Daily Chat Thread



  • bakeralison1
    bakeralison1 Posts: 43 Member
    Popping in to say hi! I'm on week five of stg 1 and really enjoying lifting again. Has anyone done keto with NROL4W? Planning on starting tomorrow and wondering how it will go?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Oh my it's HOT. I worked up a really good sweat in the garage this morning with lifting - at 5am. Seriously, if it's that warm that early, I won't even consider lifting later in the day.

    32'C today I think they said. Not too bad, but still hot lol

    We've gone from cool weather last week to stinking hot today.

    It's only Spring...

    Rang my parents today. They are supposed to be coming up tomorrow to spend some time with us and the kids and then babysit on Sunday when we go to TEDx. They are sick. Like really sick - can hear my father (who never gets sick) coughing and spluttering in the background sick. They had my nieces and nephew last week because... my SIL was sick.

    Oh joy.

    I told them to take it easy and if need be, I'll do the ring around on Friday/Saturday for other babysitters if they can't make it.

    Or else I won't be going to TEDx :sad:

    Trying desperately to think of other people who could look after our kids from about 7.30am to after 10pm on Sunday... Yeah, the IL's are seriously last resort.

    My poor Mum is gutted. She's been planning this trip for months. We were going to get started on Christmas shopping and stuff.

    Think positive thoughts! All will be well, they will get better quickly or I'll find a replacement... positive, positive, positive.

    Where's the wine.... :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    dnamouse - my parents arrive today for a visit. It is my daughter's birthday....and then, they leave on Friday and my husband's mom and step-father are coming to visit from fri - sun (all the way from UK!).

    I am already waiting for Monday....(I also have to survive 7 screaming little girls at daughter's sleepover party on Saturday night)

    I did my Venus workout today. Am really looking forward to what October brings. Have been watching my calories and I think the scale will cooperate. Meanwhile, all my muscles are sore - 3 days in a row weight-training is about enough. Tomorrow is a rest day!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hugs to all you who are busy, stressed, sick, etc!
    dna, I hope you find a sitter!

    Bakeralison1, I've never done Keto. As long as you are keeping your calories where they should (not too low), you should be ok.

    Jo, if you're able to maintain your strength given your current stress level, I'd call that a WIN.

    1 inch off the waist by Christmas- that's a perfect challenge. To make this happen, I need to really count every bite, hit my macros, and keep my weekend eating in check! Lifting 3X weekly. I may add some cardio too.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Popping in to say hi! I'm on week five of stg 1 and really enjoying lifting again. Has anyone done keto with NROL4W? Planning on starting tomorrow and wondering how it will go?

    Hi Baker. I really don't know much about the keto thing, but welcome! :drinker:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    DNA, oh no! I hope your folks feel well enough to come watch the kids for you. I know you were so excited about going to TEDx. :\

    So, did 4B1 today and creeper guy was there but I never made eye contact with him and my face stayed very stoic. He never approached. Ha! I went to the gym working on 3.5 hours of sleep and I still managed to do 3x8 deadlifts at 125 pounds. I have no idea where the strength came from but I'm so glad it was there!!

    Beeps, I've had my fill of sleepovers with my oldest daughter (she's now 21). I don't miss that at all! I'm so happy my youngest daughter (9) has a very small circle of friends. And she's not interested much in having them sleep over. Phew!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    hahaha lovetowrite, well done on avoiding eye contact :laugh:

    I have eye contact moments with a seriously hot dude at my gym....... well, hot in that he is nice to look at and lifts properly! I think our eye contact moments are a shared mutual respect for each others workouts.... at least I hope that's what they are :laugh: Yesterday we appeared to have a shared horror of the skinnyfat girl in floral doing weird never-going-to-build-muscle things with 2kg dumbbells. It was funny. No disrespect to skinnyfat girls or those who wear floral - it just ain't my thing! And she had this pony tail that kept flying around like a L'Oreal ad..... bizarre. I dunno, maybe I'm jealous coz when I go the gym I look like **** by end of it.... half the time I look like **** before I start :sad:

    Anyways.... gotta squeeze in some cardio today..... been eating too much.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps..lol..I think that is pretty good - for endurance...when it comes to lifting heavy things, you can hold your own!! :flowerforyou:

    >>Coming of Zumba class high.....aaahhh...the addiction!!:drinker:
    Going tonight woo hoo!! I miss my instructor though :(
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My daily goal is set at 1,700. Estimated TDEE is around 1,880-1,900 (5'6" 135lbs)

    I started at 1,600 but started getting really tired all the time, so I upped it a few weeks ago & it's really helped. I also give myself an extra 150-200 calories on workout days in case I get hungry & I'm still losing consistently. I just tend to crash if I'm not eating enough & it takes me a while to recover to 100%.. even though it is tempting to keep the lower numbers when mfp tells you, if every day were like today, you'd weigh 130lbs in 5 weeks :sad: trusting the process though, I've done it the wrong way enough haha
    Wonderful!!. 130 at 5'6'' is really thin, so no hating. When you have less to lose, it takes longer. Nature of the beast. Keep up the great work.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Speaking of slightly creepy behavior...Last night I'm doing single legs squats while standing on a bench. I ended up with an audience, I get down to parallel on one leg. One brave soul even gave me a "damn girl how do you not lose balance?" I just thanks and kept it moving. Then I was doing back squats and an obvious newbie dude was staring at me the entire time, I caught him in the mirror. I'm going with "He was watching my form" and hoping he wasn't watching my *kitten*.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Regarding single leg squats, I didn't know we were talking about PARTIAL ones, sorry. I've never done NROL4W, just the original and doing Supercharged right now which does include them, but not partial ones.

    dou, I know 3 lifting sessions would be ideal, but 2 is still better than 0.

    ali, I hope your son is feeling better.

    bepee, I wish there was Zumba offered at my gym. That would be so much fun!

    dna, I sure hope something works out that will allow you to go to your event. Fingers crossed.

    baker, welcome! Can't comment on keto either, sorry.

    sam, he was watching your *kitten*! LOL

    So that makes 5 of us: dou, elsie, julie, cowgirl and myself doing this "Lose 1 inch from waist by year end" challenge. We got this.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Oh how could I forget?! I squatted more than my BW tonight! 130 freaking lbs. I can't say it was easy, but my form felt good MOST of the time. Except for 1 rep of set # 2 where this guy stood in front of me watching me and it distracted me and made me lose form. After that though I got back in the zone and blocked him and everyone else out. It went great after that.

    FINALLY I've met a performance goal of mine. Next stop: squatting with the 45 lb plates OR DLing 1.5 x BW.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well done Jamaica! I am feeling crappy about my squats lately - as soon as I go over BW my form goes down the drain :-/

    Did my cardio - made up my own interval circuit at the gym. I dunno what was going on there today - freaky Thursday or something. There was a lady on the treadmill in a mid-calf length fuschia skirt. I did a double take at that point, when she got on the rowing machine I had to pick my jaw up off the ground :laugh:

    Then another random felt like they needed to speak to me about whether the jumper on the floor was mine.... while I was MID-SPRINT with my iPod on. WTF? :noway:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jamaica nice job

    I will wish everyone good luck on the lose an inch

    I went to a check out private schools fair - I wish I went to my kids soccer practice instead.

    I saw a physical therapist for my jammed finger- now I have a splint for ten weeks. I hope it doesn't affect my lifting too much.

    Sam he was probably checking you out but you probably looked awesome.

    I received my weightlifting singlet in the mail since I have had two glasses of wine tonight I will try it on. It is fairly hideous. Stay tuned for pictures.

    DNA you have to go to Ted .i hope you find a sitter . I also hope your parents feel better.

    Hang in there Jo

    Welcome baker-
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ok so here is picture of me in the singlet- it is a "during" for Beeps.

    I will try to post more durings maybe monthly.

