Just For Today I will



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    # 1
    STRATEGY IS STRONGER THAN WILLPOWER............ Our first discussion take it away Barbie i will post the next commandament Sstratey is isIn a few days how about next MONDAY i NEED TO LEARN THIS LESSON REAL WELL. Barbie is the best teacher we could have.. But be glad when you get your biook back

    My strategy on this.is plan My meals the night before and stick with it This will take practice on my part. So the first thing is have the right food on hand. my plan is
    B.....1/2 c greek yogurt and 1/2 c blueberries berries coffee
    L..... bowl of veggie soup 1/2 orange.tea
    D......griled fish,He said to eat lots of fish so I will plan on having one of my meals everyday with fish. Boy i am going to love fish before this week is up
    Snack if needed 1/2 c yogurt

    If you do not want to post your Menu that is fine our food chart on Mf p is wonderful tool to use. I just have a hard time doing it. But you do need to post it somewhere and follow it Maybe next week I will clear my food chart out and see about using it. We will see. I am sticking to my G F plan.For it has got my kidney count up to a good reading. As Our beloved Sandy says One day at a time.

    now to put this to practice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: Marie, you have this absolutely right.......my favorite of all the commandments is "Strategy is stronger than willpower"......when I started MFP before I even worried about calories, I started by planning my meals for the day and making a decision to stay with the plan......if I had to go to an event that had food, I ate ahead of time or brought my own food so my meal was taken care of and I didn't have to be hungry while everyone else was having pizza or some other high calorie low nutrition food.

    It doesn't violate any copyright for us to talk about this book......this is just a book club discussion

    :heart: Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Strategy is Stronger than Willpower - what a good thought. I have to use Strategy all the time cops with eating away from the house. I take my own buns with me, a snack bar or some carrots when I know I need to eat out. However, I should also,have a strategy when I am vulnerable at home.

    Good idea.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Strategy is Stronger than Willpower

    I would like to be included in this discussion.

    It has taken me a long time and many diet programs and toxic cleanses to finally get to this point.
    Since my husband and I are always meeting friends for dinner and all other activities it is so
    hard to plan ahead but I that is one thing I am going to try and do for 2013 to keep me accountable.
    Have a plan for our lunches when we go to the boat this summer and have a plan when we eat out
    with friends. That seems to be the time when I gain most of my weight. I also want to plan my
    strategy for exercising this summer when i am away from home and on our boat.
    Any suggestions would be appreicated.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Strategy is Stronger than Willpower -

    But I can't do this without both elements. It has taken me a long time to implement a better strategy for my trips out of town for my dad. It's still a sticking point for me. At home, I'm comfortable with my resources and my plans, even when meeting friends for coffee or a meal or other social occasion. When I travel, I truly don't know when I leave how long I'll be gone and often end up quite upset. I do plan and take food with me. But I have to guard against eating too much so now I take only enough calories for the day (or whatever period of time I'll be away). If I run out, I can be hungry for a while because it's not going to kill me to be hungry but it will do me harm to eat well in excess of my plan.

    So that's why for me it is both.

    Sorry if this is obvious or not on point. I will be picking up the book tomorrow at the library. They do have an available copy for me! Yeah.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Strategy is Stronger than Willpower

    i am till readin this chapter on Strategy is Stronger than Willpower I am still trying to get the hang of it. i made out my menu Yesterday but when it came time to have dinner i did not FEEL up to messing with fish so i had another bowl of my veggie soup I think I may have to have my big meal at lunch. So things did not go as plan Will try to work it out better today. STRATEGY STRATEGY Got to get dress to go to the doctor Be back later for my eating plan for today

    Have a great day.

    Love 'ya marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I would like to pick The Thin Commandments at the library. Who is the author?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    I would like to pick The Thin Commandments at the library. Who is the author?


    I just picked a copy up at the library! The author is Stephen Gullo. :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found this recipe Which i think I will make for my breakfast Sounds good and looks pretty clean eating I know I will never be as cleaning eating as Barbie and len. But will find my way of clean eating. This site has some other GF meals too. and i join their site and They have a section on GF with pictures/ some nice looking desert too. But I am going to keep my GF as simple as possible.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: one really good strategy is to find a few good meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and rotate them so you're not spending a lot of time reading recipes and searching for ideas (reading recipes always makes me hungry). that makes grocery shopping easier, preparation easier, counting calories easier
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Great idea Barbie, I am still sticking with the Digest Diet you just look at the page for the day and you
    know what to make and you are assured of a healthy meal. I do my groceries according to the book.

    I may change it up a bit if I don't have the food in the house and use something else.

    Lin: Thanks for the author's name.:happy:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley I am just watching my Gluten and low carbing it for what i want to eat. I have to for taking insulin. Carbs are very important. for they can raised my blood sugar sky high. So i am trying to get my carbs from my veggie and leave off all baked goods and cereal Now i do used tthe corn tortilla for they are gluten free And I love new recipes and trying out these new veggies. Like now I am using Kale and I bought som quino this morning so going to see what I can do with it. I saw some bok choy at Wally world i would like to try one day.This eating for your health is very exciting/ No veggies if off limit for me I want to try them all. But in moderation.
    And try to eat more fish. Want to try some fresh Salmon one day too.. I have eaten it at Sea food restsurant and they were good But i have not fix any at home.This has brought back my interest in cooking again.

    Good luck to all of us
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i don't think the author pick a good title for his book. But the word diet sells books. My inter thinking needs to be corrected i need to approach things a different way I know how to eat healthy we all do. We just have to give up some foods.I been buying gluten free for over 3 months now so my pantry and feezer are getting in better shape. Jerry still keeps his shelf in the freezer full of icecream and his shelf full of cookies, Peanut butter and ritz crackers. But it does not bother me. Yes i did hit his cookie canister when I had a low bloodsugar.Before. But now I grab fruit or greek yogurt. i started a new insulin today. so keepin a real close eye on it So far it is doing it job. I was using my low blood sugar just an excuse to over indudge in cookies I keep an diabetic shake on my night stand in case of a low blood sugar But have not had to used it. I used to keep those little pkg of crackers and peanut butter in my ngiht stand. I did not think I could eat soup without saltines crackers but I have been doing it. So we all got to clean up our own act I know Barbie and Len have.

    Maybe i did not pick a good topic for this dicussion either. Maybe it needs it own topic. What do you think.? Shirley will be getting her book too. I did not get to read any today But plan on it tomorrow. Think I will get Jerry to take me to the city lake tomrrow with my walker and take some water and my lunch and spend time reading and watch the ducks the people i used to walk to the lake but don't think I could handle the curbs and the streets all that well now.and all the trafficAlice husband told me to take my cell phone when i go walking.In case of fall or something. i will quilt rambling now Thanks for listen to this old lady.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie: You are not old ! You are wonderful lady who trying to eat better and stay healthy.
    We love to listen to you. :flowerforyou:

    As I said on Golden Sneakers, I ended up buying the book on my Kindle and now I have to
    read it so I can stay in the discussion.

    I am still trying to stay on the Digest Diet but some days it gets boring but if I can keep to
    my snacks and dinner from it and maybe change up the lunches I should be able to continue.

    I am starting to plan more before we go out now I also have to think about what we are going
    to eat in Florida on vacation before we go. I know we do alot of beach walking but you still
    have to plan your meals so you don't stray too far from eating right.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: one of the ways that strategy has helped me most is to plan ahead for trips and restaurants so I am not caught unaware......we travel with a blender and shake powder and other healthy snacks so we can stay out of restaurants for some meals when we travel.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you are right, the word "diet" sells books......I decided to read the book based on a recommendation from a woman on another thread.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I am perfectly fine eating the same thing day after day but Jake gets bored so I have to keep things interesting for him.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A lot of good information in "the book" I read some on the ABC diet early this morning. And i am going to try eating more fish and drinking more milk eating more greek Yogurt.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    That's what the Digest Diet book is all about. More calcium and greek yogurt which is supposed
    to help you lose weight. Very little bread, whole pasta, brown rice.

    I am reading now about how they advertise food and how they do it to get you to eat their product which
    usually is not good for you. How you can get recordings to listen to which will motivate you
    to hear upbeat, catchy and full of powerful images for you to stay thin.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    :heart: If you have Netflix and also have the time and are interested, I enjoyed "Hungry for Change" which also addresses some of that SHIRLEY. That is how companies just try to sell us more. Not better or fresher or more nutritious---just more.

    :heart: BARBIE - again, I'm like you, I can eat the same thing over and over. Since I live alone, I eat the same smoothie every evening. Have for months and months and months. I enjoy it. I am doing more changing up on what I eat for lunch since I have tweaked what I eat and am trying out recipes to see if it's something I want to add to my little list.

    :heart: MARIE - I'm going to stick to the strategy part of the book and sort of ignore the rest. Keep what works for you, ditch the rest! That's my motto.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You are doing such a fantasic on your plan you have put together i would not change it either. Len.
    When do youg o in to see the results on your blood work.
    i think I will go to my primary doctor once a month if My insurance will cover it. She is seeing me once a month for the last 3 visit. so I don't see why I can't. I have another appt the 5th of March.That will make me aware of my eating if I have to go in and weight and keep a better eye on my blood pressure. it is till below 100 everytime i take it. This new Med seems to be taking care of my Blood sugar. This plan I am on have something to do with that. I am going to definte stay on the Gluten free plan.

    now I am going for anther walk see If I can walk some of this sorenes off of my legs.
    Alice will come out tomorrow.
    What do you do for Salad dressing on your salads? That is something i have not got a handle on.
    At the store this morning I got a bag of clemintine. abag of Granny Smith , snack size a bag of gala snack size.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    MARIE - they called today and said my check was not filled out right so I sent another one today and they wouldn't say whether it would slow down the processing of my tests :huh: BUT if not, I should hear something by a week from Monday (:grumble: oops, that's President's day for banks so maybe we don't get mail on Feb. 18th either). Since it's been forever since I had any tests, I am kind of worried about how bad the results might be!:cry:

    Now as to salad dressing I will say most of the time I do not use any. I just eat my veggies with a bit of black pepper and that's it. When I decide to have salad dressing I make my own and I am totally ADDICTED to this recipe. If I'm going to use dressing a lot, I make a full batch, if not, I CUT IT DOWN BY HALF ON EVERYTHING!! The super high speed blender makes it all smooth and lovely. When I take it out the second day I do stir it up before using it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Blueberry Pomegranate Dressing
    2 c fresh or thawed frozen blueberries
    ½ c pomegranate juice
    ¼ c raw cashews
    ¼ c raw sunflower seeds
    4 Tbsp fruit-flavored vinegar (I use raspberry vinegar)

    Blend all ingredients in Vitamix or other high speed blender until smooth and creamy.