Just For Today I will



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley,there is lot to learn here the more we discussed here the more we will learn.

    Thanks Sandy for dropping in,you too Jeri. Pleas poke your head in more often.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: too many people rate their success by what the scale says instead of following the list that Marie posted....it is so easy to see a disappointing number on the bathroom scale and go right back to old unhealthy behaviors.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Marie, this is such a good discussion! Thank you for pointing me to it with your message earlier today. I bought Then Thin Commandments for Kindle and spent most of the day reading the first half. Some of it was stuff I had learned before, some of it was stuff that I've been thinking about, and some of it was altogether new.

    I realized that my biggest error this last year has probably been letting myself get too hungry, and then, when I do get very hungry, I haven't known the WHAT YOU EAT WHEN YOU ARE VERY HUNGRY IS WHAT YOU WILL BEGIN TO CRAVE/OVEREAT. That was right in one of the first chapters. I never knew this, and it explains a lot. It's in the chapter where he talks about chemistry and food cravings, ad it's caused by neuropeptide Y. He says neuropeptide Y is so powerful that it imprints whatever you eat on an empty stomach on your brain's craving control center.

    He also says the reverse is true. If you want to "unlearn" a craving, you can do that by only eating the food you crave after you have satisfied your hunger.

    So when you are really hungry, eat something low healthy that you want to learn to like better.

    And if you tend to overeat some particular food, and you want to be able to eat it in moderation, eat a little of it when AFTER you have satisfied your cravings.

    This is powerful stuff! I can't wait to try it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jipsy Judy., So glad you came by. Thanks you for didcussing the book.
    The reason i like it so well is that it wan't my lack of willpower. It has been My strategy and things have really improve my attitide about dieting. i don't even considered this is a diet. And i don't plan on following his diet I am still on gluten free and low carbs.. oh i have glance at it to see his take. on it. I think this is What I have been looking for.

    Thanks again and come back often.
    Love Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Last night I went to an event that was a potluck followed by a speaker.......I ate my supper at home and got to the event about 15 minutes before the speaker was scheduled to speak......he wasn't there yet.......he arrived a few minutes later and when he got up to speak he told the audience that he and his wife were following a special eating plan and right now "they couldn't be trusted to go to a potluck"..........that is a great strategy. I have followed it for years and it was very exciting to hear someone else say the same thing.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Last night we went to dinner with friends and I ordered fish and salad, and instead of giving you
    coleslaw they had some shredded carrots with onions. It was delicious. The book was on my mind all
    the while and before I went to dinner.

    Tonight we are invited to a friend's house and she is making a French meal. I don't know what all
    is invoved in this meal, but i will be choosey on what I eat. I know there will be a an appetizer too
    so I will have to restrain from that. This is very hard for me when I am in a social situation.
    I will be in many social situations this summer and I want to be armed and ready for any failures
    and I will definitely have to plan out things. I have already told Dave there will be a lot of planning
    this summer before we leave the house. I have to remember to keep my hands occupied with a
    drink and a plate so I don't go back to the food table. Another hard thing for me to do.
    Lots of challenges this year. The topic I am reading now is below.


    .#1 Break Availablity
    #2 Delay
    #3 Use Binge Busters
    #4 Don't Go Hungry
    #5 Avoid Packaging Temptation
    #6 Use Blocking Behaviors
    #7 Diversion
    #8 Cognitive Switching
    #9 Think Substitution, Not deprivation
    #10 Mental Rehearsal

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just for today my strategy is to time my meals and snacks . better I went 71/2 hours between lunch and dinner not even a snack,so got to plan better than that


    Happy eating
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just for today I will continue to read " The Book"

    For I have a lot to learn. and you are all so nice to help me.

    i Know the wasa crispbread is not gluten free. But will continue to keep them around i do want to check the other brand out but have not done so yet I love the greek yogurt spread over the top with fresh blueeries It is nice to have found a new breakfast food. Will see If I can find anything on the internet about the one he talks about. I can't remember what they were called. i made a BLT yesterday but I lost a lot of my Goodies. So i will make a salad next time and have a Cridpbread WASA on the side.
    See you all later
    have a wonerful Sunday.
    Love marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    It sounds as if everyone is learning a lot from this book. It is a very good resource and we can each take from it what works for us!!

    I just read about the ThinSpeak I believe he called it. I've been doing something like that for a while but not consistently enough. So that's what I'm going to work on.

    I found out my *sometimes going out to dinner* group is meeting later in March to go to Red Lobster. I've looked over the menu online and I must tell you between my celiac concerns, my aversion to many foods, and a doctor's appointment that will come up shortly after this gathering
    I've found nothing I have any interest in whatsoever. A bottle of water or a glass of water is about it. It's really too early to eat before I go since they want to meet at 5:30pm and after a long meal and lots of conversation, it will be too late to eat when I get home. I guess I'll mull this over for a while. I will not go into that place hungry beause that's setting myself up for pain and unhappiness.

    Best wishes to all my friends.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Len what is this thinspeak?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Marie - Thinspeak is in the Eighth Commandment of the book.

    It's a way to back talk the thoughts that could serve to defeat you.

    I've always used this one on friends who insist that I eat something or order something I don't want. At first they hounded me because I would not order beef. I'd say to them
    I've eaten enough cattle for my lifetime. That would make them laugh and they'd leave me alone where a *no thanks* didn't phase them. So I say things to myself internally as well to remember what it is I'm doing now is working----what I use to do did NOT work.

    Here are the examples he uses in the book:

    Instead of thinking:

    I'm missing out on the fun.................................What fun? You had it for years, and it didn't make you happy.

    Everybody's eating it..................................................True or not, you've had enough for 3 lifetmes.

    What's wrong with a taste?.........................................Taking a taste makes it harder.

    I just want it......................................................I want to be thin even more. I don't want it enough to wear it.

    It's so hard....................................................................Being fat is harder.

    I have my lettuce crisping. Lunch in an hour!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :drinker: Lin, at Red Lobster can you order broiled fish, steamed vegetable and a salad without croutons or cheese with the dressing on the side?

    :flowerforyou: Along with "thin speak" there's the part about getting away from "baby talk" about food

    here are some examples of "baby talk"----thinking that traces back to childhood:
    *"but it's my favorite"
    "it's not fair that I can't have it"
    "I've been good"
    "it;s my treat"
    "I'll reward myself"

    he says, "It's time to stop resenting what you do to keep your body healthy and attractive"

    :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My time is up Time for a snack or my meal. I am really not hunry so i think it will be a snack
    I am thinking of spreadin a T of peanut butter on one of those Wasa crispbread. I will have to steal it from Jerry Maybe I better not. I got 5 minuets to make up my mind. Its been 4 hoyrs since breakfast I know I need to plan ahead.

    i decided on a glucerna and a Wasa crisp crqcker for 270 calories
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Trying to get my day plan out and my meals.
    :flowerforyou: this morning i had a blueberry crispbread ,yogurt and coffee for 300 calories
    :flowerforyou: A snack at 10Am .am for i had an early breakfast it will be crispbread and 1 T pimento cheese home made.
    :flowerforyou: 1 PM lunch of 1 c split pea soup with 1 cristbread, baked apple i am getting quite fond of these crispbread.
    3;3; lass of
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    MARIE: There is a light Wasa Crispbread too, I bought it in the organic section of the
    grocery store. It was recommended on The Thin Commandments.

    I just finished reading TURNING OFF THE DEPRIVATION SWITCH. Chapter 8 Stop Feeling Deprived.

    1. Change your mindset --- not just you eating habits
    2. Learn to Thinspeak ( supporting yourself with motivational,not demoralizing words)
    3. Reward yourself with a new outfit or a piece of jewelry instead of food.
    4. Let your old trigger foods go, and embrace the delicious foods that won't put you at war with yourself.
    5. Remember thin tastes better.
    6. Record and then regularly listen to empowerment tapes to help you think and feel like a weight
    control winner.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning. I am getting prepared for my day. Gettin my meals plan out for a better day. I did have a good eating day yesterday but just did not have it plan out./ so how was your day.? Also I am reorganize my sewing and computer room. This ought to be fun,. hope my back hold up to it.If it does I know what to do stop and sit down. I made some homemade pimento cheese for a snack on the crisp bread I have grown quite fond of the Wasa crispbread.

    It is 52 here now. We had a little rain this mornin but the wind will be picking up later and tuning colder

    Betterg et up and get myself busy.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am planning my shopping list for Florida when we go grocery shopping. I am also planning my
    THIN PAK when I go on the plane instead of peanuts. Dave is going buy Fiber One Bars for the
    plane instead of the peanuts and pretzels they give out.

    Exercise will be mostly walking the beach several times a day. I used to do Yoga on the beach but now it
    hurts my back too much , so for the first time I am going to forgo the Yoga. I used to go 3 times a week for
    1 1/2 hours. I know I will miss it but my back won't.:bigsmile:

  • nctgreene
    nctgreene Posts: 29 Member
    I'm enjoying reading your comments about The Thin Commandments and think I will pick up a copy this weekend. Is this where you discuss it?

    For today I will plan my snacks better. Marie, I wish I would forget to eat. Food is always on my mind.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Nancy glad you could join us. :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Nancy glad you join us.
    Food has always been a problem gwith me It has not been my diets I have been on and there have been many But the way I was looking at food. Now I am beginnin to control it thanks to this book and these precious girls we got here For lunch I had Beans and cabbage soup quite filling I am having problems eatin ever 3 to 4 hours. I had breakfast at 8 AM and did not have a snack but did have lunch at 12 Pm And now I will have a small snack of yogurt and fruit on a wasa crispbread at 3 Pm Then Dinner about 5:30 or 6Pm and a bedtime snack at 9Pm And wow that is a lot of eating. But it sure will help me to stay out of Jerry cookie jar.
    Want to get me some hummuse at the store tomorrow.
    Tomorrow I go for blood wor k at 8AM so will take a Gluecerna with me to drink after blood work for breakfast and then go Shopping for groceries. Will take a snack with me just in case I weed it. I think I will look for the booster diabectic shake for it has fewer carbs in it and My e reader to read if I get thru before Jerry. Yes we shop for Our own groceries. I am glad for I just have to think about me and not what I need for him. For he cooks it too. Mostly Tv dinners and kraft mac and cheese.

    Our old scales broke the other day and they seems to be off about a lb. or more from our old ones so I will find out Friday.