Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The basic moves are great. It's the higher reps I can't stand. Last night was my last WO of Basic Training 3. Starting 4 Sunday or Monday depending on if we make it our for a mountain bike ride.

    I will never do a 2 min plank ever again for as long as I shall live. I do the plank progressions. I can only do one arm one leg in push up position. I was doing kneeling half cable chop in BT 3 and felt them do nothing, and the same with mountain climbers. I saw a lady last night doing a harder climber progression, so I think I'll give those a try next. I have a hard time activating my abs.

    It was a good workout. I got my back squat back up to 3x12@95lbs with SOLID form. There was a newbie dude staring at me. It wasn't creepy staring, more he was curious.

    Julie, I'm 5'6 about 150 and eat between 1700 and 2000 a day with hypoglycemia. Hyperthyroidism is no joke. I would consult a nutritionist. I would hate to think of you under-eating to now benefit. It's hard to fuel a workout if you aren't getting enough calories.

    The t-shirts I got from www.liftbigeatbig.com. Totally awesome for the gym. Last night I wore :Count reps, not calories.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    BMR is the absolute min you can eat to stay alive if you were in a coma. NEVER eat below your BMR because then you really are starving yourself. TDEE is what you eat for maintenance. It's what your body needs as fuel to keep going at your current activity levels without gaining or loosing. Most people eating at a deficit eat at TDEE -20%. More than that and you aren't getting enough fuel.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello- eat all the food !
    Fuel the workout

    I am just sleep deprived. So this AMs workout was disappointing. But it's done.

    Now I get to lounge in the shade and let my two girls play soccer all day
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks Sam!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok, I'm back on the wagon today. Far too many drinks fri night and hangover snacking yesterday, but you know what? It was great. Been so long since I've let myself go like that and it doesn't even matter because today I am straight back at it. Lifting later - squats today. Gotta go watch hubby do his 12k run this morning. Placement starts tomorrow. Night shift later in the week - bleurgh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Today i checked in....for the THOUSANDth day in a ROW!

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh yeah, mountain biking!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ok for a change I am not going talk about myself.

    Beeps is an inspiration to everyone on this thread. Which is at least one hundred people.

    Beeps says lift three times a week and you know what I get stronger.

    Beeps says take photos and then I take them and I like my own body.

    Beeps says or types something and then I think maybe I should try it and then... I lift more and heavier.

    Thanks beeps
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    The basic moves are great. It's the higher reps I can't stand. Last night was my last WO of Basic Training 3. Starting 4 Sunday or Monday depending on if we make it our for a mountain bike ride.

    I will never do a 2 min plank ever again for as long as I shall live. I do the plank progressions. I can only do one arm one leg in push up position. I was doing kneeling half cable chop in BT 3 and felt them do nothing, and the same with mountain climbers. I saw a lady last night doing a harder climber progression, so I think I'll give those a try next. I have a hard time activating my abs.

    It was a good workout. I got my back squat back up to 3x12@95lbs with SOLID form. There was a newbie dude staring at me. It wasn't creepy staring, more he was curious.

    Julie, I'm 5'6 about 150 and eat between 1700 and 2000 a day with hypoglycemia. Hyperthyroidism is no joke. I would consult a nutritionist. I would hate to think of you under-eating to now benefit. It's hard to fuel a workout if you aren't getting enough calories.

    The t-shirts I got from www.liftbigeatbig.com. Totally awesome for the gym. Last night I wore :Count reps, not calories.
    Thanks. I'm the same height, but 158 these days. I've been eating 1650ish for a while now, while lifting 3x/week and 2 HIIT cardio/or Zumba workouts a week. Are you losing on those calorie levels? I'd much rather eat more! Lol! I'm dropping down to 1450/1500 this week and see how I do in the gym and how I feel. I take my temp daily to keep track of things. I take my meds daily for my hypothyroidism and have been doing well.
    Ill need to look into those shirts...love the quotes!

    Beeps-1000!! WTG!! Inspiring!

    Jo-hope your feeling better! Sounds like a fun time, and right back at it!

    Finished stage 2 yesterday...read up on stage 3 and ready for A on Monday ...
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps is an inspiration to everyone on this thread. Which is at least one hundred people.

    Beeps says lift three times a week and you know what I get stronger.

    Beeps says take photos and then I take them and I like my own body.

    Beeps says or types something and then I think maybe I should try it and then... I lift more and heavier.

