Ladies 35+ in stage 1 of NROLFW? Please join me!



  • curlygirly80
    Cangirl- You had a NSV! WOOT WOOT! Congrats on that.

    I upped my deadlift weight today to 65 lbs and it felt easy, gonna bump it up another 5 for my next workout. Took my time doing lunges today with 32 lbs on the curl bar and I felt it after. I always know I got in a good workout when my legs wobble as I walk up the stairs.
  • mermegan

    RE: you use a barbell or a machine???

    Barbell squats 100%. From what I've read machines do some of the work for you, while with barbells you're using your entire body to stabilize (that's why squats are also good for your abs) Just start light and gradually add weight. When I first started I warmed up with the bar only, then slowly added until my 10-12 rep was very difficult.

    As for me, I'm having issues with my weighted lunges. Did them tonight and had to stop because my hip flexors started hurting. On the upside I deadlifted 95 tonight and loved it! This is becoming my favorite lift.

    Re: Step-ups, I checked the boxes at the gym and there's a huge difference between the one I was using and the next step up, yikes. Not sure what to do but I'll figure it out!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I *wish* my legs would wobble going up the stairs afterwards...I"m afraid of injuring myself if I add TOO much weight too fast.

    I'm on started workout of 3 reps of 10 today....finally using the proper barbell equipment to get a bigger lift I added 10 on each side of the barbell (which I think are 45 pounds) so a totally of 65 for squats....not bad for someone who started with a 35 barbell...:)

    I love the fact that the reps are shorter so you really can up your weight knowing you don't have to do as many! Today on my step ups I reached for the 22.5 dumbells and did 5 levels of the step. Felt good!!!

    How are the hip flexors, mermegan???
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Thanks for asking CanGirl—I still feel them but I haven't squatted in a few days (tonight is the night so we'll see how it goes) If it's too bad I may drop the weight down and focus on form and going really low. My problem NOW is my foot! But this is a lingering injury after I ran a half marathon last spring—waiting on an MRI. It's not bad when I'm weight lifting but cardio really aggravates it. Man, I feel like it's always something!

    Yay for 3 reps of 10! I like it so much better. Looks like we're at the same place in Stage 1. Doing A5 tonight! Only annoying thing is the step at my gym is either a 12inch or a very tall box. I tried that one without weight and I had to push some with my other foot so I dropped back down to the short box with heavy weight, hmmm. What size step do you gals use? Maybe I can try to find a bench somewhere in the gym...
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Yeah mermegan I'm on B5 tomorrow! We are at the same spot! I use one of those "old" steps that you place squares (levels) underneath. I use 5...not sure what that height is but I figure if it gets my heart rate up it's working..,sorry to hear about the foot injury. Your story is exactly the reason I have decided to take a half marathon off my bucket list...(I had it on there but was feeling my old injury surfacing...)

    One thing I really noticed was how much I rely on "momentum" in that move and so last time I really tried hard to focus on the action without momentum. Made a difference!

    Do you guys have a heart rate monitor? Thinking of getting one...
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member

    One thing I really noticed was how much I rely on "momentum" in that move and so last time I really tried hard to focus on the action without momentum. Made a difference!

    I focused on this last time too and it was a difference. I am down to 8 reps now, and I agree, it does make you braver!
    So I am almost finished with stage 1- two more workouts, so hopefully will be done sunday or monday. And I think I am going to take a recovery week after that because some people say they lose weight during the recovery week and that would be nice.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    RE: the step. Yeah, that's why I went down in size and focused on not using the inactive leg. Maybe I'll try risers tonight.

    RE: 1/2 marathon. After I had my first child I started training for one and got pregnant during training so I couldn't do it. After my second baby I decided to give it a shot. I felt like I needed to cross it off my list to tell myself I could accomplish it. Well, I seriously jacked up my foot in the process, not to mention I lost 5 toenails, lol. I have no desire for long distance running anymore—I just don't love it enough! If you have an old injury, it's just not worth it. It has really compromised my bootcamp class, which I love.

    RE: Heart rate monitor. I don't use one simply because I use a formula that doesn't require me to eat back calories. I have an old one I may take out just to see my burn. I hear the Polar ones are great!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member

    RE: 1/2 marathon. After I had my first child I started training for one and got pregnant during training so I couldn't do it. After my second baby I decided to give it a shot. I felt like I needed to cross it off my list to tell myself I could accomplish it. Well, I seriously jacked up my foot in the process, not to mention I lost 5 toenails, lol. I have no desire for long distance running anymore—I just don't love it enough! If you have an old injury, it's just not worth it. It has really compromised my bootcamp class, which I love.

    Megan that's horrible! :( I know it's efficient, but I hate running with a passion so I don't do it.
  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    What size step do you gals use? Maybe I can try to find a bench somewhere in the gym...

    I just started 2 weeks ago. I am on A3 (3rd time doing A, I guess) today. Anyway, the first day I went in and talked to a guy that worked at the gym. He told me to use one of the benches as my step-up (in fact, the one that they use for the cable pulley machines). I thought it weird and asked him if it was OK to step on it because people sit on it. He said SURE!!! I find it much more challenging than using the step benches with risers.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    I thought it weird and asked him if it was OK to step on it because people sit on it. He said SURE!!! I find it much more challenging than using the step benches with risers.

