Daily Chat Thread



  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    Awesome feedback! Thank you! I guess the hardest thing for me has been looking more toward the long term benefits and focusing less on dropping that dreaded 5-10 lbs before vacation. But next summer I will be so close to "banging" (LOVE THIS SAMNTHA) that I won't have to worry about cramming in cardio sessions to get the number on the scale to go down.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Awesome feedback! Thank you! I guess the hardest thing for me has been looking more toward the long term benefits and focusing less on dropping that dreaded 5-10 lbs before vacation. But next summer I will be so close to "banging" (LOVE THIS SAMNTHA) that I won't have to worry about cramming in cardio sessions to get the number on the scale to go down.

    I was the exact same way. I actually started NROL 6 weeks before a week long bikini vacation. Normally I would crash diet (I've done HIIT pretty regularly) to lose 10 lbs.

    Eating more has been REALLY hard for me mentally. Plus, GAINING weight -- and we're not talking about "short-term," it's been almost 2 months -- has been a tough pill to swallow so take pictures. I"m telling you, you will probably NOT be able to look in the mirror and see a difference. I honestly just had to take a step back a few times and tell myself that it can't possibly be fat I'm gaining.

    And I find with my appetite, it ebbs and flows. Sometimes I"m starving and 1800 calories isn't nearly enough and sometimes 1200 satisfies me. I just try to to obsess over it...
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hello everyone...restarting New rules tomorrow...i havent 'lifted heavy in FOREVER...should be interesting. I'm also doing C25k and hoping I don't burn myself out!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Hmmm! I didn't know so many of y'all used gloves. I've noticed my grip strength getting stronger in pole dance, so I really don't want to end up using them. I just hate crampy hands. And like complaining! The sad truth. Heheh. I'm hoping 3 is the best stage ever.

    I also will chime in to say maintenance seems to provide better results! Stronger, better, faster.. and then hotter, apparently.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome back cgrout, haven't seen you for a while!

    FunBun, if I didn't wear gloves I wouold have launched a 13kg db through my mirror by now, but then I have horribly sweaty hands :grumble:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    gloves don't really effect your grip strength too much. But they do make it so you can hold on without slipping or developing awful calluses. It's straps he says NOT to use in the book. Saw a couple guys using them the other morning. Wanted to smack them (They really weren't lifting heavy enough to need them)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    hmmm I'm wide awake after only 6 hours of crap sleep. Maybe I'll go to the gym now instead of later. Already had my oatmeal.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have used gloves since day one. My grip is much better than without plus I can hold more weight with the gloves than without. Why? It hurts too bad without the gloves.

    Today is my rest day . Son has his wisdom teeth cut out today. Oldest daughter is still down with the tonsillectomy. Maybe I will have a peaceful weekend. :laugh:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Definitely YES to the gloves. They are super helpful, IMO. :)

    Manic-- you have quite a medical practice going on at your house. :). I hope the tooth removal goes well, and everyone is feeling better soon!

    I haven't slept worth a crap all week. I want sleep. I want sleep....... I'm beginning to feel desperate.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Awesome feedback! Thank you! I guess the hardest thing for me has been looking more toward the long term benefits and focusing less on dropping that dreaded 5-10 lbs before vacation. But next summer I will be so close to "banging" (LOVE THIS SAMNTHA) that I won't have to worry about cramming in cardio sessions to get the number on the scale to go down.

    I was the exact same way. I actually started NROL 6 weeks before a week long bikini vacation. Normally I would crash diet (I've done HIIT pretty regularly) to lose 10 lbs.

    Eating more has been REALLY hard for me mentally. Plus, GAINING weight -- and we're not talking about "short-term," it's been almost 2 months -- has been a tough pill to swallow so take pictures. I"m telling you, you will probably NOT be able to look in the mirror and see a difference. I honestly just had to take a step back a few times and tell myself that it can't possibly be fat I'm gaining.

    And I find with my appetite, it ebbs and flows. Sometimes I"m starving and 1800 calories isn't nearly enough and sometimes 1200 satisfies me. I just try to to obsess over it...

