Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Did anyone see the video on the NYTimes website today about weight training?

    Simple Advice for Better Weight Training
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Hello my strong and powerful friends! Thought I'd post my own update, as I keep reading yours, but never seem to have the time to respond.

    After plugging away through stages 1 and 2 (tomorrow is my last workout in stage 2), two weeks ago, I decided to get back together with cardio. I think, in the past, our relationship was too obsessive; we didn't spend time apart and so, didn't appreciate each other. This time around, it's different. I'm just doing the cardio I love, but not smothering it. I'm limiting it to 30-45 minutes at a time and enjoying its company so much more than in the past. I'm also still spending time with my friends (ie NROL4W), so I think I'm striking a better balance this time around. LOL.

    Ok, in all seriousness, I really was missing cardio. And once or twice a week of HIIT following a weights workout just wasn't doing it for me. The truth is, I love a good sweat. Yes, I sweat like crazy when lifting. But I've been a runner for years, and I adore the endorphins that come with high energy activity. Also, I know that only lifting doesn't provide your heart and lungs with the opportunity to develop to their full potential. And for me, I will (hopefully) always run. So less-than-very-strong heart and lungs is a no-no in my book!

    And finally, yes, I want strength gains. But I would also rather be 145 lb and very strong than 165 lb and very strong. 145 lb means I'm lighter on my feet for running, which means my knees and hips are happier. So weight loss continues to be important to me - not because I care about a number, but because being lighter helps me do the things that I love. So why can't I have both? Honestly, I think I can...it just means kicking my butt into high gear until I hit the weight goal, eating extra clean, and making sure to rest. I know many would say to stop lifting and focus on weight loss until I hit that goal. But I don't want to give that up either!

    The past two weeks, I challenged myself to lift three days and do tough cardio on five. I left 300-500 cardio calories "on the table" (ie didn't eat them) each day. And over the past two weeks, clocked in with 3.5 lb lost. I know this pace is not sustainable for the long term. But my body feels great.

    Basically, I've been biking to work as often as possible (burns about 500 cals round trip), lifting 3 days a week, and doing HIIT for 40 minutes - 20 minutes doing two different activities (running, elliptical, rowing, stair mill, etc) on lifting days. I take two total rest days per week, and do endurance work at the lake on the weekends - long hikes, mountain biking, or running and swimming with the kids. My form and strength have not suffered, and I've been making strength gains during this time.

    But most importantly, I'm doing things I love. At this stage in my life, I have the sweet opportunity to be at the gym for 2 hours and not feel guilty. I LOVE being at the gym and working hard (I also love coming home and cooking something wonderful to repair my body with.....mmmmm food). I know that my spare time will come to an end this fall, as I'll be working on my Masters part time while working a very full time job managing an understaffed government department.

    Have I noticed a difference in just doing NROL? Yes, absolutely. I'm stronger than I've ever been, and I'm seeing definition in my arms, chest, waist, and a wee bit in my legs. We measured and took pictures on Monday, and I'm down 9 inches in total: about 2 each at my chest, waist, hips, and then 1 each on my biceps, thighs, and calves. But more impressively, I look so much healthier. I no longer have a "rolling landscape" of lumps and bumps. My body looks sleek and well-proportioned (especially in contrast to my pics from 2.5 months ago!), and there is definite change in the shape of my arms, legs, and torso. So for people just starting out, know that you will definitely see changes as you continue to progress. I'm only at the end of stage 2...can't wait for some of the later stages - Beeps, I too dream of doing a chin up one day...even if it's just one!).

    But, being a big believer in "one size doesn't fit all", I am also enjoying messing a little with the book's recommendations. Please tell me that doesn't get me kicked out of the club!?!

    Anyway, these were just my thoughts on the whole, "it's impossible to lose weight while doing NROL4W" discussion. I recognize that I'm not putting muscle on at the rate that I could be. But I'm ok with that for the short term. And I'm also ok with kicking my own butt cardio-wise until I hit that weight goal, recognizing that it isn't something I'll maintain over the long term.

