5k Training thoughts



  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    OK, so I FINALLY got around to the final run of the 5K program this morning (had wanted to do it on Monday but got stuck at work). It wasn't my best run ever, but I felt solid about it. 5K in 32 minutes plus another mile and a half or so afterward. I'm so excited to move onto the regular program now!

    Well done
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I have turned off zombie chases on the main app. I keep getting caught and they frustrate me, and add nothing positive. I'm sure they're great for others, but they are just not for me.

    I think I just need to do a slower overall pace from the start. Then I won't feel so overwhelmed by trying to sprint. If I can, I may try to get out for a run this evening. Otherwise I'll be going tomorrow morning and will hopefully have less trouble.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi guys! I did my very first 5K today and guess what. I ran the whole thing! My BF stayed with me the whole time and we sprinted the last twenty feet or so to "Finish strong!" in his words. I came in 186 out of 282 with a time of 37:25.7 at a 12 minute average pace. I am pleased as punch. I'm already looking into the next one at the end of the summer and I hope to have the app completed by then for a better time.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Awesome job! That's a huge accomplishment!!!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Hi guys! I did my very first 5K today and guess what. I ran the whole thing! My BF stayed with me the whole time and we sprinted the last twenty feet or so to "Finish strong!" in his words. I came in 186 out of 282 with a time of 37:25.7 at a 12 minute average pace. I am pleased as punch. I'm already looking into the next one at the end of the summer and I hope to have the app completed by then for a better time.

    You should be pleased, that is a great accomplishment!!! Great job!!

    You are officially on the Able Township Active Runners roster. :smile:
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Hi guys! I did my very first 5K today and guess what. I ran the whole thing! My BF stayed with me the whole time and we sprinted the last twenty feet or so to "Finish strong!" in his words. I came in 186 out of 282 with a time of 37:25.7 at a 12 minute average pace. I am pleased as punch. I'm already looking into the next one at the end of the summer and I hope to have the app completed by then for a better time.

    Nice Job!! That's so exciting!
    You're on This weeks Wall of cyber Honor! Well done runner 5.

    Also, virtual ^5's to all you girls who've been doing great things in the last few days. I've missed a few great moments, I see. :)
  • hharvey9
    hharvey9 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey all!!

    So I'm starting the ZR!5K tonight :) I had been trying to work my way through the active.com c25k program since the first full week of May and am only on week 3. Struggling majorly. I'm hoping I can do better with this app.

    When I run, or well jog slowly, my calfs tighten up so so bad. It's like having chunks of concrete attached to the backs of my legs. Seems like if I go faster, full on sprint, it doesn't hurt as bad - but I can't keep that pace up for long. Ugh!

    I started turbofire this morning before work and plan to (if I can anyways) continue through that program in the mornings and work my way through this app M-W-F evenings. Also doing push ups (counter style - I'm so weak lol), sit ups, squats and dips every single day!

    I think I'm going to be a walking bag of soreness for awhile....
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all!!

    So I'm starting the ZR!5K tonight :) I had been trying to work my way through the active.com c25k program since the first full week of May and am only on week 3. Struggling majorly. I'm hoping I can do better with this app.

    When I run, or well jog slowly, my calfs tighten up so so bad. It's like having chunks of concrete attached to the backs of my legs. Seems like if I go faster, full on sprint, it doesn't hurt as bad - but I can't keep that pace up for long. Ugh!

    I started turbofire this morning before work and plan to (if I can anyways) continue through that program in the mornings and work my way through this app M-W-F evenings. Also doing push ups (counter style - I'm so weak lol), sit ups, squats and dips every single day!

    I think I'm going to be a walking bag of soreness for awhile....

    Welcome Runner 5!

    Maybe you should try foam rolling your calves. It did wonders for mine, and still does, for stopping that tightening up issue.

    Here are a couple good video's for rolling:

    Calf Roll (this says for achilles, but it's also great for general calf issues):

    Here's a great warmup roll:

    This app is a lot of fun. I didn't do well with the c25k app either.
    I find the humor and story line work well for me. :)

    In other news...
    W4M1 complete! No issues to report. :)
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys! BF just volunteered me for a triathlon relay in August. I'll be doing the 5K run portion. I'm excited!
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    That is awesome! Congratulations!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks guys! BF just volunteered me for a triathlon relay in August. I'll be doing the 5K run portion. I'm excited!

    Yay! You'll do great!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I've been kinda MIA posting. My computer doesn't work and my fiance is off work for the summer so I don't get to get on his as often lol. I had to take 10 days off due to my foot, I think it was the peroneal tendon but whatever it was is all healed up. I was on a TOTAL high today after my run. I started out doing the c25k Active app after finishing z25k but it felt so slow going for me. So I've been running 5k's. Once they are easy for me I'm going to start the 5k to 10k app. A really good friend of mine is doing the Princess Half Marathon in Feb and wants me to train up to doing it too. Idk if I'll get there lol but willing to try! Sat was the first day I was able to run a 5k without stopping and I did 49:27. Then today I did it in 46:57, with a PR mile at 14:46. I'll feel like a real runner when I can do it in 10 lol
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I've been kinda MIA posting. My computer doesn't work and my fiance is off work for the summer so I don't get to get on his as often lol. I had to take 10 days off due to my foot, I think it was the peroneal tendon but whatever it was is all healed up. I was on a TOTAL high today after my run. I started out doing the c25k Active app after finishing z25k but it felt so slow going for me. So I've been running 5k's. Once they are easy for me I'm going to start the 5k to 10k app. A really good friend of mine is doing the Princess Half Marathon in Feb and wants me to train up to doing it too. Idk if I'll get there lol but willing to try! Sat was the first day I was able to run a 5k without stopping and I did 49:27. Then today I did it in 46:57, with a PR mile at 14:46. I'll feel like a real runner when I can do it in 10 lol

    Congrats on your awesome progress, Chelle!
    I was just thinking about your injury yesterday. I'm glad to hear you're all healed up.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Thanks! I'm kinda nervous it's gonna happen again, but taking one day at a time. Kinda sucks that I don't know what kind of running gait I am and I can't get to a runner store til next month. I have both stability and neutral shoes and they both feel fine to me, so I have been switching between them which is prob not the best idea lol. I've done a 5k in my Mizuno Wave Elixirs, and another in my Nike Pegasus..trying out a whole 5k in my Kswiss tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Been very quiet on here - I've not run this week due to exams but back on the wagon tuesday.

    I did have a run with my sis in law yesterday while i was away and got some useful info from her.

    Been having a lot of pelvic pain after running - to the point it is disturbing my sleep. It is not there after I run on the treadmill or trail running where I'm using different shoes. My feet naturally turn inwards and when I was fitted with my shoes they have obviously tried given me shoes that will correct that problem and this is what is causing the pain. My sis-in-law has recommended I try a pair of neutral shoes instead as running with my feet turning in slightly wont actually cause a problem especially as it is how walk normally . So hopefully will turn up before Tuesday and going to repeat week 4 so i get a chance to get used to them.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I've been keeping up with my runs, but nothing exciting. I can evade the zombie chases about 50% of the time now instead of getting caught EVERY time lol. I am trying to learn to control my pace so I can A-evade the chases and B-not have to walk during my run. I have been able to do a couple 5k runs without stopping. But if I cant do a 3.1 i feel like I failed, and I feel like i suck if i do a pace slower than 15 min/mi. My comfy pace is 12min/mi but I can't maintain my endurance there yet :(
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I feel like I've been gone from this thread forever... but it's probably only about a week or so. i need to get back into running so I can post here regularly again.

    My Color Me Rad 5K is next weekend! Heal faster, stupid foot! Heal faster!
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    Finished Week 7 today...getting nervous about next week. I hope I can do it!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Hiiiiiii! Long time no chat.

    I've been all over the place the last few weeks, traveling for business and vacation and now I'm home for a bit before another trip next week. Oy. Even with all of the traveling I've been keeping up with my running. I even ran when I was in Palm Springs...IN THE DESERT!!!!!!!! I'm on the last run of week six today. Wish me luck!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    And can I just say that week 7 looks downright fun?