BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Friends!

    In general I really struggle to get in any exercise. As I mentioned before I see a trainer 2X a week. He's on vacation this week so I'm on my own. I've promised to do 4 days of cardio in lieu of my 2 days of trainer + cardio and I'm determined to do them. And now that I've written it down I really have to! :smile:

    Thanks for being here!

  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Might want to look into changing your macros and trying different variations of the protein, carb, fat mix.
    Alternatively, look into Intermittent Fasting, that has helped quite a lot of people with these sorts of hunger issues. I tend to often IF until afternoon and eat more of my food in the evening. Exercise also helps reduce appetite. I find on days I don't workout, I am a lot more hungry. Things like cottage cheese and greek yoghurt are very good for keeping a sense of fullness, especially if followed by a glass of water.

    Be careful with IF though, it isn't for everybody. Thats how I discovered I'm hypoglycemic after a few too many nights waking up drenched in sweat and freezing cold.

    Goodluck with your exercise! I also made a goal this week to exercise every day! I think posting it somewhere really gives us some accountability eh?

    I definitely think that crappy carbs cause cravings! I can't stop at just one sugary bowl of rasin bran and I ate a whole family sized box this past weekend.. another one of my huge triggers is artificial sweeteners.. Ive learned its better to just have sugar in my coffee than to have one equal and devourer everything sugary for the rest of the day
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    It is so interesting how some things work for us and other so different. If I was to fast I would binge for sure when I ate. I do better eating every 4 hours or so.

    Crappy carbs bother me for sure Tsikkz!

    Last night I was over my calories. I am not counting as a binge because I did not eat like a binge. I chose to eat more and logged it all. That is a huge step.

    However this morning my stomach hurts. I wonder if I ate something I shouldn't have?
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks tsikkz! I did go to the gym last night and felt good about sticking to my commitment. Unfortunately I ended my night w/ a binge - but today is a new day - and will be a healthy day! I have got to drink more water!
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this group so just wanted to say hello. My name is Carly and im 24. I need to get a grip on my eating because it is out of control.

    I went to the Doctor today and he prescribed me Citalopram, which helped with feeling low before. As the two (feeling low and binging) are likely to be linked (although I have binge episodes when I am 'happy' or otherwise feeling 'good') he says it may help with the binging as well. But he also said he didn't really want to discuss the eating side of things - it was an emergency appointment though which is restricted to 5 mins.

    But I know I need to make a change. I have to do this. I have many trigger foods which I won't go into now, but my main overall trigger is snacking. So the first change I am going to make is to eat 3 meals a day and not to snack.

    I am also going to try the '50 Day Binge Free Challenge'.

    Has anyone had any experience of any of the above? Citalopram, sticking to 3 meals and no snacking or the challenge?

    Don't worry if not, I just wanted to say hi.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Carly, I'm Diane. I do not take Citalopram, but I do take 3 other medications (happy to talk more about that any time). I've been on "brain meds" since I was 15 and I'm 31 now. I've tried lots of them. Without them I'm doomed. I haven't tried in a few years but every other time I try to get off the meds it causes major bingeing.

    I also have binge episodes when I am happy. Probably 50/50 actually.

    3 meals + no snacking = restriction to I can't be successful with that kind of diet plan because restriction always leads me to a binge. I eat all day long now, and tell myself that it is okay. As long as I listen to my actual hunger and eat accordingly. When I go too long w/o eating, that leads me to a binge too, so I'm better off eating like 6-7 times per day.

    Good luck to you and thanks for introducing yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    Has anyone had any experience of any of the above? Citalopram, sticking to 3 meals and no snacking or the challenge?

    Don't worry if not, I just wanted to say hi.

    Hello Carly and welcome!

    I have tried the 3 meals a day with no snacking and it did not work for me. Most days I do 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. Typically 3 meals and 2 snacks are recommended for most bingers but you have to find what works for you. I am curious as to why dr visit was restricted to 5 min. Did you make an appointment for another session? or a full session?

    Welcome again!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just had to share a successful day yesterday. 1st of all I took off for my Passover celebration last night and I did not binge during the day and was at home until the evening. Then I went out to dinner around 8:30 and I ate very well and only ate about a 3rd of my meal as I had pre-planned before going.

    And the 3rd most important thing I did I am so proud of, is I brought my doggie bag home and I did not leave it in my car as I usually do so I don't eat the rest of the food. I put it in the refrig and had another 3rd for breakfast and will eat the rest of it for dinner or lunch and have a salad or something for my 3rd meal.

    I am off work again today and I am going to get thru this day without binging. I have to be out and about today and so far no urges to binge.

    Stay strong Peeps and take it one day at a time......
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    I am also going to try the '50 Day Binge Free Challenge'.

    Has anyone had any experience of any of the above? Citalopram, sticking to 3 meals and no snacking or the challenge?

    Don't worry if not, I just wanted to say hi.

    Hi Carly,

    Good luck on the 50 day challenge. I am very leery of these type of challenges because they tend to be all or nothing thinking and black and white and they promote being perfect and as bingers that is one of our issues.

    It has taken me years to realize I do not have to be perfect to be successful and so what if you binge one, two or three days of the challenge does that me you have failed? Most certainly not. So people join them and then they feel like failures the 1st day they binge. Just something to think about. If you can join it and not feel like a failure if you don't get your 50 days then go for it. But sometimes this particular type of challenge set you up to actually binge.

    Looking at the overall picture is better and that is why I like the monthly challenge in this group because we are not promoting that you be perfect. We are promoting mindfulness and just attempting to have less days of binging. So you are just competing with yourself and not trying to be perfect. This is just my opinion and please no I am no authority and this is just a recommendation. Here is the link:

    For me I know weekends are times I struggle the most with binges so I work hard to just have one day over the weekend where I don't binge and if I get 2 or 3 I am good but I don't set unrealistic goals so I don't beat myself up if I don't succeed. Really I don't beat myself up at all anymore because it is not productive and what I have learned to call stinking thinking. But it has taken me years to get to this stage. Working on our thinking is more important than us trying to be perfect. If we work on our minds and hearts then we will reach the mindfulness we need to conquer binging or at least manage it better. I am not sure we will ever be binge free like the alcoholic but we can always try and I know some have did it and maybe one day I will be one of those person.....But if I am not I am not going to sweat it at all. I will always remember the below quote and when I do feel down about this problem meditating on my journey overall it helps me put things in perspective.

    "I May Not Be Where I Want To Be, but I’m Not Where I Use To Be!"
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just had to share a successful day yesterday. 1st of all I took off for my Passover celebration last night and I did not binge during the day and was at home until the evening. Then I went out to dinner around 8:30 and I ate very well and only ate about a 3rd of my meal as I had pre-planned before going.

    And the 3rd most important thing I did I am so proud of, is I brought my doggie bag home and I did not leave it in my car as I usually do so I don't eat the rest of the food. I put it in the refrig and had another 3rd for breakfast and will eat the rest of it for dinner or lunch and have a salad or something for my 3rd meal.

    I am off work again today and I am going to get thru this day without binging. I have to be out and about today and so far no urges to binge.

    Stay strong Peeps and take it one day at a time......

    Awesome success story! I love it when the pre-planning actually works! Thanks for sharing.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just had to share a successful day yesterday. 1st of all I took off for my Passover celebration last night and I did not binge during the day and was at home until the evening. Then I went out to dinner around 8:30 and I ate very well and only ate about a 3rd of my meal as I had pre-planned before going.

    And the 3rd most important thing I did I am so proud of, is I brought my doggie bag home and I did not leave it in my car as I usually do so I don't eat the rest of the food. I put it in the refrig and had another 3rd for breakfast and will eat the rest of it for dinner or lunch and have a salad or something for my 3rd meal.

    I am off work again today and I am going to get thru this day without binging. I have to be out and about today and so far no urges to binge.

    Stay strong Peeps and take it one day at a time......

    Awesome success story! I love it when the pre-planning actually works! Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks so much and I did not need the salad because I was not hungry so I skipped it......
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    "If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results." -- Jack Dixon
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    carly_am, WELCOME!!! I have not taken that medicine so I cannot help. I hope it works for you. I would have a hard time with 3 meals too. But everyone is different. Some people like no snacking and getting a nice big meal in each time they eat. I would worry about a 50 day no binge. Mostly because some binge eaters (myself included) once we have one bad day it is hard to stop. So a 50 day challenge would be so hard I might get discouraged and give up.

    Mollie1037, Good job Mollie!! That is so awesome you were able to eat a smaller portion. At restaurants that can be tricky for me sometimes I want to eat everything and then some.
    Nice quotes too!! I love inspirational quotes!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    The last few days have been good. My therapy sessions are really helping. He also likes the idea of me keeping track of the binges and posting here with all of you. He says it is a good way to keep track of the good days! YEAH

    However, I think my anxiety medicine is giving me horrible heartburn. I will give it some time and see if it could be something else. I hope it goes away so I can finally have some relief from my anxiety while I work on coping with it in therapy.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    I am so glad your therphy sessions are working out. I may need to schedule a few myself soon. Keep up the good work and I am so glad you stated that our daily challenge is to keep track of the GOOD days. It is so important to think of it that way vs keeping track of BINGE days. Keep up the good work!! You are doing great!!! And thanks for sharing too because many shy away from getting help from a therpist when they really can help us.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    He also likes the idea of me keeping track of the binges and posting here with all of you. He says it is a good way to keep track of the good days! YEAH

    I totally agree! And that is why I continue to keep track on the binge thread even if I'm struggling. I have a catastrophic attitude and can easily coerce myself into thinking the whole month was bad even though the numbers don't lie. So for me, it is a positive thing to keep track of the binges because it forces me to realize the good days!

  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    Ugh I'm so stressed. I know it's going to happen, I feel like my cravings are overpowering me and I'm minutes away from eating everything in site... I'm trying to figure out my trigger right now, and I have no clue. I even had a NSV today, and am 11 days binge free but I feel it is all about to end right now. Ugh this is so frustrating...
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I really feel like therapy is essential for me this time. I don't want to lose all this weight then gain it all back again. So I know for me therapy is important. I am learning some coping too. I tend to judge myself so badly when I would never treat someone else that way. I would see someone post a binge and would respond to them about their good days but for myself I focused on the binge days. How silly I am so hard on myself!

    I hope people talking about therpay will get others to realize it is a good thing. Too many stigmas with therapy. :) I think that should change. I feel so good after just a few weeks!

    I hope you are okay!!I posted a message on your page.

    Sometimes the NSV's (or even when I lose on the scale) can cause a binge. it is like I feel I do not deserve the good thing happening to me and I sabatoge it. I can't handle the good or the bad. I am learning to change it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Glad therapy is going well for you, Karen, it can be helpful to have someone to talk ideas with.
    Wonderful success, Mollie, I am impressed. When I eat out, I tend to just want to eat what I find tastiest, regardless of calories and the like, maybe because I only really eat out when I go to my mum's for a visit and tend to be quite strict with my meals at home.

    I have had a bad few days, Wednesday I went over 5000 calories due to my mother sending me her usual box of Easter chocolate. Rather than leaving it all wrapped up and going to bed, I went all out and got through most of it before bed. Very bad. I think the fact I had eaten sugary yoghurts earlier in the evening did not help. Frustrating, I just want to be normal, and be able to have food around my kitchen, knowing I am safe with it, and being able to just have a bit here and there.

    Back on track today with HIIT running, some walking and a box-fit class. Got another fitbit to see what I am burning, or an estimate and I have probably been burning more than I thought because I tend to walk around my apartment a lot in the evening, doing various things. Nevertheless, I am worried I will not only not lose any weight before next weigh in, but gain. It is a lot of calories to try and offset, since it was not just a one off. Always seems to happen after a period of intense workouts and cleanish eating, as if my body demands a refeed. My energy levels are back up again anyway, they had been quite low. And I noticed when I put on my new workout gear, including a sleeveless top, that I have pretty defined arms and can see my chest bones so I suppose I should not panic too much.

    Boxfit is amazing. I love it. The trainer is an amateur boxer, and very precise in his teaching, have to get the leg work right and the hip movement and fits back to chin between punches.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member

    I really hope you're okay, even if you did binge its important to not give up! That's so amazing and inspiring that you are in medical school, which really speaks for your character to go through all that to help other people.

    I think when we convince ourselves that a binge is coming, we feel so weak and powerless over it, but I think looking at accomplishments to re-empower us give us the strength to fight back and carry on.

    Sometimes the NSV's (or even when I lose on the scale) can cause a binge. it is like I feel I do not deserve the good thing happening to me and I sabatoge it. I can't handle the good or the bad. I am learning to change it.

    I totally agree! I find I almost give myself permission to begin a binge when I am lower in weight.. it seems every week I do so well, then Saturday comes along and I spend the weekend binging, only to start on Monday where I was the previous week. Its like a giant step back, baby steps forward then another giant step back that keeps me at the same place.
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