Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well done Beeps!!
    Ok, how's this for motivation? I am very proud of my mom. Her doctor put her on a low sugar heart-healthy diet, THAT SHE IS ACTUALLY STICKING TO!! Her size 16 pants are falling off of her. I think she is more like a 12-13 now. 16 may sound big but my mom is 5'9" and built like an Amazon (She takes after her German father as opposed to her smaller statured Irish mother lol) SHe looks pretty darn good for a woman turning 60 in December :)

    I'm off to Zumba. Hopefully, I won't get sick again.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sam-that's wonderful about your mom! And Zumba too!

    DNA-at least your body remembers doing handstand push-ups...i think my body would think I've taken leave of my senses if I tried such a thing! :lol:

    BWM-it's 24 squats, then 12x2 lunges, then 12x2 jump lunges, then 24 jump squats...as fast as you can! The you rest twice that time, and do it all again, hopefully faster! :sweat: it's tough! But effective ;)

    Ali- maybe we could do SL together but still post here? I like you guys!

    Beeps-boom! Good for you!!

    We're trying to plan a vacation for next year too. Dh wants to do Europe, which would be lovely, but not in the budget :(. Leaning toward a Caribbean cruise-which are more reasonable and would still be a blast!

  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    Ellie--I have been doing the set ups with a barbell over the back because I was having trouble gripping the dumbbells for the them too.

    Dna--I am with you about the gimme gimme me aspect. I love my daughter but if I hear one more thing she has to have on Christmas I may lose my mind. :smile:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    SL with added weight on the Oly bar went well today....still went deep on the squat...I have to keep looking in the mirror, and readjusting form.....
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Great work everyone, loving reading all your achievements.

    I love push ups too. My latest are feet on bench, one leg elevated. Nose to floor ladies ;)

    LOVED my lifting today. Deadlifts - matched my PR with some left in the tank. Didn't go for the next weight up this time.... happy to not push it just yet. The whole day has been happy - good lifts = good times :D
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    edited November 2014
    What is all this crazy talk about handstand push-ups?!
    Y'all are hardcore! I could do them when I was in high school. But now I can only do a few.
    Pudding, I can't do the push-ups and rows either.

    I can't reply to you all, but keep up the great work!
    The kids have been sick this week, so we are completely out of routine. I think I can still get my workouts in now that they're better.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dna, what do you sell/make?

    I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I got more contract work in. With the holidays coming (and I agree about the gimme aspect of it - I have four children, whom I love dearly but they like a lot of expensive stuff!), I need to earn as much as I can. I will probably take tomorrow off too because, like someone else here mentioned, I like to start new stages on Mondays. Looking forward to Stage 6!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Ok ladies, this is going to be pretty long. I'm including a TL;DR at the end so feel free to head there directly.

    I've come to the really hard decision that I am going to take a break from trying to lose weight, and attempt to maintain for the next month and a half. I rented my wedding dress a few months ago and it fit nicely. Tried it on recently and its a little big now (even after adjustments). If I continue to lose weight, its not going to look good on me at all. And I LOVE the dress so I really don't want to have to find another one. I feel really bad that I have to stop now. That's going to be like 1 1/2 month of 0 progress :'(. The thought actually made me depressed for a few days. But I've since come to accept it.

    Another bad development, it seems I'm developing arthritis. My mom has RA and I always figured I'd get it too (although I really hoped I wouldn't), but I didn't know it would happen this soon! Yesterday I had to fight through the pain to do my push ups (my wrist hurts). I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out because I'm thinking of being a cripple for the rest of my life (I don't want to live on prescription drugs whose risks outweigh the benefits in this case). I know I need to see a doctor to be diagnosed, but I'm afraid to have it confirmed.

    My left knee hurts. I videod my squat and realize that my knees go way over my toes. I tried squatting just the bar but same result. I've since come to the conclusion (and I could be wrong) that my core is weak. I'm therefore going to start spending some more time working on it.

    This is my last week of Hypertrophy III. Which means I start Strength and Power I next week. For the first time since starting Supercharged, I am not looking forward to starting a new phase. Just too many things going on with me right now. It's hard to look forward to anything.

    TL;DR version:
    I'm eating at maintenance for a couple months.
    I may have RA.
    My knee hurts.
    My squat form sucks.
    I'm sad.

    I hope everyone is doing better than me :)

    PS. I saw the video of dna's handstand pushups. Totally badass! Never in a million years could I do those.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Jl, sorry you're sad & its sucks if you have RA but its kinda good that your dress is a little loose. But too losse it not good. Reguardless you're beautiful & will make a beautiful bride. Keep us up to date with the wedding fun/craziness, and we need pics!!!

    Ellie, get a pair of lifting straps. I had the same problem when I started & they make a big difference. I got a pretty pair of harbingers on amazon for less than $10. And just wait til you get to the BWM, you'll know what we're b*tching about lol.

    Sam, thats great news about your mom!

    Julie we should do SL together & I'm tiotally staying on here. You guys can't get rid of me that easily :) .

    I had a good workout yesterday I increased my weights & I'm feeling it today. I'm not too fond of my BF's bigger Dbs though. The plates are bigger & have that rubber on the edges so when I did the one armed DB snatch it kept hitting the sides of my arm just above my wrists. Now I have these bruises there and a spot where the skinned rubbed on the rubber. He said he gets the same thing, that the handle on that set is a bit narrow. And then I dropped the DB on my chest on my last set of bench presses. Luckily I missed my face & it hit just under my collar bone so there is a nice bruise there as well. Basically I kicked my own *kitten* yesterday lol. I am feeling the DOMS throughout my body so today is a rest day. Its also my Friday, no work tomorrow :D I get to stay home & play with my little guy which is always much better.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Everyone sounds like they're doing well!!

    Jamaica-:hugs: sorry yours sad :(. But, your dress is getting too big? That's encouraging!! Plus, eating at maintenance will be good for your metabolism!! I hope you'll see a dr for the RA. Hopefully it's not that. But I guess with your mom you know a lot about it and how to treat it? They diagnosed my 14y.o. Dd with jra last year, incorrectly. But I researched the heck out of it and learned a lot! Diet can really impact it. Hang in there! Wedding is coming! You'd better post pics!, :)

    Ali-bruising? Gah! Hope they heal quickly! Enjoy your day home tomorrow. Beautiful weather bonus!!

    There's a video of DNA doing handstand push-ups? How'd I miss that?

    Love-I hope to start 6 with you on Monday!! I'll be doing slightly lighter weights than you... :worried:

    Bb-Glad your little ones are better! Enjoy your workout!

    Jo-that's great!! Makes the whole day better!! WTG!!!

    I'm doing well. Rest day today. Both my dd's play competitive volleyball. Sat. Is tryouts for the younger one, next sat. Is tryouts for the older one. In between there are 3 evaluations at the gym for them...translation-my schedule is full of volleyball mom running. $$!! Too! But, I'm hopeful they'll both make teams at the same club and that may make practice nights easier? We shall see...they're new to this club and apparently everyone else has figured out that it's a great club. Too much competition will make it tough on my girls. We'll see. Looking for backup plans now...just in case ;).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Congrats, samntha, to your mom. Very cool.

    dnamouse - I would go to bali...that sounds LIKE A GREAT PLACE TO GO.

    Okay, so you want to keep a "wedding dress" look, AWESOME! Go for it, jamaicanlady.

    I lifted today. I slept last night (which I totally attribute to my lifting session yesterday). I look forward to more sleep tonight.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jamaicanlady-- you are going to look beautiful. If your wrists hurt for push-ups change your grip. There are variations where you hold a block in each hand or do knuckle push-ups instead.

    I had a busy week but my lifting was fun today. I keep failing dls at 165. I think I need a shorter warmup. My shoulder is still sore but dls and even some rows were ok.

    Beeps I wish I could sleep - I ve had some insomnia lately.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I missed dna s handstand push-ups too.
    I wish I could do that
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    LOL I'm whipping through quickly to pop in a link to my Instagram with a video of my handstand pushups I did today - terrible video, but you get that when you entrust the child with the iPhone :wink:


    Bedtime soon for me! :relaxed:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Nice work dna - I reckon I could do them.... but getting upside down is the problem hahahha. Maybe I will have a go.....

    Jamaica - if there was ever a time of year to maintain - this is it! Go for it. You'll look awesome :-) Enjoy. You know it's not forever.

    I went to combat tonight after a frustrating day - even the instructor came up to me afterwards and said "whoa, you went at it hard tonight". Oh yeah. And could probably pump out another 2 hours, lol. I dunno, I'm just feeling crappy. I'm supposed to be relieved that my studies are done (well, almost) and I have a job, but I'm not. My job is just the next 'thing'. It's not my end point..... so I'm just a bit depressed about trying to get where I want to be. It's going to take so long and so much effort. For now, I will lift and drink wine and hopefully ride out the grump......
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Jo where or what do you want to be????
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    DNA-nice! I looked at your pull up video too! :blush: impressive! Kutgw!!

    Jo-way to take your aggressions out in combat! Sorry you're frustrated! This is just a season, try to celebrate the success so far. You'll get there! :)

    Pmag-I'm looking forward to doing some PRs! I'd love to fail at 165 on DLs! You're doing great, glad the shoulder feels a bit better.

    Beeps-good job! And yay for sleep! I've not slept well this week either. Which isn't like me.

    Finished stage 5 today!! Woohoo! Now, to read and comprehend stage 6! :smiley:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    edited November 2014
    So, not much progress visible in the pics from stage 5. But, inches are encouraging.

    Chest: 33"-->32.5"
    Waist: 29.5"-->29.5"
    Belly button: 35.5"-->34"!!! Yay!
    Hips: 40"--> 38"!!!! Yay!!

    My legs feel tighter, but still plenty of fat to burn through there. Lower belly much improved! Definitely don't feel like stage 3 or 5 made a huge visible impact. But in sure it improved my imbalances and combed with CN I'm getting leaner. :sunglasses:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I had a busy week but my lifting was fun today. I keep failing dls at 165. I think I need a shorter warmup. My shoulder is still sore but dls and even some rows were ok.

    Sorry I missed this before. How many reps are you doing prior to 165 and how many are you going for at 165?

    I'm getting my max lifts at very low reps. My workout yesterday was;

    3 x 50kg (warm up)
    3 x 60kg (warm up)
    5 x 65kg
    3 x 72.5kg
    1 x 77.5kg
    5 x 70kg
    3 x 75kg (165 lbs)
    1 x 80kg (176 lbs)

    I did hate changing the weights so much at first but I've really seen results so I don't mind at all now. What program/ stage are you on again?

    Oh, and where do I want to be re: job? Changing the world.... that's the problem. Maternity care here in Australia is shocking - so badly planned, organised and medicalised. I want to change it but I don't know how..... it's political, professional and will take more than my lifetime. I have big dreams ;)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Oh, and here is my progress pic from before NROLFW and after stage 4 (this morning)

    This is crazy amazing!!!!!!