Just For Today I will



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just want to thank this great group of women here without them I may be eating myself into
    a frenzy with all that is going on right now with our family. It is day by day right now and I am
    trying to track everyday and watch my calories. I have decided to vier away from my eating plan as
    Barbie said, you have to able to eat alot of foods and be conscious of what and when you are
    eating them. So I will continue my journey and try to eat and keep up the exercise as best I can
    until we get through this family crisis.

    Thanks again,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my problems is more than just eatin the right foods. I have to deal with insulin and food. And no Doctors scan really help you for everyone act difference. If i gave uup carbs altogether my blood sugar would come down and proabble not have to take insulin. But no one want you to do that. So it is a vitual circle. But i will continue my best. I do wish There was a right answer.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie your plan is working I would stick to that too. If your blood goes down that's great.
    Even if they lessen your insulin that's a huge. Keep it up Ma you are doing great !!

    During my doctor appt I asked to a Nutritionist so I can get a better handle on what I am eating.
    There is no cost so he said he would call and contact them so i am waiting for a call and
    then I can see if they give me anything I don't already know. I am kind of stuck at this weight
    right now and want to get lower.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley I got up hungry this morning and been eating eveything in my site. What am I to do?. god knows I have tried.

    I am thing about going to get me a good protein shake and just leave off food for a week. Or better yet make a big pot of your slimin soup.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Marie - I am sorry to hear you're having a bad eating day. I woke up kind of hungry about 4am. I just went back to sleep. Then when I got up I had to hurry to go and get a cholesterol test so I couldn't eat.

    You need some healthy things to have if you're starving. I like hot water with 1/4 of a fresh lemon. The lemon seems to satisfy me. Or I'll have a nice cup of Hawthorn tea, just herbs, no caffeine and it's kind of soothing for me. I am not really snacking now but I often have a bag of those tiny tiny carrots with my breakfast or my lunch. They're yummy, plenty crunchy, and not many calories plus full of vitamins!

    I seem to have developed a new thing that I need to handle. Smelling food. I don't know why but it never use to bother me. Now when I smell something that smells delicious my mouth starts to water. It's horrible. I can't always avoid this and I can't always flee the situation. I'll have to work on this.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yea Lin Jerry was having french toast for breakfast oh and it smell so good. And I had a good dinner last night Had roasted Brussel spouts, Roasted whole okra. and roasted sweet potatoes. I had a roasted good time.. But no Protein. Maybe that was My problem Should have had some beans with my meal. Should not have been hungry. This morning but I was and not for hot water and lemon. I wanted Jerry's French toast................... I went to my primary docter this morning and she said my blood sugar was looking real good. So now I just need to focus on my weight.Thanks for being here to talk too. That helps a lot. The dr. loaded me up with a bunch of Booklets. I go back in 2 months.
    Thanks Lin
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    That sounds like the thing to do----beans are not only filling, they're a low glycemic food, full of fiber (and much of it is non digestible which is great). I have a big salad everyday for lunch and I put some cooked black beans in it. Keeps me full until night time.

    Darn that hubby of yours, the sense of smell is a stumbling block!!

    Glad you got good news on your blood sugar levels!! And hope the information you got is helpful!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, probably not having the protein made you want the bread. It goes for me too, right back to the
    carbs. We should eat our protein, vegetables and fiber as much as we can and watch the sugar.

    Today I had lunch with a friend and orderd the cobb salad at Panera bread and decaff coffee.
    My friend ordered pasta and I have to stay away from the pasta, rice, and bread because they all
    turn to sugar. Its so hard to be good all the time.

    We can do this with the help of each other.

    I also have a recipe for Lentil soup with Swiss Chard if anyone is interested. Let me know.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just for today I will be watching my carbs more i think that is more impotant than keeping an eye on gluten free right now. Gluten free has not help me lose any weight but will stay off sweets. Had a good day today. Brfore breakfast was 99 , lunch was 130 , my eating is coplete unless i have a lowdinner 99 again. My eating is complete unless I get a low during the night. Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - you seem to have a handle on the blood sugar Woo Hoo ! You are doing great.:drinker:

    I am trying to just keep exercising and tracking right now with all that is going on with our
    family. Easter is coming and I do plan on having dinner for at least 7.

    It will just be good to see my kids and son in law. Since my birthday is next week I just
    wanted to see the girls but Easter will have to do.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your family. Is this Dave brother or sister? or yours?1897076lwlt7cwwae.gif
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie you are so sweet for your prayers and thinking of us.:heart:

    This would be Dave's sister my SIL. We aren't a very big family so
    we are close and pretty much know what everyone is doing most of
    the time. Now we have Dave's mom left who will be 87 next month.
    Already my girls are worrie about her since she is old, but she looks
    and feels great. She is slowing down a bit but she looks marvelous.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Best wishes to you and your family Shirley. And Marie, hoping you get totally on track with your blood sugar readings.

    I'm going to see my dad tomorrow and go to his doctor's appointment. He's getting cortisone shots in both knees again. Then straightening up his room and spending time with him. Thursday off for a quick haircut and get my taxes prepared. So I have a new plan for having lunch with my dad tomorrow. Bigger breakfast and bigger meal in the evening and just tiny baby carrots and dried kale at lunchtime. Then no problems with having to sit too long at the table. Still working on strategies ladies.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lin: You are doing great and losing every week kudos :drinker:

    I have an appt. with a nutritionist on April 8th and hope she can give me
    some insight as to why I am stuck at this weight right now and its not moving
    even after increasing my exercising and portion control. I will be interested to see
    what she has to say. I will share her thoughts.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am ordering the South beach gluten free diet book.. I had to preorder it and wont get it till April 2. But in the mean time I will follow the guide line in the Woman World article on it. Hope this is it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    After finishing the The Thin Commandments at the back of the book, or Kindle in my case,
    there is a conversion table from cups to kgs. which I am always wondering about.
    Now I can reference it when milliliters comes up and so forth.
    I still really like that book for information, not so much for food to buy because they are
    special foods and some are hard to find in the grocery store.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    My strategy for traveling worked to a certain extent this time. I still wasn't able to eat all of my lunch while I was with my dad as he still didn't want to sit in the dining room even though we were very late getting back from the doctor and we were the only ones in the room but I did get something. What did go massively wrong was trying to get my evening meal. I didn't know I'd be first working with the gentleman who's helped with the place to find all the smoke detectors and replace all the back-up batteries (they are all electric but have a battery back up which need to be changed every 5 years or so). I had to drive into town and buy additional batteries and then zip back out to the acreage. And then we ended up going through the house and talking for several hours. I did eat at that point but couldn't finish what I brought and I know I didn't chew as thoroughly as I normally do. End result, not enough to eat (and an owl hooting all night outside the window) made me more tired than I should have been if I'd followed through 100% on my strategy.

    Overall a good plan this time even with the changes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We will be gone 3 days next weekend to Kansas So wondering what snacks to take. W will be eating our meals out so I don't think that will be a problems. Should get my SBDGluten free book this Monday maybe it will help me out. I know it is all about making the right choice.

    Alice is coming out Sunday to get me hook up to wireless so I can take my I pad with me. So I can keep up with you girls. and ask for help. But the sentence will be short.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well its Easter weekend and I am trying to track all the food and make the right choices.
    So far so good. I will be making dinner for Sunday so that should be no problem.

    Lin: You are doing fine on your strategy but I know life gets in the way sometimes
    and you have to work around it. You are having a continual loss so whatever you are
    doing is working. Good Luck.