Just For Today I will



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Your dressing sounds wonderful Lin.

    I just read some more on the Thin Commandments last night and they are saying that recording
    positive thoughts for yourself to listen to will also help motivate you to lose weight.
    Also when your clothes are feeling loose don't stop just keep going. Some people feel they look and
    feel good so they sabotage themselves.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Need a volunteer for some to start the second one Monday I thin it is called ( will have to look it up be back)
    Think Historically Not just calorically t think we need to take turns. What do you guys think?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    I can write-up the second one. I'll wait until Monday to post it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: I was so frustrated that I don't have my copy of the book and the library doesn't have it, that I found a copy on Paperback Swap and ordered it and it's on its way from Arkansas....when it comes I'll be a better participant in the discussion.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat that sounds great. I really think we need more than a week to understand each section. How do a teacher get their students to read and understands what they read? This seems to be overwhemiming me. I want to learn it and practice it but don't know how to get my mind into it. So hoping you woulld take charge and teach us.. We all need help or we would not be on MFP except for you and len. . You two have got someting I need despertly
    What should i have told myself when we walk into the Mexican place yesterday. I know for I have done it before Just eat my what on my plate maybe even leave some on my plate and left the bosket of chips off.Between Alice and my self we ate the whole basket of the most wonderful chips i have ever tasted.. I really know the anwser. , Just tell the waitress to leave off the chips. I just need to make a habbit of not eating all of those extra carbs my mother and I used to do the same thing for that was her faverite restarant to eat..
    I think this will help me to just to discuss my weakness, Not my weakness my stragery. For i have just as much willpower as the next person. Thanks for listening to me rambling on I got to learn not to let Food rule my life.

    thanks for listening to me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    I'm in no rush. My library copy has to go back in a couple of weeks so I just ordered a used copy from a vendor in Kansas. It should arrive before my library copy has to go back.

    I won't post on Monday. Meanwhile, I was somewhat surprised by this book. I have been walking my own path and had already thought through and implemented many of the author's commandments apparently by accident---a happy accident as it turns out.

    Hugs to all. It's so good to have people who are open to discussion on these topics. I have not found many real life friends who are interested. THANKS!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, if several of us are reading the book we can share the things that we found useful about each strategy and the others can respond or ask questions and through the discussion we'll each learn more and get more ideas.

    :flowerforyou: my strategy with restaurants is often to not go at all or to choose a restaurant that serves food that is more in keeping with what I usually choose to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your idea about asking the waiter to not bring the chips is a good one......some people ask for a "container" at the beginning of the meal and put half the meal in the container to take home.

    :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie i think that is a real good ideal. i think we all have or will have the book very soon. But i do think we need to stay on the frirst one little longerThere is some of it I have not even read it yet. you and len have already establish your plans. Shirley and I need to get ours going.I know i will never be as strict with mine as you and len but i also know i can do a lot better. Bless you both for being so kind.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: I agree that we need to continue sharing on the first strategy until we have said all there is to say.

    Here is something interesting that I read in "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin

    Abandon Your Self-Control

    Instead of working to strengthen your self-control, consider abandoning your self-control, by using the strategy of abstinence. Perhaps surprisingly, for many people, one of the easiest ways to resist temptation is to give something up altogether.

    For “abstainers,” it’s easier to decide that something is off-limits, and never indulge. For abstainers, abstaining requires no self-control; indulging in moderation requires enormous self-control. You spend too much time thinking, “Today, tomorrow?” “Does this count?” “Don’t I deserve this?” etc. As an abstainer, it’s easier to say, “I never eat French fries.”

    On the other hand, some people are “moderators” who do better when they act with moderation, because they feel trapped and rebellious at the thought of “never” getting or doing something. If you’re a moderator, it’s easier to say, “I can have a few French fries.”

    There’s no right way; different approaches work for different people. Recognizing which one suits your nature provides a very helpful strategy for resisting temptation.

    The abstainer/moderator split affects relationships, because often a person of one camp will try to persuade a person in the other camp to convert. Abstainers tell moderators, “You should go cold turkey!” and moderators tell abstainers, “It’s not healthy to be so rigid, you should get more fun out of life.” Moderators don’t understand why abstainers don’t want to keep cookies in the house, and abstainers don’t understand why moderators seem to keep breaking their own rules.