    Its been tough for me here as well. I'm eating the 1700 base the books recommends and then the 2033 that it gives me work workout days. I haven't lost a single pound or a single measurement since starting and I'm into stage 2 now. Last night I went shopping and only got one shirt because I hated how everything else looked on me still. I keep trying to tell myself to look into the long term because when I'm done with this, come next year, I may be in a sexy swimsuit but it is still hard.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Wow, you folks do get alot of calories to eat - based on the book for me I should only ben eating 1489 on workout days for fat loss -that seems real low to me. Only 1233 on non-workout days(I would starve eating that little)

    This is the amount of calories I would normally eat when I was losing weight and NOT exercising. I try to eat about 1400-1600 calories a day and I have not lost 1 pound in over 3 months, and I have NOT lost any inches - this does get discouraging.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cushygal,how tall are you? Set MFP to maintenance and see what it says. Then give yourself 300 for lifting days. When you log your workout, you can use Strength Training under cardio and manually put in 300 for cals burned.

    FINALLY! I finished Stage 4. I did some decent weight increases and finished strong. Starting Stage 5 Sunday as planned. I really like getting the gym early before hubby goes to work (It means I also don't have to pay for childcare at the gym. LOL) I will update scale and tape measure photos Sunday.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Hi Sam,

    I am only 5 feet tall and I used to weigh 196.5 4 years ago and lost almost 60 pounds by reducing my calories to roughly 1500 and I picked up running 3 days a week and then my weight loss stalled, so I stopped running for a while and gained 12 pounds. So I joined MFP and since joining 100 days ago I have lost only 4 pounds, but that 4 pounds quickly jumps to only 1 pound as I will go anywhere from 147-151 in a span of 3 days. So I look at my loss really as nothing.

    Look forward to seeing your photos!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    manic - I hope you can manage to enjoy your weekend....sick kids usually don't help too much!

    All you sleep-deprived ladies - I hope you can play "catch-up" this weekend. I'm sleeping really well, so cannot blame any issues on that.

    cushy - don't despair. As you move through this program, I'm 100% convinced your measurements will change (in a very good way). Step back from the scale - it will only discourage you and a discouraged person will, ultimately, make less progress than an ENcouraged person!

    samntha - congrats on finishing Stage 4! Since you finished *strong* in that stage, I'm sure you'll bang through Stage 5, no problem. BOOM!

    I'm still stiff and sore, but I think I have to mentally push through this, so I'm going to try my second work-out in Stage 7. It's mostly upper-body work, except the step-ups. And, if I have to drop back to only 12 lb DB or 10 lb DB for the step-ups, so be it. I'll get through it and I'll feel better for it!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    I will take that Beeps. I have always been a slave to the scale - time to switch gears.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    samntha - congrats on finishing Stage 4! Since you finished *strong* in that stage, I'm sure you'll bang through Stage 5, no problem. BOOM!
    Hope I can bang it out in three weeks and rest the week of my next cycle. The fatigue is literally debilitating.
    Best of luck with your next stage 7 workout. YOU ARE ALMOST DONE!!

    I've noticed a little something happening in the threads. Whole lotta people in stage one and not nearly enough make it to the later stages. To all those ladies just starting out, hang in there!! And please for all that is good in the world and yourself, LOCK YOUR SCALE IN THE TRUNK UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST IN STAGE 3.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    samntha, I've noticed, too, that LOTS of women begin NROL4W, but they sure don't complete it! Not sure what is up with that....

    But, I'm determined to finish it. (I just find it difficult to "quit" things, in any event.) There's always going to be time to start other programs and, heck, my body is going to want "confusion" forevermore....so, I will be switching up programs as I move through the months/years. But, switching up "in the middle of a program", this I REALLY don't "get".

    In any event, I've really enjoyed NROL4W. It has taught me A LOT about the weight room, about my body, about what "good form" means. And, for all of these things, I'm very grateful!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    samntha, I've noticed, too, that LOTS of women begin NROL4W, but they sure don't complete it! Not sure what is up with that....

    But, I'm determined to finish it. (I just find it difficult to "quit" things, in any event.) There's always going to be time to start other programs and, heck, my body is going to want "confusion" forevermore....so, I will be switching up programs as I move through the months/years. But, switching up "in the middle of a program", this I REALLY don't "get".

    In any event, I've really enjoyed NROL4W. It has taught me A LOT about the weight room, about my body, about what "good form" means. And, for all of these things, I'm very grateful!

    I'm only 3 workouts into Stage 3, but I'm determined to finish it too. After that, who knows? Lovin' it most days. :)
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey all!

    Just started reading the forums here. Love all the insights.
    Halfway through stage 1 -

    Just curious how much cardio are most of you mixing in with the lifting?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I also want to stick with NROL4W. I may not like some of the stages, but I can't really say I've done it unless I've finished it. Then again, even when I do finish, I'll probably have only done half of the lunging activities, so I'll probably have to DO IT AGAIN. Hahah.

    What programs are you guys thinking about doing after?