    The singlet is not flattering but I will get over it. My goal for the next month is - increase all my pl lifts by 10%. -2. Learn about the rules. Apparently bloody streaks on the legs are required in deads.
    Just kidding
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ok, so I have been put on new medication by my doctor for a trial so hopefully that will give me the energy to lift. My workout on Tuesday sucked because I was so tired. :explode:
    I also need to remember to take my waist measurement in the morning before I start filling my belly so that I have a starting point to lose 1 inch from. At the minute its so big that it shouldn't be a problem!

    DNA, you have to make it to the ted talk!! I hope something works out for you.

    I never seem to get creepy people looking at me in the gym. In my old gym there was a slightly annoying guy who liked to talk for 20 minutes between sets but he did spend ages one day helping me with my form for the front squat so I can't really complain about him. Having people interrupt you during a set (or a sprint) though is very annoying. I think I would just ignore them until I was done.

    Jamaican, your lifts are amazing!! My squat numbers are still really low. I don't think I'll ever make it near body weight. I'm at about half my body weight now and not progressing. Also i think my form still sucks but the trainers in my new gym are a but useless. I asked one for help with my squat and deadlift form (mainly just to let him feel like he was helping because he kept harassing me to let him do me up a prgoramme) and without even looking at me doing them he told me not to go to parallel on my squats because that would hurt my knees, and when lowering the bar on the deadlift, only to bring it just below my knees before raising it again. I told him 'thank you very much but I will continue to squat as low as I can and to deadlift from the ground'.

    Baker, I am also no help on the keto question. Sorry. There is a keto group on here somewhere though so maybe you can find support there?

    Today I lift!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    And pma, you look good. You actually manage to pull off the singlet! I'm impressed!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    H ladies!!

    Baker-welcome!, I was a LCer for 11 years, and still mind of am by many standards (35% of my calories are carbs). But I upped my carbs in an attempt to fuel my workouts better. I had been working a deficit for about 3 months and am not losing though. I haven't really tried NROLFW in ketosis, but would love to know how it goes? I'd consider dropping back to lc again.

    Love-125!! Wow! Great job! And glad you got through uninterrupted!

    Jo-funny group at the gym...maybe it was wacky Wednesday?

    Pmangan-you look good in your outfit-singlet? Nice!! You're on your way!!

    Sam-love your workout report! Lol! Yes, we'll go with that, he was impressed with your form ;).

    Jamaica-you've squatted past your body weight? WTG!, what a wonderful achievement! I'd like to get there eventually..DL my weight and beyond too!

    Dou-I'm with you on the weights, but if we stay with it we'll up our lift weight and hopefully lower our BW, and maybe meet in the middle? I measure weekly, but have been at a standstill the past few weeks. Sigh.

    DNA-he your parents are feeling better...should be enough time for them to get well enough. You need the break!! :)

    Hi everyone else...Ali, love, beeps, sorry, my brain has failed me! Anyone else I missed! :hiya:

    I got outside for a run and walk along the canal today. Lovely day! Did s3A3 yesterday, and did the bw matrix in 2:50 and 2:40. Not too shabby! All good, moving ahead, but don't feel like I'm getting stronger in this stage. But then again, that's probably not the goal of stage 3? I'll start stage 4 the end of next week! Woot! (Or boom! ;))
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Julie, you summed up the thread very nicely, thanks :)And great work in the BWM!
    Jamaica Girl you are rocking it. How many reps did your powerhouse self bang out?
    What's the good word DNA, you getting to TED?
    Pm I think the singlet looks great. You picked good colors.
    Dou, catch me up, what's the medication for?

    I know a thing or two about exhaustion. The hypersomnia was kicking my butt today, always does during my cycle. Came home and crashed for over an hour after fighting to stay awake on the drive home. I REALLY hate these days. No lifting when I'm exhausted like this. I can lift sick, I cannot lift exhausted.

    I did make it to the OBGYN for my annual. Their new fancy scale does BMI (mine is 24, whatever that really means). My weight has not changed at all really, but I made a point of pointing out I carry more muscle than average. "I may be the same scale weight but over the last 2 years I've lost 22 inches." Dr. was impressed and declared me "Perfect". Well, perfectly healthy at least ;) Updating family medical for this year was truly depressing; however, it reminded why I try to take good care of my health, especially when asked about my children.