Ladies 35+ in stage 1 of NROLFW? Please join me!



  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Heather - I've just got 8B to do on Monday then Ill be done with stage 1 and will post results.

  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats Heather on completing stage 1!

    B3 workout and 2nd week completed for me. Upped my weights on everything and had a really enjoyable yet challenging workout except for the lunges which I hate, they're definitely my worst exercise so far on this program as my hamstrings are so weak!
    Think I'll have a soak in the bath and an early night, I've worn myself out :smile:
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 43 and starting today. I am still really confused on the diet part lol
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Hi, could someone help me with understanding the book. I feel rather dumb, I just don't understand it.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member

    Cut and paste the above link in which a poster goes through Stage 1 step by step.

    Is it the whole "idea" of the book you don't understand or specifically the exercises at each stage?

    - A Fellow Canadian :)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member

    Cut and paste the above link in which a poster goes through Stage 1 step by step.

    Is it the whole "idea" of the book you don't understand or specifically the exercises at each stage?

    - A Fellow Canadian :)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Congrats Heather on completing stage 1!

    B3 workout and 2nd week completed for me. Upped my weights on everything and had a really enjoyable yet challenging workout except for the lunges which I hate, they're definitely my worst exercise so far on this program as my hamstrings are so weak!
    Think I'll have a soak in the bath and an early night, I've worn myself out :smile:

    Oh you rock! I'm probably gonna hate lunges too...
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks Heather. Sorry I didn't write my post very well (shouldn't write tired).
    I'm way behind you on 2nd week of stage 1, but hope to post up successful figures like you have when I'm done! My bad :blushing:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Thanks Heather. Sorry I didn't write my post very well (shouldn't write tired).
    I'm way behind you on 2nd week of stage 1, but hope to post up successful figures like you have when I'm done! My bad :blushing:

    Oh stage 1 lunges? I hated them at first too, but it gets better! It's pretty funny because I used to hate ALL lunges, and now when we do them at dance class with just body weight they seem so easy! Total victory! You'll see! :)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I hear you guys on the lunges - I used to *hate* that part of workout B but the other day when I did them with 20lb db's they weren't too bad at all!!! Amazing how our bodies get stronger!!! I know what you mean about how easy stuff is with just body weight now too!

    Today I had my "extra" session (on Sundays I do a bootcamp class which I love...) I can't believe how much easier pushups are now too! I can do 20 in a row quite easily now:happy: I also felt like I could do jumping jacks forever...feels good.

    Attempting a reduction in wheat and sugar in diet this week....
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Heather loves lily - great job on completing stage 1!!!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Mrs Agi - my last B workout is tomorrow too! I'm excited to move to Stage 2. I went running yesterday and my knee is killing me, so I'm going to take off from lifting the rest of the week and start Stage 2 next Monday. It'll be nice knowing a few of us are starting Stage 2 around the same time (thereabouts).

    Heather - congrats!! Excellent job!

    I hate lunges only because I've developed a bum knee in my old age. I may not even use weight tomorrow, but dangit, I'm DOING my last workout of Stage 1.

    PS - Did anyone take a peek at the static lunges in Stage 2? I'm SO nervous given my knee. Are they to be done "in place" -- like you step out and then just go up and down? Or are you meant to keep stepping back onto the step? If so, that's gonna kills my knees and I will definitely have to modify it.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    CanGirl40- I've inadvertently cut wheat drastically, and now i usually feel crappy when I do eat it- like upset stomach. Even beer! It's crazy. I'm really bad about sugar though- still over pretty much over every day between fruit yogurt and protein bars (or cookies as yesterday :/ )

    Kmsairam- yay for finishing stage 1! Are you going to take the week off to let your knee recover a little? The way I read stage 2 from the box lunges is that they are in place, but will look again.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I would like to join the thread. I am 39 and started the program today. I have to work on mastering the prone jackknife, as I did alot of falling this morning.
    The diet portion will be tricky for me, as I have IBS, so there alot of things that I can't eat, but will try to modify it without sacrificing the protein.

    I'm a bit of a cardio queen, so the concept of not doing cardio during this stage is weird. The book seems to discourage this. Anyone have thoughts on that? I feel like I want to still run/elliptical on my rest days. :smile:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Re: lunges on the step...pretty sure they are static...

    Welcome for cardio...didn't really realize I wasn't supposed to be doing I've been doing a 10-minute run before weights and a solid 20 minutes of spin at the end. As long as the cardio is fairly restful (like a nice jog) on "rest days" I think it's just fine...???
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Heather - Yes, I'm taking off the rest of the week! :) That is good news about those lunges.

    kmcgaw - welcome! Prone jackknives are evil!! lol The book talks about cardio and how you can work it in. I scaled back mainly because I'm lazy and don't like working out every single day (due largely to the fact that I used to do this in my younger days and KNOW I cannot sustain it for the long haul...then working out becomes a chore and I stop doing it).

    CanGirl - a "restful" jog? LOL Jogging is never restful for me unfortunately.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I would like to join the thread. I am 39 and started the program today. I have to work on mastering the prone jackknife, as I did alot of falling this morning.
    The diet portion will be tricky for me, as I have IBS, so there alot of things that I can't eat, but will try to modify it without sacrificing the protein.

    I'm a bit of a cardio queen, so the concept of not doing cardio during this stage is weird. The book seems to discourage this. Anyone have thoughts on that? I feel like I want to still run/elliptical on my rest days. :smile:

    I would do it when you feel like it! I have tons of dance classes that I'm doing on off days. I also did intervals on the elliptical after my workouts when I felt up to it- which was definitely not every time. Good luck!!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Stage 1 workout 7A is tomorrow! First time with reps of 8...will try to step it up!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Stage 1 workout 7A is tomorrow! First time with reps of 8...will try to step it up!

    Good luck to you! have fun!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Stage 1 workout 7A is tomorrow! First time with reps of 8...will try to step it up!

    Good luck to you! have fun!

    Yay! I loved the 8 reps! You get braver!