Daily Chat Thread



  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Woke up, hurts to walk, went to gym, struggled through workout. Raised some weight but not much for 5B1. Thighs are SCREAMING! hurt to bend over with legs pushing on the back extension apparatus. Partial Squats were a joke. Raised YTWL to 7.5 dbs for 15lbs woo hoo on that at least. OWWWWWIEEEEE

    I'm logging my workout in the stage 5 thread for prosperity, those ladies in the future who may want to know.

    15lbs on the YTWL?! That's beast right there!
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    I cannot wait to get to the next stages of this workout! I'm only in stage 1 and I already feel like a beast at the gym! LOVING NROL4W! However, I have been getting killer cramps in my calves? (esp when doing step-ups in the leg I'm not working) and then again at night while sleeping. Any thoughts on why and how to get rid of it?

    Are you grabbing with your toes for balance? Try to push through your heel when you are working that leg. The cramps happen for me when I am "resting" the leg. Lots of water, potassium, coconut water is the awesome.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Woke up, hurts to walk, went to gym, struggled through workout. Raised some weight but not much for 5B1. Thighs are SCREAMING! hurt to bend over with legs pushing on the back extension apparatus. Partial Squats were a joke. Raised YTWL to 7.5 dbs for 15lbs woo hoo on that at least. OWWWWWIEEEEE

    I'm logging my workout in the stage 5 thread for prosperity, those ladies in the future who may want to know.

    15lbs on the YTWL?! That's beast right there!

    ^^ Word.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    When my IT band hurts, nothing about it is in my "knees" - it's all in my outer-thigh region. But, I know it's the inflexibility of my IT band that is causing the pain - my muscles are find and recovered. They want to LIFT - my IT band does NOT.

    For YWTL, be wary - I got up to 12 lb DB's (one in each hand), before Lou Schuler himself addressed that you aren't supposed to go above 10 lb DB for this particular exercise. It's supposed to be a "prep exercise", I'm told.

    My IT band still hurts - but I'm going to go and lift, anyway. I expect I'll end up doing the 60+ lunges without much weight because I don't think my quads/IT band can handle any weight....but, who knows? Maybe as I'm getting into my work-out and stretching out that region I'll end up with something good. All I know is my upper body is READY TO GO and, most of my work-out is upper body, today (push-ups, bent-over DB rows ). We'll see how the deadlifts and lunges are. I'll give it a try!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Woke up, hurts to walk, went to gym, struggled through workout. Raised some weight but not much for 5B1. Thighs are SCREAMING! hurt to bend over with legs pushing on the back extension apparatus. Partial Squats were a joke. Raised YTWL to 7.5 dbs for 15lbs woo hoo on that at least. OWWWWWIEEEEE

    I'm logging my workout in the stage 5 thread for prosperity, those ladies in the future who may want to know.

    15lbs on the YTWL?! That's beast right there!

    ^^ Word.

    what they said
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Just in case anyone else is thinking of dropping out, changing to another programme etc, hang on in there because Stage 6 is great! It's definitely my favourite of them all. Much more upper body work, and perversely enjoyable!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Nope, sorry MissMaggie. You are stuck with me until I finish . Although, I will not do stage 6. That's not one of my goals and I want to be finished before my vacation sept 9-15. I am glad you love it, you pervert :wink:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    We spent the day at a water park and let me tel you that carrying those heavy tubes up ALL those steps was a hell of a workout.

    WE did that last Thursday. I was amazed at how easily I climbed the stairs with the tubes... YEA!! TY NROL4W. I feel the difference already and my daughter-in-law looked at my before pics and says she sees a difference in my legs already! WOOHOO!! That's really where I want it to show too!

    I didn't work out yesterday and won't be able to today due to another commitment, so I'll get up early tomorrow and lift. I feel better when I work out in the morning and hopefully I've given my right leg enough of a rest to be able to squat iwth added weight.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    I cannot wait to get to the next stages of this workout! I'm only in stage 1 and I already feel like a beast at the gym! LOVING NROL4W! However, I have been getting killer cramps in my calves? (esp when doing step-ups in the leg I'm not working) and then again at night while sleeping. Any thoughts on why and how to get rid of it?

    Are you grabbing with your toes for balance? Try to push through your heel when you are working that leg. The cramps happen for me when I am "resting" the leg. Lots of water, potassium, coconut water is the awesome.

    I guess I'll have to take a closer look at my form during my next round of step-ups.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Good to hear it Maggie, I'm definitely coming back for stage 6 after stage 7 and my hols!

    Well done Sue, isn't it nice to get feedback from real world people too sometimes?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    You gals are all doing REALLY great! (sue - re: rolling, I lie on my side, with the roller under my hip and I roll the one leg from hip to knee (you can feel the sore spots - ROLL THOSE) and then I turn over and lie on the other side with the roller under the other hip and repeat).

    STAGE 7 CONTINUES TO BE A B*TCH. omg - straight-legged deadlifts are, um, TOUGH. My push-ups continue to disappoint me. My lunges SUCKED (see IT band comment above). What's to love?? Oh, yes, the bent-over DB row - THAT I could do. Sheesh.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - sorry you're struggling with Stage 7, sounds tough.

    Sue - so great to get compliments from other people!

    Thankfully most of my soreness has gone away. I'm still amazed at how tired I get from lifting. I really have all intentions of getting up on my nonlifting days and going for a walk, but I am so tired that I hit the snooze and go back to sleep and 6:00 still comes way too early!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Mmmm. I love bent over rows. For some reason, I don't really get the back activation with cable rows- but bent over rows are just yum!

    Hopefully your IT band lets off soon. I always roll it, and then do the stretch on your back where you pull the leg to the opposite side shoulder. Currently, I am not pulling very far (WHY ARE YOU STILL SORE HAMSTRING?) but it feels oh so good.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Wow, I popped back in here at just the right time. I've been totally off track for the last couple weeks due to a lot of things going on in my personal life and I was also thinking of bailing on this program after finishing stage 3. Glad to hear so many people encouraging sticking this out! I'm determined to get back in it and see this program to the finish. I will be starting stage 4 tonight and plan to stick with my two workouts per week schedule until I am done! Its been three weeks since I finished stage 3, hopefully I haven't lost too much in terms of what I can lift.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    woo hoo way to go ellie!

    My youngest is having a growth spurt and kept me awake with his screaming through the growing pains. He even got up at 1 am for a granola bar and juice box and crashed back out. He ate everything not nailed down yesterday (and I tagged along) Needless to say I am very tired and need a break today. My legs, which hurt like heck trying to lay down last night, feel pretty good this morning so I may try to do the 9pm Zumba class tonight. Thursday is a TOTAL rest day. Today I just need to stay out of the sun.
  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    Hi - I am new here and working through the 2nd set of work outs for stage 1.

    I am loving it but really struggled this morning. Pushups are my hardest thing! I am improving though and really trying to do deep pushups and do them right.

    Also - on the Squats I am doing 75 pounds but the reps seem low (3 sets of 10 reps) I just increased the weight and feel like I can do more with my legs but the problem is it is a challange to balance that olympic bar with that much weight. I feel capped by what I can handle up top with squats.

    With step ups I just went up to holding a 25lb weight in each hand and I can do the step ups but find that I can barely hold the weights by the end of my set! I think I need to go back down to 20lb weight and use a higher step...

    Feeling my way through!!

    Anyone else adding more core exercises? I think I need to...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You shouldn't add too much more core until you've built up your hamstrings. It's all connected in the "muscle train" and working your front before strengthening your back can lead to injury. Right now in stage one, the priority isn't to add insane amounts of weight, but to seriously work on your form. Get the form down to prevent injury, then add the weight. For the step ups, you can try a little higher step or take a mini break between non-dominant leg and dominant leg. Give your hands a little rest, try gloves, or try using a curling bar or barbell for the weight. Best of luck to you!!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, Isanne, with the squats especially, try and get as LOW as possible without lifting your heels and see how that works. I never see anyone getting nice *kitten* to grass action in the gym, but I see plenty of demi-squats. And a higher step definitely pumps up the intensity of the step ups! :)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Isanne, those are some very high weights for the start of stage 1, i think the others are right, dial it down a little and work on your form and your grip. There's no rush! Fantastic effort tho.
  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for responses! This is super helpful.

    The part about focusing on form makes total sense and it is a bit of a relief not to be upping the weight so much.

    Also the core part is very interesting. I can focus on the assignment!!