    Sorry for the long-winded post...I guess I'm feeling particularly verbose today!

    Anyway, I just want to say that each of you inspires me to get to the gym and work it hard. Sue - you've commented on being 60 and doing this...you are simply a rockstar. And when I'm in the middle of my lunges, and I can't tell if it's tears or sweat pouring down my face, I suck it up because if you can do it, so can I! Beeps - your struggle with injury reminds me daily to think about form before progression. I did a dumb thing the other day - adjusted my grip during the deadlift from box by resting a 110lb bar on my lifted thigh. Sigh. So dumb. As soon as I did it, I thought "oh man, Beeps would not be impressed with that move!". And FunBun - your *kitten* to the grass comment the other day gave me my mantra for yesterday's FSPPs. I squatted like I've never squatted before. And gollllllly, do I feel it today! And everyone else who I haven't mentioned specifically, know that I appreciate your comments on form, challenges, and especially the human comments about how things were particularly difficult managing schedules and sleep and kids, etc. Knowing that others struggle to make this work is so helpful and comforting.

    Ok, time to stop typing (I wonder if I've managed to use an entire page on the forum). In short, you all are my heros. Everyday.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Joanne, I enjoyed reading your post.

    I do not follow New Rules completely either especially the diet. I'm a horrible carb eater and barely get in 60 g of protein in a day. Anyway, I really appreciated your honesty and thoughts. Keep up the good work.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Joanne, thanks. For all of it, and for taking the time to put it all down on "paper". I'm not ready to make changes yet, but you've answered some of my questions about cardio and pushing the envelope. Wow! I don't know if I could do what you're doing but I sure do admire that you know your goals so well and are willing to do what's necessary to achieve them.

    I figure that I'll stick with the program the way it's written for a while, at least until I'm comfortable with my form and all the moves and then I will re-evaluate. But at the moment, it's working for me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hey joanne, I'm REALLY glad to read that your return to your cardio-love has been enlightening - and that it's working! I'm glad different things work for different bodies. I, myself, have cut my lifting down to 2 x per week - am doing more outdoor walks, etc. Even if I just end up "maintaining" over the summer, I'm okay with that...

    Oh, and for the record, I slept HORRIBLY last night and, being super-duper exhausted, I am NOT working out, today, I am putting in excessive hours at the office, and my assistant just stopped by with an A & W teen burger and a SUPER LARGE diet root beer for me to chow on.

    YUM. YUM.

    Ummmmm, I'm not logging ANY of this, either.

  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Did anyone see the video on the NYTimes website today about weight training?

    Simple Advice for Better Weight Training

    Thanks Sue, good to see people encouraging this. I admit I had to fight the urge to yell at the guy- stop doing bicep curls and squat down lower! Turning into a lifting-snob....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Great Post Joanne. In all honesty I think cardio is a great way to get off those last few pesky pounds! Hang in there Beeps. You were my inspiration in the beginning :) Sue great link thanks. 5A2 tomorrow, ugh stupid BWM.

    PS: I finished my diary today and.... I OVER ON PROTEIN UNDER 2 CARBS! Woo Hoo!! ANd I will finish stage 5 before our week long trip on the Blue RIdge mountains. Not sure if I will be able to log at all that week out in the middle if nowhere and I will be very sad to lose my accumulated time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Again Sue great link!. It's nice to know we ARE doing it right. The book started us off with higher repetitions to get us accustomed to lifting and form. My husband is a cyclist and he needs to do some strength training to protect his bones. He actually uses resistance bands because he has limited range of motion after a horrific cycling injury.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks for being so candid, Joanne. You've gotta follow your heart and do what feels great. Life is too short. :)
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    So mad! I pulled something in my right shoulder this morning (doing a stupid pushup of all things) and it's pretty irritated. I'm supposed to lift tomorrow and then have 2 days off. Gonna ice it some more tonight and go lower on the weights. Frustrating!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Grr, 1 workout back in and my body is already swelling back up again! I know its just from my muscles holding water to repair themselves, but it is so frustrating! Does anyone know any relief for this? I drink plenty of water and try to get as much protein as possible post workout, I just don't know what else to do. Would stretching more help?
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    But, being a big believer in "one size doesn't fit all", I am also enjoying messing a little with the book's recommendations. Please tell me that doesn't get me kicked out of the club!?!

    ^^^This times a million. We all must figure out what works for our bodies. It may take awhile to get a good grip on what that is but once you do the gains in energy & happiness are worth it. Also. I find this group to be highly supportive. You are making a well thought out decision for yourself. We all should admire that. I certainly do :) Good on you mama.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Grr, 1 workout back in and my body is already swelling back up again! I know its just from my muscles holding water to repair themselves, but it is so frustrating! Does anyone know any relief for this? I drink plenty of water and try to get as much protein as possible post workout, I just don't know what else to do. Would stretching more help?

    You have noticeable (by looking at your body) swelling? Or is it weight/inches gain? I would say you have to let your body repair itself in the way it's intended. So just know that the swelling is a good sign that changes are being made.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Great post Joanne - I've been really trying to get more cardio in as well but haven't been that consistent with it. I've really got to make myself do it.

    Sue - thanks for the video link. Nice to see that weight lifting is getting promoted for health benefits!!!

    Did my HIIT today since I didn't have time to do it yesterday after my 4B2 workout. I absolutely LOVE walking. It's honestly my favorite form of cardio exercise, so I walked about 3 miles after my HIIT this morning and I feel great. I really need to do this more often, for my benefit and my dogs (she's getting fat!).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    ellie - no worries on the swelling....it will become less noticeable - things just don't happen in a day on NROL4W! Keep drinking your water. Keep putting in necessary/appropriate rest periods/days. Keep your protein HIGH.

    I'm lifting today. My 4th Stage 7 work-out. I'll be sore and tired when I'm done....but, then my after-work party will seem SO WORTH IT!

    Tomorrow is long cardio-session. I've missed it the last 2 weeks and I'm ready to give it another go.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I hope you don't leave us when you finish New Rules. :frown:
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Beeps, I hope you don't leave us when you finish New Rules. :frown:


    So excited! Today is my last stage 2 workout...no cardio today though. Since we're not off to the lake this weekend, I've scheduled a 35 mile roundtrip bike ride with a girlfriend tomorrow morning. We'll bike right across the city to the region's biggest farmers' market, stuff ourselves with goodies, and bike back. Can't wait!!!
  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    Grr, 1 workout back in and my body is already swelling back up again! I know its just from my muscles holding water to repair themselves, but it is so frustrating! Does anyone know any relief for this? I drink plenty of water and try to get as much protein as possible post workout, I just don't know what else to do. Would stretching more help?

    ^^ This is me to a T!!! The day after I lift I feel like a blimp! The scale goes up and my body looks puffy! It drives me crazy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm not leaving here....I'll probably just do "NROL4Abs" when I'm done "NROL4W", anyway!

    I didn't have a very good work-out today, though.

    I lost at court and was late getting to the gym....I only did 3 sets, instead of 4....I had to drop my weight on my step-ups down to 8 lbs!! (8 lbs - good gawd, why am I bothering!)

    On the good news front - I skipped my lunch to get my work-out in, so I have room to drink alcoholic beverages on our deck tonight! (we're throwing a big party)

    Oh, and even though I lost in court, I think the other lawyer was a friggin' GONG SHOW - so when we meet up again, in 6 or 8 weeks, I plan on kicking his frail little *kitten*....
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Oh, and even though I lost in court, I think the other lawyer was a friggin' GONG SHOW - so when we meet up again, in 6 or 8 weeks, I plan on kicking his frail little *kitten*....

    And you will - whether it's with your brilliance or your fierce biceps!

    Enjoy your cocktails tonight!