    Resolve to “Abandon your self-control.” Identify the strategy that allows you to forget about exercising self-control, in order to boost your self-control. And when people in your life are trying to abstain, or to be moderate, don’t interfere with the strategy that works for them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks barbie for sharing the article by Gretchen Rubin. Will need to reread it some more today,
    I had a nice breakfast of 2 poach eggs over a bed of stir fry Kale , 2 cups of coffee with 1 t of cinnamon 1 pkg. of splender, 2 t. creamer I know I need to have my coffee cleaner but for now this is the way it will be.
    i plan on a walk around the block a little later
    For lunch I will have 1 c of homemade veggies and bean soup, A tangerine glass of 1% milk
    Dinner will be grilled Tilapiafillet. They are small so will be one or two of them occording how hungry i am A gee n veggie a small potatoe hope fully my blood sugar will remain stabilize thruout the day.Will cut back on my noon insulin from 5 units to 4 units my breakfast and dinner will remain the same for I have had no problems after breakfast or after dinner. Just after lunch I take 15 units of 75/25 at breakfast, Fast acting insulin now 4 units Dinner 75/25 5 units. And see how this working out.
    As far as the book is concern I will leave you and len to guide us from now on. For you tow are livign proof it works. And i need lots of guideness.i know most of my problems is in my mind. My attitude towards food.
    Be waiting to hear from you both.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Ladies - my restaurant strategies are very similar to Barbie's. Since I have to watch what I eat as I will indeed be sick for days if I make a wrong choice, I have been doing this for years. These are the things I think about when friends want to get together--

    :heart: Avoid restaurants as much as possible.

    :heart: Try to meet friends for morning coffee or afternoon beverage (tea or water) rather than a meal.

    :heart: If I cannot avoid a restaurant, I research the restaurant on-line before going to see what they have available.

    :heart: I always eat something before going to a restaurant if I must go for lunch or dinner.

    :heart: I take a snack with me so I do not feel deprived.

    :heart: I will not let friends influence me into trying something. I am the one who will go home and suffer the consequences, they won't.

    :heart: Never ever ever agree to starters. They are most often just fried salty additions to a meal that are not necessary and are usually full of gluten.

    :heart: Even with a green salad I do not let anyone put salad dressing on the salad. Most are not gluten free and are full of oil and salt.

    I'm sure this sounds like overkill BUT I've been sick so often from getting together with friends that I just REFUSE to do anything that will lead to ingesting gluten OR that isn't going to assist me in trying to be healthier. Friends are essential but I wish more people could not weave so much food into the friendship equation.

    Lin :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Regarding abstainers vs moderators---again I am an abstainer. Any food or drink that would cause me to derail from my goals is eliminated from my eating plan. I am a bit different though because I still have many of these items in my house but I never touch them. It is interesting that everyone's list is quite different. That's why it's not easy right? We all have to sort these foods out on our own as we examine our own reactions to food.

    Anything that will cause me pain is off my list at home or in a restaurant. :blushing:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I do need to be an abstainer. and working on it

    here is my go for list
    All fruit limit to small size or 1/2 cup, all veggie starchy and non starchy limit to 1/2 c per servings. All lean beef, chicken fish Beans Limit to 3 oz or 1/2 cup. low fat cheese limit to 2 oz or lest per serving
    All low fat free dairy limit to 1 cup per serving or less
    1 T. good oil
    no wheat products at all.
    No candy That one is no problem to me. And that Jerry better not bring me a box of candy for Valentine
    keep my sodium low under 1500.
    Seems I could put together a nice meal with these items.
    Am i leaving anything out That I need to add

    Love you guys for being here
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lots to read and get caught up on this morning. I was MIA yesterday and went skiing in the morning for two hours.
    Then we decided to stay for lunch which was chicken salad with dressing on the side and hot chocolate.

