Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Who did the 205 lb hip thrusts?!?!? Omg....total "BOOM!" territory.

    Doumc - horses! Falling off! I am allergic so thus will never happen to mr...omg...take care!

    Pmagnan - how did the sleep go? Mine is so sucky right now i cannot even stand it! Job #1 for me is fixing my f*cked up sleep.

    lovetowrite - great deadlifts!

    I did get my lifting in-and-done, today. Am going to nap this afternoon. I have nuthin' left on the "energy" front!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys so totally rock!!

    Love-125-135 lb dead lifts? What? Fabulous! I'm kind of stuck weight wise too...

    Bb- 205lb hip thrusts? Cray! Amazing!! Rocking booty!! What is the challenge? I'll go look...I need a challenge to get my body fat to drop some more!

    You guys are seriously rocking that weight room!

    Beeps-you look beautiful! And kind of like the model...maybe less tall? Certainly no less stunning!

    Dou-feel better! A fall and the flu? That's crummy! Definitely take your time getting back to lifting and listen to your body :).

    Welcome Ellie! Stage 1 is good for figuring out form and your weight limits. You'll do great!

    DNA-hope you had fun!

    Jamaica-I am trying to figure out my cals too. I've upped them to see if I'm gaining, and haven't really yet. I'm gonna try to keep to around 2000 this week too and then drop 1-200 each week until the scale starts to drop a bit.

    Hi pudding, Jo, and anyone else I missed!

    I odd stage 3 A4 today. Couldn't finish the BWM, my right hip and knee were hurting and I was shaking. I plan to do it tonight, but I felt wiped. Didn't sleep well last night and hope that's all there is to that. Will finish stage 3 on Wednesday. Planned to start stage 4 Friday.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've been slacking , ladies. It is hard to get back into routine.

    I made it to the gym today and upped my protein. I have had over 60 g today. WOOHOO GO ME.

    I am in sore in places that I have forgotten about.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend.

    Dou- I hope you feel better soon, either one of those would suck alone, but together :cry: Rest those aches

    Beeps- OMG You are stunning!! That dress looks great on you & I can't see the bruise either.

    Dna- How was Tedx? I hope it was great & the ILs didn't give too much crap.

    Manic- you'll get there, it can take a bit to get back to a routine.

    My TOM is on the way and I feel bloated and blah today. I felt so skinny & pretty over the weekend and now I have 4lbs of water weight and the jeans I just had on the other day are uncomfortable. At least I know its water weight so I'm not freaking out over it. I don't have the energy to workout today but I know I will. I've got to lift today since I have a teacher meeting Wednesday and probably wont get to then. I meant to lift yesteday but I just didn't hav the time. I had a really good workout Friday, I still have some sore spots from it, I'm hoping I can continue the good workouts throughout this stage.

    Have a good day everyone :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    ...I think I am taller than the model.

    I am 5'9"....the model was 5'8".

    Nobody noticed the bruise - but I wore it with pride!

    Also, I might keep the "red lip" look this fall - I actually found a liner that does not smudge and really does not come off!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Manic-good job!! Sore is good, right? I try to tell myself that!

    Ali-I'm beat today too and didn't get a great workout in, but better than nothing. If I fall behind schedule wise I can't catch up either. Hope the bloating and water go away. :(

    Beeps-I'm jealous! Wish I were 5'9". You look beautiful, and the red lipstick is fierce!

    Bb-I found the challenge thread for the 1". Thanks for getting that going! We got this ladies!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm back from vacation and tada, didn't put on a single ounce, actually dropped 1.5 from the last weigh in before we left. I wish I had better news about my shoulder but no, it's still achy and grumpy. I haven't gone back to PT yet, and probably won't until after the trial, nor will I be lifting much either.

    I move up to Boston on next Monday, trial begins the following Monday and we're there for 6 weeks - 30 business days, minus a couple of long weekends, including Thanksgiving. The estimated end date is December 5, and then the jury gets to deliberate. I am so hoping the current settlement talks work out!

    I am very behind in reading, and I probably won't catch up for a while, my work days are even longer than ever with this trial and prep for another one beginning mid-January, but I did want to stop in and say hi to all of my friends, congrats to all for your successes, welcome to all the new ladies and to tell y'all to keep lifting all that heavy stuff! I miss it!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OH, and JUST IN CASE you THINK I have been "slacking" off during my (forced) work sabbatical, here I am at my nephew's wedding two weeks ago - seven lbs too heavy, with a deadlift bruise down my leg!

    But, my SPANX, my killer red shoes (and lips!) still made the outfit work!!



    Hell yea BOOM!! and BOOM again, Beeps!! Rock that sexy dress woman!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Love, that is some serious DLing! Congrats!

    Sue, I know you'll catch up soon. Glad you had a good vacay.

    Ali, I HATE how hormones screw with our minds. Literally 12 hours can make me go from feeling like a hottie to feeling like a fatty when it's TOM. Hope you feel better soon.

    Manic, hang in there! You know that once you get some momentum, you will be killing the weights!

    Got another session in today. Thrusts, suspended rows, squats, decline push-ups, Sumo DLs, x-band walk, and core. I'm beat. But my protein was 160 grams today(36%), so I'm feeling good!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't have hormones anymore :bigsmile: I haven't had a mood swing or that nasty gross feeling. I still crave sweets but in the past 8 weeks I haven't been up and down with the cravings. Saying that..... I really want a donut right now. LOL

    Beeps , you look awesome! PFFTTTT seven pounds heavy my BLEEP!

    Sue, what's going on with your shoulder? I had to go to the dr with my "good " shoulder. He said it was just an overuse due to overcompensating for the bad one. I got a cortisone shot and was sent home. MRI in 4 weeks if it still hurts and it does.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps, you look gorgeous!

    TEDx was great - some really good speakers, some a bit so-so, but overall a nice day. We didn't hang around for the drinks afterwards, we looked at each other and neither could stomach the thought of alcohol lol So we drove into the city and went to a nice fancy restaurant overlooking the river for dinner. And I had a mocktail instead :wink:

    I've been feeling a little odd lately. And this morning I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a car. It's not DOMS, this is something different, I have a headache and just feel 'off'. Massive stomach bloating, which I would put down to the weekend food, but it's been going on for a week or so... TOM is late, which really isn't all that special given I have PCOS, but I did think it would be here by now. Not pregnant by the way lol

    So I made an executive decision that cardio, unless it's swimming laps in the pool with the kids, can have the week off. I will finish of Stage 7 tomorrow & Friday and start fresh with Supercharged on Monday.

    Hopefully whatever is it my body is going through will have settled down by then.

    I saw the challenge thread, I need to have a nice, long think about what I want to achieve in terms of weekly goals etc. Then I'll pop in and post :smile:

    I just want to crawl back into bed, but school went back today and a mother's work is never, ever, ever freaking done.... :wink: :laugh:
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    I have been lurking for a while, but I started NROL4W a couple weeks ago. I have been really focusing on getting used to Stage 1 Workouts A and B. This week, I finally moved from the first step (2 sets of 15) to the next step. I deadlifted 60 pounds! And I did the lunges with the 45 pound bar (don't know what it is really called). I have never felt so proud of myself in the gym and I had to share with others. :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice job snb!
    Congrats to all those starting out there.

    I exercised too much today. It was sunny and seventy but I overdid it. So I yelled at DH to take out the compost. Hopefully we will make up when I get some sleep like Next Sat.

    Sue I miss you.

    So in stage one I scraped my shins pretty terrifically .

    DNA eat some food you know and love. I hope you enjoyed tedx

    I joined the challenge but Iam way low on protein and cals. The muscle is sliding off my legs and decaying as I type, but I will have to eat more tomorrow.

    I met a nice female bodybuilder today. She was an academic historian for twenty years but there's not much money in brain work so...

    Beeps the lipstick is great
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I am totally crap at navigating around these new forums...... I've found this now but who knows if I'll ever find it again!?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    You are not alone Jo. it took a lot of clicking to get in here just to see if it still existed. I don't think this is worth me having to put up with a forum free day yesterday.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    DouMc wrote: »
    You are not alone Jo. it took a lot of clicking to get in here just to see if it still existed. I don't think this is worth me having to put up with a forum free day yesterday.

    Totally agree :(
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Where the heck are "my topics"?!?!?

    Who is EVeR going to join a thread with 10,000 posts?!?!


    I hate this "change".


    But, i will go weight-train for my third day in a row. BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Annd clicking on the bookmark star does not bring it up in "bookmarks",when the thread is part of a "group"
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I do not like this change!! It took forever to get here. It looks more like Word or excel than a chat group.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ok, so what happened? I'm so confused and not quite sure how to catch up!? Once I reply will I have a link somewhere to this thread? I'm with beeps, where is my topics? :'(