Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member

    One of my mfp friends says that the "bod pod" is the right calculator for body fat %....and that it beats the caliper test.

    I, like you, was planning on testing my bf% - although not at the end of every stage, but at the end of every calendar month. Today, I decided "no". At this point, I *know* my bf% is NOT where I want it to be....so, why sabotage myself?? I can test at the end of NROL4W and then figure out how to attack it to the point where it is in the range of what I want.

    I have a feeling I was likely 28-30% body fat when I started this....I was a so-called "skinny fat" chick.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member

    One of my mfp friends says that the "bod pod" is the right calculator for body fat %....and that it beats the caliper test.

    I, like you, was planning on testing my bf% - although not at the end of every stage, but at the end of every calendar month. Today, I decided "no". At this point, I *know* my bf% is NOT where I want it to be....so, why sabotage myself?? I can test at the end of NROL4W and then figure out how to attack it to the point where it is in the range of what I want.

    I have a feeling I was likely 28-30% body fat when I started this....I was a so-called "skinny fat" chick.

    I totally get what you mean about not wanting to do BF% right now...that's how I feel about the scale!! I want to do BF% to see if I decrease each stage. I have motivation to lift etc right now but it's hard to see change in my body cause I see it every day! If I see a change in lower BF% i think I will be even more motivated!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member

    I've noticed the biggest loss in my boobs....and I didn't have any to begin with! My hips/thighs/bum are my problem areas and they are losing (quarter) inches only VERY SLOWLY. Very.

    I am noticing this too! My chest area is disappearing at a rate of knots but my lower body isn't lol
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    idauria (and everyone else of course)- this may help with the calorie intake/weight gain stuff while lifting...


    I saw that on a thread and it made me feel a lot more comfortable!

    Quick question for you all that have your calories set to maintenance (because I have mine set there)- do you still eat your exercise calories back? I know with the formula in the book it's just caloric intake which would be on the "food" part of our intake not the "net". Basically, do you go by the "food" calories or "net"??
    Thanks for that website will take a look.

    In the book it suggests 1920 on non workout days and 2220 on workout days. I'm hungry on anything under 2000 cals so I set to 2020 I think and then add my exercise calories. I use HRM for running and MET index for recording my strength training (MFP over estimates these for me). My days are so different dependent on clients also, if I have a busy day of treatments I occassionally eat more and don't log that (MET index again states 190 cals per treatment on average).

    Inch wise saw very little difference in stage 1 but was also eating far too many calories (went on a 3 week bender!!) now I've settled down again hope to see some change at the end of stage 2.

    Boobage is also disappearing :grumble:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    ***sigh*** Yep, know what you mean about the late, lamented boobs. I was never very well-endowed to begin with, so this is truly sad for me. The only upside is I have developed some chest muscles that make a shadow that, in certain light, could be mistaken for cleavage. It'll have to do, I suppose, since I wouldn't waste good money on fake boobs. If I had that kinda cash to blow on cosmetic surgery, I'd invest it in my face, and buy a wonder-bra!

    I was near goal weight by the time I found New Rules, so I'm actually eating at 300 cal surplus daily (2100 average), except on rest weeks. I eat net at maintenance then. I have only gained 2.5 pounds eating this way since November 1st. I plan to drop back to a slight deficit in April, to whittle down a little BF% and look smashing in a bikini! I went through a lot of stress deciding how to eat early on for fear of undoing my hard work. I finally got past it and while I still weigh occasionally, I don't think much about the number on the scale. My motivation is my mirror.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Right there with the smaller breasted types who've noticeably lost in this area already. Heavy sigh heavy sigh. But I guess I'll trade it for some arm ab and leg definition that will hopefully continue to declare itself. I'm about 10lbs from goal so still struggling with this whole calorie thing. 5'2.5 39 137 which puts me at 1496 maintenance and 1745 for workout.MFP has me at 1440 and I certainly am eating everything I burn. I think MFP oveerstimates this workout or I'm not logging right. I put it in as circuit training so I sometimes don't eat all of those calories but usually do. I am starting to play with eating more a few times a week and see how that goes. But a couple times lately I feel like my pulse has really been bounding or fast which he talks about as a sign of overtraining. Also need to drink more water. As others have mentioned need to kick the scale to the curb and focus on the way I feel and look. Why is that so hard?? Think I will try to finish Stage four in the next few days and then try a few days off lifting before going on to Stage 5. Love this forum and hearing about everyone's experiences! It has made a huge difference to my experience. Thanks all!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    One of my things is not knowing how many calories I should be eating. I dropped back down to around 1200 a day, which is about a 300 calorie deficit. Should I be eating more on workout days? According to Lou Schuler I should. I just don't want to put on any more fat around my middle. It's fat enough. I just don't know why even with my relatively clean eating and working out 5 days a week I am not seeing results. In fact, I am seeing the opposite. However my trainer says I am strong and my triceps are nice and he complimented me on the "teardrop" I have on my quads. I had no idea what he was talking about then he showed me the muscle right above my knee on the right side(was my right knee). So I guess I am doing something right. I will continue to lift heavy and do my cardio intervals on off days and eat the best I can. I had a great eating day yesterday and I plan on doing good today. However it is my daughter's birthday and I am making almond flour brownies for dessert tonight. I am making them less sugary by using Splenda baking blend. Hopefully I can limit myself. Sweets are definitely my downfall. I can't have just one!

