What the hell????



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    No time frame, the surgeons office will call me with an appointment time.

    How's the house coming along?
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Soooo it's a rainy, hot Monday here today. Sounds like a good day to see The Hunger Games, I really want to see The Avengers but the Hunger Games won't be in theaters much longer. DVD coming out in August.

    The holiday weekend was absolutely gorgeous here since Friday! I took the day off yesterday (I've been gardening on Friday and Saturday) and my body felt it by Sunday. All of my flowers and tomato's are planted and I still have a lot of weeding and mulching to do. Slowly but surely it's getting there.

    How was everyone's holiday???
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    If anyone gets the license plate number of the truck that must've run me over while I was sleeping last night, please forward it to me....wow, am I sore.

    The move is progressing. It was difficult to be productive with people coming over to see the house. I was able to get the pool open for the kids (though I probably burned a good 1000 cals cleaning it). I wish I could take this week off to get things more settled and also get the old house ready as one of the 5 renters wants to move in Thursday.

    I had put on 3 pounds with the P90X routine and the craziness of packing but as of this morning I am down 4 lbs which puts me down 1 pound total. not much but good to see and I had to tighten my belt today!

    Internet should hooked up this morning so I can get on at night.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Everything is pretty well finalized, as of tomorrow when we sign the last of the papers, we are home owners! Yay!

    And I got my appointment booked for my surgical consult, in July.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Everything is pretty well finalized, as of tomorrow when we sign the last of the papers, we are home owners! Yay!

    And I got my appointment booked for my surgical consult, in July.

    Very happy for you on both!!!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have a thought for a calorie challenge beginning 06/02 and ending 06/16. 4000 calories burned in 14 days. It's only averging 285 calories/day and it should take away a pound minimum! Thoughts?

    Is everyone still up for this challenge? I got the dates wrong so lets start Sunday 06/03? post daily calories burned with a running total as well. thoughts?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I have a thought for a calorie challenge beginning 06/02 and ending 06/16. 4000 calories burned in 14 days. It's only averging 285 calories/day and it should take away a pound minimum! Thoughts?

    Is everyone still up for this challenge? I got the dates wrong so lets start Sunday 06/03? post daily calories burned with a running total as well. thoughts?

    Sure. I'm away at a conference for the 3-5th, but I'll do what I can.
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hey Margaret, when do you start moving in your new home? It must be exciting and I'm glad you got your consult appt finally, July is a long time away but it will be here before you know it!

    How's the house coming Bill? We own a nice ranch with a big yard, but hate the location and my husband and I are always talking about looking for a more private, quiet setting. But then we think about the move and all the headache's with it and just make the most of the house we're in.

    Went to the podiatrist yesterday and he was pleased with the achilles tendon (even though there's scaring) he said I could probably start walking again but to take it easy. I plan on having surgery on my left foot (the one with the achilles tendonitis) in November so I really need to lose weight over the summer. Having a calorie exercise challenge will help - I'm looking foward to it :)

    Katie - where are you???
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hey Margaret, when do you start moving in your new home? It must be exciting and I'm glad you got your consult appt finally, July is a long time away but it will be here before you know it!

    How's the house coming Bill? We own a nice ranch with a big yard, but hate the location and my husband and I are always talking about looking for a more private, quiet setting. But then we think about the move and all the headache's with it and just make the most of the house we're in.

    Went to the podiatrist yesterday and he was pleased with the achilles tendon (even though there's scaring) he said I could probably start walking again but to take it easy. I plan on having surgery on my left foot (the one with the achilles tendonitis) in November so I really need to lose weight over the summer. Having a calorie exercise challenge will help - I'm looking foward to it :)

    Katie - where are you???

    End of month at work again, for me. How did everyone do with their calories and water?

    I can only speak for myself, but because of this challenge (and Bill, of course), I'm drinking at least 4 cups a day now by habit.

    That's four cups of water more than I was drinking before. Thank you guys for pushing me, too.

    Kathy, I hope you're back on track with your body. And I hope both Bill and Margaret have gotten their moving woes out of the way so they can begin their summer proper.

    Thank you guys. :flowerforyou:

  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    hi all,

    Moving normally sucks but it's even worse when trying to prep one house for renting. The dipstick that put the sliding glass door in used plain pine for the sill...I had rot all the way down through the plate to the foundation. good times. Oh, and I may have a broken bone in my hand. I have to make an appt tomorrow if the swelling and movement don't improve.

    I picked up our new washer and dryer and the factory forgot to attach the top part of the dryer!! I may have said a few things that wouldn't be approved by my church-going friends here.

