Ladies 35+ in stage 1 of NROLFW? Please join me!



  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to join as I will be 35 in March and I want to look good and feel good. I had my first child 3 years ago and she is still hanging on my arms and thighs and tummy ( mommy fat, LOL).

    I haven't started yet as I just purchased the book on Sunday and have been reading. I really want to skip ahead to start stage 1 but not sure any suggestion/ tips wanted pleeease!!!

  • curlygirly80
    I would love to join as I will be 35 in March and I want to look good and feel good. I had my first child 3 years ago and she is still hanging on my arms and thighs and tummy ( mommy fat, LOL).

    I haven't started yet as I just purchased the book on Sunday and have been reading. I really want to skip ahead to start stage 1 but not sure any suggestion/ tips wanted pleeease!!!


    I read the whole book prior to starting the program. I felt like it was usefully info but I feel like I could have started the program and continued to read while doing it. The parts about form are super important but some of the other rules I considered to be a leisure read.

    MerMegan- I am 32 and they kindly excepted me.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi mermegan! :)

    Okay thank you all for the protein ideas! I will try these brands and hope for the best!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I have four kids - 11 yrs (autistic), 9 yrs, 7 yrs and 2yrs. Just in case I ever think I might get bored I care for disabled hubby too - hence the exercise at either 6am or 9pm!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    come join the "daily chat" thread, which is the FIRST thread on page 1 of this group....there's TONS of women who are doing NROL4W and posting daily progress updates, etc.

    I'm 43.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    beeps - thanks for the rec. Will check it out. Was hoping to get a little sub-support group going...especially for those over 35 who can commiserate about how our metabolisms have slowed to a crawl...:grumble:

    mermegan - of course you are welcome despite your youth...:wink:

    Mrs. Agi - you are my hero!!!

    Whoever suggested the protein crepes, I am soooo trying that next weekend!!!!

    Starting week A4 tomorrow at 5:30am....:yawn:
  • mermegan

    Whoever suggested the protein crepes, I am soooo trying that next weekend!!!!

    See, I may be younger than 35 but I'm good for something! :happy:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Ha Mermegan - You're wiser than you look:wink: I bought egg whites today and thought of you....(and the crepes) LOL

    Started A4 today....I decided to use the squat machine rather than a "barbell" -- does anyone know if that's OK....? I find I can up it a lot more on the machine and feel "safe" I did 100 lbs whereas I was only doing 35 with the barbell...

    I guess I'm not following the program to a "T"....I do workout A on Wednesdays, workout B on Fridays and then I have a personal training session on Sunday mornings....

    I also add some bicep curls, tricep dips and sometimes chest presses at ends of workouts too....

    I also did 3 sets of 20 pushups today just to see if I could - yay! NSV! Would love get to 100 pushups eventually!

    How's everyone else doing?

    Heather - BTW, my tummy is still an issue...I, too, look forward to more 'ab' work. Even though I know you can't "spot-reduce", at least things can feel tighter!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Love mermegan! And love your new pic- you're beautiful. Actually lots of beautiful women here!

    Cangirl40- stomach still not great, will keep working on it. *Great* job on the squats and pushups!!! I thought I read somewhere it's harder to have good form with machine, but if it's working that's great! I did workout 6A tonight and didn't increase the weights- I was exhausted tonight and it's a miracle I even went! My squat is up to 60 though! About 10 more lbs will be about half my body weight so I hope I can do it by the end of stage 1.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Did B6 last night - the first B workout with 3 reps and it was good:) I am really starting to see a difference in my strength now! And the cycle back is starting to get a bit easier too LOL

    I haven't lost any weight at all over the past 3 weeks despite still being at a massive deficit, but I looked at myself in the mirror in the gym and you know what? I wasn't embarrassed by what I saw! still lots of work to do, but considering I was wearing lycra, I was amazed at the difference I could see:) Determined to wait until the end of stage 1 before taking measurements, but pretty sure they will be good!

    On A6 on Monday I nabbed the young lad playing on the machines next to me to spot my squats - he could barely lift the weights up to my back, so I let him slope off while I was pumping up and down with them, and had to struggle the weights back don myself LOL

    Heather - just realised I can squat and deadlift a little more than 1/2 my bodyweight - nice way to look at it:)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi. I'm 41 and halfway through Stage 1 -- I start A5 on Friday. I usually read the daily chat thread too. I will follow both. :)

    I have lost 4 lbs since starting. I don't know if it's a fluke or (wishful thinking) a steady pattern, but I'll take it. I'm eating at a deficit, but not a huge one. And I eat back my calories on lift days.

    Wow, some of you are killing it with the squats and deadlifts! I was at 65 on the squat, but took it down due to knee problems. I'm at 55 on the deadlift. Y'all are making me feel wimpy! I wasn't sore the past week, but I pushed hard at yesterday's workout and my shoulders are hurting today.