    Thanks beeps

    ^^ Ditto :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Julie, I started at 160. I lost 10 lbs quick at 1500, hated every minute of it, I've NEVER been the low calorie type. I maintained my weight fairly well until after the second baby and the advent of my 30s lol. After the first 10lbs I slowly increased up to 1900. I lost 20lbs and 22 inches altogether, but through a series of unfortunate events gained 10 back. I'm back on track for loosing at 1700. 1900 before exercise cals is maintenance for me. I ate 2200 yesterday after mountain biking, and will do the same after heavy workouts. I stopped weighing myself over a year ago. I only knew I had put on weight because my clothes got tight and I was weighed at the doctor. BUT THAT'S ME. Everybody is an individual, and with your medical concerns, what worked for me may not work for you.

    Questions we can ask to make sure we are getting the "just right amount of calories."
    1. Is your weight consistent or on a downward trend over time? (women, especially women with thyroid issues and other issues, will have fluctuations. My weight will change within 5-10 a month depending on my cycle and water retention)
    2. IS the tape measure showing progress along with your clothing (even if the tape measure doesn't move, your clothes should fit better? What the tape measure and scale miss, may be visible in the mirror. Take pictures.)
    3. Are you able to give your workouts 100%? Your energy levels are high enough to get through all of your sets and reps?
    4. Do you feel tired and lethargic after a workout? Are you STARVING after workout?
    5. Are you making strength gains: Weights are slowly increasing or you are able to increase the number of sets and reps.

    I fell off the wagon in August. Wasn't getting to the gym, wasn't eating well, I was sick, and then I was tired. I started eating at a deeper deficit because I put on weight, but still was inconsistent about the gym. I got more tired. My conclusion, I need better food and more of it, then I needed more exercise.

    Yesterday, I got out of the shower, looked in the mirror, after a week of eating right and getting in my workouts, I saw...HEALTHY
    I LOVED every second on the bike too without feeling winded or worn out (especially at 7yo pace lol)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey Sam you inspire me too!
    I biked two hours in 90 degrees with my seven year old today.
    She rode her sisters bike but we stopped for crepes at one hour. We were trying to bike before the heat of the day.

    So no lifting and tomorrow is a physical therapy then drive two hours to work kind of day.
    I will pack my protein and try to exercise at lunch.

    I am still on track this week

    I appreciate all the guidance you give on the thread Sam.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Today is the day! Headed to the dr appt and hopefully be released!

    wish me luck
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    GOOD LUCK Maniac !!!!

    I love all the advice and info on this thread and the way if one of us stumbles a bit we all pick eachother up :smile:

    Jamaican its only been a bit over 2 yrs so I guess I've got a while to wait :laugh:

    Julie, I meant that stage 3 is exciting and fun and you instantly drop 10lbs ( are you buying any of this?:laugh: ) But seriously its not that bad, I think half my problem was my cramping mood from TOM. Of course I've only got one more workout of each in this stage so we'll see what I'm saying come stage 5. And the YTWL took me a bit to get the hang of my I don't think I have any type of coordination at all lol.

    Sam great job on the squats, I don't think I made it to 95lbs ever.

    Doumc welcome back

    I don't know what supercharged is but you guys have sparked my interest. Can it be done at home with weights or is the gym needed?
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Beeps, congrats on the 1k!! Awesome dedication. :-)

    Welp, after having a rest week last week, I was looking forward to getting back at it this morning. My body said haha, not today! I worked the wine festival this weekend, standing on my feet 8 hours on Saturday and 6 hours yesterday and then helping pack up the van after the festival was done. My lower back had already been tender and then I totally did something to wreck it yesterday. I slept on the floor last night and it took me nearly 2 minutes to get up from the floor this morning. I wasn't going anywhere. I have a heat patch on it now but I'm thinking of doing ice (or maybe Icy Hot) when I get home. If it doesn't feel better at the end of the day tomorrow, I'll go to urgent care and get it looked at. I am very sad about this. :(
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-right! That's what I'm talking about! :laugh: I just did A today...that BWM is killer!! I looked totally ridiculous doing those lunge jumps and had to stop every 4 squat jumps to breathe and allow the burning to leave my thighs! Dude tha was so hard!! But I'm looking forward to making progress on it next time! The overhead 1 armed squat things were awkward...you need your legs pretty wide apart so a dumbbell fits brew them...but overall a good, LONG, workout!
    And the one legged dead lifts were challenging-my balance and coordination need improvement obviously! Humbling!!

    Love-nooo! I'm so sorry! I did a number on my low back during stage 1 a few month ago and it took about 3 weeks to get it healed-ice snd heating pad were my friends. :hugs: rest it and hope it heals quickly!!

