Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ladies, I have a problem. My calorie needs have jumped! Weeks ago I was eating 1500-1900 daily then a few weeks ago I decreased my calories to 1200-1400. BUT when I started to really push myself and increase weights my calorie needs increased too. Again I am eating close to 1600 calories. I need to cut the fat. You think the increase of calories won't add fat do you?

    Yes, I am serious. My body fat is 30.8% according to the forearm test at the gym. UGH! I need the fat gone so my hubby can admire my moo-sels.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    I can't imagine that 1600 would be enough to add fat. As far as I understand you can eat at maintenance and just swap fat for muscle. So, still eating at a deficit (which I am assuming you are by the numbers) will help to increase your fat loss. I am a big believer in eating what my body needs. Listen to the moo-cles. If they are still hungry, feed them.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    TheGs, I have been all over the place and haven't lost weight. I really don't know what my body requires. It's frustrating.

    The awesome thing, I have lost inches and gained in arms and natural waist. But my shirts are tighter and my bottoms fit around the same way. Not sure what's up with that. if I lost inches why don't my clothes fit looser? All I know is, I am sticking with this until the end and I am gonna deadlift 125 before this is over. ( I deadlifted 55 in the beginning :laugh: that is so comical to me now)
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    I see alot of natural minded practioners and believe in natural ways of healing wither through supplements, herbs, diet, etc. It has worked wonders for myself and my family. Just to give a bit of my background in the things I may say :-)

    If you aren't losing any fat and haven't lost any fat or weight my chiropractor would test your blood sugar. He contends that wacky blood sugar can make your body retain weight as can hormonal imbalances. So. What that all means is you may need to get your blood work done. I would always recommend seeing a naturopath or chiro because that is the way I lean but any doctor you trust works too.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Also? Awesome job on the loosing inches. And increasing your deadlifts. I am at 55# so I am excited that such huge gains can be made.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Ladies, I have a problem. My calorie needs have jumped! Weeks ago I was eating 1500-1900 daily then a few weeks ago I decreased my calories to 1200-1400. BUT when I started to really push myself and increase weights my calorie needs increased too. Again I am eating close to 1600 calories. I need to cut the fat. You think the increase of calories won't add fat do you?

    Yes, I am serious. My body fat is 30.8% according to the forearm test at the gym. UGH! I need the fat gone so my hubby can admire my moo-sels.

    My appetite ebbs and flows. Sometimes 1900 calories in a day feels like nothing and sometimes if feels like too much. It typically tracks with my cycle. I can tell when I'm going to start with my appetite needs more than anything (of course I *never* get moody). You may not be losing weight, but you ARE losing fat (the inches). I've been doing NROL since mid-April and have gained 2 lbs the last time I checked. I've lost about 1.5" off my waist and no other inches that I know of. My clothes are NOT any looser. Great results, right? Actually, yes. There is quite a big difference in pictures (back a few pages on this thread). I didn't start out with a lot of fat but my shape is changing in the direction I want to go. I"m telling you, stick to 1600 calories a day (since that's what you were doing), get your protein in, and finish the program. You're going to do nothing but sabotage yourself enough to make you quit.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am 5'6'' I eat an average of +2000k a day and have gone from 32% to 23% in the 6 months I have been doing this program; however, I've only lost 5 lbs. If you are eating too far below maintenance you won't get anything out of the program and you are going to feel like your starving all the time. This is why they don't recommend more than 300 cal deficit. This program will definitely help you lose body fat, but if you obsessed with the scale weight, then you will have a hard time adjusting. Scale weight won't change too much because you need adequate calories to build muscle and strength.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning!! I lifted yesterday - it was 4A of Stage 1 and the first time in a full week that I'd lifted. Actually I was surprised at how well I did. I did 25 pounds easily with squats - I really need to find a way to get my rack in a place so I can use the barbells rather than dumbbells. My form really suffers with dumbbells. I was able to do 10 pushups at 17" again but just barely and I did the 2nd set at 24" with good form. I can definitely increase my step ups weight and I think move to a slightly higher step too. For the rows, I was struggling to keep correct form and finish the pull up to my chest with 50lbs (I do a barbell bentover row instead seated rows). I'm going to stay at 50 lbs for one more workout and see how I do. I'm really liking prone jackknifes! Yes I seriously struggle with them, but man they work my core! I picked up a larger swiss ball the other day and it makes a huge difference - or maybe I'm just balancing better and really acing my form. Either way, wow, did I feel them. Today, my shoulders are letting me know that I did things right, and I'm really happy to tell you that my quad or IT (whichever it really was) is not hurting like it did earlier. Tomorrow will tell - lunges!! The thing I love to hate!

    What do you do on the days you don't lift? I'm only been walking, sometimes running stairs, occassionally doing some stationary biking but not much more than that. I'd love to hear your ideas.

    I haven't lost any real weight in a while, and I cracked it up to no muscle - I went many years without doing any real exercise, and when I started anything I really didn't stick with it, nor did I give it my best. I've made some big lifestyle changes in the past year, and especially recently, with lifting and a couple of challenges that I've completed. My shape has changed some, I see it, my daughter-in-law commented and my husband said I was getting skinny. That's enough for now. I eat 1600-1800 cals when I don't lift and 1800+ on the days I do. I've been eating til I'm full and more if I'm hungry.

    I actually joined the Eat More to Weigh Less group, but I'm not quite ready to bump to the level they are suggesting. .
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    You gals are all doing REALLY great! (sue - re: rolling, I lie on my side, with the roller under my hip and I roll the one leg from hip to knee (you can feel the sore spots - ROLL THOSE) and then I turn over and lie on the other side with the roller under the other hip and repeat).

    Thanks Beeps, this is exactly what I was looking for!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I came to the right thread this morning! I was coming on to get advice about why I'm not losing weight or inches and I find you ladies are already talking about it. So glad to hear some encouraging stories (jnh17 and samntha14). I was contemplating quitting and focusing on losing some lbs and then restarting the program. I am almost finished with stage 1 (I do 7a tomorrow) and have only lost 3 lbs and 1" off my waist. Have no idea what my BF % was before, but I bought some calipers to monitor it. I need to lose at least 25 lbs just to get back in a healthy weight range for my height. I've been eating at a 300cal deficit, but I'm wondering if I should just focus on eating at maintenance.
    Sue, I've just been walking on my non-lift days, but contemplating adding some real cardio in. Great job on working on the form. I'm lazy about that sometimes and have to remind myself to focus on it and not just the weights.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I have done absolutely 0 extra cardio through the first 3 phases. Since the book wasn't super clear, I wanted to feel it out before adding since I didn't want to hinder any muscle gains. I've dieted for the past couple of years and my muscles have suffered. I decided it was THEIR time to come first. In stage 2, some HIIT is added at the end of one of the workouts and in Stage 3, cardio is at the end of both. In stage 4 (I start it monday), I see that it's back to only one of the workouts and I may add some HIIT to the end of the one not calling for it. But then, that little voice in the back of my head tells me it was left off for a reason, you know?

    Looking back at stage 1, if I had it to do over again, I would definately add some HIIT the first 8 workouts (where it's only 2 sets). When it got to the 3 sets, I'm not sure. Probably not. I'm pretty so on my off days. I lift on MWF so if I didn't have kids and a husband, I'd *maybe* do a 30 minute jog throughout the program.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, all. Just for the record, I am NOT quitting the program. :wink: AND I am not worried "so" much about the scale. The scales, I am realizing, does not matter especially after looking at someone's pic. Sorry I forgot your name but you rock the bikini.

    Sue, it depends on the day for me. Since I have been focusing on increasing the weights, I don't have the energy to do much on my rest days.

    Anyone have the love/hate relationship with the program like I do? :laugh: I love it on my rest days but hate it when I am at the gym.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Yesterday I completed stage 1 minus the AMRAP section, so this morning I got on the scale and I had gained 6 pounds - this seems really high. I do not see any physical difference in my appearance either, but I will take my measurements after the AMRAP rounds. I do feel stronger, that is a fact.

    I also have a standing 6 week appt with the head trainer at my gym to have my body fat and measurements taken.

    So while I am extremely disappointed in this weight gain, as I have worked so hard to lose 50 pounds and swore that I would never see the 150s again and yet I am staring at that villian again I will muscle on and finish what I started and hopefully the scale, the body fat and measurements will go in the right direction.

    Thanks for listening

  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    I had been doing some HIIT on the treadmill after the first 4 workouts in Stage 1 just because I had time and I like HIIT a lot (I am a bodyrocker & ZWOWer). Now that it's 3 sets (started wo5 today) I am taking a few minutes to stretch & roll afterwards instead. I really want to get get back to Zumba at some point but my Saturday's are nuts right now. I also do reformer pilates one day a week. Iwish I had time to do more cardio but right now sleep seems more important.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am not even looking at the scale right now. My clothes all fit better and even too loose in some instances, and as I told you a few days ago, I bought size 12s for the first time in decades! Yes, I'll get back to losing the last 20 that I think I want to lose, but not until I finish NROL4W and am planning my next regime. I want to get comfortable with the lifting, form and getting to the boys side of the gym.

    Claudette, don't be discouraged. I bet that goes away!

    I guess I should take some BF measurements too.

    Thanks for your thoughts on cardio and HIIT!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Yesterday I completed stage 1 minus the AMRAP section, so this morning I got on the scale and I had gained 6 pounds - this seems really high. I do not see any physical difference in my appearance either, but I will take my measurements after the AMRAP rounds. I do feel stronger, that is a fact.

    I also have a standing 6 week appt with the head trainer at my gym to have my body fat and measurements taken.

    So while I am extremely disappointed in this weight gain, as I have worked so hard to lose 50 pounds and swore that I would never see the 150s again and yet I am staring at that villian again I will muscle on and finish what I started and hopefully the scale, the body fat and measurements will go in the right direction.

    Thanks for listening


    I can't wait to see what your BF% results are. I totally wish I would have done THIS benchmark test above all! If your bf% hasn't descreased, I'd definately do some reassessing!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member

    Yesterday I completed stage 1 minus the AMRAP section, so this morning I got on the scale and I had gained 6 pounds - this seems really high. I do not see any physical difference in my appearance either, but I will take my measurements after the AMRAP rounds. I do feel stronger, that is a fact.

    Claudette, don't panic yet, while you're building muscle it does involve a certain amount of water retention. Lots of us have found that in our weeks off after a few days it goes away. If you take a week off, reweigh after 4 or 5 days, you might be pleasantly surprised.

    Edit to add: failing that, ditch the scales and just enjoy the view in the mirror as you get slimmer and stronger!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Don't get hung up on the number. BMI charts are averages and don't take into account people with more than average muscle mass. I'm the same size now at 145 as I was the last time, more years ago than I care to count, that I was 130. Another good indicator of becoming "more fit" is tracking not just body fat but your heart rate. If you a lot of cardio already you probably know this. Your max will go up while your min. will go down. My resting is down in the 50's now and my new max just from last night's Zumba class is 167. I am liking the HIIT more every time, even though I HATE running with a passion. I usually do the Zumba on my "Rest" weeks, but since I changed my lifting schedule for the Summer, I can get to my Wednesday class....now if I can just schedule more time at the pool.

    PS: I'm up two lbs. but it's TOM so don't cry for me Argentina. It really doesn't bother me, but just thought I'd share so you know we all know we face these things.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Claudette, little background for you.

    I started cardio at 156 and dropped down to 150. In April, I decided to weight lift . During the first stage, I gained that 6 pounds back. A few pounds I fluctuate up and down. I was extremely discouraged in the beginning, but I am slowly learning that the scales do not matter. I see women who weigh the same as me but are so much smaller. They wear a size 6 while I am in a size 12 :grumble: .

    This morning I weight 156.2. oh well. Losing inches is what matters for me (at the moment :laugh: ..........during TOMS I will be grumbling about the lack of weight loss)
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Thanks all.

    This is such a great group and I really appreicate all the support and feedback.

    Have a great day!!