What the hell????



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Does the 4000 calorie challenge start today?
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Does the 4000 calorie challenge start today?

    nope, 06/02!!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Oh good.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Wife n mama, so happy you made that appt!!!

    Sorry I've been away, a lot going on and no time for MFP. Did horrible on logging in yesterday, went to visit a friend 2.5 hours away and spent most of the day with her. Didn't get home till after midnight!!!! It was a very long, long, day.

    Up and at em' this morning. Plan on working in my yard, again. Hopefully I'll have the forest somewhat controlled and will start on the back yard this coming week.

    I like your challenge, it would be VERY challenging for me because of my limited workouts but doable.

    Sounds like a plan :happy:

    WNM - Thanks for seeing that doctor and keeping the appt.

    Kathy - I second the motion, great challenge, I'm in too! I think I adjust my routine for that kind of regimen calorie burn.

    Bill, how's it feeling tonight?
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member

    WNM - Thanks for seeing that doctor and keeping the appt.

    Kathy - I second the motion, great challenge, I'm in too! I think I adjust my routine for that kind of regimen calorie burn.

    Bill, how's it feeling tonight?

    Feeling good Katie. I really enjoyed and needed the recovery week.

    Back at it tomorrow to finish off this challenge so please know that I'll be kicking all of your *kitten* this week!

    Kathy, do what you can...as long as its something and you don't hurt yourself

    Katie, I know the end of the month is near but make the time to workout (even for 15 minutes) and drink some water.

    Margaret, BRING IT WOMAN!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member

    WNM - Thanks for seeing that doctor and keeping the appt.

    Kathy - I second the motion, great challenge, I'm in too! I think I adjust my routine for that kind of regimen calorie burn.

    Bill, how's it feeling tonight?

    Feeling good Katie. I really enjoyed and needed the recovery week.

    Back at it tomorrow to finish off this challenge so please know that I'll be kicking all of your *kitten* this week!

    Kathy, do what you can...as long as its something and you don't hurt yourself

    Katie, I know the end of the month is near but make the time to workout (even for 15 minutes) and drink some water.

    Margaret, BRING IT WOMAN!

    Appt on Friday, receptionist was raving about how great their doctors are, so I'm hopeful.
    Glad you're making progress Kathy. :-)

    You're asking for a throwdown, Bill? You got it! As my Grandmother says, don't write cheques you can't cash!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member

    Appt on Friday, receptionist was raving about how great their doctors are, so I'm hopeful.
    Glad you're making progress Kathy. :-)

    You're asking for a throwdown, Bill? You got it! As my Grandmother says, don't write cheques you can't cash!

    Margaret, I can write any check (US spelling) I want as long as there is an exchange rate for you Northern folks!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Lol. I love that your trashtalking involves economics.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I don't want to get over confident so I throw some economics around
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Time to check in: I did well eating today and my recovery week ended so it was Chest, Triceps and Shoulders tonight. My arms are like jelly right now. great workout!
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Today I did well on keeping my food diary in check, finally! I've been awful since last Friday and wasn't focused. The exercise regiment will have to wait, I have to take my mom to a pulminary specialist tomorrow so I leave tonight. I'll get a workout in hopefully on Thursday, but I have my LAST ( Yippee!!! ) PT session and sometimes that takes the starch out of me. I usually have to come home and ice it.

    Awesome getting that workout in Bill, gosh I miss that good but exhausted feeling when working out. Sounds like you and Margaret will have to go to battle and I'll cheer on :drinker:
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Today I did well on keeping my food diary in check, finally! I've been awful since last Friday and wasn't focused. The exercise regiment will have to wait, I have to take my mom to a pulminary specialist tomorrow so I leave tonight. I'll get a workout in hopefully on Thursday, but I have my LAST ( Yippee!!! ) PT session and sometimes that takes the starch out of me. I usually have to come home and ice it.

    Awesome getting that workout in Bill, gosh I miss that good but exhausted feeling when working out. Sounds like you and Margaret will have to go to battle and I'll cheer on :drinker:

    Lol oh yeah. It's go time.
    I call that shaky tired sore feeling "glorrible," or horrible-glorious.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Today I felt extra motivated.

    I've never drank so much freakin' water in my life, over 8 cups today (do I pass today Bill?)

    Daily regimen of yoga torture and my work exchange plus cardio. I threw in an extra 13 min of jogging around the lake just for my husband.

    Looks like you and Margaret are neck and neck and Kathy and I are keeping pace for this challenge. Kathy, you're doing a great job considering the constraints you're under~ keep it up ladies (and Billy boy)!!! I love this kind of motivation from you guys!!!!

  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    hello my wonderful motivators,

    Sorry I haven't been around much but I haven't been able to get on the site. I have been eating ok but not fantastic. Exercise has been tough to come by with packing and everything. I have been busting my *kitten* though and I do crank out pushups when I get a little down time. The move came on so quickly...I was expecting another 5 weeks of prep time.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    hello my wonderful motivators,

    Sorry I haven't been around much but I haven't been able to get on the site. I have been eating ok but not fantastic. Exercise has been tough to come by with packing and everything. I have been busting my *kitten* though and I do crank out pushups when I get a little down time. The move came on so quickly...I was expecting another 5 weeks of prep time.

    Didn't even realize you were moving until I read one of your posts tonight. I wish you luck. I abhor the moving process but usually it's to a better casa, so it's usually worth the pain and agony.

    Don't be hard on yourself, just take care to drink your water and stretch a little before moving those boxes. Lift with your legs, not your back, as they say I think. :heart:
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Katie- I rarely get all 8 cups, so good job!

    Ate horribly today, playgroup today with snack potluck. Ah! So I'm doing elliptical while I watch Merlin.

    Doctor appointment tomorrow, printing out my food diaries for the last two weeks to show fat intake, and corresponding attacks. If I can't get them to operate, I can at least dazzle them with my tenacity.
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hey Margaret, smart to print out your food journal. Hopefully they won't drag their feet and you'll get this taken care of.

    Bill, do you have a HRM watch? Wonder how many calories you'll burn?

    Ummmm....Katie, we know bill is exercising with his move, Margaret got on the elliptical and got moving - sweet! and I have been gardening my butt off!!! What have you been up to?

    Have today off, took a floating holiday. 4 day vac for me :happy: Not sure if I will travel again. Suppose to be 70% chance of rain on Sunday, so maybe I'll visit mom. Hoping to get the front yard finished either today or tomorrow and then start on the back.

    Have a great Friday!!!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Katie- I rarely get all 8 cups, so good job!

    Ate horribly today, playgroup today with snack potluck. Ah! So I'm doing elliptical while I watch Merlin.

    Doctor appointment tomorrow, printing out my food diaries for the last two weeks to show fat intake, and corresponding attacks. If I can't get them to operate, I can at least dazzle them with my tenacity.

    Oh they'll be dazzled! Good luck!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Didn't even show her the food diary, she was right on board. Referring me to a surgeons consulting group as we speak.
    She also said to avoid coffee, which I can't remember hearing from the first Dr.
    So no more coffee for me, I guess. Already had two cups today. whoops...
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Kathy, yes I have a HRM but it is a cheap one that I have to keep putting my finger on to get an accurate heart rate...which is ok while working out but a little incovenient while moving and building a porch and stairs.

    Margaret, very happy that this is going to be taken are of for you. Did they give you a time frame?

    Katie, keep drinking and stay off the sodium.