    Good to know! This fear has stopped me from doing them on the seated row bench. Even though in the past when I had a trainer he'd have me do them there. When a trainer tells you to do it, you don't question!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join you (38yrs young).

    Started Stage 1 this week and plan to do 3 workouts a week where possible. (Did 1 week only, 3 workouts at beginning of Sept as I'd read the book and couldn't wait to try it out lol, but then went on holiday).

    Done my first A and B workouts already. Was pretty worried about DOMS after my B workout yesterday as I over did it first time around and couldn't walk properly. Thankfully not so bad this time around (sore but can walk without groaning when I move). A2 will be Saturday I think, to make me not drink too much on Friday night in the local pub!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!!! I've never thought to use a regular seating bench for my step ups....?? That would be a good height...

    mermegan - I found that trying to train for a half was also too much time away from the kiddos, KWIM?

    Tomorrow is B5....3 sets of 10, deadlifts, shoulder press, lat pulldown, lunge, and ball crunch; 30 minutes cardio...

    Does anyone else think it's weird how short a time it takes to do all of these moves??? I'm always sneaking in some bicep curls, etc. at the end...

    Just set my alarm for 4:48am....ugh! But I'll be there!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Hip flexors didn't bother me tonight, YEAH BUDDY!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    CanGirl - I love that the workouts are short. I hate being at the gym for hours. The only extra thing I have done (which I did today) was some HIIT -- just 15 minutes on the treadmill. The weight bench is great for step ups; you'll get a serious workout! I used regular steps the first day, then read about using a weight bench on the new rules web site and have been using it ever since.

    I start Stage 1 WOA7 on Monday -- 8 reps! Problem is I upped my weights a bit too much today and my back is hurting a bit. :-/

    Excited for Stage 1 to end - anyone else? :) But I'm worried because I HAVE to start training for a 1/2 marathon happening in March. I was going to do a 12 week program, but ideally could start 16 weeks out. I'm not sure I'll be able to do this program and train for a 1/2. A
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Hello I'm finishing up my last week in Stage 1 Going to stage II next week Nice to see support for 35 and older I'm 53... Yes picture is from 12 years ago...
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    CanGirl - I love that the workouts are short. I hate being at the gym for hours. The only extra thing I have done (which I did today) was some HIIT -- just 15 minutes on the treadmill. The weight bench is great for step ups; you'll get a serious workout! I used regular steps the first day, then read about using a weight bench on the new rules web site and have been using it ever since.

    I start Stage 1 WOA7 on Monday -- 8 reps! Problem is I upped my weights a bit too much today and my back is hurting a bit. :-/

    Excited for Stage 1 to end - anyone else? :) But I'm worried because I HAVE to start training for a 1/2 marathon happening in March. I was going to do a 12 week program, but ideally could start 16 weeks out. I'm not sure I'll be able to do this program and train for a 1/2. A

    Yes, I would love for stage 1 to end...because I only do 2 workouts a week on this program, it's taking me a LONG time to get through....however, I love that the reps decrease and heavier weights get introduced. Today I challenged myself to do 17.5lb dumbells on the shoulder presses. Felt good to pick those up for arms.

    Do you think it was the deadlifts that affected your back?

    BTW, are we not supposed to be doing any cardio with these workouts??? I do a 10 minute run on the treadmill to warm up and at the end I do 20 minutes hard on the spin bike...

    and dwn2earth you're smoking, even if it was 12 years ago!!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    mermegan - woooooohooooo on the hip flexors!!!!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 44 and just started the program Oct 1st!

    I've really enjoyed it so far....can't wait to see the results 6 months from now. I still have quite a bit of fat to lose, but I'm currently trying to concentrate on lifting rather than cardio so much. I hope I'm not starting this too early....was a little worried that I should try to lose more fat before I started a program like this.

    Regardless, I did my very first deadlift ever on Wednesday and was so proud of myself when I lifted 105 lbs!!! I think I was high on endorphins for the rest of the night lol!

    Hope everyone is doing well and good luck to all of you!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    MtnKat, I didn't know you were on this too?! I just started stage 1 on 9/29 and already screwed up the diet with a free-for-all vacation. I haven't missed a workout yet though, I love them!

    I used to run 3-4 times a week while doing P90X, but now I'm dropping that to just one long run a week to assist with fat loss. I'm in the same boat with Kat, having plenty of fat left to lose, though I'm currently in a size 8.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Yay Sarah! I'm so glad you are on here too....and we've started right around the same time. You are such a fantastic friend to have.

    I'm finding it so hard to stop doing the cardio....I mean that's the way I've been thinking for so many years....cardio cardio cardio lol. Weightlifting is a whole different ball game.

    It just scares me so much to see all the posts where people haven't lost any weight....I still have way too much to lose lol. I love the fact that my body is changing, but there is just so much belly fat still. I just keep eating at a deficit and hope for the best.

    I do like your idea of running the long run one day a week (plus I am still walking)...more for clearing of the mind (running does more for me than losing fat). I been having a little hip pain lately so I need to get that checked out first.