    I am so glad many of you are seeing results. It gives me hope!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    jarrett, that photo of Linda Hamilton is KICK-*kitten*....makes me wonder why I wasn't doing this 10-15 years ago (lifting heavy).

    Kayli, I might do a body fat% test when I get back from Hawaii....some days I say "yes" and some days I say "no"....I'm really waffling about it!

    idauria - are you basing the 1,200 calories on the Lou Schuler formula in NROL4W?? I just find it very hard to believe that few calories is what is needed to fuel a body for daily activities, including weight-training??? It sounds soooooooooooooo low (to me).
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    One of my things is not knowing how many calories I should be eating. I dropped back down to around 1200 a day, which is about a 300 calorie deficit. Should I be eating more on workout days? According to Lou Schuler I should. I just don't want to put on any more fat around my middle. It's fat enough. I just don't know why even with my relatively clean eating and working out 5 days a week I am not seeing results. In fact, I am seeing the opposite. However my trainer says I am strong and my triceps are nice and he complimented me on the "teardrop" I have on my quads. I had no idea what he was talking about then he showed me the muscle right above my knee on the right side(was my right knee). So I guess I am doing something right. I will continue to lift heavy and do my cardio intervals on off days and eat the best I can. I had a great eating day yesterday and I plan on doing good today. However it is my daughter's birthday and I am making almond flour brownies for dessert tonight. I am making them less sugary by using Splenda baking blend. Hopefully I can limit myself. Sweets are definitely my downfall. I can't have just one!

    I am so glad many of you are seeing results. It gives me hope!

    Idauria, 1200 cals seems very low, but i don't know your stats. Be careful you don't sabotage your progress by undereating, this will slow your metabolism and reduce your ability to build muscle. So may of us have lost more (or maintained more effectively) on a higher cal level. What does the calculation in the book have you on?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    The book says I should eat around 1530 for non-workout days and almost 1800 for work out days. That seems so high to me!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    idauria - are you basing the 1,200 calories on the Lou Schuler formula in NROL4W?? I just find it very hard to believe that few calories is what is needed to fuel a body for daily activities, including weight-training??? It sounds soooooooooooooo low (to me).

    No, 1200 calories is about a 300 calorie deficit from my maintenance, which is, according to the book, what I should be eating on non-workout days. According to the book I should eat almost 1800 on workout days. But I have a hard time with that I guess. I am so small, only 4'10" so I have a hard time believing that I need a lot of calories.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hey ladies...just checking in, because I haven't for a few days. I got my squats back up to 65 pounds yesterday, but I had to use the smith machine because the squat rack was in use and it was AWFUL. I didn't like how unnatural it felt to me. Not doing that again...next time I'll just wait.

    other than that...keeping busy, blizzard is supposed to be heading our way, so I may not make it to the gym tomorrow for lifting depending on how bad the roads are. i'm hoping that the weatherman are just exaggerating!!!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    idauria - are you basing the 1,200 calories on the Lou Schuler formula in NROL4W?? I just find it very hard to believe that few calories is what is needed to fuel a body for daily activities, including weight-training??? It sounds soooooooooooooo low (to me).

    No, 1200 calories is about a 300 calorie deficit from my maintenance, which is, according to the book, what I should be eating on non-workout days. According to the book I should eat almost 1800 on workout days. But I have a hard time with that I guess. I am so small, only 4'10" so I have a hard time believing that I need a lot of calories.

    You know your body the best and you know what cals. work for you. Also, you can always adjust up or down 100 or 200 cals. I hope with the help of the PT you get where you want to be.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I don't know, idauria, but I think you are NOT eating enough. I think you need to step away from the scale, for awhile, and start focusing on fueling your body. I think, if you followed the guidelines in the book, for one month (WITH NO DEFICIT), you would start seeing better results. So, eat 1,530 on your non-workout days and eat 1,800 on your work-out days. Do this for one month. Eat properly, rest properly, work-out energetically, and STAY OFF THE SCALE.

    Then, after one month, you can re-assess....are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy throughout the day? Did you record every single morsel that went into your mouth? Did you lift AS HEAVY AS YOU CAN? Did you take the appropriate amount of rest between work-outs (or were you secretly squeezing in some CARDIO, which, my friend, is truly counter-productive right now...).

    I followed this method for the first month (5 weeks, actually) of NROL4W. Stayed off the scale, blah, blah, blah. And, all those "extra" calories that I thought I couldn't POSSIBLY eat, I *did* eat and my body weight did NOT change (significantly). It didn't. My body was simply learning how to fuel itself after being steadily DENIED for years. YEARS.

