Like Minded Lushes September 2012



  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    My liver is pickled and I feel fat. I need to get my act together.
    Had many, many vodka/soda/poms on Saturday. 0 yesterday but I ate like crap.

    Have a great week lushes!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My friend said she was dreaming of fajitas so I am meeting her for mexican food and margs tonight, but then I am on the wagon for the rest of the week!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0.75 Beer
    Wednesday, 0
    Thursday, 2 beers
    Friday, 3 beers
    Saturday, 5 beers
    Sunday, 6'ish, I don't know but overestimating is better than not. I measured the vodka but didn't count the drinks

    Total: 16.75

    Started out goood and blew it at the end.

    Tonight, I am meeting a friend for pole dancing class. It could be scary. There is no way I could hang from a pole at this point.
  • jacie81
    jacie81 Posts: 8 Member
    O.k....I am going to start participating instead of lurking. Beer is my weakness. I love it and can drink ALOT of it. I also enjoy my white wine and the occasional margarita.

    I have really gotten off track this summer, but I am back and really going to focus. (I do tend to say this every monday morning...but this time is different!)

    I promise to:
    post honestly to all my fellow lushes about the alcohol that I consume.

    My goals:
    work out 4 times per week minimum
    focus on staying within my calorie limit
    STOP SMOKING - I only smoke when I drink - but I drink often. It's gross, expensive, and I don't want to do it anymore.

    So here goes:
    Friday - 1 bottle white, 2 beers (
    Saturday - 2 margaritas with lunch, 6 beers throughout the evening (
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Welcome jacie..jump in!!!
    Those sound like great goals.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Welcome jacie!!!! I think those are great goals =] Good job on those 0's I think I'll be making up for all those with 0's this week with wedding stress drinks :noway: Hope you enjoy our little family of lushes, everyone is very supportive whether you're goal is to drink less or not :smile: It's also kind of online therapy haha we can come here and post a rant and then fellow lushes share helpful words.

    Speaking of booze, I'm already looking forward to some wine later :drinker: I've been writing thank you notes for a while now and looking over all the forms we have to fill out for the wedding and it's making my brain want to just take a break. So I'll go and do Shoulders and Arms then an hour on the bike and then I can have me some wine and I won't at all feel guilty :laugh:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Welcome Jacie - This is the best group to join on MFP, glad you found us.

    Kat - I am excited for you and how close you are to getting hitched. I love that you seem to be enjoying every bit of it even the stressful periods , that's when the booze is the most crucial..Heh? BTW...Sorry about GB, I was hoping Rogers would throw that miracle throw but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Falcon's won, so I am happy :smile: My son is a GB fan so I will cheer them on if they are not playing the Falcons or Patriots.

    Syd - Looks like you got yourself back in business and burning up the calories.

    Kim - Pole dancing, sounds fun...almost as fun as body bump :laugh: Don't wear lotion or you will slide too easily on the pole, at least that's what I heard :wink: .

    Asjerven - Mexican sounds yum, beats what I had for dinner.

    Well I have discovered hard cider. Angry Orchard crisp apple...It's so yummy and tastes like fall in a bottle with a zing. God, I wish it wasn't so high in calories though:sad:

    Sunday - 2 hard ciders
    Monday - 2 hard ciders
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am also ready to jump in and participate in this thread (been lurking for a while.) You all seem like a really fun group, and I really, really love my cocktails. A little too much sometimes, I'm afraid.

    Anyway, I'd love some encouragement, I'd like to rack up a few nights of zeroes as well. That isn't going to start tonight as I have already poured a nice, large glass of cold Chard. I'm pretty sure it won't be my only one either :blushing:

    I'm always looking for new friends on here, I'd esp love to have some that enjoy my love of the hooch! :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    feel free to add me Doxie...and welcome.

    Apparently my liver wasn't picked enough becasue I just poured myself a cocktail. :tongue:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    oh so much wine and vodka and awesome sipping rum. I am truly a lush. I ate tons of cheese and crackers, bbq smoked pork sliders and more cheese and crackers. had to have something to use the wine to wash it down.:bigsmile:

    So now back to reality and tomorrow I will aim for 3 zeros.T-W-Th. All I can do is try.

    Beautiful scenery and lots of walking thru the woods.

    Funny story on the way down. GPS hosed us up something fierce. It has us going thru back roads all the way thru Portland. we ended up on a streach of road for 15 miles that was all gravel (my poor little 350z was not too happy) I am afraid I watch too much TV including Grimm and my mind was racing with awful notions as we were seemingly in the middle of nowhere with the river 100 down a straight cliff. Needless to say, Doug was exhausted by the time we got to the hotel. Stoly seemed to be the only cure followed by Karioke with the locals at a little po dunk bar.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi Doxie & Jaci, welcome to the group...feel free to add your fellow lush here as a friend.

    I really like the pole dancing class which was very similar to barre yoga except that the pole is vertical vs. horizontal. I'll be going again for a slightly harder one tomorrow. It's supposed to be where you actually get on the pole and hang. Bah, to be a fly on the wall for that one.

    Monday, 4 oz vodka, that makes 3'ish in terms of counting
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Well I have discovered hard cider. Angry Orchard crisp apple...It's so yummy and tastes like fall in a bottle with a zing. God, I wish it wasn't so high in calories though:sad:

    I've seen it but haven't tried it. I've afraid of getting hooked on new vices as I have enough. Ok, you talked me into it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am afraid I watch too much TV including Grimm and my mind was racing with awful notions as we were seemingly in the middle of nowhere with the river 100 down a straight cliff.

    Ummm, deliverance'ish?? Po' dunk bar was probably da' bomb in FUN. Hope that you were able to de-stress a little and uncurl the toes. Good luck on the 0's.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Robin-BBQ smoked pork sliders...I literally drooled at bit!!! And I love me some karoake...LOVE, but drinks are must for me while greatting crazy like that haha!!!

    Welcome Jaci and DoxieMama!!! This is amazing group of people!!!

    Last night I had 8oz of wine....after I jogged to the market and liquor store, so I felt it was justified :bigsmile:
    Tonight-I am meeting my sister in law to try on and order my bridesmaid dress.....BLEH but its gotta get done. Alittle less BLEH is we are going out for all you can eat crab legs and some delicious beers afterwards!!!
    The rest of the week will probably involve wine, no shocker there huh :huh:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Welcome Doxie! Such a cute picture, I've got 2 doxies myself as well as a black lab and 2 *****cats :smile:

    Had champagne and wine last night as I alphabetized the guest list, now we figure out tables and such. Found out everything has to be in by Tuesday so it's crunch time!!

    We put short ribs in the crock pot last night so our whole house smells amazing right now plus it feels like a cool, crisp Fall morning :bigsmile: Sons of Anarchy starts up again tonight and I'm getting together with my best friend this afternoon for a movie and drinks. It's going to be a great day :smile:

    It will also be a day spent keeping those who lost their lives and those who lost loved ones 11 years ago in my thoughts and prayers. As well as being thankful for all those who have served and are currently serving our country and always trying to prevent another 9/11. So a huge thank you and I love you to my cousin Danny who served in the military and who is walking me down the aisle in a few weeks :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am afraid I watch too much TV including Grimm and my mind was racing with awful notions as we were seemingly in the middle of nowhere with the river 100 down a straight cliff.

    Ummm, deliverance'ish?? Po' dunk bar was probably da' bomb in FUN. Hope that you were able to de-stress a little and uncurl the toes. Good luck on the 0's.

    I swore we heard banjos
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Monday=1 marg. that marg was 26 oz, but it came in a single glass, and I think the 26 oz is a lot of ice, that's my story...
    Pole dabcing-we did that for my bachelorette, it is a tough workout! They did not allow and hanging upside down for us amateaurs though!
    tonight I am making stuffed zucchini boats, probably not drinking, trying not to, anyway...
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    haha at the 1 margarita. That's how I am with the glass is BIG.

    I am feeling better today. My mood has been so horrible and I knew part of it was the lack of exercise...but I realized today that the other part was the constant A/C I've been living in since coming back from Hawaii (there the trade winds are amazing and you rarely need it..much like it is here usually)
    I dunno how you people deal with the heat and humidity all summer long!! (minus Mama Lush!) I'm grateful I have A/C for those days when I need it..but it seems like I've been running it constant lately (even at night!) Verrrryyy unusual for San Diego and it LITERALLY gives me cabin fever/mini panic attacks. The weather here has been horrible for quite some time.
    I also realize I'm old..and my body temp probably has raised a bit as well :grumble: But when the neighbors, husband and son complain about the humidity too, then it makes me know I'm not alone.

    Annnnyywhoooo..I've had the windows open alllll day today and I'm like a new person!! :drinker:

    Mon-2 vodkas
    Tues- 2 glasses of wine

    The eating and exercising has been good. Hope to continue that all week.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So glad you are feeling better Sydney!! In the summer we run the a/c the whole time and in the winter the heat is going...spring/ windows and doors. It makes a lovely night sleep so I feel you!!!!

    Monday-10oz of wine
    Tuesday-1 flight of beer (16oz) and 1 13oz beer at dinner with my sister in law. I was pleasantly surprised with the bridesmaid dress....very nice, I can dig it!!!
    Wednesday-grocery store, cook dinner for my husband, yoga, WINE!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sydney, what a super easy fix...I'm used to humidity so it's alright with me and you don't have to shovel it

    Kat, it's crack down time. I want some ribs now.

    I found the recipe for Chipolte's marinade and it was de-lish. It was gone before I got home from class last night. If anyone wants it, I can post it.

    Amy, I didn't go upside down because I would have died. I did however lose some thigh flesh and am sore this morning. It's going to take lots and lots of practice.

    Monday and Tuesday ended up being very, very lushy. I had mojitos with girlfriend last night at her house. She is a heavy pourer and that is why we are such good friends.

    Work tonight from 3 to 11, so no drinks tonight. I am hoping to abstain until Friday.