BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I just noticed that there are over a thousand members of this group!! And I wonder where they all are now. I hope they recovered from this pattern of eating, but I fear that many have given up. That is not an option for any of us, right?:angry:

    I am so glad to have all of you around me:flowerforyou:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Chibea!

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I look forward to getting to know you better too! I sure am struggling. Daily. The scale just keeps creeping up and I am starting to really feel it in my clothes. Tight pants sure make for a rough day!

    You are right that many join the group with great intentions but for one reason or another they do give up - or possibly just are seeking help elsewhere. (I hope) But for me, I'm happy here on MFP and have found a strong support system that works for me. I just need to make sure I'm utilizing it - hence why I'm reaching out. I know what I need to do - it is a matter of doing it and sticking with it day after day.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I felt much more back in control yesterday. Mondays are always good for that for me. Gets me back on track. I love structure and schedules. Get back to work on Monday, and then I see my personal trainer on Monday nights and by the time I get home I'm usually too wiped out to be stressed out. The workouts are good like that too. Last night I was struggling so got down on the floor and did some abs to take my mind off of food. Then talked on the phone w/ a friend. It helped. I did good.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I felt much more back in control yesterday. Mondays are always good for that for me. Gets me back on track. I love structure and schedules. Get back to work on Monday, and then I see my personal trainer on Monday nights and by the time I get home I'm usually too wiped out to be stressed out. The workouts are good like that too. Last night I was struggling so got down on the floor and did some abs to take my mind off of food. Then talked on the phone w/ a friend. It helped. I did good.

    Well done for using some exercise rather than food. I noticed you were struggling in terms of binges but you don't seem to interact much in the challenge thread so I assumed you were managing. I am in control at the moment, but never know how long it will last. I am just remembering how awful I feel, both emotionally and physically, when I binge, and for now, it is keeping me away from the foods that tend to set me off. I am also limiting my exercise for now as doing too much seems to make me more prone to overeat as well, and I am learning to not always respond to my hunger instantly and to pay attention to when I am full and ask myself if I actually like the feeling of being stuffed, which I don't. Also hate the weight gain and the way binges lead to gains of flab which is the total opposite of the look I am wanting. Lucky to have a personal trainer, I cannot afford one really, though I wish I could as I need a sort of plan of action for my desired result.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I felt much more back in control yesterday. Mondays are always good for that for me. Gets me back on track. I love structure and schedules. Get back to work on Monday, and then I see my personal trainer on Monday nights and by the time I get home I'm usually too wiped out to be stressed out. The workouts are good like that too. Last night I was struggling so got down on the floor and did some abs to take my mind off of food. Then talked on the phone w/ a friend. It helped. I did good.

    Well done for using some exercise rather than food. I noticed you were struggling in terms of binges but you don't seem to interact much in the challenge thread so I assumed you were managing. I am in control at the moment, but never know how long it will last. I am just remembering how awful I feel, both emotionally and physically, when I binge, and for now, it is keeping me away from the foods that tend to set me off. I am also limiting my exercise for now as doing too much seems to make me more prone to overeat as well, and I am learning to not always respond to my hunger instantly and to pay attention to when I am full and ask myself if I actually like the feeling of being stuffed, which I don't. Also hate the weight gain and the way binges lead to gains of flab which is the total opposite of the look I am wanting. Lucky to have a personal trainer, I cannot afford one really, though I wish I could as I need a sort of plan of action for my desired result.

    Thanks to both of you for the ideas and the focus on solutions. I am not binging, but am eating enough to gain weight every week for the past two. I don't have that awful feeling that comes from the binge and I don't feel stuffed, but I am way over on my calories.It's like a drawn out binge that never gets so bad that it hurts, and it's how I stay fat.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Graelwyn75. The personal trainer really does make a difference keeping me on track w/ some sort of exercise. Especially through the dreaded winter. I wouldn't be able to afford one either but I belong to a trade organization with the jewelry I make and sell and so I "pay" for my sessions with trade dollars.

    You are so right about paying attention to actual hunger. This is a feeling many of us have lost control of over the years. As we binge more and more we don't allow our bodies to feel that natural hunger. I know I didn't. I was nearly never hungry. Unless I was restricting of course. But then it is an overboard famished feeling not natural hunger either. I've been working hard on knowing that feeling again, and glad you are too!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    It's like a drawn out binge that never gets so bad that it hurts, and it's how I stay fat.

    Hear, Hear! I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I can totally relate. I will binge until I'm nearly uncomfortable, then wait however long it takes to not feel like that anymore (could be minutes) - and continue, over and over.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I binge until uncomfrotable sometmes. I had 8 days of no binge then 3 days straight of binge. I am losing the battle.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I slipped a little last night, back to my old tricks of staying up too late and putting off sleeping, but it was only some nuts really and I have been in a deficit anyway for almost a week so it balances out. Not craving the less healthy foods though currently, which is a relief. At least nuts have some minerals and healthy things in and was only about 90g. Back on track today, did fasted cardio, 12 hours without food and looking forward to a good dinner.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I just noticed that there are over a thousand members of this group!! And I wonder where they all are now. I hope they recovered from this pattern of eating, but I fear that many have given up. That is not an option for any of us, right?:angry:
    RIGHT!! Success is never giving up! :flowerforyou:
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Hey ladies I hope you're all hanging in there! I like to come in here and drop some thoughts sometimes

    I have been feeling very sorry for myself the past week, I got a new job then 2 days before I started they called and denied me the job after I quit my old job. It completely messed up my self control, and I'm up probably 3 real pounds but it looks like 5lbs on the scale this morning.

    But I'm totally past my pity party! I look back on the situation and I can be glad that nobody died, I still have my health and my body! My old job was more than happy to have me back, and on my 2nd day back my boss paid for my half marathon registration!

    I think sometimes when we feel sad, it makes all the little things in life seem that much worse, and its really hard to look past our emotions and see how much worse things could be.

    Whatever is paining you, food won't make it better. Right now I would really like some food but I just tell myself that I am worth so much more than a binge session.

    YOU DESERVE to be happy and healthy. You need to forgive yourself for binging, look in the mirror and see the lion you are.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Oh, I wanted to add a little mental exercise I do..

    If you don't have a power animal you should consider it. Mines a Lion. Popular choices are wolf, cheetah, eagle, horse but can be any animal you identify with as a powerful and majestic creature.

    When I'm sad I call on the Lion inside me to be strong. It sounds stupid I know but I feel empowered. I don't know why Lion either, its just always been how I would describe my emotions when I feel powerful and fearless. Like a lion.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I think sometimes when we feel sad, it makes all the little things in life seem that much worse, and its really hard to look past our emotions and see how much worse things could be.

    Whatever is paining you, food won't make it better. Right now I would really like some food but I just tell myself that I am worth so much more than a binge session.

    YOU DESERVE to be happy and healthy. You need to forgive yourself for binging, look in the mirror and see the lion you are.
    Thanks, just what I needed to read today. Glad you were able to get your old job back too.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Graelwyn75, a lot of times my binges are healthy foods, just a LOT of them. Good job getting back on track.

    tsikkz, So sorry about the job!!!! I recently interviewed for a teaching job and did not get it. I binged for 3 days! Good attitude getting back on track. You are so strong! Nice idea about the power animal!

    March has been tough for me. I am in therapy and hope that helps. I even changed medicine (if it ever gets approved by my insurance and filled today). I have horrible anxiety and always have. So they think my medicine will help a little with my eating patterns. I am not so sure.

    I am determined to lose the weight I have gained from March binges. I want to see a lower # on the scale. I can feel how strong my muscles are under all this fat and I want to melt it off so I can see those muscles!

    I also did not get a long term sub job that I interviewed for. I was sick that day and it was a phone interview due to a big snow storm. I was so sad I binged for 3 days. I really tried to stop but I only made it about 14 hours after hearing I did not get the job. I really need the work too so the stress of no money made things worse.

    Today is a good day and so was yesterday. I am determined to beat the binge monster inside me.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    ...a lot of times my binges are healthy foods, just a LOT of them.

    This is so me too! I try so hard not to have trigger foods in the house but it usually doesn't matter anyhow. If I'm gonna binge it will be on anything. And I'll purposefully pull out the bag of carrots or salad and go nuts hoping it will fill that void, but it never does. So I move on to the carbs/sugar items, and eventually I'll end up having to go to bed early so I stop altogether. I can't seem to stop w/o going to sleep. How do you guys do it? How do you stop after you've begun?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    ...a lot of times my binges are healthy foods, just a LOT of them.

    This is so me too! I try so hard not to have trigger foods in the house but it usually doesn't matter anyhow. If I'm gonna binge it will be on anything. And I'll purposefully pull out the bag of carrots or salad and go nuts hoping it will fill that void, but it never does. So I move on to the carbs/sugar items, and eventually I'll end up having to go to bed early so I stop altogether. I can't seem to stop w/o going to sleep. How do you guys do it? How do you stop after you've begun?

    Well, I would purge anyway when I binged, and sometimes would binge some more after. I usually stopped when I poured washing up liquid on the food and threw it out, and then I would eat something healthy, like an egg. Also, I now find that I cannot binge as I used to. I end up feeling sick from the sugar, and crave my healthy foods again. I do not binge on healthy foods, and to be honest, I would not care if I ate a load of carrots or yoghurt instead, at least that is manageable, calorie wise, even if the reasons for doing it remain unhealthy.

    On another note, I have been 8 days without binging. Just need to make sure I don't overdo the exercise(as I am prone to do) while trying to lose weight, as that tends to eventually lead me to burn out and binge.

    Karen - focussing on the scale and needing to lose the gained weight can make binging worse, I find. It adds a sort of pressure to things, hence I very rarely weigh myself now, though I am still making the moves to lose some weight. But with the focus more on how my clothes feel, how I feel, and my exercise.

    Tzikks - Amazingly wonderful you got your old job back, they must find you of great value there. Probably you just were not meant for this other job, and that is why that door was closed.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Behavior_Modi, I usually stop when my stomach hurts. Seems so sad that pain is what stops me. I have binged on healthy foods till I felt sick.

    Graelwyn75 Good job on the 8 days no binge!!!! I am prone to over exercise too. I agree with you about the scale! I am trying to break my scale addiction. I am not on it everyday like before. I am trying to aim for 5-7 days off the scale at a time. The scale can be so discouraging. I am going to do my measurements as soon as the water weight is gone (Time of the month for me)

    Today I feel good. My heel has been sore so I was not able to jog for quite a while. This week it did not bother me so I jogged every other day! It was nice to get those endorphins going!
    I fought with the insurance on some medicine. Finally got that corrected and I feel pretty good today. Hubby is away with my youngest son at baseball practice (indoors)

    I have gone a few days and no binge. I am aiming to beat the binge this month. I want non binge days to out number binge days.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    This thread is the best! I love how everyone is so supportive to each other. Everyone here has been a huge help to me so far in my beginning days, and I just want to say thank you to all!

    Sometimes I read different parts of this community and just cringe. I've read it doesn't matter how much fruit you eat (sugar-wise). I've eaten 6 oranges and 6 bananas and a whole bag of grapes at one time (the family's fruit budget for the week). I've read you need to eat more to lose more. Um, I DID eat more (and more and more and more) - that's why I'm here. They forget to say eat more WHEN YOU WORK OUT. Even then, I'm leery...

    I've found myself prowling the cupboards lately but only one binge came from it. I also have fogged out recently and realized I've been inhaling food for a few minutes - luckily I caught myself before it became a few hours. It's like an alcoholic blackout, which I'm no stranger to, either. But I must say, I'M HUNGRY all the time! My stomach growls and I feel a little empty pit in there. Weird! I do try to eat btwn 1800-2000 calories a day, and no, Karen, I'm not doing any hard workouts LOL. I'm hoping it gets better as time goes on and it's just because I'm not just stuffing and stuffing anymore.

    I hope everyone gets thru this weekend alright!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    This thread is the best! I love how everyone is so supportive to each other. Everyone here has been a huge help to me so far in my beginning days, and I just want to say thank you to all!

    Sometimes I read different parts of this community and just cringe. I've read it doesn't matter how much fruit you eat (sugar-wise). I've eaten 6 oranges and 6 bananas and a whole bag of grapes at one time (the family's fruit budget for the week). I've read you need to eat more to lose more. Um, I DID eat more (and more and more and more) - that's why I'm here. They forget to say eat more WHEN YOU WORK OUT. Even then, I'm leery...

    I've found myself prowling the cupboards lately but only one binge came from it. I also have fogged out recently and realized I've been inhaling food for a few minutes - luckily I caught myself before it became a few hours. It's like an alcoholic blackout, which I'm no stranger to, either. But I must say, I'M HUNGRY all the time! My stomach growls and I feel a little empty pit in there. Weird! I do try to eat btwn 1800-2000 calories a day, and no, Karen, I'm not doing any hard workouts LOL. I'm hoping it gets better as time goes on and it's just because I'm not just stuffing and stuffing anymore.

    I hope everyone gets thru this weekend alright!

    Might want to look into changing your macros and trying different variations of the protein, carb, fat mix.
    Alternatively, look into Intermittent Fasting, that has helped quite a lot of people with these sorts of hunger issues. I tend to often IF until afternoon and eat more of my food in the evening. Exercise also helps reduce appetite. I find on days I don't workout, I am a lot more hungry. Things like cottage cheese and greek yoghurt are very good for keeping a sense of fullness, especially if followed by a glass of water.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    MadDogManor, This group is awesome, I love it. You reminded me of My old habbits of looking through the pantry and fridge for food . I still catch myself going to look for food when I am not hungry at all. It happens a lot!

    Graelwyn75, my exercise days I am less hungry too.

    Today is my rest day from exercise and I always seem hungrier. Something about exercise lessens my appetite. I am doing okay thought.

    Yesterday I realized I used to binge when hubby went out of town. (does not happen a lot. I posted about that in the March challenge thread)

    I am starting to realize my triggers. Also since eating less carbs I am less hungry. I have more protein and healthy fats now and I seem to crave less food. I wonder if the crappy carbs I was eating was a problem and made me more prone to binge?
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