    At the beginning of February, I *then* introduced my 250 calorie deficit (NOT 300....just 200-250) and NOW, things are moving in the right direction. My body KNOWs fuel is coming, so there aren't hunger pains. I am fueling my work-outs and decreasing my cardio. I am losing inches. I am losing (some) weight.

    This is NOT a quick-fix. But, everything is moving in the right direction, just like the book says it will. EVERYTHING.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    What Beeps said.

    Although, Idauria, if you were to confess your current weight and goals, we would have more of an idea. But i understand if you don't want to!

    I was scared to go from 1250 to 1660 (non-workout day allowances), but it's a leap of faith, and i feel slimmer AND stronger. I think my weight has stayed the same (which was my goal).

    Give it a month, what's the worst that could happen?!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I feel stronger, too....and, if you look at the weights I am lifting NOW, compared to 2 months' ago, I AM STRONGER.

    Does it show on the scale?? Not really.

    Does it show on the measurements?? Here and there.

    Does it show in my photo progress?? Not really.

    But, I'm convinced, in the LONG run (i.e. this is NOT a short-term thing....if you are thinking "tortoise" and "hare", than I *am* the TORTOISE!) that ALL of these things will come into crystal-clear focus.

    To me, one of the MOST brilliant things that is written in NROL4W is something along the lines of: "....the only reason other people succeed at transforming their bodies, and you don't, is that they are willing to do the things to get there, and you aren't...."

    Heavy lifting and nutritious eating are NOT always easy things to do.....the effort you put into it is going to have a direct correlation to the results you get out of it.

    I, for one, believe this has INCREASED my overall health 100-fold.....and, I wasn't an unhealthy person to begin with!! In fact, I consider myself quite fit, and always have been! Still, this program illuminates where my shortcomings and weaknesses have been, and laser-beam focus to CHANGE that, has assisted in my ongoing (even small) success.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    I think Beeps is right and I will try to take this leap of faith regarding calories as well and see where it gets me. kicking the scale to the curb which is where it will need to be so I don't feel tempted just to check in. when I look at Stage 1 and what I was lifting then and what I can lift now I am psyched. So why should I let the lack of scale change discourage me?? Getting stronger not skinnier will try to make that my new mantra.

    Idauria-The feedback from the trainer sounds hugely positive regarding "lean" and "teardrop"leg muscle thing. Embrace that and try to fine tune the rest and let us know how it's going and I will too.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Beeps, maybe you're right. I never embraced eating at or above maintenance out of fear of weight/fat gain. I guess in my mind I was thinking that if I really wasn't lifting to my full potential(even though I think I was lifting heavy for me) then eating at a surplus would only hurt me.

    If you want to know my stats I will give them...
    I am 4'10". I weight around 94 pounds(the scale has been teetering between 94 and 92). Now, I don't have issue with the scale, it's what I see and feel that I am not happy with. I don't like my measurements. I measure 25" at the narrow point of my waist and 27" at my belly button. My hips are 32". In my mind I should have a 24" waist at my widest and I'd like to lose an inch in my hips. The trainer feels this is an attainable goal. Btw, my scale says my body fat% is around 20%. The trainer and the gym owner calculated my measurements and got a lower number, which I have a hard time believing because of my flabby belly. I am definitely stronger. I like the way my arms and legs feel, but I hate that I still have so much jiggle. I know I have to watch what I eat better.

    Beeps, I never really did a lot of cardio before because I hate it. I mostly did focus on weights. I really just started doing cardio two days a week in between lifting. I see it as a supplement to lifting.

    Tuesday is my last session with the trainer. I have to admit that it's not all I expected it to be. I really thought he'd listen to me and challenge me. I told him I want to lift heavy. I guess he did listen a little because he allowed me to do 70 lb squats. But everything else I've been doing with 10lb dumbbells, doing 2-3 sets of 12-15. After my last session, I had a conversation with him and the gym owner. It was mostly about nutrition because apparently that's his field of expertise. But we also talked about what kind of program I want. He said he'd help the trainer come up with something for me. So I'll see on Tuesday if they did.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Wow, you are tiny. I can understand how imperfections show more when you're smaller! But as your weight is ok, and you want to change your 'content', then my vote would be to eat at maintenance (1542 as per that spreadsheet calculator someone kindly made from the book), and up to 1762 on workout days. This will give you the fuel you need to do the lifting, make muscle, and keep your metabolism active. As you progress, I would expect your muscle content to increase, and your body fat decrease, with your weight not changing. With these changes you SHOULD see the measurement changes you are seeking as a lovely side effect.

    That's the theory from the book anyway as I think i understand it, it's worked for me, but i've only been at it 6 weeks or so. And hey, if after a few weeks you gain a little fat, you can always tweak it by a few cals :drinker:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Forgive me for leaping in here in the middle of a conversation, but I read a really good blog earlier today which made a lot of sense to me; it's about the bulking/cutting cycle in terms of calories:

    Maybe of interest?