    Pmagnan-you're pretty inspiring yourself!! :)

    Manic-good luck! Hope it goes well!
    Julie, I started at 160. I lost 10 lbs quick at 1500, hated every minute of it, I've NEVER been the low calorie type. I maintained my weight fairly well until after the second baby and the advent of my 30s lol. After the first 10lbs I slowly increased up to 1900. I lost 20lbs and 22 inches altogether, but through a series of unfortunate events gained 10 back. I'm back on track for loosing at 1700. 1900 before exercise cals is maintenance for me. I ate 2200 yesterday after mountain biking, and will do the same after heavy workouts. I stopped weighing myself over a year ago. I only knew I had put on weight because my clothes got tight and I was weighed at the doctor. BUT THAT'S ME. Everybody is an individual, and with your medical concerns, what worked for me may not work for you.

    Questions we can ask to make sure we are getting the "just right amount of calories."
    1. Is your weight consistent or on a downward trend over time? (women, especially women with thyroid issues and other issues, will have fluctuations. My weight will change within 5-10 a month depending on my cycle and water retention)
    2. IS the tape measure showing progress along with your clothing (even if the tape measure doesn't move, your clothes should fit better? What the tape measure and scale miss, may be visible in the mirror. Take pictures.)
    3. Are you able to give your workouts 100%? Your energy levels are high enough to get through all of your sets and reps?
    4. Do you feel tired and lethargic after a workout? Are you STARVING after workout?
    5. Are you making strength gains: Weights are slowly increasing or you are able to increase the number of sets and reps.

    I fell off the wagon in August. Wasn't getting to the gym, wasn't eating well, I was sick, and then I was tired. I started eating at a deeper deficit because I put on weight, but still was inconsistent about the gym. I got more tired. My conclusion, I need better food and more of it, then I needed more exercise.

    Yesterday, I got out of the shower, looked in the mirror, after a week of eating right and getting in my workouts, I saw...HEALTHY
    I LOVED every second on the bike too without feeling winded or worn out (especially at 7yo pace lol)
    Thank you for this!! I really appreciate it! It's helpful to get a different perspective and reevaluating is a good idea!
    I think it'll just take a while for the scale to catch up. I compare myself to others too much and that's never good. The tape measure, camera, and BF caliper are saying good things, so I'm going to just keep forging ahead. The scale will fluctuate, and I am changing things up often with the different stages of NROLFW, so I know my body will retain water for repair etc. I'm making strengths gains and feel great, so I'm eating enough. I don't feel as well the times I have tried dropping calories lower, so I think I'll just stay the course. Thanks for the support and insight! I really alpreciate it!:flowerforyou:

    What do you guys think about raising calories to TDEE levels to work on healing or improving your metabolism? Have you guys tried that? I'm considering it as I am noticing my metabolic rate is lower than I'd like. If I continue eating at a 20% deficit (which given my likely lower than normal metabolism is probably more like a 10% deficit!) will my body just adjust to this? It's not a huge difference, but I got to thinking about taking a few weeks up higher around 2000 to see if I maintained at that level, then tried the deficit again? What do you think? (Of course, if I gained at 2000 I'd likely drop it a bit until it stabilized again...)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Doc said I could lift, exercise, back to regular activities as I could tolerate. WOOHOO THEN my donut shop owning neighbor brought over fresh donuts. So I had to eat one to celebrate. :grumble: :ohwell:

    I'll be at the gym tomorrow.

    And I need to get that protein back up! I am shooting for 75 daily as I did previously.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Yeah manic is back

    Love back pain is the worst . Gentle yoga-like stretching usually helps.

    I am stuck at my desk two hours away from my whole family but at least I am still working.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Doc said I could lift, exercise, back to regular activities as I could tolerate. WOOHOO .
    Great News !!

    Julie, go a head & raise the calories and see how you feel and how your body reacts, no one is the same so its all a guessing game until you find whats right. And I've taken the advice to back away from the scale and I feel better about myself for it. I was checking everyday sometimes twice a day, now its about once a week ( baby steps). I notice for how my clothes feel and what the mirror says and my BF tells me he sees the changes which is always good to hear. And that overhead 1 armed thing, I feel so silly doing and it is awkward but doable.

    Love, take care of your back, hope it feels better soon.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Did anyone start to get burned out on the program around Stage 3? I am halfway thru stage 3 right now and having second thoughts about it - the main reason is that I did this so I could start lifting heavy, but it gets so difficult for me to hold the dumbbells I can't hold heavy enough weights to keep challenging my legs! :blushing: Maybe my wrists & forearms are just too weak? I'm not feeling like I'm getting stronger with this stage (though I do love that bodyweight matrix, kills me every time!)

    I'd like to keep pushing through and finish the program before moving on just for the sake of finishing it, but I've also been looking into the stronglifts 5x5 & wondering if that might be a better route. Either way, I'm definitely doing the stronglifts as soon as I'm finished with new rules.

    I dunno - just wondering if anyone else has run into this & if it'll be worth it to keep on til the end. I want to make sure I keep progressing.