    I still have my preggo belly (from --ahem--3 years ago), but it has gone down considerably since I started MFP. I think I had a lot of water weight too. I've never had a 6-pack, but I'm anxious to see how far I can get doing this program (and maybe the ab program after that). I love lifting! Who knew?!
  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi! Would love to join you and others! I sort of feel alone in this journey. I just turned 39 on Sept. 8th and I'm nearing the end of Stage 1 and have started to see some nice changes in how my clothes fits. People ask me how much weight I've lost now all the time...truth is i have NOT's just being shifted around more muscle and less body fat.
    I'm steadily weighing in at ~156-159 lb. range, Inches have come off around my waist and hips.

    I try to eat 1500 - 1600 on weight training days and running days
    my non-workout days should be around 1250-1350 based on the book...but I always go over since the one non-workout day is Sunday and also FOOTBALL day (i watch all day, not play in it) :wink:

    I just upped my weight yesterday! RAWR!

    Here's my progress for Stage 1
    Started on 8/27
    squats with 30 lbs... (goblet squat)
    WO7-A 9/26 squats (back) 60 lbs

    WO1-B Deadlift 45lbs bad form (Bar only)
    WO6-B deadlift 70lbs form better but still needs practice
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Mrs. Agi- you are so strong!!!

    kmsairam and andrea you girls are doing great!
  • mermegan
    Love mermegan! And love your new pic- you're beautiful. Actually lots of beautiful women here!

    Cangirl40- stomach still not great, will keep working on it. *Great* job on the squats and pushups!!! I thought I read somewhere it's harder to have good form with machine, but if it's working that's great! I did workout 6A tonight and didn't increase the weights- I was exhausted tonight and it's a miracle I even went! My squat is up to 60 though! About 10 more lbs will be about half my body weight so I hope I can do it by the end of stage 1.

    Aw, shucks, thanks! So are you and your fountain of youth!

    I'm not a huge fan of the ab workouts in New Rules, but haven't decided what to add in to the mix. I think improving my stomach is for the most part going to be a body fat issue, ugh. It's so slow going.

    Re: squats, you ladies kill it! I seriously don't know how some of you squat so much, awesome!! I always thought my legs were really strong but realizing they're not—they're just big, lol! I'm squatting 65 and stuck there for now.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    In all things weightlifting, i believe in GOOD FORM first....then start moving up into heavier weights. I've been at this for 9 months, now, and I still haven't broken 100 lbs in my back squats. What can I say? My hips do NOT find the "movement" very friendly. My glutes don't activate (the way they should). So, getting that "mind-muscle" connection is taking me a L-O-N-G time. So be it. I'm injury free!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hello! I'm 38 and just checked out the book at the library last night. I used to lift weights back in high school and little bit in college, so I am really excited to get back into it. I am going to join my local community center once I am ready to get started.
  • mermegan
    You're right Beeps. And I've had too many sports related injuries in the past 5 years to take a big risk. I DO NOT want to go through any of them again and be sidelined!

    Realized I'm probably using too small of a step up box too—saw on another NROL4W forum that when stepping up your knee should be higher than your hips. Maybe I'll drop the weight and use a higher step (mine felt a little low)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hi Wendy - you'll LOVE NROL4W! It's addictive....

    mermegan - yes, the step-up piece is always a little confusing. Work on the higher step. Drop the weights right down, or don't use any weight at all, until you get the RIGHT movement. (I struggle with step-ups, BIG TIME.)

    From NROL4Abs (p. 146): Re: step-ups: DON'T push off the floor with your trailing foot. You want all the force generated by the leg that's on the step. The more fatigued you are, the harder it is to resist the temptation to give yourself a boost with your back leg.

    (I"m a BIG TIME "back-leg booster"....shucks....I keep trying, though!)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!!!

    RE: you use a barbell or a machine??? I know someone said they "nabbed a young lad" :) to help lift it onto them....???? I know there's that 'resting' station where you can set up your barbells and then step away to squat. I'm still afraid I would fall over doing really heavy weights...or not get back up...LOL Anyone using a "machine"? I don't want to 'cheat'

    RE: step-ups...I had been using 4 pink levels with a step but yesterday changed it to 5 levels with 20 lb dumbbells. Made a big difference in my fatigue and heart rate. Definitely recommend going higher with the step ups!

    Tomorrow it's on to B4. I'll up the deadlift for sure and really go for 20lb dumbells on the lunges!

    Just wanted to add that I have never had muscle definition in my legs in my life....I seriously have had chicken legs (toothpicks) my whole life and now I love seeing that quad muscle during a squat...LOL Who knew???