Like Minded Lushes - May 2012



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Liquid dinner tonight :heart:

    My fav!

    Goose all thru the day yesterday but I was really working the fitbit. I got over 11,000 steps and climbed 16 flights of stairs. It seems to be motivating me.

    Today Doug and I are making salsa and then having shrimp and steak fajitas for dinner so that means the Cabo Wabo Anejo will be flowing thru out the day. The weather is beautiful and it's mother's day so calories just don't count today.

    Happy Mother's day to all the mothers in our group. Although my mom has been gone for 5 years now I still honor her today. I also get to honor my daughter on her first Mother's day ever.

    I was woken up this morning with a call from Holly wishing me happy Mommy's Day so LIFE IS GOOD!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    GM, lushes....

    Lots of wine last night...3 at the restaurant and nearly a bottle at home :drinker: Damn, I'm a lush.

    Happy Mother's Day to the mamas out there. The difference between faith and knowledge. Mom's have the knowledge that the babies are their own and Dad's have faith.

    Boys walked to the store and bought me some ugly flowers and handed me the card in the bag without signing it. I :heart: them. Daughter gave me a huge hug and offered to hang with me today and do whatever I was doing. I told her laundry and she changed her tune. Oldest boy is probably clueless that I am his mother :tongue:

    Nope, oldest boy came home from work with gift...amazing
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    When Ritter first came to live with us

    This one was taken last month and he just continues to grow
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I can't handle how cute your fur babes are mama lush!!!!

    Happy mothers day to all mothers, mothers to be and of course to those mothers of fur babes :flowerforyou:

    We celebrated last night so today is being spent catching up on shows and having margaritas :smile:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,179 Member
    To all the Moms...

  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    So cute Diana!!

    Well I survived son's 18th b-day festivities on Friday...and managed to drink. A lot.
    0 yesterday.
    Son got home from the prom about 5am..kissed me on the cheek and handed me a bouquet of spring flowers..including hydrangeas (my fav) then went to bed. I don't expect to see him emerge from his room until this afternoon. Today is his actual b-day so we're having a family dinner. Grilled marinated lime chipotle chicken and shrimp, none of which I'm life is good.
    I'm actually going to try to skip the booze today...Dr. appointment this week...I'd love to drop a few more lbs before then.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day!! :drinker:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,179 Member
    When Ritter first came to live with us

    This one was taken last month and he just continues to grow

    They make me cute the two of them!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Wolf, cute cartoon...kind of tugged at my heartstrings

    Robin...those pups are so darn cute. I am still wondering where hubs sits

    Sydney, lovely that the boy remembered. I'm even dreading when he gots off to college.

    I'm having some vodka-soda atm.

    Chow for now!!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I lied. I'm having a vodka/soda/splash of pom
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Fri - 7 beers and I lost my car for a minute. I was in the wrong parking garage.
    Sat - 1. Went to see the Avengers.
    Sun - 1.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good morning lushes!

    Lushy weekend and this next weekend won't be any better!

    Love the puppy pics Robin! Adorable!

    Thursday-10 oz merlot
    Friday- gin and diet tonic, 4 miller lites, 2 vodka and waters, and 2 amstel lites (geez that is a lot of booze)
    Saturday- 2 BIG miller lites and 10 oz cab
    Sunday- 15 oz cab, 2 gin and diet tonic and a miller lite

    This week zeros until Friday!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    AHHH the dogs are adorable!!

    The better half and I way over did it this weekend. One of our bars closed down and well, we helped them close down on Friday. I lost track of the beer and shots. :(

    We both decided that maybe we need to back off on the drinking for a bit.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Seems like everyone had a great weekend!! Happy Mothers to all the Mommys!!!

    Friday-3 beers and 1oz of vodka
    Saturday-margaritas, beers, wine....amount unknown. We were celebrating Mothers Day with my family!!
    Sunday-6 beers
    Monday-Dehydration zero!

    Oh and Robin-holy how they lay together on the chair, very sweet!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Fri - 7 beers and I lost my car for a minute. I was in the wrong parking garage.

    This made me laugh because I've been there. It's like WTF, where's the car.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend! I know I did :) Lots of good time with friends & my hubby. Just sucks that after a 4 day weekend, it is SO HARD to come back to work! But on the bright side, tomorrow hubs has training in the AM and will hopefully get off early so we can have the evening together....then Wednesday & Thursday are his nights off :) I always look forward to that!

    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - prob a few beers or wine
    Wednesday - prob wine
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am gonna be good this week. I am gonna be good this week. I am gonna be good this week. I am gonna be good this week. I am gonna be good this week. I am gonna be good this week.:wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, Robin, puppies need a bigger chair soon, I think!
    Lushy weekend!
    Friday=1/2 bottle of red and a beer
    Saturday=5.5 pints of beer
    Sunday=3 beers and some tasters of a couple of other beers.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Lushy Sunday but I'm learning to really focus just sipping and keeping track of time since that is what most contributes to alcohol processing. At least for me, I notice no matter how much water or food I have if I have my drinks too close together then I just drunk and then it's a bad situation. Where as if I just sip the drinks and don't chug them like water then the buzz just comes on gradually and then stays that way provided I don't then start drinking my boozy beverages quickly haha. I had 4 homemade margaritas and 2 large beers at lunch. They were all spaced out though so I just had a nice steady buzz all day, got to bed around 11 and no hangover =]

    Fiancés parents bought him an 18 count wine bottle fridge so it is currently chilling down to temp. Dual zone for red and white with a nifty light inside. We don't have much wine right now since I basically drank it all myself ... oops. Aunt dot is here so I won't have much of an appetite this week, so I may have to shoot for some liquid cals :wink:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,179 Member
    Aunt dot is here so I won't have much of an appetite this week, so I may have to shoot for some liquid cals :wink:

    I had to read this a couple times...I was thinking why does Aunt Dot make her lose her appetite then I realized she is related to Aunt Flo! :laugh:

    I am the same way...if I sip, no hangover, also if I drink water in between.

    Hitting the vodka/diet/cran-grape lite tonight, but last night was zero!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Aunt dot is here so I won't have much of an appetite this week, so I may have to shoot for some liquid cals :wink:

    I had to read this a couple times...I was thinking why does Aunt Dot make her lose her appetite then I realized she is related to Aunt Flo! :laugh:

    I am the same way...if I sip, no hangover, also if I drink water in between.

    Hitting the vodka/diet/cran-grape lite tonight, but last night was zero!

    Hahaha I have different names for her, luckily I don't get her cousins Bonnie Bloat or Connie Cramps. I never used to sip, I would just drink alcoholic drinks like normal drinks and I'd go from sober to drunk with really no in between and then I would want to still drink even though I knew I should stop. I'm finally listening to my body when it comes to booze not just food. For me water and food mean nothing, it's all in the time span in which drinks are had. On our cruise I would have the same amount each night and would have 1.5 liters of water before bed. When I got to sleep as late as I wanted I wouldn't have a hangover but on the last day when I had the same amount of booze as every other night, I had my water too but had to be up at 6am to get off the ship and it was a miserable day.

    I've got a margarita right now, may have a second, we'll see!