    I apologize again for not being on much but as you know moving is time consuming. I've been eating well though I've had a few more beers than I really need. I'm still killing water (minimum 8 usually more).

    I'm starting the challenge today please join me if you'd like.

    Happy to hear about Kathy's foot getting better, Margaret's appt and Katie's water (though I will push you to reach 6 cups).

    My sister-in-law is puzzled by my wanting to interact so much with people I don't know. I told her that it's perfect because I feel more motivated by all of you and there is no drama that comes with everyday in-person friends. though perhaps when I win the lottery I will pay to have us all meet!

    alright, enough chit-chat...go kick some *kitten*!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Awww Bill, sorry for your hand and the dryer and the sill! That is such a bummer. And enjoy the beers...it's hot and you're working hard! Hang in there!!!

    And I won $50 today on a $1 scratch tix, probably enough to send you a bus ticket so you can help with the next wood schlepping party!!! There might be a little left over for some beers!! LOL
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Wow Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your hand, how did it happen? You know you won't get any handicap points with our exercise challenge my friend :0)

    Exciting news on my end, I was able to walk .25 mile in my neighborhood without PAIN at a fairly decent pace!!!! I haven't been able to do that since last August! It really made my day.

    Day 1 - total exercise calories burned = 257

    Game on people - where do we stand?
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wow Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your hand, how did it happen? You know you won't get any handicap points with our exercise challenge my friend :0)

    Exciting news on my end, I was able to walk .25 mile in my neighborhood without PAIN at a fairly decent pace!!!! I haven't been able to do that since last August! It really made my day.

    Day 1 - total exercise calories burned = 257

    Game on people - where do we stand?

    I was trying to get the cover off of the pool pump last sunday and it was really stuck on there so I leaned into and it released quickly and my hand hit one of the nuts on a clamp. I thought it was just a bruise (and it still may be) but it really swelled mid-week so I'm second guessing it just being a bruise. No excuses from me. I'll get the challenge done!
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I have been a bit slack on posting for a few months as I have been hitting the books and preparing to sell my house (loads of painting etc.), but I have kept up with my goals e.g. ran 18km yesterday morning.
    How is everyone elses goals going?
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Faw10001, Bill gave us a challenge to burn 4000 calories withing 14 days. We're on day 2.

    Went to PF and tried the treadmill. Only could get it up to 2.4 for 10 min. before my ankle started bothering me. Gosh, I remember after my 5 min. warmup I got it up to 4.0!! Will I ever see those days again?

    Day 2 - burned 145 calores add that to yesterday = 402 calories burned.

    Not sure how I'm going to fit my exercise in tomorrow. Have a retirement workshop to go to - hey a person can dream can't she!! It goes til 8:30 PM. I'm going to set my alarm to get up a 1/2 hour early and work out before going to work. Ugh....it's going to be a long, long day!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I found my HRM monitor last night in all of the unpacking. I am estimating for last night but probably around 200 cals moving the old (new but damaged) to Sears and then bringing home a new one and installing it, moving the new washer (193lbs) to its new location and installing it as well as walking the dog.

    Finally going to break down and call the Dr. for my hand. I can't do pull-ups or push-ups right now because of the pain and those make up 1/2 my workouts. Plyometrics it is!!!

    Kathy, you'll get there but don't get impatient!!!

    Faw10001, please feel free to join our challenge. I am just buying a new home as well as prepping my old one for rental so I feel your pain.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I swam a little and played volleyball yesterday, probably 200+ calories. Tomorrow i'll be doing half my strength routine and hopefully a good cardio if my kids cooperate. :-)
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Great job everybody, amazing what we can fit in for exercise if we really think about it!

    I took the day off, went to a retirement seminar instead. Found out the earliest I can retire will be in 8 years, sounds so far away but really will creep up on me before I know it.

    Glad I took the day off, found out I am definitely NOT ready for the treadmill. Plan on sticking to the crosstrainer and bike for now. I'll get back on track tomorrow. This weekend I should be able to burn tons of exercise calories by gardening so I'll make up for today.

    Day 1 = 257
    Day 2 = 145
    Day 3 = 0
    Total = 402
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Geez....am I the only one in this challenge? I guess that a good thing, I like winning :bigsmile:

    Got 297 exercise calories in by walking .25 mile in my neighborhood and using the stationary bike. Stats as follows:

    Day 1 = 257
    Day 2 = 145
    Day 3 = 0
    Day 4 = 297
    Total = 699

    Til tomorrow!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I didn't have to run today, but I did. :-)
    Tues: 200
    Wed: 283