    There is that word "chocolate" and " ice cream" my biggest food triggers. I made homemade chili with ground
    turkey for dinner last night but after dinner I wanted ice cream so I did. But of course when I got on the scale it was
    up again. Now I have to stay on course all week to get back down. Basically that is how my weekends go.
    That is where strategy and planning are so necessary.

    My husband bought me some dark chocolate for having with wine. So I thought I would take it down to our boat
    this summer and when we have togethers bring it out and share it ,this way I won't eat it all.
    Well, so much for that plan, I have chipped off slowly a little bit at a time and now half the bar is gone already.
    I don't have anything like that in my house like chocolate or ice cream because I cannot resist it. So now I will
    put the rest of that bar in the freezer and leave it alone.

    I think personally I have to abstain from chocolate because it definitely is a trigger. Although they say a little
    is good for you, but a little develops into a lot for me.

    I have been reading the book a little at a time and I am on the part about Joan and how she binges on cookies.
    So I could relate to that with chocolate.

    One thought I had, maybe we should all read a section, and then come here and discuss it. So just let us know
    what part to read and then give out input.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just for today. I am working very hard to stabilize my blood sugar and insulin. Really a bad two days. So far today it is doing fine.. Its the noon dose i am having these lows with so Have cut way down on the dose. I made have to cut out the noon dose If it keeps up for when I get a low I just eat as much carbs as I can get my hands on to make that horrible feeling go away.and make me do things and say things i should not have said. But today I feel on top of the world.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: I spent too many years trying to prove that I could eat like other people and it didn't work.....i am fortunate to have figured that out at age 62----some people never figure it out.

    :bigsmile: when I started on the MFP journey before I started Isagenix, before I started choosing foods based on balancing carbs, protein, fats, etc. and before I tried to stay in a good calorie range, I did what my friend in Overeaters Anonymous does
    I wrote down my food plan for the day (actually I posted it on MFP in the food log) and ate exactly what I had planned.....when offered food by someone else, I declined even if it was a bite of something healthy or low calorie or something I'd eaten the day before or planned to eat the next day
    I ate only what I had planned.......I brought my own food with me to some events where food was served or ate before I got there so I could guarantee that I would eat only what was on my plan

    :flowerforyou: As I finished the food in the cupboard and freezer and learned more about good nutrition I made even healthier choices for my day, but still ate only what was on my plan

    :flowerforyou: I made the decision to not be concerned about what other people thought about my eating.
    I don't worry that I'll hurt the hostess's feelings if I don't eat the fancy dessert or bread or appetizer that she fixed.

    :flowerforyou: I found out that I was an abstainer.........I know how to eat no birthday cake and I know how to eat a giant piece and ask for seconds, but I am not able to have just a small slice.

    :flowerforyou: when I think of eating bread, I don't think about one nice slice, I think about the whole loaf and putting butter and maybe peanut butter on it.

    :bigsmile: when my copy of "The Thin Commandments Diet" arrives I'll talk about what the book says, until then I'll just comment on what the rest of you are sharing.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where the sun is shining
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have been reading two books at a time since I got my Kindle so I took a break yesterday from
    THE THIN COMMANDMENTS but will resume it again.

    Since I mentioned that cholocate is one of my triggers my hubby got me some for Valentines Day.
    I know I will have to start saying no to chocolate on holidays and just get the card. :ohwell:
    We have doing this for so many years of our marriage that I forget to tell him not to get any for me.
    This will be a tough decision for me. Unless I have it only on holidays and not at any other time.
    Something to discuss.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had a good breakfast of 2 poach eggs over a bed of turnip greeens and turnips With 2 strawberries and 2 small tangerines Coffee I seems to be enjoyin these greens. maybe it is good for us for cats and dogs eat green grass when they feel bad. Something to think about.Sammie was feeling bad one day last week and I took him outside and he immeatly started eating green grass What he could fine.this time of the year.
    i havve had a bad week with my insulin this week Hopes it improve real quick.
    Happy valintine to you all.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie: So glad to hear your insulin is working and the new gluten free diet is doing what you expect from it.
    I hope you have good reports from your doctor on your next visit.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too !:heart::heart: :heart:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    My copy of the book has arrived. Not in bad condition for a used book.

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: