEE is around 1,880-1,900 (5'6" 135lbs)

    I started at 1,600 but started getting really tired all the time, so I upped it a few weeks ago & it's really helped. I also give myself an extra 150-200 calories on workout days in case I get hungry & I'm still losing consistently. I just tend to crash if I'm not eating enough & it takes me a while to recover to 100%.. even though it is tempting to keep the lower numbers when mfp tells you, if every day were like today, you'd weigh 130lbs in 5 weeks :sad: trusting the process though, I've done it the wrong way enough haha
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    lol, julie - "BOOM" is all the rage!

    Ohhhhh, i have plenty o' bodyfat to lose....tons and tons....I just have to close my piehole to do that! Blech.

    Did groupstrength class this morning. Unbelievable how crap my muscle endurance is, lol. Was down to 8 lb DBs for chest work, 2 lb DBs for shoulder work, and 25 lb BB for WHT.


    ....and, yes, my *kitten* still hurts like the ****ens ten hours later.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    GOt my lift in. 100lb DL and 50 on the BP.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps..lol..I think that is pretty good - for endurance...when it comes to lifting heavy things, you can hold your own!! :flowerforyou:

    >>Coming of Zumba class high.....aaahhh...the addiction!!:drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I finally got to the gym which was crowded so I subbed leg lifts for back squats but them went back and did squats at the end. I did some hip thrusts.
    The next few days are crazy but I will check in.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Got mine in too - bench press not improving but at least consistent. Wasn't really in the mood. Upped weight on BSS, nothing else.