Just For Today I will



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Tea time 3pm
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had a chiropractor appt. this morning so I brought my Kindle e reader and I came across this quote from the
    doctor in the book.

    "Reaching a Plateau" is typically an early warning sign of overspending. He refers to calories as money.
    He says, I tell my patients they haven't reached a plateau, they've created one ====usually by overlooking
    hidden calories.

    My lunch today consisted of packaged cabbage slaw, 2 cups, 4 oz. chicken shredded, and 2 tsp. peanut
    butter, 2 tsp. red wine vinegar, 1 tbsp water and cayenne pepper for the dressing.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Having read the book I've decided to make a change. Rather than having things around that I choose not to eat, I've decided to remove them from my house. While not tempting me per se, it seems there is no reason to keep the items. They are just reminders of what I use to do that didn't work for my health and actually it makes me feel a bit unhappy to see them. So I'm on a purge.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Sorry, double post.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good girl Len

    I am working on things I will allowed me to eat and after I get it done I will only eat what is on my list. Will not make a list of things I cannot have for I don't wont them around to see even if it is just words.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am on Chapter 10 of the book and will probably finish reading it on the plane tomorrow.
    On my eating plane it calls for Sunflower seeds to mix into Ricotta cheese. I like ricotta
    cheese but now I am finding I have been eating the sunflower seeds by the teaspoon full
    for a snack too. One thing I will have to purge from my cupboard. Anything like nuts or seeds
    I have a habit of overdoing when I am hungry.
    Yesterday I had a busy day and had two appts so my day between trying to pack, getting
    my pedicure and seeing the Financial Advisor , my eating pattern for the day was all
    messed up so I was dipping into sunflower seeds.

    See you guys in a week. I will be back March 10th. Keep on track and think THIN. :bigsmile:

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I'm actually going to pack low carb wraps (to substitute for bread on restaurant sandwiches) and a bunch of zip lock snack bags in my suitcase when we go to another conference next week.

    However, I found one suggestion in the book that appears to have backfired. I ordered a bunch of those ZZ Scandinavian Flatbread packs from amazon.com. When I went to babysit my granddaughter on Wednesday, I took a lunch and two snack packs. Each snack pack had two pieces of the ZZ Flatbread, two pieces of Bonbel Light Laughing Cow Cheese, and one piece of fruit. I ate my first snack at 10:00, I ate my lunch at 1:00, and I ate my second snack at 4:00. By dinner time I had horrible stomach gas cramps that lasted all night and part of the day on Thursday. Since the only "new" food in my diet was the ZZ Flatbread, I think that was what caused the problem. I'm going to try eating just one piece a day and see if it's any less painful. Just thought I should mention this in case ayone else is planning to try that particular flatbread.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Very interesting Judy, I think they are called GG Scandanavian Crisps. I guess I will have to order them
    on Amazon because I can't seem to find them here in Canada. I also looked across the border in the
    Organic section and I can't find them either. I haven't checked out our local health food store yet, will
    do that when I get back from vacation. They are supposed to have a high fiber content, maybe that
    is why you had the stomach problems. :ohwell: Feel better soon and will check back with you
    ladies when I get back.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: The Fourth Commandment “Structure Gives Control”……that fits in very well with planning food (meals and snacks for the day), logging it in my food diary and then sticking to the plan. It kept me from thinking about food all day and wondering what I might eat and when I might eat it…..the plan was made and I simply followed it. Structure also goes along with “box it in” and “box it out”……there are foods I don’t eat at all and foods I eat only in certain settings so I don’t have to be thinking about it.

    :flowerforyou: In Overeaters Anonymous ( a program for compulsive overeaters) one of the parts of the program is planning food for the day, writing it down, calling someone and telling them the plan, sticking to the plan, and calling someone to talk about any changes made to the plan.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I’ve never been inspired to make a tape to listen to, but I think that the posts I read on my two threads are the inspiring and motivating words I need to hear every day.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I’m glad you joined us in this discussion.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, even if your food plan seems like too much food for you, staying away from the cookie jar is important

    :flowerforyou: udy, the high fiber could be the culprit…..let us know how you’re feeling.

    :flowerforyou: I stay away from crackers and bread of any sort because I don’t eat them in moderation…..the only exception is that we warm one sandwich thin to substitute for challah on Shabbat and share it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie I have not hit the cookie jar in awhile thanks to you and the rest of the group. I think it is because I am eating within 3 to four hours and i have not had a low blood sugar reading Which kick off my carb cravings.

    By the way I did not go over the ten questions Friday like I said I would sso here it is

    The new scale for dieting

    I am reading Scale for Dieting The ten quiz this morning the I am going to try to type it up so i can make a copy of it and print it out On the word pad. to read once a week on Friday on my weigh in morning. I am not such a geat typist so it will take me awhile

    The # 1 ; Am I going more than 3 to 4 hours without eating a healty snack or meal?........ Getting a lot better:heart:

    #2 Am I felling the plan(i.e., letting supplies of healty foods run out, going into food situations hungry, failing to prepare for high risk food situations, and failing to carry my ThinPack when traveling ( got to find that in the book and see what it has to say avbout I) or going out for a busy day See Chapter 4 for more on that did....... excellant on this:heart:

    #3 Am I avoiding foods I have a history of abusing?.....Yes:heart:

    #4 Am I keping my moods out of the my foods? Am I not eating out of boredom or anger, and and I reminding my self in stressful situations that" this is not about food."?.....Yes:heart:

    #5 Am I keeping problems food out of the house or out of sight? .....Yes

    #6 Am I avoiding high risk situation (i,e, reading dessert menus, looking at deserts carts,dining in restaurants with buffet- style..... Have not gone out to eat thiss week but will tomorrow Will see how i anser this quuestion next week:heart: Keep finger cross

    # 7Am I maintiang finger control? Avoiding minless nibbing? .... My finger control was not the best Will work better on it this week:brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    #8Am I eating too much of the" right foods" ( Such as chicken or fruit) .....I did yesterday:brokenheart:

    # 9 Am I watching for the hidden calories that stop weight loss ( such as those found in salas dressings, foods made in butter or oil, sauces onfood, and side dishet, and failing to ask in reastaurant " What does it come with?" and how is it prepare.",,,,,Still need some work on that:heart:

    10 Am I reminding myself that this is not about deprivation but doing whatworks for a happier healter Life?Gotta talk to myself more:sad:

    Thats it for last week
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have not read any of the book in several days now need to get back to it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have been reading the book but haven't had time to write any comments.

    :flowerforyou: I took bottled water and good snacks with me on my trip to Seattle so I didn't have to buy any food or beverages that weren't good for me....as I walked around on the ferry i saw a lot of people eating a lot of unhealthy food...there is a cafeteria on the ferry that sells burgers, hot dogs, nachos, sweet rolls and a zillion other high fat high calorie foods.
    :heart: Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good strategy Barbie.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I agree with Jeri. Barbie is a great model for us.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Dave has gone to get breakfast so I am doing a quick note here.

    I have been reading the book on the plane and here at the place where we are staying.
    I am on the 10 day starting out diet plan but my kindle had to be charged and I brought
    the wrong connection for me to plug in so I had to buy a book to read at the beach.:ohwell:

    Anyway I will continue when I get back until then trying to stay on track with a little slip
    here and there but exercising everyday to keep calories down. We are eating breakfast and
    lunch with our food and only going out for dinner. Tonight we are staying in for dinner and

    Talk more when i get back.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Are we finished with this topic? I just wanted to post an update. I've always been so unsure about what to take with me to eat when I visit my dad. This time I was uber prepared with a wonderful bowl of salad----butter lettuce, arugula, romaine, a touch of sesame ginger dressing, topped with 1/2 cooked black beans; a package of carrots, and a serving of my homemade kale chips.

    Perfecto from my planning and strategy viewpoint.

    What I did NOT anticipate was that my father would not sit long enough in the dining room for me to eat. He wanted to go back to his room. He doesn't like it in the dining room. I ate the salad (although I didn't chew it that well), and the rest came home with me.

    A partial success.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Len I hope not. ........I admit I have not been reading the book very much.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have finished the book and now all is left is the diet plan and recipes and since I am already on a plan which
    isn't too far from this one, I will stay at it. It keeps me focused on how much to eat and when to eat so I
    don't go off half cocked and just stuff my face.

    Today when I went cleaning I packed my smoothie for lunch and brought water and string cheese and almonds
    for a snack. I planned ahead and I had a good breakfast from my eating plan.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: If it were as simple as having a good eating plan, then no one would have trouble losing weight and keeping it off......the whole point of the book is to acquire and keep strategies that will allow you to stick to the plan no matter what comes along

    :flowerforyou: what happens at a party? or an "all you can eat" restaurant? or when someone brings you a box of chocolates? or when you're at a friend's house and you are invited to share a piece of homemade pie?

    :flowerforyou: how do you stay with the plan day after day?

    :flowerforyou: making the commandments part of your thinking is essential.

    :bigsmile: Lin, even if you didn't get to eat your salad, you were saved from eating what was served to your father or stopping at a convenience store on the way home and eating the wrong stuff

    :heart: Barbie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yes Barbie is right, we can't just stick to a plan forever, but when you have to lose alot
    a plan is good for a small amount of time.

    Planning and strategy are key to lose weight and refusing food that are your triggers.
    That one has really stuck in my brain. I know my triggers and its my mood that wants
    me to crave them. I am an emotional eater so i really have to stop and think before
    I eat. At least that part of the book has sunk in.

    I will be reading this book again to further emphasize its points and keep them in my mind.
    Its mind over matter or in this case mind over food.

    We can do this with the help of our friends. :bigsmile:
